International Journal of Networked and Distributed Computing
Volume 2, Issue 2, April 2014
Research Article
1. Fully distributed certificate authority based on polynomial over elliptic curve for MANET
Ahmad Alomari
Pages: 70 - 77
A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a wireless communication network, which does not rely on any centralized management or a pre-existing infrastructure. Various certificate authorities (CAs) distributed over the network, each with a periodically updated share of the secrete key, is usually adopted. Elliptic...
Research Article
2. An Ensemble Approach for Cyber Attack Detection System: A Generic Framework
Shailendra Singh, Sanjay Silakari
Pages: 78 - 90
Cyber attack detection is based on assumption that intrusive activities are noticeably different from normal system activities and thus detectable. A cyber attack would cause loss of integrity, confidentiality, denial of resources. The fact is that no single classifier is able to give maximum accuracy...
Research Article
3. On a Drawing-Frequency based Layered Canvas Mechanism for Collaborative Paper Editing Support Systems
Shinya Katayama, Takushi Goda, Shun Shiramatsu, Tadachika Ozono, Toramatsu Shintani
Pages: 91 - 99
We propose a Drawing-Frequency based Layered (DFL) Canvas approach to reduce a synchronization delay in collaborative web applications. The synchronization delay consists of a network delay and a drawing delay. The network delay is well-argued topic by various researches. We focus on the drawing delay,...
Research Article
4. Using Cryptographic Technique for Securing Route Discovery and Data Transmission from BlackHole Attack on AODV-based MANET
Seryvuth Tan, Phearin Sok, Keecheon Kim
Pages: 100 - 107
MANET is a dynamic wireless network without any infrastructures. The network is weak and vulnerable to many types of attacks including BlackHole attack. BlackHole node advertises itself as having freshest or shortest path to a specific node to absorb packets. The effect of BlackHole attack on AODV will...
Research Article
5. Multi-Objective Optimization for Milling Operations using Genetic Algorithms under Various Constraints
Libao An, Peiqing Yang, Hong Zhang, Mingyuan Chen
Pages: 108 - 114
In this paper, the parameter optimization problem for face-milling operations is studied. A multi-objective mathematical model is developed with the purpose to minimize the unit production cost and total machining time while maximize the profit rate. The unwanted material is removed by one finishing...
Research Article
6. System Architecture & Feature Design for Engineering a Web-based Travel Advisor System
Amir Maddah, Manolya Kavakli
Pages: 115 - 121
Many Advisor Systems have been designed and developed to assist us in decision-making, each with their strengths and weaknesses. A popular type of Advisor systems is Travel Advisor systems that assist travelers in their travel arrangements. We have designed and implemented a Travel Advisor system to...