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186833 articles
Proceedings Article

An improved text classifier based on random forest algorithm - comparative studies on multiple text classifiers

Xin Luo
Various classifiers have sprung up in recent years. This paper introduces a new intelligent algorithm for text categorization based on improved random forest algorithm. This improvement greatly increases the performance of the original random forest algorithm. The classifier was tested on the reuters-21578...

Clitic -lah in Constructing Swear of Bengkulu-Malay Language

Cliticss(clitics) -lah in Bengkulu-Malay Language (BMB) is a bound form which phonologically has its own pressure, can not be considered as a bound morpheme, has no word features, and is not bound to a particular word class. Clitics -lah tend to be enklitik. From the used of clitics -lah appear to tend...

Teaching proficiency through reading and storytelling: a method to improve students' speaking ability (class a of access microscholarship program batch 5 ambon)

Nurul U. Namkatu
Speaking is a very important skill that needs to be practiced in the classroom. However, students are commonly afraid to communicate in the classroom especially when it comes to oral communication. Based on the finding in the preliminary study the main reasons are the fears to get negative response towards...

Multicultural Integration in Social Studies Through Cultural Value of Pancasila Approach: An Effort to Build the Character of Indonesian

Kirana Prama Dewi
Indonesia is one of the multicultural countries in the world and is a great nation with its cultural diversity. This diversity is the potential and uniqueness of Indonesian nation. However, the potential and uniqueness are recognized or can cause various problems. Corruption, collusion, nepotism, separatism,...

Implementation of Law Number 14 Year of 2008 on Public Disclosure (Study Case on Information Management Officer and Documentation in Medan Municipality)

Asima Yanty Siahaan, Piki Darma Kristian Pardede
Public Disclosure is a condition of the formation of the government is open (open governance). Disclosure of information respecting democratic values in good governance. Where is the guarantee legal certainty which will be accepted by the public in obtaining access to information openly channeling aspirations...

Discourse War on NKRI versus Khilafah Issues in Indonesian Cyber Media

Moch. Syarif Hidayatullah
This paper focuses on NKRI (Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia/ The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia) versus Khilafah issues in Indonesian cyber media. It was represented by hizbut-tahrir.or. Id (representing HTI and other radical groups), (representing NU and moderate groups), and...

Design and Application of RFID Security Middleware Model Based on Elliptic Curve Digital Signature

Qiyue Wang, Ping Zhang
A RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) security middleware model based on the traditional RFID system is proposed in this paper. The elliptic curve digital signature module in the model has the characteristics of guaranteeing the effectiveness and non-tampering of the original information. By analyzing...

Design of a Wireless Telemetric Sensor System for Monitoring the Development and Treatment of Chronic Diabetic Foot Injuries

Suryani Dyah Astuti, Tri A. Prijo, Wirda A. Ridyananda
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the most common causes of chronic injury. Good care is needed to prevent chronic wounds from getting worse, one of them by monitoring the condition of temperature and humidity in the wound area. The purpose of this study is to design a sensor system that can monitor the...

Influence of Perceived Organizational Support on Employees' Affective Commitment in Railway Enterprises: From the Mediating Role of Overconfidence

Hongxia Tong, Shunhong Wang
The rapid development of high speed railways urgently needs talents, and the affective commitment of railway employees has an important impact on the development of the enterprises. Based on the survey data of 462 railway employees in China, regression analysis was used to examine the influence of the...

The Effects of Chronic Conditions and Elderly Background on the Development of Elderly Mobility Function

Nur Hadianta Tri Widada, Sri Moertiningsih Adioetomo, Qisha Quarina
This study aims to analyze the influence of chronic conditions and chronic diseases on elderly mobility function in Indonesia using the panel data of IFLS 3, IFLS 4, and IFLS 5. The sample is a balanced panel of elderly aged 60 and above in IFLS 5, who have completed retrospective information and can...

The Problems of Taxpayers Compliance, Ethics, Tax Audit and Tax Penalty: Evidence from Samarinda

Harista Bangun, Yoremia Lestari Ginting, Rusdiah Iskandar
Taxes become the largest income or income sector for the country. Currently, around 77% of the Indonesian State Budget is financed from tax revenues. In Samarinda, there was a decreased level of tax compliance. As for the problem with this study is to find out whether ethics, tax audits and tax penalties...

Up-Cycling: Beautifying Old-Fashioned Clothes In Indonesia

Ratna Suhartini, Juhrah Singke, Dwi Yanti
This study aimed at improving old clothes' using an up-cycle technique: through redesigning, combining, and decorating. The study was broken up into three stages: exploration, design, and embodiment. 30 new fashion designs for blouses and skirts were first categorized into three types (redesigning, combining...
Proceedings Article

Non-deterministic Connectives in Propositional Gödel Logic

Ori Lahav, Arnon Avron
We define the notion of a canonical Gödel system in the framework of single-conclusion hypersequent calculi. A corresponding general (nondeterministic) Gödel valuation semantics is developed, as well as a (non-deterministic) linear intuitionistic Kripke-frames semantics. We show that every canonical...
Proceedings Article

Research and Analysis of Current Rural Medical Security Situation in Shizong, Yunnan

Chen Meixia, Zhou Mengjie
This paper analyzed Shizong rural medical Security situation in multiple angles. Use questionnaire survey, empirical analysis and cases interview, etc. To finds out that rural areas has limited in the current medical security system. Farmers' medical expense mainly relies on their own family support....
Proceedings Article

Operating principles and experimental research on the hydraulic retarder of automatic transmission

Guangsheng HAN, Wei ZHENG
Through analyzing the operating principles of the hydraulic retarder of automatic transmission, it is indicated the necessity of hydraulic retarder in heavy vehicles. From testing the operating procedures and retarding ability of the hydraulic retarder, it is verified that the hydraulic retarder could...
Proceedings Article

Special deceleration strip design of Yaxi Expressway

Qing Chen, Sixia Wang
We elaborate the special deceleration strip design ideas of Yaxi Expressway, put forward the special deceleration strip design plan of Yaxi Expressway. We draw a conclusion that the special deceleration strip of Yaxi Expressway can effectively restrain highway major traffic accidents in the long downhill...
Proceedings Article

Application of a Dynamic Collaborative Learning Oriented Knowledge Model

Jianhui Shi, Lihua Liu
Collaborative learning is becoming a very important teaching mode in course teaching. This paper puts forward a dynamic collaborative learning oriented knowledge model and course teaching mode, and then designs the process of course teaching. Different leaning modes are used for different kind of course...
Proceedings Article

Secure Mechanism for Remote Bitstream Updates of Reconfigurable Computing Platform

Runfeng Huang, Qinglei Zhou
Although FPGA-based reconfiguration computing platform has been shown as a promising technique in high productivity computing field, it may suffer security threats during its bitstream remote update process. A secure mechanism is proposed in this paper to prevent tamper and replay attacks during the...

Work motivation and temporary organizing – an overview of the state and perspectives of reward practices in project-based organizations

Maja Klindžić, Rebeka D. Vlahov
Projects, project-oriented or project-driven companies have emerged as the most popular forms of temporary organizing in the last couple of decades. While marginalized in the past, people factor has appeared as one of the crucial factors of project success, and human resource management issues are consequently...
Proceedings Article

A Critical Analysis of Dramatization on Evacuation Drill

mita anggaryani
This paper presents a critical analysis of dramatization used in an evacuation drill in Indonesian elementary schools. Practical safety procedures become more prioritized than theoretical knowledge when it comes to saving a life from the risk of a natural disaster. Evacuation drill provides practice...

Social and Psychological Features of Entrepreneurs in the Conditions of Behavioural Economy

U.E. Rzhevskaya, A.N. Gryaznov, O.V. Kotova, A.A. Zabotin
The economic behavior needs to be controlled, introduced and analyzed. And the main idea here is that it is reasonable. But, nevertheless, “off-screen” there is always a certain share of irrational human behavior. It forms a systematic deviation from rational behavior. And during the creation of business...
Proceedings Article

Modeling of Multi-Agent Systems as a Tool for Assessing the Effectiveness of Legislative Acts (As Exemplified by Veterinary Legislation)

A. A. Mamedov, A. Yu. Kindaev, V. N. Batova, A.V. Moiseev
The main task necessary for maintenance of ensuring epizootic conditions as well as veterinary and sanitary wellbeing of the Russian Federation is improvement of legal regulation in the sphere of veterinary medicine, improvement of modern legal norms and rules in the sphere of veterinary activity. Considering...

Visiting Behavior From the Lens of Electronic Word of Mouth, Destination Image, and Tourist Attraction

Dudi Permana
This study aims to determine the effect of electronic word of mouth, destination image, and tourist attraction on interest in visiting Kampung Naga tourism objects in Tasikmalaya Regency. The object of this research is tourists who have never visited Kampung Naga attractions. The study sample consisted...

Research on the Driving Factors and Models of School–Enterprise Cooperation in Economics and Management Majors of Universities*

Hang Gao
As a form of cooperative education, school-enterprise cooperation has been paid more and more attention by Chinese education circles. The economics and management majors of the university belong to the social science with strong applicability. The personnel training and positioning of these majors must...

Validity Test of Implicit Capital Cost Valuation Model—Based on China’s A-Share Market

Hong Luo, Zhiguang Guo
Equity capital cost plays an important role in investment strategies and asset valuation, but there is no recognized valuation model and unified model validity test method in academia so far. This paper measures the cost of equity capital of A-share listed companies in China by using five kinds of implicit...
Proceedings Article

Relationship of Nutrition Knowledge Levels and Food Habits of Water Polo Athletes in Jakarta

Mansur Jauhari
The well nourished food choices depended on the nutritional knowledge’s and nutrition attitudes of people. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of nutrition knowledge, eating habits, and nutritional status of Jakarta’s Water Polo athletes who will participate in 20th National Sports Event...

Design of “Parallel” Model of Character Education in Families Based on Character Education in Schools

Syuraini, Ilpi Zukdi
This study aims to determine the picture of character education models implemented by teachers in PAUD. The research method uses R&D with the ADDIE development model. The study population was all kindergarten teachers in Aisyiyah, Padang, who came from 30 kindergartens. Samples were taken using a multi-stage...
Proceedings Article

Development of Volleyball Smash Aids Media in FIK Students of Medan State University in 2019

Sanusi Hasibuan, Amir Supriadi, Haris Hadiana
When this research was conducted after the revision of the proposal seminar and validation test, it was estimated in July 2019. Then the place of research was conducted at Medan State University, Faculty of Sports Science. In media development research, smash tools are a process used to develop and validate...

Legal Protection for Coastal and Marine Activities from Pollution of the Marine Environment

Suhaidi, Rosmalinda, Arif
Indonesia has potential coastal and marine resources. Community, Private sector and local government should manage and develop them. There are various activities along the coast in North Sumatera Province. This research focused on Serdang Bedagai District and Medan City. As local assets and tourism destination,...

The E-Government’s Influence on the Country’s Economy (At the Example of Ukraine and Estonia)

Andrii Kotenok, Iryna Kulaga, Vsevolod Klivak, Olena Tkachenko
Computer technology plays a very important role for the development of institutions of modern society. The study is dedicated to finding the best way to measure the impact of electronic control on macroeconomic indicators. The methodology used is similar to the methodology for constructing the Cobb-Douglas...

Character Exchange: Learning Model Innovations to Strengthening Character

Maman Rachman, Tutik Wijayanti, Tijan, Andi Suhardiyanto
Pancasila as the national ideology, the nation reference and character building is now increasingly dim. Therefore, major efforts are needed to re-establish the Pancasila values through learning based on strengthening the character of the Pancasila. The purpose of this paper is to synthesize the steps...

Can Japanese Speak in Pure Japanese?: The Inevitability of Gairaigo in Japanese

Aulia Raversa, Nuria Haristiani
Japanese lexicon are divided into four categories, namely 1) Wago (words with pronunciation and morphology are in accordance with native Japanese linguistic conventions), 2) Kango (words introduced from China with kanji which are read using on-yomi pronunciation), 3) Gairaigo (words borrowed from foreign...

Reconstruction of the Media Law of the Era of Industry Revolution 4.0 Elections

Eddhie Praptono, Erwin Aditya Pratama
Indonesia election in 2019 attracted great attention, began a large humanity event where 554 general election officers who passed away to spend a large budget to hold the elections Simultaneously of 2.4 trillion. Elections in Indonesia are organized using conventional methods, namely by striking or contrard...

The Public Service Quality of Library Service at the Library Unit Polytechnic State of Sriwijaya

Deri Darfin, Robinson, Zulkarnaini, Ridwan Effendi
Satisfaction is the level of feeling in which someone expresses the results of comparisons of the performance of products or services received and expected by that person. One unit in charge of serving all Polsri students is the Polsri Library Unit. Thus students’ satisfaction need to be continually...

Mathematical Construction Through Conceptualization of Natural and Socio-Cultural Objects in the NKRI Border Area

Sam M. Salajang, Patricia Vivi J. Runtu
This article presents the results of research on the construction of mathematical study objects through the conceptualization of natural and social-crocodile objects in elementary mathematics learning in Makalehi Island and Marore Island, which are included in the border regions of the Republic of Indonesia....

Implementing Independent Village with Political Law’s Reconstruction of Government Village in Indonesia

Hartati, Elita Rahmi, HM Pahrudin
Law Number 6 of 2014 about Villages states that the purpose of village regulation is to create an independent village. As an effort to achieve this goal, village management in Indonesia is carried out using a self-governing community system that requires apparatus that has good capacity. On the other...
Proceedings Article

Development of a Palliative Client Supporting Screening System in a Community Based on Information Technology

Jaji, Jum Natosba, Fuji Rahmawati
Automation trends, the latest data exchange, cloud computing, the Internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence or artificial intelligence (AI) and all virtual things that can facilitate human operational activities. One of the benefits of the industrial revolution era 4.0 that can be applied is...

Analysis of the Cognitive Style Reflected in The Book of Changes and Traditional Chinese Medicine

Huang Jiangang
The theory of traditional Chinese medicine is the application of the theory of Yijing Yin Yang, Five Elements and Qi. The thinking way of traditional Chinese medicine originates from Yijing (the Book of Changes). This paper focuses on the influence of the cognitive thinking way of Yijing on the theory...

Policy Implementation Performance and Political Trust

Zhengyang Meng, Dongping Yu, Jingfei Wang, Sai Zhao
Political trust is the embodiment of a country’s ruling level. From the micro psychological perspective of the audience’s political trust in policy implementation, the research systematically puts forward and empirically verifies the hypothesis of the relationship between policy implementation performance...
Proceedings Article

Relationship Between Health Behavior and Quality of Life of the Elderly

Fitria Lestari, Lela Zakiah
The increasing number of elderly will require serious treatment for the elderly naturally decline, physical, biological, and mental. People, especially the elderly in PasirMulya have bad habits in terms of preparing food, eating food, such as frequently eating fast food. To analyze the relationship between...

Assessment of Economic Efficiency of Production and Sale of Raw Milk by Dairy Farms Within an Agroholding

V.V. Krupitsyn, L.V. Vostroilov, L.A. Zaporozhtseva, E.I. Ruzhkov
The article presents the assessment with the justification of the economic efficiency of the dairy farms in the conditions of an agricultural holding, which has a technologically interconnected mechanism connecting the production, processing, and sale of raw milk and dairy products. A model of structural...

The Assessment of Investment and Financing Impact on Shareholder Welfare (Comparative Study between Sharia and Non-Sharia Compliant Company Groups in Indonesian Capital Market)

Fiesty Utami, Ruhadi Ruhadi
The studies of financial performance have frequently conducted, but the comparison is rarely studied. The objective of this study is to identify the factors that influent shareholder’s wealth. At least, two categories that affect shareholder’s wealth; those are the investment and financing aspects. This...

Direction of Sustainable Development Policy in the Water Catchment Areas (Watershed) Koto Panjang Reservoir

Khairani, Indang Dewata, Dilla Angraina
This research aims to create the Direction of Sustainable Development Policy in the Water Catchment Areas (watershed) Koto Panjang Reservoir based on social and cultural study. This research type is qualitative research by using the interview data collection technique, observation and Focus Group Discussion....

Ocean Current Velocity Measuring Device Based on Acoustic Time Difference Current Meter

Jichao Zhao, Fengzhi Dai, Xin Ma, Fengkun Wang
Pages: 175 - 178
Ocean current refers to the relatively stable flow of the surface water of the ocean in a certain direction, and is the main regulator of the thermal environment on the surface of the earth. At present, the ocean current velocity detection at sea is basically a field measurement by a staff member in...

Architectural Heritage in the Areas of Industrial Development of the Lower Angara Region: Stages of Formation and Problems of Preservation

Vladimir V. Tsarev, Vladimir I. Tsarev
The article deals with the problems of preserving the architectural heritage caused by the new stage of industrialization of Central Siberia that began in the 21st century. The construction of the Boguchanskaya HPS (hydroelectric power station) on the Angara River and the development of natural resources...

Preservation of Local Language Culture in Toundanouw Village District Southeast Minahasa Regency

Veronika E. T. Salem, Romi Mesra
The research problem is to study the preservation of local language culture in Toundanouw village Southeast Minahasa. Where the younger generation rarely communicates using their own native language. By using a qualitative research method to explain the problems to be studied with participatory observation...

The Impacts of COVID-19 on Indonesian Language Terminology

Dewi Kusumaningsih, Hanisah Hanafi, Wilda Elsiana Ningrum, Dian Eka Candra Wardhana, Satria Agung Wibawa
This study aimed to explore the emergence of certain terms in Indonesian Language terminology, as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Various lingual formswere found in words, acronyms, and phrases. Several conventional terms were also revived through an etymological process. The data source derived...

Factors Affected the Decline of Indonesian Coffee Competitiveness in Export Market During 2009-2018

Arief Darmawan, Adhie Surachman, Ratih Hurriyati, Heny Hendrayati
This research is intended to develop model that is able to map the most related and affecting factors to the decline of Indonesian coffee export market share. This research used a quantitative approach based on time-series data. The analysis using time series techniques included variables that represented...
Proceedings Article

Women Healthcare Mobile App-An Approach to Predict Early Stage of Cervical Cancer

R Chanukotimath Naveen, K Asha, G Keerthi Prasad, G M Manjula
Most of the woman nowadays is ending up their life at middle age between 35-50 years, reason they are suffering from Cervical related cancer tumours. Many women are unaware of having cervical related cyst in the early stages. A survey was conducted on classifiers such as Decision Tree, Multilayer Perceptron,...

The Impact of Land Property Right on China’s Rural-urban Migration

Yunshan Chen
China has a unique land system that has undergone many reforms and typical forms. In this paper, we will study the impacts of the rural land system on rural-urban migration under market (the rent ratio of rural farming land) and government (land security) mechanisms. We will employ the Probit model with...