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186582 articles

Registration Conflict of Sultan Grant Land in Melayu Deli

Rafiqi, OK. Saidin, M.Yamin Lubis, Edy Ikhsan
Humans and land have a cosmic, magical, religious, and legal relationship. The Sultan Grant in the territory of the native Malayu kingdom was under the direct rule of the Sultan. Since the establishment of the Basic Agrarian Law, land rights have been changed. The Sultan’s Grant is an Indigenous Melayu...

The Integrity of Creation and Living Environment Sustainability Viewed from Christian Ethics

Rencan Charisma Marbun
Living environment has a very important life-supporting function. Therefore, management and development are directed to maintain its existence in a dynamic balance through various protection and rehabilitation efforts and efforts to maintain the balance between its elements continuously. Furthermore,...

Research on Financial Shared Service Mode of Enterprise Group

Ruoxin Li
Nowadays, with the rapid development of economic globalization, our country enterprise scale is in constant expansion, the traditional decentralized financial management mode has not adapted to our country enterprise group’s strategic development trend, and the resulting flow of enterprise group financial...

Bank Strategy when Facing Financial Technology Competition

Dede Suryanto
The evolution in banking financial technology shifts banking services from traditional transaction services to modern banking services. This breakthrough changes the way in which banking transactions are performed. Banks should thereby rethink their business strategy to compete in the era of technological...

Systematic Transformation Processes of Crime in the Financial and Economic Spheres and the Prevention of Criminal Leadership

Serhii Lukashevych, Valeriy Obolentsev, Yuriy Ponomarenko
Our paper analyzes the system, criminal law and criminological properties of crime in the financial and economic sphere; the thesis of heuristic validity of the application of an interdisciplinary approach to the study of crime in this field was put forward and proved; the epistemological expediency...
Proceedings Article

Potential of Family-Based Diet Management Programs to Behavior of Diet Hypertension Patients in Four Areas of Community Health Centers Cibeureum Working Areas in Tasikmalaya City, Indonesia

Anih Kurnia, Mamat Lukman, Desy Indrayani, Anna Yulyana, Teti Agustin
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the potential of Family-Based Dietary Management Program For People with Hypertension Diet Behavior. Method: The research method used was quasi experiment, the design used was pre-test and post-test with control group design. The sampling technique...

Cashless Transaction Policy: The Strategy of Fraud Prevention in Jakarta Province, Indonesia

Firman Rato Risky, Gugus Irianto, Imam Subekti
This research aims to reveal the fraud potency after the implementation of cashless transaction policy at the government of DKI Jakarta Province. The claim that cashless transaction can minimize fraud, propels the researcher to use fraud triangle as the analysis technique. The results show that cashless...

The Relevance of Modern Students’ Multicultural and Multilingual Competence Formation

Elena Vladimirovna Grunina
The article deals with the training of modern specialists as individuals who speak two or more foreign languages. Such language training is due to the irreducibility of the individual to be capable of harmonious coexistence in a multicultural and multilingual society. Modern society moves towards the...

Student-Centered Teaching Design and Practice of Database Course

Yubei Lin
This paper elaborates the design and practice of database course teaching based on student-centered ideas for non-computer-major students in South China University of Technology, which have weak foundation in computer science. The practical results show that the proposed teaching methods effectively...

Information Security as the Basis of Digital Economy

A.V. Skrypnikov, V.G. Kozlov, V.V. Denisenko, I. A. Saranov, E. D. Kuznecova, I. I. Savchenko
This scientific article is devoted to the analysis of ensuring the information security of an enterprise, as a basis for the functioning of a business in digital economy, as well as the improvement of its directions with the use of individual technologies and methods. The relevance of this scientific...

Contribution of Leg Muscle Strength and Speed of Students Long Jump Ability

Ibnu Andli Marta
The purpose of this study was to determine how much contribution leg muscle strength and speed against the long jump students of the Faculty of Sport Sciences, State University of Padang. This type of research is correlational research that involved 28 male students. To obtain data, the instruments used...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of Student’s Scientific Literacy Skills of Senior High School in Sungai Penuh City Based on Scientific Competence and Level of Science Literacy Questions

Nana Sutrisna, Azwir Anhar
21st century education aims to improve students’ scientific literacy skills. The results of PISA study show that the scientific literacy of Indonesian students is in low category. The low scientific literacy of students is caused by several factors in education system, both from the curriculum, teachers,...
Proceedings Article

State and Dynamics of Child Disability in Modern Russia

V.V. Brusneva, V.V. Gorbunova, N.K. Mayatskaya, L.Yu. Grazhdankina, K.D. Bondarenko
The paper presents the analysis of the state and dynamics of child disability in Russia taking into account structure, gender and level of certain classes of diseases on the basis of official statistics. It defines features in the development of child disability in modern Russia alongside with the main...

The Transformation of Form and Discourse of Identity in Sumbanese Houses and Settlements

Mirzadelya Devanastya
In the traditional settlement of Sumba island, the local community transforms the architecture based on their constantly shifting needs. The houses undergo a series of transformations in the interior spaces as well as exterior in both architectural form and implemented building materials. The easy access...

Ways to Improve Protection Against Cyber Crime in the Banking Sphere

Olha Kovalova, Vasyl Kovalov
In today’s world, countries have managed to introduce and adapt their basic institutions to the digital economy, operate successfully in the global market and show high results in world rankings, which has a positive impact on various spheres of life, from education to economics. The digitalization of...

Study on Moses Hess’ Socialist Thought and Its Historical Significance

Wenyi Liu
Moses Hess’ socialist thought has been “ignored” for a long time. As a result, when people study the internal opportunities of Marxist socialist turn, it is found that there are deep “cracks” in it. In fact, Hess’ socialist thought has rich connotations and has gone through the four stages of theological,...

Students’ Strategies in Reading Online Authentic Materials

Rahma Dania, Annisha Dyuli Adha
Reading online authentic materials for first-year EFL students is not a piece of cake. They need to employ reading strategies they were learning in reading the authentic texts. The present study describes the implementation of reading strategies that are used by EFL freshmen in Reading Comprehension...

Cura Personalis in Creative Pedagogy

Mining the Meaning of History Learning in the Digital Era

Hendra Kurniawan, Nana Supriatna, Candra Permana
Learning in the digital era, teachers have a humanistic role in the educational process that cannot be replaced by technology. This is because education is not merely a transfer of knowledge but also a transfer of values. Included in history education, which is tasked with developing the national character...

Cu(II), Pb(II) and Cr(VI) Adsorption on the Modified Activated Carbon

Nasanjargal Shirendev, Munkhpurev Bat-Amgalan, Ariunaa Aleksandr, Burmaa Gunchin, Ganchimeg Yunden
In this study, the sorptions of Cu(II), Pb(II), and Cr(VI) on amine-functionalized activated carbon were investigated. Coal from the Tavantolgoi deposit of Mongolia was used as a precursor for the modification. After the coal carbonization, the char was activated with heated steam at different times...
Proceedings Article

Pharmacokinetic of Flunixin Meglumine in Broiler Chicks by Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay

Zahraa Alhumdany, Yasser Albadrany
Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate the concentration of flunixin in the plasma of chicks to determine the pharmacokinetic parameters. Methods: A randomized controlled study was performed on forty five clinically healthy ross chicks of seven days old, chicks were administered into the...

On the Role of Nonverbal Communication in Li Ziqi’s Videos in Intercultural Communication

Qinpei Fan
This article intends to analyze the role of non-verbal communication in cross-cultural communication from the four types of non-verbal communication in Li Ziqi’s videos: 1. Kinesics: body behaviors produced by speakers; 2. Proxemics: uses of spatial setting by speakers; 3. Sound; 4. Chronemics: use of...

Bayesian Estimation of System Reliability Models Using Monte-Carlo Technique of Simulation

Kirti Arekar, Rinku Jain, Surender Kumar
Pages: 149 - 163
This paper discusses the problem of how Monte-Carlo simulation method is deal with Bayesian estimation of reliability of system of n s-independent two-state component. Time-to-failure for each component is assumed to have Weibull distribution with different parameters for each component. The shape parameter...

The Effect of Understanding the Role and Position of State Civil Apparatus Agenda on Work Behavior of Basic Training Participants of Candidates for Civil Servants

Ade Suhendar, Asep Suryana
The success or failure in one’s professional life is influenced by many factors that are closely related in daily life or profession. The State Civil Apparatus has duties and functions that are regulated in law so that in living their life while acting as a state servant begins with their role as a public...

Research on the Impact of Consumer Experience Perception on City Brands in Different Food Environments — Taking Chengdu as an Example

Xiaoyu Dai, Chaoying Wang, Yiqi Qiu
Food is not only an important part of tourism experience, but also a unique symbol of a city. Through the research on the food environment experience, taking Chengdu as a case, the consumers in the themed restaurant and “fly diners” are investigated and researched. This paper uses factor analysis, regression...

The Application of Metacognitive Strategies in Computer-Assisted Listening Comprehension Class

Dinh Bao LU
Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) in listening comprehension courses has long been proved effective in enhancing EFL learner’s listening proficiency as it creates enough space for students to individualize their learning process. However, it is a need to provide students appropriate strategies...

The Influence of Tax Planning and Tunneling Incentive on Transfer Pricing Decisions in Multinational Food and Beverage Companies Sub-Sector Listed on IDX from 2010-2018 Period

R. A. Sasqia Maharani Surbakti, Eko Purwanto, Elok Faiqoh Himmah
This study aims to explore factors that influence the decision of companies to transfer prices to multinational companies in the food sub-sector with time measurements from 2010-2018. The variables in this study consisted of research variables consisting of Tax Planning and Tunneling Incentive as the...

Modern Digitalization as a Social Institution and as a Sphere of Society

Yuriy Chernavin
The article discusses the institutionalization processes of digital public relations, which have two forms of social embodiment - a digital social institution and a digital information sphere (subsystem) of public life. The basis of their emergence is the “human - knowledge - communication - computer...

Development of Plane Figure Student Activity Sheet Based on Guided Inquiry to Train the Creative Thinking Ability of Elementary School Students

Atik Budiarti, Yuniawatika, Tri Murti
The purpose of this research and development is to produce a valid and practical ofstudent activity sheet (LKPD) based on Guided Inquiry Flat Build Material to Train the Creative Thinking Ability of Class VI Students at SDN Banggle 02. This study using ADDIE research model, which has five stages of development,...
Review Article

CART Cell Toxicities: New Insight into Mechanisms and Management

Anas Zahid, Elizabeth L. Siegler, Saad S. Kenderian
Pages: 149 - 155
T cells genetically engineered with chimeric antigen receptors (CART) have become a potent class of cancer immunotherapeutics. Numerous clinical trials of CART cells have revealed remarkable remission rates in patients with relapsed or refractory hematologic malignancies. Despite recent clinical success,...

Fundamental Factor of Educations’ Student in Determining Entrepreneurship Intention

Choirul Nikmah, Jaka Nugraha
Entrepreneurship is one of the instruments driving the economy either developed or developing countries. Entrepreneurship is a dynamic process to optimize all the resources to achieve a goal by implementing new ideas and creative solutions. The purpose of this study is to find out the entrepreneurial...
Proceedings Article

Overview of Neonatal Death in Semarang City Central Java Province in 2018

Rany Ekawati, Purwanti Susantini
Neonatal death is a worldwide concern. Sustainable Development Goal targets by 2030 reduce neonatal mortality to below 12 per 1000 live births. Indonesia Demographic Health Survey in 2017 show that neonatal mortality is 15 per 1,000 live births. Semarang city is one of the provinces in Central Java....

Implementation of Advocacy Learning Model as A Predictor of Student’s Learning Outcomes

Ferdinant Alexander, Leryani Mince Maria Manuain, Wande Yuderson Silla, Zummy Anselmus Dami
This research was aimed to: (1) find the level of student learning outcomes before and after the application of intervention or treatment; (2) find out whether or not the advocacy learning model provides a significant increase in student learning outcomes; (3) find out whether or not the model of advocacy...

The Values of Character Education in Children’s Novel Guha Karang Legok Pari

Works of Hidayat Susanto

Dedi Koswara, Retty Isnendes, Ruhaliah, Agus Suherman
In the Local Content Curriculum of Sundanese Language and Literature (Revised Edition 2017), novels should be taught in elementary, junior high, and high school/vocational schools. The problem is that teachers find it difficult to find novel reading materials that are suitable for children in elementary...
Proceedings Article

Design of The Prestressed Concrete Bridge Structure on The Leuwigajah Bridge

Mohamad Aldi Ramdani, Nabila Puteri Widiya, Ambar Susanto, Yackob Astor
The increasing volume of vehicles that passing on Mahar Martanegara Street has caused traffic jams at the Leuwigajah Bridge, Cimahi. Because it is not balanced with adequate road conditions and bridge characteristics (bottleneck). The solution from the West Java Provincial Government to overcome this...

Prototype Design of Body Mass Index Measurement for Adolescence to Prevent Chronic Energy Deficiency in Pregnancy Based on Arduino

Alinea Dwi Elisanti, Ratih Ayuninghemi, Efri Tri Ardianto
Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED) in pregnant women is just becoming a nutrition issue during the perinatal period in Indonesia. CED occurs when energy and protein necessity, are not fulfilled by the intake consumed. CED during pregnancy has a major impact on complications for mothers, babies and perinatal...

Some compatible Poisson structures and integrable bi-Hamiltonian systems on four dimensional and nilpotent six dimensional symplectic real Lie groups

Jafar Abedi-Fardad, Adel Rezaei-Aghdam, Ghorbanali Haghighatdoost
Pages: 149 - 170
We provide an alternative method for obtaining of compatible Poisson structures on Lie groups by means of the adjoint representations of Lie algebras. In this way we calculate some compatible Poisson structures on four dimensional and nilpotent six dimensional symplectic real Lie groups. Then using Magri-Morosi’s...

Random Lie-point symmetries

Pedro José Catuogno, Luis Roberto Lucinger
Pages: 149 - 165
We introduce the notion of a random symmetry. It consists of taking the action given by a deterministic flow that maintains the solutions of a given differential equation invariant and replacing it with a stochastic flow. This generates a random action, which we call a random symmetry.
Proceedings Article

Study of the Effect of Electroacupuncture Combination in Total Erythrocyte, Hemoglobin, and Hematocrite Values in Domestic Cat

Mudhita Zikkrullah Ritonga, Muhammad Jalaluddin, Wahyu Eka Sari, Triva Murtina Lubis, Indah Novicia Putri, Nurliana, Arman Sayuti, Teuku Zahrial Helmi
Acupuncture is an alternative treatment originating from China. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) the condition of blood insufficiency including blood deficiency and blood stagnation. The study aimed to determine the effect of electroacupuncture on erythrocyte number, haemoglobin level...

Analysis of Consumer Purchase Patterns on Handphone Accessories Sales Using FP-Growth Algorithm

Devi Fitrianah, Shifa Yasinta Zain
This study aims to discover association patterns from customers’ purchase, these patterns later on known as reference for the store to supply goods. Mapongs store is one of the online shops that is developing quite rapidly, however, Mapongs Store is still difficult to determine the supply of stock of...

Analysis on the Current Situation of Financing of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Sichuan Province Under the New Development Pattern of “Dual Circulation”

Qianjin Li, Zongguang Wang
As the most dynamic economic entities in China, small and medium-sized enterprises have played an important role in promoting high-quality economic development. In 2020, the Financial Stability and Development Committee of the State Council held a meeting and pointed out that the government should adhere...

Open Innovation in Service Industry

Lalu M. Furkan, A Agusdin, Embun Suryani, Luluk Fadliyanti, R.A Imanuella, M Muhdin
Service industry is an emerging industry which contributing a significant trend of contribution to GDP in developed countries. Tourism industry plays a vital role on the Indonesia economy where tourism corridor strategy located in Bali, West Nusa Tenggara, and East Nusa Tenggara. Technological changes...

The Phenomenon of Political Correctness in Modern English

Anna Monashnenko, Svitlana Amelina, Vasyl Shynkaruk
The paper deals with the phenomenon of political correctness in modern English. The socio-cultural and linguistic aspects of political correctness are highlighted. The paper focuses on the search for new means of linguistic expression and the adjustment of the language code as the main characteristics...
Proceedings Article

Cellulose Microfibrils Filler Contributes to Thermal Stability and Morphology of Bioplastics from Sorghum-Based

Y Darni, N I Hanifah, H Utami, L Lismeri, M Hanif
This research aimed to examine the effect of cellulose microfibrils (CMF) as a filler to thermal characteristics and morphology of bioplastic. Sorghum starch and chitosan, of which 63 micron particle size, were varied by starch to chitosan ratio (g/g) of 10:0; 9.5:0.5; 8.5:1.5; 7.5:2.5; 6,5:3.5; and...

On Risk Control Strategy of Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions of Chinese Enterprises

Jiaxiang Ye, Sai Zou
Since China joined the World Trade Organization and with the rapid development of global economy integration, Chinese enterprises have entered new era of development under the heat of cross-border mergers and acquisitions and become SSSS technical and financial support for national development. However,...

Spiritual Intelligence of Islamic Education Concepts

Mohamad Erihadiana, Supiana, Ahmad Hasan Ridwan
Education should develop adequately all dimensions of human intelligences. One of the neglected intelligences is spiritual intelligence. Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) is a scientific finding, first conceived by Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall through very comprehensive research. Even though the SQ did not...
Proceedings Article

The Relation Between D-dimer Level and Chest X-Ray (CXR) Scoring in COVID-19 Patients:

What We can Learn from?

Tersia Viradanti, Yudith Yunia Kusmala
Coronavirus disease is a kind of pneumonia cause by infection of SARS-CoV-2. In most cases, patients only get mild manifestation or even asymptomatic. Some patient can get severe disease, especially elderly people or someone with comorbid, leading to cytokines storm that triggers SIRS and induce coagulation...

The Challenges of Optimizing Early Childhood Learning Process in the Era of Internet of Things

Edwin Goklas Silalahi, Ruth Judica Siahaan, Sabrina Ritonga, Helen Lidiawati, Herman Pakiding
The general problem of early childhood education in Indonesia usually lies in the low acceptance of parents towards the implementation of Early Childhood Education, the problem of educator professionalism, the problem of financing the implementation of minimal education, and the low quality of Early...

Characteristics of the Mathematics Textbook Language

Takes the PEP Version Primary School Mathematics Textbook as an Example

Zezhi Zheng, Bowen Song
Due to it being a specialized language, which has both scientific and universal applications, the language of mathematics has received general attention within the field of linguistics and within educational circles. The language used within math textbooks is at the “forefront” of learning the language...

Strategy for Developing Institutional Service Models for Regional Innovation in Indonesia

Andjar Prasetyo, Heri Wahyudianto, Agustinus Hartopo
One of the efforts to accelerate regional development can be done through regional innovation. These efforts in Indonesia have been implemented in recent years, but in the Province of Papua, there is still no real form of regional innovation that can be utilized. Therefore, the effort it takes is outlined...
Proceedings Article

The Night Vision Spy Bot

D. Selvaraj, M. Abithaa, A. Evangeline, M. Arthi, K. Hashini
The Night Vision Spy bot is mainly built for the purpose of Military and Mines surveillance. Using the idea of the Internet of Things, this project discusses the updated way of the current robot technologies for military surveillance. This robot, which will eventually replace humans in areas of conflict,...