Proceedings of the 1ST Bengkulu International Conference on Economics, Management, Business and Accounting (BICEMBA 2023)

124 authors
Sriwidharmanely, Sriwidharmanely
Peer-Review Statements
Sriwidharmanely, Sriwidharmanely
Religiousity, Cohesiveness, Honesty, Ethical Judgment, Accounting Students’ Intention to Report Friends’ Academic Fraud
Suharti, Titing
The Effect of GRDP and Income Inequality on Regional Expenditures Regency/City in Bangka Belitung Islands Province
Sukiyono, Ketut
Determinants of Indonesia’s Long-Term Economic Structure Panel Data Approach Using Logistic Multinomial Regression
Sunoto, Sunoto
The Effect of Government Expenditure on Poverty in Indonesia
Suparyati, Agustina
Peer-Review Statements
Suranta, Eddy
The Influence of Law Enforcement, Pressure, Religious Beliefs, Rationality, Machiavellian Nature on Fraud Intention
Syafitri, Freesca
Post Pandemic in Indonesia: Economic Development Challenges and Policy Recommendations for Indonesia
Syahputra, Syahputra
Pest Analysis: Improvement Strategies for “Kampus Merdeka” Quality at Indonesian Higher Education
Usman, Berto
Peer-Review Statements
Valeriani, Devi
Local Community Perceptions in the Development of Green Economy Based Tourism Destinations in Bangka Belitung
Viana Jr, Dante Baiardo C.
Peer-Review Statements
Wahab, Zakaria
Green Marketing Strategy: Factors Influencing Green Purchase Intention in the Decision to Use a Solar Power Plant (PLTS) in Palembang City
Wang, Hurng-Jyuhn
Income Analysis of Robusta Coffee Farming in Sumbermanjing Wetan Subdistric
Wibawa, Dian Prihardini
Local Community Perceptions in the Development of Green Economy Based Tourism Destinations in Bangka Belitung
Yarsah, Waldi Novi
The Influence of Zakat, Education and Unemployment at the Poverty Level in Bengkulu Province (2016–2020)
Post Covid-19 Employment Analysis in Bengkulu Province
Yefriza, Yefriza
Peer-Review Statements
Yusnida, Yusnida
Measurement of Productivity of Local Government Spending in Poverty Alleviation
Yusoff, Yusliza Mohd
The Role of Risk Financing, Intellectual Capital and Corporate Governance on Performance Islamic Banks in Indonesia
Zoraya, Intan
The Effect of Fintech Payment, Lifestyle, and Financial Knowledge of Financial Management Behavior on Students of the University of Bengkulu
Zoraya, Intan
Unveiling the Power of Fundamental Analysis: Exploring the Influence of Representative Bias on Stock Investment Decisions
Zoraya, Intan
The Effect of Financial Behavior, Financial Knowledge and Self-Control on the Financial Well-Being of Generation Z in Indonesia
Çopani, Dea
The Impact of Transformational Leadership in Relation to Job Performance in the Aviation Industry of Albania