Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Administration Science 2020 (ICAS 2020)

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61 articles
Proceedings Article

Strategy for Implementation of Domestic Waste Water Management Policy in the Tirtawening Regional Water Company, Bandung City

Rahmat, Boy Tagajagawani, Bambang Heru Purwanto
This research is focused to discuss strategy for implementation of domestic waste water management in the Tirtawening Regional Water Company (PDAM) Bandung City. The research aimed to talk about the policy implementation, get to know factors which caused inefficiency of the policy implementation and...
Proceedings Article

Implementation Model of Zonation System Policy in Admission of New Junior High Schools Students in Bandung Regency

Koko Enang, Bambang Heru Purwanto, Rully Indrawan
Inequality in education quality still transpires in several regions in Indonesia, one of them is in Bandung Regency where the obvious rift in the quality of education remains. One intention to reform and equalize the quality of education is the implementation of the zoning system to the proceeding of...
Proceedings Article

Outpatient Service Implementation Model at Bandung City Mother Baby Hospital

Teni Listiani, Ramdhan Pratama, Mochtar
This research aimed to analyze the outpatient services at Bandung City Mother Baby Hospital. It tried to design the outpatient services flow model so that the services provided by this hospital could run effectively and efficiently. It could also meet the patients’ expectations concerning the quality...
Proceedings Article

A Model for Enhancing the Competitiveness of MSMEs Through E-Commerce

Study at MSMEs in Garut Region

Abdul Rahman, Ervina
In theory, the competitiveness of a business unit is influenced by, among other things, the use of e- commerce in marketing activities. This study was conducted to determine the competitiveness of MSMEs and how E- Commerce affects this competitiveness. Based on Akhmedova’s theory, the study was carried...
Proceedings Article

Building Sustainability of Public Service Innovation in Bandung City, West Java, Indonesia

Ely Sufianti, Edah Jubaedah, Sait Abdullah
Continuity of innovation is very pivotal to improve the effectiveness of public service delivery. Various innovations have been tried to be made to solve problems and improve the quality of public services. The Bandung City Government has implemented various innovations, even the city of Bandung recognized...
Proceedings Article

Post-Pandemic National Economic Recovery:

SMEs as the key of success

Karnida Retta Ginting, Galuh Pancawati
The existence of SMEs is vital in the Indonesian economy, it is recorded that the number of SMEs has reached 64.19 million units or 99% of the total business units in Indonesia. SMEs employ more than 116 million workers or 97% of the total workforce in the economic sector. SMEs contributed 60.34% of...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of the Government Accounting System in Drafting Financial Statements of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries

Dwi Purwanto
Government Regulation Number 71 of 2010 concerning Government Accounting Standards has become a new paradigm in the preparation of government financial reports, in the preparation of financial reports, the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries is expected to be able to provide useful information for...
Proceedings Article

Social and Digital Accountability of Provincial Government of Jakarta in Tackling Covid-19 Pandemic

Adi Suryanto, Nurliah Nurdin, Ohan Suryana
The corona virus pandemic which was occurred in 2019 in Wuhan, China has spread global fear. All governments have responded differently in tackling the virus, from local to central government. Earlier, Indonesian Government underestimated the Covid-19 that the virus would not touch the land. However,...
Proceedings Article

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Perspective in Regional Development Planning and Implementation

The Case of Bandung Regency, West Java, Indonesia

Muhamad Nur Afandi, Endah Tri Anomsari, Alikha Novira
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) address the most pressing global development issues and many countries, including Indonesia, integrate the goals into their national and local development. This study uses a qualitative approach in exploring the integration of SDGs into regional development planning...
Proceedings Article

Study of Collaboration and Institutional Model on Kampung Kopi Development as a Part of Bandung 1000 Kampung Program

Location of Study: Kampung Kopi Margamulya Village Pangalengan District, Bandung Regency

Sugeng Mulyono, TL Endang Wirjatmi, Sait Abdullah
Bandung 1000 Kampung program is a priority program which is set up on Bandung Regency regional medium-term development plans. This program is focused on development issues such as education, health, tourism, investment and poverty. This program is using one village one product approach to encourage each...
Proceedings Article

Tax Corruption and Tax Mafia:

Learning from Indonesia’s Experience

Abdul Rahman, Suhendra, Caesar Octaviandy Purba
Corruption in tax sector has a broad impact and destructive to economic development as well as the general public. In Indonesia, tax corruption is built by some patterns that have similarities between the study result and testimony from tax corruption actor, in which there is the existence of tax mafia...
Proceedings Article

Rethinking Public Sector Innovation in Indonesia

Imam Baihaqi Lukman
At the time when public sector innovation in Indonesia has quite long been embraced and encouraged by multitude means, such as innovation competition, innovation laboratory and project of change, there is still considerable gap in the performance of public sector compared to other countries, such as...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Internal Control on Performance Accountability in the Main Secretariat of Indonesian Institute of Science

R. Luki Karunia, Diffi Fortuna Heryani
Planning and budgeting reform began in 2005 with Law No. 17 of 2003 concerning State Finance, having implications for the paradigm in the management of state finances, namely that all the state finance must be accompanied by the achievement of output. The purpose of this research was to analyze the influence...
Proceedings Article

The Urgency of the Public-Private Partnership Scheme in the Management of Electronic Parking in Bandung City

Joni Dawud, Deni Fauzi Ramdani, Rodlial Ramdhan Tackbir Abubakar
Optimizing revenue from parking fees is expected to increase local revenue. The Bandung City Government made a breakthrough, including electronic parking and institutional changes to become a Local community service agency. In the implementation of this electronic parking, there are many obstacles so...
Proceedings Article

Lifestyle Patterns During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Especially for Bandung Raya

Adhika Bergi Nugroho, Nanda Ravenska, Pepi Zulvia
The pandemic that occurred in early 2020 forced people to adapt to the new normal. When people are faced with this situation, many things change and can be seen from their lifestyle, including in purchasing staples or interacting with each other. In the locus of Indonesian society, especially in Bandung...
Proceedings Article

Collaboration of Local Election Supervisors with Neighbourhood Association (Rukun Tetangga) to Make an Antimoney Politic Community Movement During the Pandemic Covid 19

Tatang Sudrajat, Umi Rahmawati, Tinda Irawati, Fatmawati Puua Upa
Controlling of all stages of the local election (pilkada) is a very decisive aspect for the success of its overall implementation. It is impossible for Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) and its staff to carry out their controlling function optimally without the support and cooperation of other parties....
Proceedings Article

Quadrohelix Model in the Implementation of Labor Training on the Work Training Center of DKI Jakarta

Endang Wirjatmi Trilestari, Saekul Anwar, Endang Wiryantiningsih, Siti Jamharoh, Lukmanulhakim Almamalik
Open unemployment in DKI Jakarta has been increasing from year to year. The current condition is getting higher during the Covid 19 pandemic. This is a result of the reduction in the formal sector. Facing this problem, the government is obliged to find a solution for the affected community with the presence...
Proceedings Article

Legal Liability of Public Financial Administration in the Pandemic Era

Study of Emergency Policy in Indonesia

Dinoroy Marganda Aritonang
The conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic have prompted some major changes in various sectors, especially in this regard to the dimensions of financial governance. Basically, the state of emergency has several times causing massive factors to change the pattern and manner of government administration such...
Proceedings Article

Government Collaboration Model for Disaster Management Policy in West Bandung Regency

Deddy Mulyadi, Riky Rinaldy Maulana
West Bandung Regency is one of the districts in West Java Province with a very large potential for disaster, where of the 11 types of disasters, West Bandung Regency has 9 potential disasters, besides that the West Bandung area is overworked by two faults, namely the Lembang fault and the Cimandiri fault....
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Use of INTRANET LAN Innovation in Puslatbang KHAN

Ervina Yunita, Henri Prianto Sinurat, Rati Sumanti
The National Institute of Public Administration (NIPA) has launched the innovation of Intranet LAN in the early 2020. This innovation is an application that could be accessed by smartphone and computer. The Intranet LAN application has been used by the employees of NIPA as a presence tool during the...
Proceedings Article

Agile Bureaucracy for Public Policy Accountability: Implementation of the Street Vendor Policy in Indonesia

Agile Bureaucracy

Sofjan Aripin, Rulinawaty, Lukman Samboteng
Public policy accountability seems to pose an ever-developing challenge all around the globe. The increasing rate of complexity at the global scale compels bureaucracies to enhance their capabilities. In reality, however, bureaucracies become the most frequent targets of complaints from civic community...
Proceedings Article

Independent Village Development

Fandi Ahmad, F. Laksmi Fitriani, Iwan Kurniawan
Covid 19 pandemic outbreak has slowed down the economy and even fell into a recession. The government is trying to focus on economic recovery efforts by encouraging development so that each village can cultivate the potential that exists in its area to create economic independence without expecting any...
Proceedings Article

Farmer Community Empowerment as a Result of a Regional Food Security Policy in Purwakarta Regency

Wahyu Gia Uliantoro, Nita Nurliawati, Endah Mustika Ramdani, Sindy Valenita, Ashila Azka Cahyawijaya
Recently, the farming community in Purwakarta is still less fortunate, if not in the poor category. However, through The Tangguh Village Program, the farming community has been risen up and become empowered in facing agricultural problems and purchasing power. The objective of the research is to find...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of Community Behavior in New Normal Facing the Covid 19 Pandemic in Bandung Raya Civil Servants

Budi Setiawan, Iwan Kurniawan, C. Raisa Rafifiti, T.G. Hendrikus
Changes in people’s behaviour is one of the keys to success towards a new normal life that is safe from the transmission of the corona virus that causes COVID-19. The government has taken mitigation and handling steps as optimally as possible so that the virus does not spread and brings more victims....
Proceedings Article

Becoming More Burned or Enganged with Job:

The Role of Work-Family Conflict and Family-Work Conflict among Public Officers

Hafid Aditya Pradesa, Lidia Maasir, Ramdani Priatna
The possible role of dual conflict role on job engagement and burnout has been a very important and hotly debated topic among experts in organizational behaviour areas. The aims of this study were to (1) integrating inter-role conflict theory with job-demand resource model, (2) provide a snapshot of...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of the New Normal Policy on Individual Behaviors

Nita Nurliawati, Apriliani Nur Rachmawati, Fatih Nur Afifah Faiqoh, Maria Benedita Evelyne Angie, Veril Alwan Hakim, Widaningsih
The outbreak of the Corona Virus Disease 19 (COVID-19) pandemic which has shocked not only the national scale, but the international is busy with the presence of this virus outbreak as well. This incident hinders the various activities of human life from various sectors. Therefore, the issuance of policies...
Proceedings Article

Strategy for Handling Covid-19 in the Perspectives of Policy Implementation, Community Institutions and Community Participation in Cileunyi Sub-District

Ono Taryono, Siti Widharetno Mursalim, Saekul Anwar
The Covid 19 pandemic is increasingly difficult to control, so the Indonesian government at all levels must fight hard to stop its spread. Therefore, integrated efforts need to be made to deal with this pandemic that include the implementation of policy for handling Covid 19 by the government, the role...
Proceedings Article

The Model for Implementing Bureaucratic Reform in the Ministry of Administrative Reform

Hendrikus Triwibawanto Gedeona, Endang Wirjatmi Trilestari
President Jokowi-Amin’s administration (2019-2024) continues to make bureaucratic reform on of Indonesia’s development priorities. Currently, the steps being taken are bureaucratic downsizing. Administrative positions (echelon III and IV) were removed and replaced with certain functional positions, as...
Proceedings Article

More Flexible Working, More Productive Workers?

Case in Pandemic Situation

Metha Djuwita Supriatna, Nisha Faradilla Sofiani, Nadiarani Anindita
While globally the Covid-19 pandemic is at different stages and far from under control in some countries, it reveals that the organisation in any sector faces a simple and complex problem about health issues and organisational problems such as managing people remote working areas. Adaptive personnel...
Proceedings Article

Optimization of Jakwir Cetem Services to Increase Public Private Partnerships in the New Normal Era in Tegal Bahari City

Hapsari Kharisma Maharani, Dian Maysaroh, Nita Nurliawati, Aghisni Ramadhani, Klara Muji Rahayu
Public Private Partnership (PPP / P3s) is a collaboration that aims to overcome the limited capabilities the government and the private sector in implementing services and achieving innovation for regional development. Facing the era of adaptation to new habits (new normal), the government is required...
Proceedings Article

The Model of E-Administration and COVID-19 Multi Helix Collaboration Policy in Indonesia

Ayuning Budiati, Ipah Ema Jumiati
Indonesia is coping Covid-19 pandemic since the beginning of March 2020. Many policies and strategies that have already been conducted by the government to resolve and prevent this outbreak. The use of technology information in administration (e-administration) is very important during this outbreak....

RETRACTION: Innovation Integrated Village Development Korea-Indonesia Partnership Model, Sukabumi District

Septiana Dwi Putrianti
The Editors and Publisher would like to indicate that data in this article ( has been used without authorization. This issue was reported by the article’s author. As a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), we followed COPE-compliant guidelines...
Proceedings Article

The Policy of the Military District Command 0609 / Cimahi in Helping Local Governments to Handle Covid-19 Pandemic

Agus Subagyo
This study aims to analyse the policy of the Indonesian Army (Military District Command 0609/Cimahi) in assisting the Regional Government of Cimahi City and West Bandung Regency in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic which has been endemic in Indonesia since March 2020. The research questions posed are...
Proceedings Article

Family Resilience Policy in Kutawaringin District Bandung Regency

Cintantya Andhita Dara Kirana, Rofi’ Ramadhona Iyoega, Rike Anggun Artisa
Family resilience is an important component of social development. Family resilience refers to a condition where a family can survive and make adjustments to face problems and disturbances. Problems in family life as a result of the dynamics of social, political, economic, and cultural changes become...
Proceedings Article

Library Transformation Based on Social Inclusion in Accelerated Covid-19 Pandemic Treatment

Edi Wiyono
Libraries based on social inclusion are libraries that facilitate communities to develop their potential by viewing cultural diversity, willingness to accept change, and offering opportunities to strive for, protect and advocate culture and human rights. The national library performs a transformation...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Ombudsman in Improving Accountability of Government Public Services

Amir Imbaruddin, Asrini A. Saeni, Muttaqin
The problem of public services in Indonesia is still a thorny problem. The accountability aspect is the main focus in improving the quality of public services where the government must explain openly, completely, and fairly, and be accountable to the public. This study aims to answer how the role of...
Proceedings Article

Is Bandung Panic Button Considered Effective During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Wanda Viola Widiani, Alfina Damayanti, Annisa Nur Syifa, Azzahra Salsabila Puspitasari, Meliana Intani, Nita Nurliawati, Rofi Ramadhona Iyoega
Technological innovation is a solution to problems that occur in response to current developments. All aspects of life are inseparable from technology and of course make the job easier. Likewise, with fields managed by the government, based on Law Number 25 of 2009 concerning Public Services, an innovation...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Management of Non-Tax State Receivables in the Directorate General of Intellectual Property

Desta Herawaty Tarigan
The Directorate General of Intellectual Property has revised patent law number 14 of 2001 to number 13 of 2016 but there still have work to be completed by the Directorate General of Intellectual Property. Based on the audit of the Supreme Audit Agency, there are still annual patent maintenance fees...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Organizational Dimensions and the Role of Neighborhood Association/Rukun Tetangga Communications as a Partner of Village Governments in the Covid 19 Pandemic Period

Tatang Sudrajat, Witri Cahyati, Leni Rohida, Umi Rahmawati, Fitra Nurhakim
There are many government problems in development and services to the community, especially during the Covid 19 pandemic. Support, participation and partnerships with various elements of society are a necessity. Rukun Tetangga as a lower-level social institution has a strategic role in development and...
Proceedings Article

Public Sector Responsiveness in the Strategic Environment Change

A Case Study of Indonesian Bureaucracy in Response to Internal Governance Change

Benedicta Retna Cahyarini, Ladiatno Samsara
Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, Indonesian government assign its civil servants from the high transmission rate area to work from home. Consequently, the bureaucracy sector needs to encourage the utilization of information technology. However, with the new digital environment, other challenges need to...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Budget Management Performance in the Directorate of Prevention and Control of Vector and Zoonotic Disease (P2PTVZ Directorate), Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia

Sri Cahyaningrum
The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia created a web-based SMART application to facilitate work units in monitoring and evaluating budget implementation. The scores on the implementation aspect of the Directorate of Vector Infectious and Zoonotic Disease Prevention and Control (P2PTVZ Directorate)...
Proceedings Article

Risk Mitigation Strategies in Public Procurement Process

Evidence from Sukabumi City, Indonesia

Septiana Dwi Putrianti, Ibnu Munggara Amrullah
This article addresses risks in implementing public procurement policy in Sukabumi City. This study aims to gain further understanding of the implementation of policies, internal and external factors that analyze to create strategies to mitigate the risks in implementing public procurement policy. This...
Proceedings Article

Collaborative Governance Model Integrated Waste Management in Bandung City

Jati Puspita Rini, Ely Sufianti, Sait Abdullah
The purpose of this study is: 1) To figure out the collaboration model between the government and stakeholders in the existing waste management in the city of Bandung. 2) To analyze the problems in the collaboration model between the government and stakeholders in waste management in the city of Bandung....
Proceedings Article

Business Diversification, BUMDes Bonto Sunggumanai Strategy to Survive During the Pandemic

Najmi Kamariah, Murtafia, Ahsan Anwar
Companies whose main orientation is profit are diversifying their businesses with the aim of increasing opportunities to generate profits from the various businesses they run. BUMDes Bonto Sunggumanai actually did something different. BUMDes Bonto Sunggumanai, which is a village-owned enterprise, is...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Indonesian Government Policies in Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic

Mhd. Ansori, Nuraini
In this study the question is the impact of the Indonesian Government’s policies in facing the Covid-19 Pandemic because various policies have been carried out by the Indonesian Government. Government policies that limit working hours lead to layoffs resulting in increased unemployment with high criminal...
Proceedings Article

Comparative Analysis of Public Officials’ Innovation Capacity Between Central and Regional Agencies in Indonesia

Putri Wulandari Atur Rejeki, Yuyu Yuningsih
As one of the initiators of the public sector’s innovation, public officials, both in central and regional government agencies, must have a strong innovation capacity to deliver innovations that are beneficial to society. The purpose of this study is to further explore on how is public officials’ innovation...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of COVID-19 on Tourism Businesses in South Sulawesi

Nur Arkam, Nuraeni Sayuti, Gina Lucita
The COVID-19 virus spreads massively and rapidly so that it is categorized as a pandemic. The Indonesia government then implemented several ways to limit mobility such as social distancing, quarantine, and Isolation (PSBB) as a way to overcome the spread of COVID-19. This limitation of mobility has subsequently...
Proceedings Article

The Future of Public Service:

Lessons from the Uncertainty and Disruption

Evi Maya Savira
Covid-19 has changed the way public service works. Since Covid-19 broke out in the early 2020, any organization has changed their behavior, strategies, and the way they run their businesses. Including public service should adjust their business process in flexible way as they can to secure their business....
Proceedings Article

Development Planning Deliberatif:

Making Frame Work Democratic Governance

Nani Harlina Nurdin, Sulaiman Asang, Gita Susanti
Democratic governance is the main model for the success of a national development. In this context, democratic governance is needed so that development success can be maximally achieved. This is because basically the goal of every development is to make the people more prosperous and meet the needs of...
Proceedings Article

Family Planning Program Services in Efforts to Maintain Community Satisfaction in the Covid-19 Pandemic Period National Planning Family Population Agency in Lampung Province

M. Fikri Akbar, Asmaria, Henni Kusumastuti, Neysa Amallia, Erwin Putubasai
This writing aims to determine the family planning program’s service to maintain community satisfaction during the Covid-19 pandemic in BKKBN Lampung Province and find out what factors affect the services provided by the Lampung Province BKKBN. This research aims to change the mindset, work culture,...
Proceedings Article

Bureaucratic Red Tape and Discretion of Street Level Bureaucracy:

Implication of Food Diversification Policy in Indonesia

Didik Iskandar, Alwi
Street level bureaucracy is a government employee who provides community services where their activities are often trapped in the bureaucracy red tape phenomenon which is formalized and too procedural. This condition sometimes requires the actors involved to take discretionary action. The main objective...
Proceedings Article

How Public Policy Making Process is Challenged by Networks in the Pandemic Era?

Sait Abdullah, Muhamad Nur Afandi
The Covid-19 pandemic has shocked millions of people in the world and hindered public sector development not to mention the way the governments formulate the public policy making process. In handling the spread of the virus, the ultimate goal of government is responsible to decrease the casualties and...
Proceedings Article

An Overview of Indonesian’s Challenging Future:

Management of Artificial Intelligence in Education

Dian Indriyani, Keisha Dinya Solihati
Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world, with diverse profiles of ethnic groups and population distribution. Based on data 530,000 schools were deactivated due to the COVID 19 pandemic and affected 68 million students. The AI Management in improving the quality of education in Indonesia...
Proceedings Article

Intellectual Capital Implementation Strategy Based on the Industrial Revolution 4.0 at the Bandung City Information and Communication Office

Ika Wulandari, Ramdani Priatna, Fikri Aditya Tri Andikaputra
Intellectual capital as an organizational asset is still rarely implemented in Indonesia. Whereas intellectual capital is a very important asset to win the competition and create value for an organization. Intellectual capital can also facilitate intangible resources owned by organizations such as employee...
Proceedings Article

Strategy for the Development of Tourism Objects of Situ Cisanti, Kertasari Regency in the Department of Tourism and Culture of West Java Province

Yaya Mulyana Abdul Aziz, Isnania Meilawati Sekarwulan
This study begins with the problems associated with the development strategy attractions in Situ Cisanti, Kertasari at the Department of Tourism and Culture of West Java Province, namely, m compassionate presence of West Java community who do not know and understand about Situ Cisanti, from the beginning...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of the Role of Mayor Expert Staff in Supporting Strengthening Policy Analysis in Government Bandung

Iwan Satibi, Ediyanto, Ahtu Duriat
Policy analysts hold important positions in government. One of the causes of failure to develop superior public policies is the absence of policy analysts in the government, or they are there but do not work well, or if they are already working well, they are unable to produce great policies. In Bandung...
Proceedings Article

Model of Handling the Exodus of Timor Timur in East Nusa Tenggara

Case Study in Kupang and Belu Regency

Helmi Tachejadi Soerjono
The handling of the exodus of the former Timor Timur in NTT Province (East Nusa Tenggara) who wants to return to the Republic of Indonesia (the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia) has not resolved all the main problems. The purpose of this study is to analyze and find a model for handling the...
Proceedings Article

The Effects of Savings Culture and Government Policy in Instilling the Habit of Savings:

Evidence from a Survey of Public Sector Employees

Nur Khairina Muhamad Husin, Ahmad Martadha Mohamed
The aim of this study is to understand the factors that influence the attitude towards savings among Malay employees in the public sector in Malaysia. The research study has focused on both internal and external factor in understanding the influence the attitude towards savings among the employees. The...
Proceedings Article

Challenges of Indonesia’s Decentralization Policy During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Kristian W. Wicaksono
The purpose of this paper is to provide a review of the decentralization policy in Indonesia, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic period. A systematic literature review is used in this paper. The data used is secondary data obtained on the internet network through tracking. The data is then qualitatively...
Proceedings Article

Pursuing Village SDGs Through Village Fund Management Accountability

Case Study at Loa Duri Ilir, Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan

Agus Prasetyo, Camelia Putrini, Hartanto
This study analyzes the accountability of village fund management as the only funding that is relied on, in the era of economic recession which is felt as the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in supporting the Village SDGs policy. The study used a qualitative method with online interviews because the...
Proceedings Article

Strategies on Developing Human Resource Performance for the Librarians and Archivist in West Java Province Indonesia

Nefi Aris Ambar Asmara, Ricky Adi Putranto
This research aims understanding and finding the strategies for the development of human resource performance for Librarians and Archivist (L/A) employing by the Regional Library and Archive Office of West Java Province Indonesia. Using a descriptive qualitative approach, data in this research was collected...