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188759 articles
Proceedings Article

High-Tech Architecture Perspectives of Sports Hub in Singapore

Muhammad Agung Reynaldi, Etty Retnowati Kridarso, Julindiani Iskandar
in the 21st century, the need for effectiveness and flexibility in any activity is a necessity that must be fulfilled so that people can compete well. One of the examples is sports. The need, especially in sports, is marked by the growth of interest in sports in developed or developing countries. Besides,...
Proceedings Article

Relationship Between Work Stress, Age, Length of Working and Subjective Fatigue Among Workers in Production Department of Textiles Factory

Gurdani Yogisutanti, Heryzal Aditya, Rosmariana Sihombing, Suhat
Background: Fatigue is one of the risks of a decrease in the health status of the workforce. The risks that can be caused due to fatigue include a decrease in work motivation, low performance, low quality of work, many errors in work, low work productivity, causing work stress. Stress is a situation...

Implementation of Inquiry Learning Model to Improve Pencak silat Learning Outcomes

Norma Anggara, Perdinanto
The purpose of using inquiry strategies in learning is to develop the ability to think systematically, logically, and critically, or develop intellectual abilities as part of mental processes. Thus, in inquiry students are not only required to master the subject matter but also how they can use their...

Transfer of Intellectual Property Rights (Studies on the Division of Joint Property (Gono-gini) Post-Divorce)

Anis Mashdurohatun
Intellectual property right is a set of legal rights to express ideas into tangible form in the form of property. Such rights generally is copyright, patents and trademark rights. IPR is still a wealth are not yet commonly understood in terms of “Gono-gini” division of property in divorce cases in Indonesia....

Feature Extraction of Gram-Negative Bacteria Texture Using Grey Level Co-Occurrence Matrix and Scale-Invariant Feature Transform

Budi Dwi Satoto, Imam Utoyo, Riries Rulaningtyas
Gram-negative bacteria are one of the pathogenic bacteria in the respiratory tract. The presence of these bacteria should be identified correctly so that a doctor can do the proper handling of antibiotic therapy. Observations are still made under a microscope by a microbiology clinic or hospital team....
Proceedings Article

The Effects of Progressive Muscle Relaxation on Concentration in Archery Atheletes at the UNIMED Club

Indah Verawati, Suprayetno, Budi Valianto
Archery athletes train physically and technically to be able to make a full series of bow-pulls, but athletes who can make good movements during training may not be able to do it perfectly during matches. The athlete’s concentration can be disturbed by various things when competing and affect the athlete’s...

Toward Affirmative Legal Policy for Workers Through Centralization of Labor Supervision

Endah Pujiastuti, Retno Saraswati, A.L.W Lita Tyesta
Labor supervision is a form of guarantee so that the labor regulations set by the Government can run following road map the determined. As a manifestation of the state’s presence in protection for workers, the Government of Indonesia has issued several policies related to labor supervision. There is...

Directions of Digitalization of Small Business

N.B. Demiroglu
The article emphasizes the need and summarizes the advantages of digitalization of small business. An analytical review of possible digital technologies was carried out. Namely, they are the Digital promotion, “Abroad via the Internet”, marketplaces, cloud technologies, automation, data analysis, IoT...

An Architecture of Adaptive Online Module System Based on Felder-Silverman Learning Style Model

Arief Hidayat, Victor Gayuh Utomo
Students will get some benefits by knowing their own learning style. The adaptive online module system gives students a learning environment that adapting to their learning style. The architecture of the adaptive online module system consists of a domain model, media space, student model, instruction...
Proceedings Article

Comparison of Anti-Inflammatory Activity Between Aerobic and Anaerobic Fermented Green Breadfruit Leaf Extract.

Hesti Riasari, Yessi Febriani, Ika Andiani
Inflammation is a local protective response caused by damage to tissue. Plants that have been scientifically proven to have anti-inflammatory properties of Artocarpus altilis (parkinson) Fosberg leaves. The biosynthesis process can cause changes in color, content and type of content that is in the breadfruit...

Literary Imagination of Construction of Community With a Shared Future in Alice Munro’s Stories

Haixia Zhang
Alice Munro has made a great contribution to Canadian literary history because of her writing about her own town and nation in a style of realism and the achievements she has gotten in short-story writing. Under her pen, the life of the city, community and family is full of stress and tension in a piece-looking...

Qualimetry of Competences in the University Quality Management System

Elena V. Borisova
The importance of building an educational results monitoring system in the format of competences was considered and substantiated. Sources, means and approaches to the informational contents of the university quality management system through the qualimetry of competences were shown. Theoretical grounds...

Research Development of Agricultural Celebration and Festival Based on CNKI Database

Ji Chen, Nianrong Li, Ying Qin
Since the “Chinese Farmers’ Harvest Festival” was held in 2018, the researches on the festival activities related to the “agriculture, rural areas, and rural residents” have gradually increased. Based on the conceptual analysis, this paper reviews the overall situation of domestic research in the past...

Design of Learning Evaluation Model for Distance Education

Gang Liu
It is one of the core tasks of distance education teaching reform to evaluate students’ learning comprehensively. It is an effective measure to ensure the healthy development of distance education. In this paper, based on the online learning behavior of students, a learning evaluation model of distance...

High Frequency Teaching Pain Point for College Teachers—Thinking on the Teaching Practice of “Vitality Class” in Tianhua College

Lili Xu
Focusing on some of the teaching high frequency pain points in the teaching of college teachers, combined with the teaching practice of “vitality class” in Tianhua college, this paper puts forward the concept of the origin of the “vitality” in the classroom. In view of “how to grasp the cognitive law...

Resource Sharing Mechanism of National Traditional Sports Curriculum in Colleges and Universities Against the Background of Massive Open Online Course

Aihua Zhang, Shunbi Mu, Shichang Tian, Min Chen
This paper uses document literature method, field method and questionnaire surveys to investigate the status quo of traditional ethnic sports curriculum resources in more than 40 colleges and universities in China. The study finds that the mechanism for sharing traditional national sports curriculum...

Peumulia Jamee Culture and the Stage of Building Rapport in Individual Counseling Process

Zahra Nelissa, Fitra Marsela, Syaiful Bahri, Mifta Oktavianda, M. Husen
Aceh has a culture and customs that are closely aligned to Islamic rules. Of the various customs and cultures that exist in Aceh, one notable custom is the glorification of guests (peumulia jame). Its origin comes from the viewpoint in Islam concerned with glorifying guests, which for a Muslim who believes...

The Development of Worksheets and Lesson Plan Based on the Scientific Approach for Craft Material in Junior High Schools

Wisdiarman, Abd. Hafiz, Syafwan, Zubaidah
There are some instructional tools that teachers must prepare before teaching such as students’ worksheet and lesson plan. They are very necessary or the teaching and learning process. However, a scientific-based approach has not been implemented for grade 7th junior high school students in craft lesson....

The Effect of Skimming and Scanning Strategies on Students’ Reading Comprehension at Computer-Based Text

Alfi Azmi, Kamaludin Yusra, Arifuddin Arifuddin
This paper discusses the effect of skimming and scanning strategies for English language teaching and learning. It has a good effect on students’ reading comprehension skills, especially on computer-based text. The study is quasi-experimental research as it applies one group pretest-posttest design based...

The Relationship Between Nonfinancial Measurements and Company Performance - Based on the Level of Customer Satisfaction

Qi Wu, Yingqi Pan, Peicong Zhou, Chengcheng Li
In this paper, the authors analyze the relationship between customer satisfaction and company performance and mainly talk about the major influence of customer satisfaction. This research examines company performance into financial and nonfinancial parts and provides a way to measure the company performance,...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Push Up Training for Improving the Power of Arm Muscle Among the Participants of Sports Extracurricular Activities

Khumaidah, Siti Nurrochmah
This study aimed at analyzing the influence of wall push up and floor push up training on the improvement of arm muscles power among the participants of sports extracurricular activities. The total amount of the sample was 34 female students. The result of anava sig. F = 0.000 < α = 0.05. And the...

Research on the Lacquer Painting Art with the Theme of Hui’an Women

Xiaodong Sun
The theme of Hui’an women is a popular subject in contemporary lacquer painting creation in China. This article mainly takes modern lacquer paintings with the theme of Hui’an women as the research object. The research contents include that the first is the modern lacquer paintings with the theme of Hui’an...

The Impact of Criminal Revenue Legalization on Economic Security

Vasyliy Franchuk, Zinaida Zhyvko, Aleksandra Kuzior
The article is devoted to the study of the impact of money laundering on the level of economic security of the state. The influence of legalization processes on the level of the shadow economy, foreign exchange, and monetary policy is analyzed. It has been established that corruption is one of the main...

Does the Analysis of Altman Z-Score Model, Zmijewski Model, and Springate Model Impact the Financial Distress?

Study on Pharmaceutical Companies Listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange Period 2011-2017

Santi Damayanti
Financial distress has a significant impact on the company that will potentially suffer losses, but also investors, creditors, and communities. There are some tools used to detect bankruptcy, namely Altman Z-Score, Zmijewski, and Springate model. This study uses descriptive and verification methodology....
Proceedings Article

The Beneficial Effect of Glutathione in Protection of the Central Nerves System from Damage Induced by D-galactose

Sadiq Safaa Mahdi, Wefak Albazi, Muna hussain Al-Aameli
Glutathione is a tripeptide that protect cells from oxidative damage and it is also an important regulator of redox signaling, plays a role in xenobiotic detoxification, and influences cell proliferation, apoptosis, immunological function, and fibrogenesis. The aim of this study is Study the effect of...

Exploration and Practice of Theoretical Mechanics Course in the Process of Cooperative Education

Qiang Yu
Theoretical mechanics is one of the compulsory courses for students of related mechanical majors, and the courses contain rich moral education resources. This work aims to study how to better exert the cooperative education function of the theoretical mechanics course in university education and improve...

The Customary Philosophy of the Anak Dalam Tribe as Part of the Soul of the Mation’s Law

Muhamad Erwin, Ahmad Taqwa, Dicky Seprianto, Ahmad Zamheri
In the soul of the customary law of the Anak Dalam Tribe in Bukit Duabelas National Park is closely related to the traditional teachings of the ancestors and in the balance of his life with the jungle of Bukit Duabelas. The nuance of the soul of law takes place by basing on the existence, source of knowledge,...

Mobile Learning Design for Sight Reading

Maria Theresia Lintang Larasati, Yudi Sukmayadi
Multimedia is developing in education, one of which uses mobile learning (m-learning) to expand learning in the classroom into everyday’s life. This study aims to apply sight reading learning by using Musescore that can be accessed on smartphones. The target of this research is music students This study...

Cultural Expression of Local Architecture for Developing Educational Campus Design

Riska Amelia Huzaifa, Mokhamad Syaom Barliana, Riskha Mardiana
Architecture is an environmental product from the expression of values adopted by society. These values are passed down over time to become a culture eventually. The culture of a region is a result of interaction and acculturation that occur in a society. Through the design process, architecture analyzes...

Analysis of the Character of Students in Learning Civic Education Based on High Order Thinking Skills

Umi Chotimah, Kurnisar, Ermanovida, Norma Juainah
There is no limit to character building, including for students in universities, because students are the younger generation who are educated to become intellectuals to support national development. Civics Education is one of the personality development courses (MPK), and students in tertiary institutions...

Developing Economics Learning Materials for Independent Learning During Covid-19

Junaidi H. Matsum
In the era of Covid-19 pandemic, the teachers are demanded to implement an action plan to maintain learning. To minimize the inequalities and negative effects of prolonged inactivity, the teachers must set clear and realistic learning materials by taking into account the sudents’ characteristics, social...
Proceedings Article

How Impact Exchange Rate to Processed Food Industry in Indonesia

Indra Suhendra, Navik Istikomah
This Paper employs a series method to measure exchange rate to the price of food industries. We use Purchasing Power Parity as our theoretical basis to demonstrate exchange rate fluctuation. The regression model, derived from the theoretical model, gives the statistically robust result to show that years...

Genetic Variability Analysis of Terrestrial Spathoglottis plicata Orchid Variants Based on RAPD Marker

Fay Della Prika Auvira, Ixora Sartika Mercuriani, Suyitno Aloysius
The purpose to know the genetic variability of orchid variants Spathoglottis plicata based on molecular marker Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD). DNA isolation carried out using TIANGEN Plant Genomic DNA kit. DNA sample was amplified using PCR-RAPD technique. Genetic variability were analyzed using...

Analysis of Capital Structure on Multinational Corporation: Trade off Theory and Pecking Theory Perspective

Elok Faiqoh Himmah, Astari Dianty
The research aims to analyses the capital structure applied in multinational companies for the effectiveness and efficiency of the company’s financing. This research uses independent variables i.e. business risk, asset growth, and cash flow volatility. The population of this research consists of all...

The Changes and System Construction of Spatial Planning from the Perspective of Policy Diffusion

Yuyao Wang, Xin Wang
Although China’s various plans have played an active role in promoting the process of urbanization, the parallel, self-contained, and content overlapping and conflicting issues of multi-sectoral planning hinder the effective use of spatial resources, and spatial planning system with “Multiple Planning...
Proceedings Article

Curriculum Development is Conducted to Improve Competencies of Air Transportation Managemental Study Program for Cadets of Aviation Polytechnique Surabaya

Ariyono Setiawan, Luthfiyah Nurlaela, Munoto, I Gusti Putu Asto Buditjahjanto, Bambang Suprianto, Yuyun Suprapto, I Gede Susrama Mas Diyasa, Dama Yanti Hilda
The purpose of this study is to provide an analysis of the effect of curriculum development on air transportation management competencies by contributing to cadets at Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic. The design of this study uses quantitative research methods that emphasize numerical data analysis such...

Education of Character and Value in Jamu Sawah

Case Study of Ethnic Malay Village Lubuk Rotan Perbaungan District Serdang Bedagai Regency

Dedi Hartono, Hidayat, Usman Pelly
The Jamu Sawah ritual is one of the cultural properties owned by the community. Jamu sawah is a ritual performed by farmers before sowing rice seeds for planting, the values contained in it such as the values of mutual cooperation and religious values in conveying goodwill to the creator through the...

Research on the Development of College English Teaching Lectures in Higher Vocational Colleges

Yan Zhang
According to the characteristics of higher vocational colleges and their students, this paper believes that it is imperative to develop a set of colloquial English teaching lectures that are complementary to the textbooks. In the process of designing college English lectures, not only the vocational...

Child-Friendly Policy: Parents’ Effort to Support the Success Implementation of Policy in Early Childhood Care Education

Iis Prasetyo, Yuniarta Syarifatul Umami
In recent years, there has been an increase in formal and non-formal educational institutions in Indonesia that have adopted a child-friendly policy. This study aims to determine whether there is an influence and how much influence parents have on the successful implementation of child-friendly policies...

Analysis of Implementation of Import Substitution Policy on the Russian Agricultural Machinery Market

Oksana Vaganova, Andrey Peresypkin, Natalya Solovjeva, Dmitry Polunin
The article analyzes the structure of the agricultural machinery market in Russia. The level of development and potential of Russian manufacturers and their involvement in world markets are considered. The problems preventing Russian companies from completely replacing foreign competitors are described,...

The Adolescents Cyberbullying Victims at University

Desy Wismasari, Sigit Sanyata
This research discusses victim cyberbullying phenomena at higher education. Cyberbullying has become cultures in daily lives of Adolescent at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. This cyberbullying can be repeatedly done through short messages, Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, and other social medium sites....

The Use of E-Modules to Improve Students’ Understanding of Concepts and Independent Attitudes Through Google Classroom

Susy Eldila Sari, Susilawati, Lenny Anwar
This study aims to determine the effect of using e-module hydrocarbon compounds through Google Classroom on students’ understanding of concepts and independent attitudes. The research was conducted at SMKN 1 Seberida, Indragiri Hulu Regency, Riau in the even semester of the 2019/2020 school year. The...
Proceedings Article

Descriptive Assessment of Coordination Between Veterinary and Public Health Centers in Responding Report of Potential Rabies Animal Bites at Bener Meriah, Aceh

Teuku Reza Ferasyi, Al Azhar, Erwin Erwin, Awaluddin Awaluddin, Rezky Ramadhan, Agus Nurza
A high case of potential rabid animal bites human is reported in Bener Meriah Regency of Aceh, Indonesia. The application of one health concept in controlling rabies is important at least by providing identical data of potential rabid animal bites in the veterinary (VHC) and public health (PHC) centers....

Fulfillment of Human Rights in Public Services During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

Ampuan Situmeang, Winsherly Tan
Good governance can provide welfare to the community. Therefore, the administration of government in Indonesia should be able to take a serious concern to the principles of good governance as regulated in Article 89 of Act Number 30 of 2014 on Government Administration. One of its principles is to provide...

Profile of Ability to Produce Fantasy Story Texts of Mataram City Junior High School Students: Aspects of Structure, Language, Characteristics and Coherence

Syaiful Musaddat, M Murahim, M. Syahrul Qodri, M Mari’i, Cedin Atmaja
This study aims to describe the profile of the ability to produce fantasy story texts for junior high school students in Mataram city. The aspects studied include structure, linguistic rules, characteristics, and coherence. The data was collected through the document review method. The source of data...

The Research of Financial Forecasting and Valuation Models

Ziliang Shang
Financial analysis has always been a particular focus of scholars around the world. With the development of economy, domestic and foreign scholars continue to improve their financial analysis methods. However, there are few literatures to study the development process of financial analysis and the important...

The Implications of Technological Media Towards the Social Life

Field Study in Aikmel Community of Aikmel District East Lombok

Abdul Hafiz, Ahmad Tohri, Lalu M. Istiqlal
The development technologi information and comunication is what brings the most significant changes in social life. The purpose of this research is to determine the implications or effects caused by technology media on the social life of the community in the village of Aikmel, Aikmel District East Lombok...
Proceedings Article

Morning Aps: The Game Rules Learning Application and Football Referee Signals

Fahrial Amiq, Prayogi Dwina Angga
The increasing demands in this digital era encourage education to accomplish the learning process by integrating with technology. This study aimed to develop learning products for game rules and football referee signals presented in mobile learning for students of the Department of Physical Education,...

Meaningful Learning: Improving Students’ Accounting Knowledge and Skills Through Learning Computer Accounting Practice Courses

Learning Experience in the Department of Accounting, State Polytechnic of Malang

Zainal Abdul Haris, Retno Widiastuti, Sumiadji
The purpose of this study is to provide examples of meaningful learning practices in the Accounting Computer Practices (ACP) courses. During the process of preparing financial reports using accounting software, lecturers not only explain the technical use of accounting software in preparing financial...

Research on the Influence of the Trust of the Government in Different Order on the Environmental Performance Evaluation of the People s Government and the Intermediary Mechanism

Li Xia, Zhou Wenqian, Chang Yi
There is a big difference in the environmental performance evaluation of the Central and local governments. One of the important psychological factors that lead to the difference in the evaluation is the People’s trust in the government. On the basis of fully considering the public trust psychology,...