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188667 articles

The leading role of crises in the regulation and development of entrepreneurship in the tourism market

Mikhail Shmarkov, Larisa Shmarkova, Lyudmila Gubareva
Our paper examines the content and aspects of improving the system of legal regulation of the activities of tourist organizations in the Russian Federation in conjunction with market changes, the chronology of the adoption of legal norms, as well as their role and influence on the organization of tourist...

Research on the Docking of Spatial Information Technology and Tourism Teaching Based on CDIO Concept

Jiejuan Tang, Wei Zhu
Based on the analysis of the subject background, current situation and talent demand of Tourism Management Undergraduate Education in China, this paper studies and analyzes the Undergraduate Tourism Education in XX Normal University Tourism College. It is found that the Undergraduate Tourism Education...

Learning Culture as an Effort to Increase Interest in Continuing Studies

Monica Farra Diba, Trie Hartiti Retnowati
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memahami budaya belajar sebagai upaya meningkatkan minat melanjutkan studi. Permasalahan penelitian ini adalah kurangnya minat siswa SMP Negeri 1 Saptosari Gunungkidul untuk melanjutkan studi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan...
Proceedings Article

Development and Analysis of Possible Conflict Situations Resolution Systems in an Automated System

Rustem Biyashev, Saule Nyssanbayeva, Yenlik Begimbayeva
A model of the protected cross-border information exchange automated system is proposed. The possible conflict situations and the reasons for their occurrence are investigated. An algorithm of actions to resolve possible conflict situations is proposed.

Thoughts and Practice on the Transformation of Scientific and Technological Achievements

Tingting Zhu, Haoran Wen
This paper gives consideration to the interim measures on loan risk compensation management of national guiding fund for transformation of scientific and technological achievements. At present, bank loan is the main channel of enterprise financing. Due to the high risk of transformation of scientific...

Discussion on College Students' Self-directed Learning Based on the "Three Big" Teaching Modes

Yi Wei, Wei Liang, Hanqing Tang, Yan Song
Classroom teaching is the premise and foundation of guaranteeing students' autonomous learning ability. By discussing the university teaching mode, we can find a teaching mode that is in line with the new era education. This paper summarizes the recent literature and the teaching mode of classroom teaching,...

Interactive Effect of Lifestyle, Sleep Quality and Depressive Symptoms: A Questionnaire Study of Retired Workers in A Medium-sized City of Northeastern China

Shi-chen Zhang, Li-jun Yu, Jun Wang, Atsushi Ueda, Chang-nian Wei, Jun Fang
Lifestyle is an important determinant factor for mental diseases. This cross-sectional study aimed to examine the independent and interactive association between lifestyle and sleep quality with depressive symptoms in Chinese retired workers. One thousand two hundred and sixty-eight retired workers (aged...

Modified Production Functions in Modeling Economic Growth of Russia

The paper studies the features of Russia's economic growth in 1990-2014. Production functions (PF) are used as a tool for estimating the effectiveness of economic growth. Traditional PF owing to the constancy of the parameters do not allow studying the variable production efficiency. To overcome this...

Integrating Local Wisdom in Natural Science Learning

Insih Wilujeng, Zuhdan K.P., IGP Suryadarma
This research aims to determine the significant effect of the use of local wisdom integrated to science domain-based learning media towards the science process skills and the learners' scientific attitude. The research method used is quasi experiment with non-equivalent control group design. The population...

The Relationship of Topic Familiarity and Listening Comprehension

Ririn Ovilia
In listening, topic familiarity – knowledge on particular topics - is considered important to decodeand comprehend the message correctly. This profound role makes listening undergoing influential changes from passive to active process. Due to this fact, great number of researchers and practitioners have...

Islamic Perspective on University Sustainability Reporting

Alia Ariesanti, Gugus Irianto, Eko Ganis Sukoharsono, Erwin Saraswati
Almost all parties involve sustainability’s issue, including universities. Universities have a critical role in sustainable development agenda. To strengthen its commitment to support the agenda, the university must prepare sustainability reporting. Sustainability reporting is a media of accountability...

Resource Policy of Russia and Norway in the Spitsbergen Archipelago: Formation of Coal Production Before World War II

Sergey Nabok
The article is devoted to the relationship between the USSR and Norway at the time of the formation of coal mining in Svalbard before the Second World War. An analysis has been made of shifting the focus of attention of countries interested in the archipelago from the priorities of military security...

Construction of Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Model for Administrative Course System

Guang Yang
The purpose of administrative management specialty in Colleges and universities in China is to cultivate professionals who can engage in administrative management, policy research, Management Prediction and analysis, organization and personnel management, organ management and administrative management...

The Value Orientation System Construction and Development Direction of Higher Education Quality Assurance in China

Liwen Yang
the developing and perfecting education system shows the characteristics of diversification and complication gradually, in the higher education quality value system construction, the details of the need of relying on the background of the social environment, the pursuit of social system between university...

A Study On the Theory of God's Science of Maturidi School

Cunping Yun
Maturidi school is one of the two pillars of Sunni sect in Islamic theology. In the heated debate on Islamic dogmatics, Maturidi school unswervingly protected the authority of the Book and the reason and became the one of the founders of the Sunni theology. Maturidi school successfully applied dialectical...

Gaussian Copula–based Regression Models for the Analysis of Mixed Outcomes: An Application on Household's Utilization of Health Services Data

Z. Rezaei Ghahroodi, R. Aliakbari Saba, T. Baghfalaki
Pages: 182 - 197
In analyzing most correlated outcomes, the popular multivariate Gaussian distribution is very restrictive and therefore dependence modeling using copulas is nowadays very common to take into account the association among mixed outcomes. In this paper, we use Gaussian copula to construct a joint distribution...

Structure and dynamics of value orientations: cross-cultural aspect

Evgeniia Erenchinova, Natalia Chumanova, Tatiana Shakirova
The paper reveals the concept of cross-cultural communication and determines conceptual ties with synonymous terms. Cross-cultural communication is a dynamic process that is clearly structured. This process has a set of characteristics that show the forms of cultures interaction. Cross-cultural communication...

Cloud Computing as a Means of ICT-Competence Formation of Future Teachers of Physical and Mathematical Science

Mikhail V. Shevchuk, Victoria G. Shevchenko, Tatiana N. Gran
The article substantiates a justification of the urgency of the formation problem of ICT competence of future teachers of physical and mathematical science in the conditions of education system and the development of network technologies modernization. The article reviews the special competences in the...

Homeroom Teacher Management based Technology Information in Improving the Service Quality to Students

Syofianti Engreini
Homeroom teacher is a teacher who gets the additional task of school to become a manager at a grade class. Homeroom teacher is also said to be a manager in the class passed off. As their homeroom has several tasks that must be done. In No. 15 of 2018 Permendikbud attachment 1 mentioned homeroom assignments....

Dissemination and Influence of Traditional Ethnic Wrestling in Northeast China on "Belt and Road Initiatives"

Gang Yin, Tao Xu
The western world has had a great influence in the process of modern sports construction. In the new era, China has proposed a development strategy of "One Belt and One Road" at various levels of economy, politics, culture and education. It has had a significant impact in more than 60 countries and regions...

The Effect of Debt to Equity Ratio and Total Asset Turnover on Return on Equity in Automotive Companies and Components in Indonesia

Asrizal Efendi, Linzzy Pratami Putri, Shinta Dungga
This study aims to determine the effect of Debt to Equity Ratio and Total Asset Turnover partially and simultaneously on Return on Equity. The sample withdrawal used was purposive sampling so that a sample of 10 companies from automotive companies and their components were listed on the IDX. Data analysis...

Construction of Basic Computer Practice Teaching Platform Based on Innovation Ability Cultivation

Fenglong Xia
Innovative ability is an important manifestation of comprehensive quality, and the cultivation of high-quality innovative talents is an important task of talent cultivation in Colleges and universities. In this paper, the computer basic practice teaching is taken as a starting point, teachers should...
Proceedings Article

Life Kinetik Training in Improving the Physical Condition of Football Athletes

Komarudin Komarudin, Patriana Nurmansyah Awwaludin
The physical condition training method for football athletes is still relatively low. In European countries, physical condition training is varied, even lead to multitasking training through life kinetik. So that the performance of athletes is better at performing tasks. The study aims to examine the...
Proceedings Article

A case to identify the factors causing a disaster with risk reception

Rundong Wang, Chongfu Huang, Yiran Yin
There are many factors affecting the disaster situation, and weights of various factors are different. Theoretical analysis results are only applicable to disasters and regions that meet theoretical assumptions. Based on the knowledge of some people about local earthquake disasters and flood disasters...
Proceedings Article

Flow Field Optimization of SCR Reactor in Cement Plant

Zixiong Cao, Jian Li
In this paper the optimization for the flow field of a preliminary design of SCR device was studied of a cement plant production line with Fluent, which mainly aims to solve the problem of uneven distribution of velocity field by designing the gate leafs’ and rectifiers’ layout. To solve the problem...

Kinematics analysis of the throwing pace of the men's javelin champion in the 2017 Summer Universiade

Guocai Ma, Bingjun Wan
Through the analysis and comparison of the throwing pace of the javelin thrower Zhaocun Zheng who participated in the 29th the World University Games and the world outstanding men javelin throwers. This study found that the tilt Angle of the body was larger after the first step and the second step. During...
Proceedings Article

Effects of heavy metals Cu, Zn and its compound stress on physiological characteristics of Cinnamomum camphora

Fan Yang, Shaohui Huang, Yang Liu, Haiyang Wang
In order to investigate the effects of Cu , Zn and their complex stress on the physiological characteristics of Cinnamomum camphora , the seedlings of C. camphora were treated with different concentrations of Cu , Zn ( 0 , 300 , 600 , 900 , 1200 , 1500 mg / kg ) and their mixture ( concentration of 300...
Proceedings Article

Research on the design of freeway toll station

Bo Sun, Fuchang Huo
With the increase of traffic flow, in order to improve capacity, the shape of the toll plaza, the size of the design has become particularly important, the toll plaza that can improve the capacity of toll booths, ease the congestion situation and reduce the traffic accident is more and more favored by...
Proceedings Article

Factors Associated with Gingivitis in 10-Year-Old School Children in Vietnam

Phuc Anh Nguyen, Thuy Anh Vu Pham
The objective of this study is to determine factors associated with gingivitis in 10-year-old Vietnamese school children. A cross-sectional study consisted of 1,079 children matched for age 10-year-old who were randomly selected from 16 public schools in Ho Chi Minh City, 2015 applying PPS (Probability...

On the Role of College English Teaching in Quality Education

Qiutan Yu
College English teaching is an indispensable component of quality-based education, and the under-standing of this relationship between them is the very point at which the reform of college English teaching should start. Hence, college English education, instead of merely the teaching of language skills,...
Proceedings Article

Overview of Reverberation Chamber

Ting An, Guizhou Lv, Zhuangzhi Han, Zhiyong Liu
This paper introduces the basic concept and basic structure of the Reverberation Chamber, as well as its development process. Present situation of the theoretical research and application research on Reverberation Chamber are also introduced. It is emphasized that the Reverberation Chamber has inherent...

Teaching Method Reform Exploration of Professional Basic Theory Courses in Universities --"Taking “Signals and Systems” as an Example

Chao-jin Qing, Wei Wang, Qing-yao Yang, Dong-qin Wan
This paper explores the teaching method reform of professional basic theory courses in universities. A series of reforms have been carried out on basic theoretical courses, such as information and communication professional basic theory course “Signals and Systems”. The reform contents include making...
Proceedings Article

The Discussion of Bird Hazard Prevention and Control Measures on the Transmission Lines

Xiao Shi, Hui Tang, Xue Wang, Shuguang Zhan, Yingxi Li, Lin Han, Na Li, Qi Wang, Hengxin Zhao, Bo Fang
The activities of the wild bird in the natural environment open space make the normal and stable technical performance of overhead transmission lines caused serious obstacles. The effective governance measures of bird hazard are active from thorn, the windmill anti-bird instrument and insulating repelling...
Proceedings Article

The Glass-Selection and Structure-Design of Anti-Radiation Excavator Window

Yongxia Liu, Shuliang Zou, Ruirui Tang
In the development of anti-radiation excavator, the structure-design of lead glass windows is a key problem needs to solve. By conducting the irradiation and sun exposure experiment of ZF6 and ZF506 lead glass, we finally decided to use ZF6 lead glass to make the window of anti-radiation excavator. After...

The Research and Practice of the Training and Innovation of the Professional Skills and Cultivation of Talents

Shufeng Jiang, Fengjuan Wang, Rui Fan, Lili Liu
Because of our country in recent years to carry out the cooperation between colleges and higher application talent cultivation mode reform innovation, Brings along the changes of the teaching mode of industrialization of higher and newer, In the process of the higher vocational institutions into enterprises...
Proceedings Article

A Research of Truck’s Quality Online Estimation Based on CAN Information

Liangkun Yang, Jie Jin, Zhichao Liu, Juanjuan Chen
The quality of trucks has a huge change from empty to fully load; the change of quality highly affects truck’s driving [1]. This paper takes a truck as research object and structured the vehicle quality online estimation model considering LS and vehicle sensor technology; the study set the default value...

Choose Celebity or Common People? The Influence of Endorser Type on Instagram User's Purchase Intention

Virginia Vionasafira, Bertina Sjabadhyni
The aims of this study were to examine whether purchase intention based on online consumer review was higher than based on micro-celebrity endorsement on Instagram and whether purchase intention based on micro-celebrity review was higher than based on micro-celebrity endorsement and online consumer review...
Proceedings Article

The Phenomena and Impact of Public Participation on Sport at Big City (Surabaya And Semarang) Car Free Day Area

Fery Darmanto, Agus Widodo Suripto, Henny Setyawati, Kartika Septianingrum
This research is conducted in big city Car Free Day area, especially Semarang and Surabaya to find out public participation and the impact of sport performed at car free day area. This research is qualitative research by using observation and interview methods. The technique of analyzing data is using...

Research on the Status Quo of Demand for Japanese Talents and Talent Training Model in Shaanxi Province

Qian Cheng
With the development of the times and the increasing exchanges between China and Japan in terms of economy and culture, the market demand for Japanese talents is also changing. From the past, single Japanese language and cultural requirements are gradually changed to a diversified application type. On...

Technology Improvement for Children’s Health in Suburban Areas: A Self-Diagnosing Health Application as an Integration Approach for Health Practitioners

Purnawan Junadi, Hardya Gustada Hikmahrachim, Esty Suyanti, Irene Sondang Fitrinitia
The model of 4.0 era information technology is a breakthrough that accords the convenience of an integrative, responsive, and direct activity between users and providers. Moreover, the urban-suburban contexts are now more adaptable as tools and infrastructure have been developed across regions to accelerate...

Current Situation and Analysis of the research on MOOC copyright

Xiangpen Pan, Fengtao Xiao, Luobei Kuang, Ruotong Liao
Widespread popularity of MOOC triggers people's high attention on its copyright. This thesis, based on analyzing domestic literature on MOOC copyright studies, mainly summarizes the availability of MOOC copyright, main contents covered, relevant stakeholders, protection methods of MOOC copyright as well...

The Research of Railway Transportation Business Intelligence Based on Ontology

Shangyan Jiang, Lei Huang
In the 21st century, the world's rapid economic growth brings with it an increase in railway transportation throughput continued year after year, in order to improve the quality of its railway enterprise information management efficiency, business intelligence technology for enterprise operations management,...

Retail input-output Analysis Based on DEA Method

Ronghui Xu
Along with our country economy into the new normal, retailing development bottlenecks encountered unprecedented, but the development of the retail industry of our country play a crucial role in the development of national economy, and is also about the life of the national level, so it is very important...
Proceedings Article

Biochemical Status of Animal Organism Under Conditions of Technogenic Agroecosystem

Rinat R. Fatkullin, Evgeniya M. Ermolova, Vladimir I. Kosilov, Yuliya V. Matrosova, Svetlana A. Chulichkova
The biochemical characteristic of the conditions of systems allows reviewing the nature and intensity of diseases (pathogenesis). To study the adaptation of the animal organism to the conditions of ecosystem pollution by toxic elements and to establish the specific metabolism routes, we have investigated...

Research on the Influence of Path Dependence on Sharing Economy

Li Dandan, Pei Yilei, Li Liwei, Sheng Xiaojuan
Currently, sharing economy is one of the fastest growing economic forms in China. Technological capacity and technology catching-up become very important issues for its development. A technology catching-up model of technological capacity and path dependence is proposed based on Verspagen mode in this...

Asian Women’s Body Construction in Online News Media

Daniel Susilo
It would not be a become be a problematic issue if gender differences were did not create gender inequalities. However, it turns out that gender differences have created various injustices leading to inequality of opportunities, rights, and responsibilities, especially to for women. Those phenomena can...

The Research on Public Service Motivation of Ethnic Minority Civil Servants

Zheng Xiujuan
The Public Service Motivation(PSM) is essentially an altruistic motive that is universal and non-discriminatory. In the minority areas of Yunnan Province, the proportion of civil servants belonging to minority ethnic groups has been increasing. Their PSM level directly affects social governance, local...

Religiosity and Death Anxiety among Outpatients with Chronic Diseases: Sense of Humor as Mediation Variable

Mr Latipun, Ziyadatul Khair, Tri Dayakisni
The purpose of the research was to explore the correlation between religiosity and death anxiety using a sense of humor to play a role as mediation variable. The participants were 126 outpatients (female =72%) with chronic diseases from different hospitals and community medical centers in Lombok Timur...

Study on Fiscal Measures to Promote Healthy Development of Shared Bicycle

Xiuling Wu
In recent years, shared bicycle has developed rapidly, and has spread all over the cities in China, especially in the first-tier cities. The support and encouragement policies of the governments at all levels to shared bicycle industry are also increasing, and the shared bicycle market continues to grow...

The Legal Study on Corporate Social Responsibility in the Realization for Environmental Development In South East Sulawesi

Muhammad Jufri, Deity Yuningsih, Muhammad Sjaiful
Since 2010, it has been reported that the South East Sulawesi has had some potential mining resource area. Existence of mining companies should accommodate positive impact in environmental sustainability, including community welfare. This is a obligation for the mining company, as well as the corporate...