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189328 articles

Gadget: An Alternative Learning Media in Developing the TPACK

Choiriyah Choiriyah
TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) is a framework for designing a new learning model by combining three main aspects called technology, pedagogy, and ontology. The lack of facilities for technology in the schools may become the problems, as it will support the learning process. This...
Proceedings Article

Hardware Implementation of High Precision Floating Point Transcend Function

Jun Zhang, Mingjiang Wang, Nanxin Hou
In this paper, the combination of CORDIC algorithm and mathematical method is used to complete the implementation of 128-bit floating-point exponential function and logarithmic function. The implementation of exponential functions and logarithmic functions is involved in speech recognition, image processing,...

Comparison and Research of Micro-course Teaching and Traditional Teaching Based on APH

Yingxin Liu, Baoyin Liu, Juan Du
With the development and advancement of information and internet technology, Micro-course is more concerned by students and teachers for its short time and refined and essential content. After integrating with the feedback result of the questionnaire by Analytic Hierarchy Process, constructing the evaluation...

Analysis and Construction on Collaborative Management and Service Platform for Postgraduate in Design Major Based on Tripartite Needs

Delai Men, Chang Xiao, Mingyi Wang, Huagang Chen
Information technology has become an important management mode in higher education management system. In the management of design graduates, it is easy to appear the phenomenon of "information blind zone" of tutors, students and administrative departments. Existing research is seldom based on tripartite...

The Influence of Job Discipline and Job Load Toward Teacher’s Performance In Muhammadiyah 1 Krian Elementary School

Pristiandi Cahaya Teguh, Novri Susan
Muhammadiyah 1 Krian Elementary School is one of the selected schools in Krian or Sidoarjo District in the western part. Nevertheless, the culture of teacher discipline is still lacking in the traditional school culture culture, so school performance should be optimized to be less dynamic. Based on observations...

Needs Analysis Development of Mathematics Learning Device Based On 21st Century Skills In Senior High School

Ali Asmar, Riry Sriningsih, Arnellis
The aim of study to analyze the needs the development of mathematics learning device on 21st century skills-based Senior High School in Padang City. The population of the study is high school students grade XI and Mathematics teacher in Padang city in 2018/2019. The sampling technique used purposive...

Regulating Systemic Risks in the Banking Sector

Gospodarchuk Galina, Suchkova Ekaterina
The article examines the problems of improving the regulation of systemic risks with regard to the specific features of national economies. The aim of the study is to develop a conceptual platform for the correction of instruments for regulation of institutional systemic risks and its testing in Russian...

Research on Teaching Reform of Forest Tree Genetics and Breeding Course

Wei Ge, Xiaohong Yang, Kezhong Zhang
Forest Tree Genetics and Breeding is a professional core course for forestry majors, and it is also knowledge that students of this major must master. In the process of teaching, it is found that students' learning objectives are not clear, the teaching content is backward and the key points are not...

An Empirical Research on Teaching Dynamic Classifiers in Chinese International Education

Yanan Gao, Xu Gao
Aiming at the important and difficult problem in the Chinese international education, the paper proposes effective strategies for teaching Chinese dynamic classifiers. They are general teaching method of bridge-experiential, teaching sequence of individual after measuring classifiers and verbal after...

Signs of Multilingualism at Religious Places in Surabaya: A Linguistic Landscape Study

Ali Wafa, Sheila Wijayanti
This paper aims to present the languages used as public signs at the places of worship in Surabaya. The area is selected for its multilingual society. The data is in the forms of photos of outdoor and indoor signs and is taken from ten outstanding religious places in the city namely two mosques, two...

An Analysis of the Artistic Photography of Digital Technology Creation

Bin Luo
The influence of painting on photography has always been accompanied by the development of photography. The digital technology is not only the subversion of traditional technologies and aesthetic concepts but also the inheritance and development of traditional photography. Due to the influence of digital...

Honesty Value on Film Pentad Analysis on Short Movie Djitoeng

Sinta Pramucitra
this research is based on the current issue of our world where children are greatly exposed by the rapid development of technology. The short movie Djitoeng becomes one of the creative art to remind us about the local values in the middle of technology exposure. The movie is alnalyzed with dramatics...

Study on the Governance Innovation under Internationalization

Zhang Yi
Under the new situation of global integration, public governance must conform to the trend of the times, integrate new elements, and develop innovative thinking in order to cope with new challenges. This paper first analyzes the opportunities and challenges faced by the development of public governance...

Impacts of urban-rural income gap on consumer demand in China

Jiawu Gan
Under the background of China's current economic development, this paper brings forward the urgency for discussing the impact of China's urban-rural income gap (IG) on Residents' consumption demand (CD), and summarizes and describes the research methods and research ideas of the problem. First of all,...

Brief Analysis of the Development of Sharing Economy Derivatives

Yan Zhu
Sharing economy, as a new type of economic organization, has helped to solve the surplus of idle resources, guided the economy into the New Normal and promoted the sustainable development of social economy. However, there are still problems in the industry of sharing economy, such as how to obtain considerable...

Development of Madrasah Teacher Professionalism by Strengthening the Khalifah Concept and Islamic Psychosocial Perspective

Syahraini Tambak, Amril M, Zuriatul Khairi, Desi Sukenti
The purpose of this study is to analyze the model of professionalism development of madrasah teachers by strengthening the khalifah concept and Islamic psychosocial in Madrasah Aliyah Riau Province. Putting the khalifah concept and Islamic psychosocial as a variable forecasters is one approach in developing...
Proceedings Article

Skeletal Muscles Modeling for Isogeometric Analysis

Linlin Li, John Boss
This research uses only surface control points to parameterize the 3D geometry of a muscle body. Extension from surface to interior is achieved using a harmonic interpolation in cross section and in the lateral direction using NURBS. This representation preserves geometric smoothness, and allow muscle...

Study on English Teaching Mode of Higher Vocational College based on ESP

Lingjie Chen
The ESP is a kind of study is based on the different needs of language teaching and language learning theory, it is the college English teaching in our country, especially in the trend of the higher vocational English teaching. College English teaching reform based on the theory of the ESP factors mainly...
Proceedings Article

AHP-TOPSIS for Selection Step of Land Tittle Deed Registration Process

Eko Sebastian, Vina Kamila
This study discusses about a decision support system that help the registration process of land deed title (“Akta/ Sertifikat Tanah” in Indonesian) that is required to obtain legal certainty for land, rights holders and other parties concerened with the land. AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) TOPSIS...

Lowering Of Government Supervision Impact On Weight Of Criminal Legal Rules To Real Mineral And Coal Mining Business In Indonesia

Bambang Eryanto Hermawan, Sonder John Wendhy
In the implementation of mining business, the government is authorized in terms of guidance and supervision in this case by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources. As well as criminal sanctions stipulated in Law No. 4 of 2009 is still relatively low. Where in this case experiencing an inaccurate...

International Schools with English as a First Language at Elementary Schools in Indonesia

Edi Widianto, Ferril Irham Muzaki
The development of the ability to transform in the digital world becomes a necessity in transforming ideas in the digital age. In this principle, the ability to develop sufficient knowledge is a strategic combination along with the pace of the times in Indonesia. This is despite the ideal learning background...
Proceedings Article

Utilization Activated Carbon from Bagasse in Processed of Laundry Waste

Dwi Putri Handayani, Nining Fitriana, Rusmini Rusmini
Research was carried out on the use of activated carbon from bagasse for processing laundry waste. The method used is the adsorption method with a variation of the length of contact between activated carbon and laundry waste. Laundry waste parameters analyzed included MBAS, phosphate, COD, BOD, TSS and...

Discussion on Information-Based Teaching Reform under the Background of Smart Education

Yanming Yang, Yinpeng Qi, Yumin Shi
With the deep integration of "Internet+" and education and the introduction of smart education, how to promote the reform of information technology teaching in colleges and universities and accelerate the cultivation of high-quality talents has become a major issue facing college education in the new...
Proceedings Article

The Frozen Food Quality of Sukoharjo Elementary School Area

Kartika Pibrianti
Food availability and safety are basic of human rights. The students are a risky group to become the unsafe consumers of snacks because of the threat of biological or chemical contamination that is disrupted the health. Sausages and nuggets are the examples of frozen foods that is the children like....
Proceedings Article

Numerical and Physical Models of Distal Anastomosis in Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting

Haiyan LONG, Gang YANG
The progressive anastomotic intimal hyperplasia has been considered as a major failure reason for coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), which is associated with the abnormality of the hemodynamic conditions. We designed a set of plexiglass models which can serve as in vitro cells or tissue culture...

Exploration of Teaching Reform of Drawing Courses in Chinese Colleges and Universities Based on the Advanced Engineering Education Model

Yong-Gang Dong, Jian-Feng Song, Heng Zhu, Guo-Ling Luo
With the development of AMT (Advanced Manufacturing Technology), the greater demands have been placed on the Chinese higher education system in recent years. Characteristics of drawing courses in Chinese colleges and the advanced engineering education mode---OBE (Outcomes-based Education) were introduced...
Proceedings Article

The Set of Fuzzy Time Series Forecasting Models Based on the Ordered Difference Rate

Chengguo Yin, Hongxu Wang, Hao Feng, Xiaoli Lu
Song and Chissom established fuzzy time series forecasting model in 1993. Stevenson and Porter improved the forecasting model of Jilani, Burney, and Ardil in 2009, and researched the forecasting problem of enrollments of the University of Alabama 1971–1992. Although they obtained the best prediction...
Proceedings Article

Review and prospect of Underwater Target Feature Extraction Based on Active Sonar

Zhong Wang, Wei Feng, Xinpeng Wang
This paper review and prospect the characteristics of active sonar underwater target feature extraction, which is commonly used at home and abroad, and analyzes the main technical difficulties.
Proceedings Article

An Understanding Demographic Bonus and Its Implication among Teenagers in Deli Serdang District

Heru Santosa, Erna Mutiara, Juanita Juanita
Population structure in Deli Serdang District showed that the productive age (15-64 years) was greater than non-productive age (children and elderly). This condition is called demographic bonus, which is predicted will occur in 2020. The state of this demographic bonus will be very advantageous to be...

Intelligence Cultivation & Contextual Analysis & Literature Appreciation ——On the Instructing and Applied Value to Chinese Teaching of Linguistic Theories

Jiugen Xiao, Ying Zhou, Guangyu Yu
Basic linguistic theory comes from practice, and in turn it serves practice.It is very important as well as many other subjects, from the intelligence training of language teaching and context analysis to the literature appreciation.None of them can separate from it. Besides, there also exist many practical...

Using Religious Materials in the EFL Classroom: Exploring Ideas

Mohammad Ahsin
Indonesia is a country with the biggest Muslim population in the world. Most teachers and students in this country are, therefore, Muslims. Being Muslims, most of the students in Indonesian schools and universities must be interested in everything Islamic, including "Islamic" English. This interest will...

Research on China's Agricultural Low-Carbon Transforming Path

Zhixia Zhou
In agricultural low-carbon transformation, China are encountering technique and regime lock-in constraints, the consequent triggered path-dependence and lock-in effects have inhibited technological innovation and institutional transformation in agriculture, thus seriously hindered transformation of modern...

Family Climate and Job Performance: The Role of Family-to-Work Enrichment

Chang Su, Mingjian Zhou
This study reviews empirical studies on family-to-work enrichment since the year of 2006, when the theory of work-family enrichment was first proposed. In this article we propose a model and offer a series of research propositions that identify the relationships among family climate, family-to-work enrichment...

Research on the Reform and Practice of "Three Oriented" Training Mode for International Nursing Specialty

Liqun Yang, Hongmin Liu, Meiling Tang, Qiang Li
Objective: Discussion on the construction and research of "three oriented" international nursing talents training mode. Method: Based on the "three oriented" personnel training model and the international training standards for nursing talents, this paper analyzes and constructs the training plan of...

Dynamics of Moslem Scholars in Jakarta: the Role of Ahmad Zayadi in Klender East Jakarta

Abd. Wahid Hasyim
This study investigates the role of Ahmad Zayadi in developing religious social transformation in Klender East Jakarta. Based on the 2003 census, the population of Klender was 57,648 people and most of them are Muslim. However, their religious understanding was still relatively weak, and the level of...

An Analyis of Student's Academic Fraud Behavior

Mr Muhsin, Mr Kardoyo, Sandy Arief, Ahmad Nurkhin, Hengky Pramusinto
This paper is intended to re-examine and analyze the student's academic fraud behavior in the perspective of fraud diamond. The research method used was quantitative research with the design of causality test to analyze the factors that influence the student's academic fraud behavior. The populations...

Indonesia - GAM Peace Process Reflection on Turkey - PKK conflict

Afriandha Fakhri, Badrus Sholeh
Partiya Karkerˆn Kurdistanˆ, translated as Kurdistan Workers Party, is a political organization that focused on the liberation of Kurdish people especially in Turkey. Throughout the history, they received many negative reactions from countries due to their ruthless struggle against Turkish government....
Proceedings Article

Comparison of Dentoalveolar Canting on Class I, II, and III Malocclusion Using Panoramic Radiography (Research Report)

Andres, Erna Sulistyawati, Nazruddin
Canting dentoalveolar is the slope of the teeth in the occlusal plane that is appears to everyone with different level. The sample was 60 adults were divided into three groups: 20 people skeletal Class I, 20 people skeletal Class II, and 20 people skeletal Class III. Canting dentoalveolar take from Nasal...

Career maturity of guidance and counseling students at the Yogyakarta State University

Fathur Bahrinsyah
. The study aims to map the maturity of career guidance and counseling students which includes self-appraisal ability, work information, goal selection ability, planning ability, and skill in solving problems related to career development tasks. In approach, it used the explorative-descriptive research...
Proceedings Article

Incorporating Planning and Reasoning into a Self-Motivated, Communicative Agent

Daphne Liu, Lenhart Schubert
Most work on self-motivated agents has focused on ac- quiring utility-optimizing mappings from states to ac- tions. But such mappings do not allow for explicit, rea- soned anticipation and planned achievement of future states and rewards, based on symbolic knowledge about the environment and about the...
Proceedings Article

Curriculum Schedule Arrangement Solved by An Improved Immune Optimization Algorithm

Xiao-feng Li, An Shi, Jian-guo Luo
To solve the university timetabling problem (UTP) effectively, a immune algorithm-based solution for UTP was proposed. The mathematical model of UTP was expounded, a framework of immune algorithm was given, and simulation experiments were done to validate algorithm. Experimental result shows that proposed...
Proceedings Article

An improved (n,k)-NLFSR generating any a given binary sequence

Jizhi Wang, Xueli Wu, Guang Yang
Recently, a novel (n,k)-NLFSR was proposed by E. Dubrova etc.. In this paper, we develop a novel type of (n,k)-NLFSR, called D-FSR, which can generate all the binary sequences with period p (2n-1
Proceedings Article

An Improved VIKOR Model for Ballistic Missile Threat Assessment And Ranking

Shi Qu, Tinxin Xu, Liang Ma, Jianxun Liu
For the problem which the subjectivity of confirming weight is too strong and depending on accurate data in VIKOR, we propose a method of ballistic missile threat assessment based on improved VIKOR. In our method, VIKOR is improved at two aspects. On the one hand, the algorithm of confirming weith is...

Research on the Acquiring Users’ Needs and Providing Precision Information Service by Sci-tech Novelty Search Training Course

Junbo Zhu
Understanding and acquiring the needs of readers is the prerequisite for developing user-driven information consulting services. In the field of library, the traditional ways of obtaining users’ needs mainly include reader consultation, library guidance, special training, librarian investigation and...

Effectiveness of Structured Learning Approach to Improve Counselor Competence in Applying Solutions-Focused Counseling

M. Ramli, Nur Hidayah, Lutfi Fauzan
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of a structured learning approach in improving competence for solution-focused counseling of laboratory junior and senior high School counselors of Universitas Negeri Malang (UM). To achieve this goal, research was carried out through the experimental one...

ARTERY Society guidelines for validation of non-invasive haemodynamic measurement devices: Part 1, arterial pulse wave velocity

Ian B. Wilkinson, Carmel M. McEniery, Giuseppe Schillaci, Pierre Boutouyrie, Patrick Segers, Anne Donald, Philip J. Chowienczyk, On behalf of the ARTERY Society
Pages: 34 - 40
The last 15 years have seen an explosion of interest in large artery haemodynamics, and arterial stiffness in particular. A number of devices are now available to assess arterial stiffness, and although many are in routine use, they do not necessarily provide identical information. The aim of this statement...

Research on Co-Movements Among Financial Markets of China and ASEAN Countries

Li Xinyu
The economic ties between China and ASEAN get increasingly close, and the co-movement among the financial markets shows a significant character of time varying. With the daily data from 2012 to July, 2019, this paper gives an empirical analysis to the volatility spillover among the stock markets of China...

The Study of Communication Styles of Teachers of Mountain Regions in the Context of New Preschool Education Standards

Z.V. Masaeva, Z.I. Gadaborsheva, A.V. Azhiev, B.S.-A. Kasumov, L.Ts. Kagermazova, Ts.A. Kalmanova
The readiness of teachers of mountain regions using different styles of pedagogical communication to ensure safety of educational activities in the context of new preschool education standards is a relevant issue. Various research methods were used: theoretical analysis, comparative analysis of empirical...

The Role of Leadership in the Context of Modernization of Housing and Utilities Sector of Russia

Yulia Posvyatenko
The paper considers the impact of leadership skills on successful housing and utilities sector’s reform in the Russian Federation. It’s noted that at the sharp increase in the number of property owners, the awareness of their rights and responsibilities for the maintenance of their principal residence...

The School Innovative Educational Model: Issues of Digitalization

T Boronenko, A Kaysina, V Fedotova
The purpose of the study is to build an innovative educational model of a digital school based on an analysis of the best practices in using digital technologies in the educational activities of the school. The study analyzes the practical experience of the leading schools of Russia implementing various...