Proceedings of the Brawijaya International Conference on Multidisciplinary Sciences and Technology (BICMST 2020)
182 authors
- Patria, Asidigisianti Surya
- Indonesian Drama Film Poster in the 70’s Era
- Permatasari, Desyta Ratih
- The Policy Implementation of Program Gerakan Ayo Sekolah to Reduce Dropout Rate In Bojonegoro
- Permatasari, Erma Oktania
- Analysis of Patient Satisfaction Levels on the Quality of Health Services in Medical Center ITS
- Prabakusuma, Adhita Sri
- An Empirical Study on Cross-Cultural Adaptation of Chinese Overseas Students in Malaysia: Survey of Chinese Students at Segi University, Malaysia
- Prabakusuma, Adhita Sri
- Cross-Cultural Management and Recommendations for Chinese Students Studying in Malaysia
- Prahastiyani, Novenda
- Mother’s Involvement in Nurturing Toddlers in School
- Prasetyo, Iis
- The Development of Telegram BOT Through Short Story
- Prawoto, Sigit
- The Implementation of English as A Medium of Instruction in An Indonesian Efl Setting
- Prayitno, Gunawan
- Community Resilience and Sustainability Levels of Thematic Kampong in Malang City
- Primadani, Lelita
- Differentiated Instruction (DI) Teaching Practice in Heterogeneous Class as the Impact of School Zoning System Policy
- Pundenswari, Pupung
- The Effectiveness of Mobile Library Services Socialization in Improving Reading Interest in Kabupaten Garut
- Purwaningtyas, Isti
- Literacy Breakthrough Towards Indonesian Disaster Mitigation
- Putra, Eka Kurniawan
- Policy in Disruption Technology Era: Case Study of Transportasiku Implementation in Surabaya
- Radha, Swari
- A Study of Gender Differences on Food Reviewing: A Systemic Functional Grammar Approach
- Rahardian, Ramaditya
- The Impact of Surabaya Acceleration Program in Genteng Candirejo Village
- Rahayu, Endang Siti
- Broiler’s Supply Chain Analysis at Wonogiri Regency, Central Java Province
- Rahayu, Mintarti
- The Effect of Islamic Work Ethic Towards Teacher Performance With Work Motivation as an Intervening Variable at Sabilillah Islamic Boarding School in Sampang
- Rahim, Syamsuri
- Disclosure of Local Government Financial Statements in South Sulawesi
- Rahmah, Mirhamida
- The Effect of Islamic Work Ethic Towards Teacher Performance With Work Motivation as an Intervening Variable at Sabilillah Islamic Boarding School in Sampang
- Rahman, Fathur
- Building Political Image of Representative Institution at Local Level
- Rahman, Kurnia Yusniar
- Starred Hotels Organizational Change: Facing the Transformation of Hospitality Industry
- Rahman, Zahidur
- Analysis of Local Government Efforts in Local Economic Resources Development
- Ratna, Madu
- Analysis of Patient Satisfaction Levels on the Quality of Health Services in Medical Center ITS
- Ratnasari, Vita
- Analysis of Patient Satisfaction Levels on the Quality of Health Services in Medical Center ITS
- Risky, Firman R.
- Remuneration for Welfare Distribution - Evidence From Indonesia
- Rispianda
- Financial Feasibility Analysis on Development of Pulses and Mobile Internet Plans Business Based on Technical Configuration
- Roekhudin
- Blue (Carbon) Accounting in Activity Patorani : Is That Important for Sustainability?
- Rohmah, Uvi Fatur
- The Implementation of TTE (Electronic Signature) in the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Lamongan District
- Rosidi
- Transformation Corporate Social Responsibility Towards Industrial Revolution 4.0: Strategy and Challenges
- Rozikin, Mochammad
- Analysis of Local Government Efforts in Local Economic Resources Development
- Rumiati, Agnes Tuti
- Analysis of Patient Satisfaction Levels on the Quality of Health Services in Medical Center ITS
- Rusli, Meika Syahbana
- Formulating Strategies for Improving the Competitiveness of Cajuput Small Industry in Buru Regency’s (A Case Study)
- Safaruddin
- Reconciliation After 2019
- Sahiruddin
- The Implementation of English as A Medium of Instruction in An Indonesian Efl Setting
- Samsudin, Achmad
- Developing Physics Learning Module Based on Guided Inquiry (PLM-BGI) for Work and Energy
- Samsudin, Achmad
- The Development of Students’ Worksheet Based on Guided Inquiry (SW-BGI) for Work and Energy
- Saon, Sharifah
- Readiness for Measuring the Transformation of Higher Education Status
- Saputra, Boni
- Is Public Service Motivation Important to Improve the Performance and Job Satisfaction of Civil Servants?
- Saraswati, Erwin
- Blue (Carbon) Accounting in Activity Patorani : Is That Important for Sustainability?
- Setiawan, Rahyuniati
- Brand Credibility vs Brand Image: A Case Study of Gojek Customers’ Loyalty
- Setijaningrum, Erna
- Evaluation of E-Village Budgeting Program in Banyuwangi District
- Setyabudi, Chairul Muriman
- Reinforcing the Culture of Work on Performance Perspective in Lampung Regional Police
- Setyabudi, Chairul Muriman
- Democratic Policing in Solving Police Problems
- Shodiq, Muhammad Fajrus
- Policy in Disruption Technology Era: Case Study of Transportasiku Implementation in Surabaya
- Siahaan, Parsaoran
- Developing Physics Learning Module Based on Guided Inquiry (PLM-BGI) for Work and Energy
- Siahaan, Parsaoran
- The Development of Students’ Worksheet Based on Guided Inquiry (SW-BGI) for Work and Energy
- Sokarina, Ayudia
- Remuneration for Welfare Distribution - Evidence From Indonesia
- Suaedi, Falih
- Evaluation of E-Village Budgeting Program in Banyuwangi District
- Subekti, Tia
- Building Political Image of Representative Institution at Local Level
- Sudiro, Achmad
- The Effect of Islamic Work Ethic Towards Teacher Performance With Work Motivation as an Intervening Variable at Sabilillah Islamic Boarding School in Sampang
- Sudrajat, Tatang
- The Role of Higher Education in the Religion of the Religious Moderation Program
- Sujoko, Anang
- The Strategy of BatuTV Station in Oligarchy Media Industri Era
- Sujoko, Anang
- Building Political Image of Representative Institution at Local Level
- Sukoharsono, Eko Ganis
- Blue (Carbon) Accounting in Activity Patorani : Is That Important for Sustainability?
- Sulfasyah
- Implementation of School Community-Based Waste Management Policy in Makassar City Elementary School
- Sumiati
- The Mediating Effect of Asymmetric Information on the Funding Decision to Firm Value
- Sunaryo
- Conceptual Approach Between Transformational Leadership, Organizational Culture, and Employee Performance for Public Sector Organization on Facing an Era of Disruption
- Sunaryo
- The Impact of the Government of SME Competitiveness in Malang City
- Supeno, Eko
- Policy in Disruption Technology Era: Case Study of Transportasiku Implementation in Surabaya
- Surachman
- The Mediating Effect of Asymmetric Information on the Funding Decision to Firm Value
- Surjono
- Community Resilience and Sustainability Levels of Thematic Kampong in Malang City
- Suryono, Yoyon
- Application of Participatory Leadership of CLC Heads, Against Tutor Performance at the Kurma Community Learning Center (CLC) in Alor Regency
- Suseno, Bayu
- Reinforcing the Culture of Work on Performance Perspective in Lampung Regional Police
- Susilawati, Endang
- Developing Physics Learning Module Based on Guided Inquiry (PLM-BGI) for Work and Energy
- Susilawati, Endang
- The Development of Students’ Worksheet Based on Guided Inquiry (SW-BGI) for Work and Energy
- Syah, Sultan
- Blue (Carbon) Accounting in Activity Patorani : Is That Important for Sustainability?
- Tahir, Rasmiati
- Analysis of the Application of the Islamic Education Paradigm in Creating an Orderly Administration in the Bureaucracy in Palopo State Islamic College (STAIN)
- Umami, Zahrotul
- Strategic Communication of Entrepreneurship Education for Digital Generation
- Utami, Hamidah Nayati
- Innovative Governance Model of Small and Medium Tourism Entreprises (SMTEs) Empowerment: A Stakeholder Analysis of Lumajang Regency
- Vidianti, Rizky Amanda
- Community Resilience and Sustainability Levels of Thematic Kampong in Malang City
- Wahyuningsih
- Community Empowerment for Salt Farmers Through Cooperative Institutions
- Wibowo, Lili Adi
- Brand Credibility vs Brand Image: A Case Study of Gojek Customers’ Loyalty
- Wibowo, Lili Adi
- Does the Tourist Destination Image Affect the Intention of Spa Tourism in Bandung?
- Wulandari, Tresia
- Political Digital Marketing Strategy in Local Leader Election (Case Study of The Victory of Ridwan Kamil-Uu Ruzhanul Ulum In the West Java Local Leader Election 2018)
- Wulansari, Reni
- Factors Influencing the Use of Fintech Payment Services in Indonesia : Literature Review
- Yulianci, Syahriani
- Developing Physics Learning Module Based on Guided Inquiry (PLM-BGI) for Work and Energy
- Yulianti, Vera
- Do I have Intercultural Competence as Language Learning Outcomes? Cultural-Self Awareness in Indonesian-Japanese Workplace
- Yunus, Ishaq
- Waste Management in Improving Community Economy (Case Study of Central Mamuju)
- Zaelani, Pupi Indriati
- Political Digital Marketing Strategy in Local Leader Election (Case Study of The Victory of Ridwan Kamil-Uu Ruzhanul Ulum In the West Java Local Leader Election 2018)
- Zulfiningrum, Rahmawati
- Strategic Communication of Entrepreneurship Education for Digital Generation
- al-Fikri, Muchsin
- Political Digital Marketing Strategy in Local Leader Election (Case Study of The Victory of Ridwan Kamil-Uu Ruzhanul Ulum In the West Java Local Leader Election 2018)
- al-Fikri, Muchsin
- The Role of Higher Education in the Religion of the Religious Moderation Program