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188759 articles

The Effect of Organic Matter as Plant Media Component to the Growth of Three Ginger Cultivars with Bag Culture Technique

Alfandi Alfandi, Umi Trisnaningsih, Siti Wahyuni
This study was conducted to determine the effect of various types of organic materials, as components of the planting medium, on the growth of three ginger cultivars. The experiment was conducted at the Faculty of Agriculture Experimental Garden UGJ, starting from May to July 2019. The materials used...

Simulacra Law Outside the National Legislation Program

Ricca Anggraeni, Indah Mutiara Sari
Simulacra is usually known in social theory related to consumerism, or capitalist products. But in this research applied in the formation of legislation, especially the Law produced through the formation process outside the National Legislation Program. The people in this research are considered as consumers...
Case Study

Supine Hypertension and Extreme Reverse Dipping Phenomenon Decades after Kidney Transplantation: A Case Report

Dóra Batta, Beáta Kőrösi, János Nemcsik
Pages: 183 - 186
Background: Supine hypertension, a consequence of autonomic neuropathy, is a rarely recognized pathological condition. Reported diseases in the background are pure autonomic failure, multiple system atrophy, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes and different autoimmune disorders. Methods: In our case report...

The Role of Social Influence Towards Purchase Intention With Value Perception as Mediator: A Study on Starbucks Coffee as an Environmentally Friendly Product

Miharni Tjokrosaputro, Cokki Cokki
This study aimed to examine the effects of social influence both directly and indirectly on purchase intention of Starbucks as an environmentally friendly product. This study used a survey method. The respondents consisted of 100 Starbucks consumers. A convenience sampling technique was used. The data...

Adversity Quotient of Students of Early Childhood Education Program Who Experiencing Tsunami

Andi Agusniatih, Shofiyanti Nurzuama
Students of the early childhood education program are prepared to teach at kindergarten. However, some natural disasters might affect their psychology. This research aims to determine the description of adversity quotient of students at Early Childhood Education Program of FKIP Tadulako University force...

Hadhrami Cultural Identity in Bafagih’s Fatimah

Sayidatul Ummah, Christina Suprihatin
Indonesia is a multiethnic country with diverse and rich cultures. The Hadhrami people belong to the second largest minority group who came to Indonesia through diaspora. The Hadhrami people’s assimilation was best facilitated through religion [1]. Another form of assimilation was interracial marriages,...

Innovation Ecosystem Management Within the Framework of Digitalization

M.V. Filatova, N.V. Sirotkina, S.Yu. Nerozina, O.G. Stukalo, A.A. Slepokurova, K.A. Tsukanova
In order to achieve breakthrough innovation development, it is important to create a favourable innovation environment that will facilitate creating and commercialization of innovations into demanded market products in the economy and social sphere. However, in the context of digital transformation,...

The Benefits of Culture-Themed Literacy Books on Learning to Write Interviews Text on Elementary School Students

Sefri Rahma Wardani, Andayani, Suyitno
Culture-themed literacy books are one type of literacy books found in elementary schools. The aim of this research is to determine the benefits of culture-themed literacy books in learning to write interview texts in language learning. This research is qualitative. The samples of this research were culture-themed...

Improving Students’ Vocabulary Through Words Games at Grade VI of SDS Setia Padang

Athessa Widya Arwandi, Hermawati Syarif, Havid Ardi
The problem of this research is based on the phenomena of students at VI class of SDS Setia Padang. Based on the observation, the students’ still have lack of vocabulary. There are various teaching methods have been offered by the experts, one of them is through of word games. Word games mostly used...

Practical Exploration of Student Club Based on Blockchain by Shandong Technology and Business University and Ethereum Foundation

Jun Yang
Student clubs in colleges and universities are self-organized and self-managed mass organizations, which play an important role in improving students’ comprehensive quality and application of professional skills. As a new mode to promote student clubs, the attempt to build professional clubs jointly...

Study About Targeted Leverage Determinant Behavior and Speed of Adjustment in Secondary and Tertiary Sectors in Indonesia Stock Exchange

Purwanto Widodo
This research aims to look at the behavior of capital structure determinants derived from corporate and macroeconomic characteristics and determinants of speed of adjustment based on company characteristics in the secondary and tertiary sectors. The research methodology uses dynamic panel data and is...
Proceedings Article

Variant Anatomy of Renal Vein and Its Intra-Organ Branches

E.S. Kafarov, O.K. Zenin, S.V. Fyodorov, Kh.M. Bataev, A.Z. Vezirkhanov
The purpose of the study is to analyze the variant anatomy of renal veins forming its venous vessels and inflows. In total, 142 corrosion casts of the human kidney venous system were produced followed by 3D stereomorphological analysis to identify the sources of renal veins forming its venous vessels...

Effectiveness of Psychoeducation to Reduce Homesickness in Islamic Boarding School Students’

Tri Sulastri, Eva Meizara Puspita Dewi, Muh. Nurhidayat Nurdin
This study aims to explore the picture of homesickness in the first-year student of Islamic Boarding School Ummul Mukminin. The study was conducted using two approaches namely survey and quasi-experiment. Participants are new students aged 13-15 years old. Participants were divided into 2 (two) stages....
Proceedings Article

Study the Relationship Between LULC, LST, NDVI, NDWI and NDBI in Greater Arba Minch Area, Rift Valley, Ethiopia

Muralitharan Jothimani, Jagadeshan Gunalan, Radhakrishnan Duraisamy, Abel Abebe
The present study aimed to extract the LST and analyses its relationship with land-use/land cover and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), normalized difference water index (NDWI), and normalized difference built-up index (NDBI) in the greater Arba Minch, Rift valley, Ethiopia. The study was...

Situations, Difficulties and Solutions: Reflection on Ideological and Political Construction of Sino-foreign Cooperative Program Courses in Colleges

Qiao Meng, Haiying Long
Because of the participation of foreign teachers, foreign teaching materials, foreign teaching models and other foreign educational elements in Sino-foreign cooperative program education, the promotion of curriculum ideological and political education in the course faces the dilemma of “conflict” between...

The Lorenz System has a Global Repeller at Infinity

Harry Gingold, Daniel Solomon
Pages: 183 - 189
It is well known that the celebrated Lorenz system has an attractor such that every orbit ends inside a certain ellipsoid in forward time. We complement this result by a new phenomenon and by a new interpretation. We show that “infinity” is a global repeller for a set of parameters wider than that usually...

The Effect of The International Code of Conduct on Pesticide Management on the Use of Pesticide in Kerala, India (2003-2017)

Mutia Hariati Hussin, Esti Kukuh Perbawati
The use of pesticides initially was governed by the Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticide. The State of Kerala in India had been using pesticides to eliminate malaria, and in 1962, the Plantation Cooperation of Kerala began spraying pesticides by plane regularly three times every year....

The Effect of Participation in Budgeting and Internal Control on Managerial Performance in Traditional Market Merchants’ Association with Social Capital as Moderating Variable

Almira Nur’azmi Amrin, Ietje Nazaruddin
This study aims to determine the influence of budget participation and intern control through social capital as moderating variable towards the managerial performance of Asosiasi Pedagang Pasar Seluruh Indonesia (APPSI) which located in four traditional market type A in Bantul Regency namely APPSI Pasar...

Mosque and Local Wisdom in Aceh

Studies on Conflict of Establishing Mosque At-Taqwa Muhammadiyah in Sangso Samalanga-Bireuen-Aceh-Indonesia

Nirzalin, Fakhrurrazi, Yogi Febriandi, Rizki Yunanda
This article examines the conflict over the establishment of the At-Taqwa Muhammadiyah Mosque in Sangso Village, Samalanga Sub-District, Bireuen District, Aceh Province. In Aceh, even though a mosque is a place that is sanctified by all Muslims, the construction process has its own system of norms. The...

The Development of Adobe Animate Application in the Form of a Digital Learning of Wayang Golek Reyog Ponorogo to Introduce the Characters of Patriotism in Early Childhood in the Era of Covid-19 Pandemic

Sulton, Prihma Sinta Utami, Betty Yulia Wulansari
The era of the industrial revolution 4.0 is a challenge for people to be able to compete according to their fields, especially in literacy and the learning process independently. The current Covid-19 pandemic has certainly changed many aspects of life, one of which is clearly felt for the world of education...

Academic Supervision: Efforts to Improve Teacher Quality in Developing the Professional Ability Educators

Silviany Rizkillah, Taufani Chusnul Kurniatun
The purpose of this study was to determine the benefits of academic supervision for teachers in SDN 263 Rancaloa in developing learning and teaching situations in class, the ability to diagnose student difficulties in learning, creativity in developing learning methods, creativity in planning, implementing,...
Proceedings Article

Study of Soil Fertility Status in Some Use of Rubber Plant Land in Pandeglang and Lebak Regencies, Banten Province

Andi Apriany Fatmawati, Nuniek Hermita, Aris Munandar, Mas Bayu Syamsunarno, Dodi Hermawan, Lukman Anugrah Agung, Achmad Noerkhaerin Putra
This research aims to determine soil fertility in some rubber plantations area. This research is expected to be used as basic information in increasing the production of rubber plants. This research was conducted in Banjar Village, Pandeglang Regency and Wanasalam Village, Lebak Regency, Banten Province....

Do Children Still Adore Local Fairy Tales?

A Case Study on Al Azhar Syifa Budi Parahyangan Kindergarten

Sharina Munggaraning Westhisi, Dian Handayani
Reading assists an individual to obtain knowledge and provides enjoyment for children’s literacy development. However, promoting literacy through a local fairy tale is challenging since children tend to be familiar with fairy tales from other countries, such as Cinderella or Snow White. Thus, proper...

Statistical Measurement and Analysis of the Vulnerability of ChiNext in the Era of Negative Interest Rate

Boya Xu, Chengyi Pu
With the gradual approach of the era of negative interest rates and the large-scale outbreak of the epidemic, the fragility of the global financial market has suddenly increased, and the stock market with strong interest rate and capital sensitivity has been greatly affected. my country’s stock market...

Literature Review on Digital Service Tax as Reference for New Business Model in Indonesia

Nurlita Sukma Alfandia
Technological development is one of the triggering factors of market globalization and production globalization. Market globalization has made the national market into a global market unit called international trade. The presence of the internet in international trade has led to the emergence of digital...

Peer Effect and Foreign Investor Shareholding—Evidence From the Sample of Mainland -Hong Kong Stock Connect Program

Zhonghe Wang
Based on the dataset of Chinese listed firms from the first season 2017 to the first season 2020 as the research object, using the sample of Mainland-Hong Kong Stock Connect Program, this paper applies the two-way fixed effect model to analyze the peer effect on foreign investor stockholding and embedded...

Empirical Study on Online Experimental Teaching Design of Physics at Harbin University under the Background of Epidemic Prevention and Control

Lan Zheng, Hong Liang, Xueyan Zhou
At the beginning of the New Year 2020, a sudden epidemic broke the original order of life. Colleges and universities in China have had to postpone the start of classes to prevent the epidemic from spreading to schools. According to the decision and deployment of the central government and the requirements...

Problems of Psychological Platforms in China: From the Perspective of College Students with Mild Depression

Ao Shen
In order to research internet psychological companies in China, this paper focuses on the group of college students with mild depressive disorders, a potential customer group. It uses SWOT (Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats) model to analyze current situations of 001 Psychology, Simple Psychology...

Digital Technologies in the Field of Public and Territorial Administration: New Challenges and Global Trends

Viktoria Tinyakova, Natalia Morozova
Today, the main challenge for economic development is the digitalization of all aspects of public life. The main task of public authorities is to create a digital ecosystem, which, unlike the traditional one, would reduce the time and financial costs for collecting, processing and transmitting information...

Analysis of Multilingual Community Conversations on Online Media

Diana Rizki Oktarina, Nuria Haristiani
The use of language in a speech community, can be influenced by the rules that exist for a speech community. A person may have more than one speech community, which often reflected through their conversation style. The purpose of this research is to understand the conversation characteristics of three...
Proceedings Article

Future Flood Forecasting in Bukit Merah Using HEC-HMS Software

Nuramidah Hamidon, Chin Jun Hong, Mariah Awang, Mohammad Ashraf Abdul Rahman, Faridahanim Ahmad, Kamaruzaman Musa, Fatimah Mohamed Yusof, Suraya Hani Adnan, Mohd Syafiq Syazwan Mustafa
Flood has occurred many times in Malaysia and it has greatly affected the residents that live in flood risk area such as Bukit Merah. Due to the climate change and land use changes issues, the flood and drought events seem to be occurred more frequently in larger scale in Bukit Merah. Therefore, the...

The Yellow Vests Manifestation: Media Framing on Political Articles in Online French Newspapers

Joesana Tjahjani
In recent times, the French media has been filled with news about the demonstrators who were later called the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vests). The demonstrators took to the streets in order to protest the policies of the government of Emmanuel Macron. Articles that appeared in various French newspapers...

Silaq Mace: Community Library Activities in Improving Reading Habits of Sasak Adolescents

Arif Widodo, Agam Royana, Mohammad Archi Maulyda, Muhammad Erfan, Nursaptini
Silaq mace is a read-through movement carried out by community libraries in Central Lombok district. Community libraries have a very big role in increasing children’s reading interest. This study aims to determine the increase in children’s interest in reading in Central Lombok Regency through the “silaq...

The determinant representation of an N-fold Darboux transformation for the short pulse equation

Shuzhi Liu, Lihong Wang, Wei Liu, Deqin Qiu, Jingsong He
Pages: 183 - 194
We present an explicit representation of an N-fold Darboux transformation T̃N for the short pulse equation, by the determinants of the eigenfunctions of its Lax pair. In the course of the derivation of T̃N, we show that the quasi-determinant is avoidable, and it is contrast to a recent paper (J. Phys....

Metaphorical Expression of Meatball and the Naturalization of Meatball Conceptualization

Nur Ahmadi, M Mahyuni, Agus Saputra
The paper deals with analysis on the lexical innovation of lexical field of taste related to meatball as well as its lexical configuration. Meatball as the name suggests is by definitionis made of meat and ball-shaped (Malagina, 2016, Vian, 2016 and KBBI, 2012. However, in attracting potential customers,...

Travesty: The Expression of the Agrarian Society as Cultural Negotiation at the Amal Play at Pulau Belimbing II Sub-Village, Kuok Village, Kuok District, Kampar Regency, Riau Province

Saaduddin, Sherli Novalinda, Tika Alfareta
The Amal play is a form of folk theatre in Sandiwara Amal in Pulau Belimbing II Sub-Village, Kuok Village, Kuok District, Kampar Regency, Riau Province since the 1950’s. Until today, the Amal play is always performed every year on the first week of the Idul Fitri celebration. There is no concept of a...

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Regular Script in the Study of Calligraphy

Take Yan Zhenqing’s Regular Script as an Example

Wei Zhang
In order to explore the advantages and disadvantages of regular script in calligraphy learning, this paper analyzes their advantages and disadvantages from the positive and negative sides, starting from the definition of regular script, briefly introduces the scope of regular script, and eventually focuses...

Public Service Model for Indigenous People on the Kerinci Inland Ethnicity

Ilham Ari Prasetyo, Dasman Lanin
The objective of this study is to examine the public service model for indigenous people in the Kerinci ethnic inland in the tourism sector. This model is designed with the concept of Total Quality Management (TQM) which has internal (employees) and external (public) customers. This model has used equtiy...

The Policy of the Military District Command 0609 / Cimahi in Helping Local Governments to Handle Covid-19 Pandemic

Agus Subagyo
This study aims to analyse the policy of the Indonesian Army (Military District Command 0609/Cimahi) in assisting the Regional Government of Cimahi City and West Bandung Regency in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic which has been endemic in Indonesia since March 2020. The research questions posed are...

An Integral Model for Assessing the Economic Security of Regional Banks

Marina Antonova, Elena Vistorobskaia, Irina Rozdolskaia, Elena Alekhina
The article is devoted to the study of an urgent issue in modern realities of economic development: an assessment of the economic security of the region. The author’s methodology for assessing the economic security of banks in a region is presented, which consists in calculating an integral indicator...

Teaching Design of Mechanical Professional Knowledge Integration in Petroleum Colleges

Zhang Jianbing, Wang Haiying, Wang Haobo, Wang Qian, Kong Detao
The frontier knowledge of mechanical engineering and petroleum equipment is constantly updated, which puts forward the requirements for increasing the teaching knowledge points of mechanical specialty in petroleum colleges and universities. The certification of engineering education requires the control...

Cross-cultural Interpretations of Chinese Drama in The China Review

Xin Hu
The research object of this article is the feature articles on Chinese drama published in The China Review. In detail, the article intends to investigate the Westerners’ knowledge and understanding of Chinese drama in the late 19th century from two aspects: the introduction of Chinese drama in The China...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Fish, Shrimp Head, and Crab Shell Meal in Different Proportions on Carcass, Liver, and Abdominal Fat Percentage of Super Native Chicken

Muhammad Amrullah Pagala, Friska Royani Saragih, La Ode Nafiu, Wa Laili Salido, Purnaning Dhian Isnaeni, Astriana Napirah
Fish meal, shrimp head, and crab shell were known as a fishery-by product with enough nutritional value as poultry feed. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of fish, shrimp head, and crab shell meal in different proportions on carcass, liver, and abdominal fat percentage of super native chicken....

E-Business-Based Marketing Strategy in the Silk Fabric Industry of Non-Machine Weaving Equipment (ATBM) in Wajo Regency

Mustari, Hajrah Hamzah
This study aims to identify and analyze e-business-based marketing strategies in the non-machine woven silk fabric industry (ATBM). This research method uses qualitative research methods. This research was conducted on non-machine loom silk fabric entrepreneurs (ATBM) in Wajo Regency. Data collection...

Spatial Patterns Of Economic Growth In East Java Province

Khoirul Ifa, Sebastiana Viphindrartin, Edy Santoso, Teguh Hadi Priyono
This research is aimed at examining the spatial distribution pattern of economic growth within East Java Province. It delves into the interrelationships among regions in each district and city of the province. Employing a descriptive approach with a case study model, this study unveils the significance...
Proceedings Article

Sedentary Screen Time and Gross Motor Skills of Indonesian Preschoolers in Urban Areas

Nurrul Riyad Fadhli, Dona Sandy Yudasmara, Taufik, Elok Ludyana, Eldiene Zaura I’tamada
This study was to identify the duration of sedentary screen time (SST) and gross motor skills (GMS) of Indonesian preschoolers in the urban area. This study used an IPAQ questionnaire and Test of Gross Development (TGMD) to collect data. Preschoolers who live in urban area are involved in this study....

Local Wisdom in the Oral Tradition of the Kanayatn Dayak Community as Values of Local Culture

An Anthropolinguistic Study

Felisitas Viktoria Melati, R. Kunjana Rahardi
Local wisdom values are values that are mutually agreed upon by community members and passed down from generation to generation. These values are manifested in a culture called oral tradition. Oral tradition is one form of culture that comes from the continuity of cultural works. This study aims to describe...
Proceedings Article

Phenomenological Study of the Psychological Condition of Nurses in COVID-19 Pandemic

Sri Eka Wahyuni, Budi Anna Keliat, Junaiti Sahar
Purpose The study explores the psychological conditions of COVID-19 nurses at the Medan City Hospital. Method Research design was descriptive phenomenological qualitative. The purposive sampling method was used to obtain data from 10 participants through in-depth interviews....

The Development of Communication Language Teaching Integrated with SQ4R Model for Developing Grade7 Students’ Creative Writing Ability and Attitudes towards Learning English

Mayuree Wiangkham, Khajornsak Buaraphan
The purposes of this research were: a) to develop the Communication Language Teaching (CLT) Integrated with SQ4R Model for teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL) for Grade 7 Students; and b) to examine the effects of the Communication Language Teaching Integrated with SQ4R Model on students’ creative...

Epistemology of Nagham Al-Qur'an a Comparative Study of the Use Bayyati Style and Javanese Style in Al-Qur'an Recitation

Renapa Sri Kandasi, Yudi Sukmayadi
Al-Qur'an becomes a pleasant book to read and listen to, if it uses good and correct rules and tone (style), to present beautiful and harmonious musical strains. Among the ethics of reading the Qur'an agreed upon by the scholars is that enhancing the sound when reading the Qur'an – of...