Proceedings of the 2nd Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2019)
137 articles
Proceedings Article
Dividend Payout Model on SOE (Go Public) in Indonesia
Leonita Putri, Sulaeman Rahman Nidar, Josep Ginting, Rachmat Sudarsono
Indonesia’s GDP growth from 2008 to 2009 was 4.7%, from 2009 to 2010 it was 6.4% and from 2015 to 2016 it was 5.03%. This shows that the global financial crisis in the late 2000s that occurred had a relatively small impact on the Indonesian economy compared to the impact experienced by other countries....
Proceedings Article
Harmonization of Investment Provisions in Indonesia within the AEC Framework: Study in Riau Province
Evi Deliana, Emilda Firdaus, Nurahim Rasudin
Riau is one of the provinces in Indonesia that borders directly with several ASEAN countries. Apart from that, Riau has abundant natural resources that give benefits for improving the welfare of the people of Riau. Almost all districts have the potential to find natural resources, such as coal, granite,...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Sharia Compliance in the Murabaha Contract
Mohammad Ghozali, Abdul Hafidz Zeid, Ika Prastyaningsih, Roifatus Syauqoti
Murahaba contract is a contract that predominates all financing in sharia banking. The prudential principle on risk and loss forms the background in sharia banks’ choosing the murabaha contract as the preferred contract. The murabaha contract as applied by sharia banks has been modified and adapted to...
Proceedings Article
The Total Communication Learning Model to Support the Effectiveness of Social Interaction for Deaf Children
Nur Kholis, Purwowibowo Purwowibowo, Muhammad Arief Ibra
This study aims to describe the use of a total communication learning model for deaf children to support the effectiveness of social interaction. Learning for deaf children is still dominated by the use of sign language. Consequently only deaf children can understand, but others find it very difficult...
Proceedings Article
Can Trade Integration Lead to Economic Development Convergence?
Ansofino Ansofino, Zusmelia Zusmelia, Lovely Dwinda Dahen, Yolamanlinda Yolamanlinda
The main focus of this research is to analyse the integration of Indonesia’s rubber trade with countries in the ASEAN region and how this trade integration affects the convergence of development. The analysis method used is the principal analysis method that measures the integration of Indonesia’s rubber...
Proceedings Article
Persistent Errors in Solving Linear Programming
Hevy Risqi Maharani, Nila Ubaidah
Students have experienced errors in solving linear programming so that it could affect their performance and learning in this subject. The present study analyzed the errors using an in-depth error analysis on linear programing students’ problem solving efforts at different points in this subject to predicting...
Proceedings Article
Picturing Textbook on Exponent Equations Based on Praxeology Organization
Dyana Wijayanti, Destiani Nisa Aufa
In studying the exponent equations, high school students are confronted with the concept of exponent equations and applications in doing exercises on exponent equations. This is also reflected in the textbook students used. At the same time, textbook is an important factor in learning. Thus, what about...
Proceedings Article
Folklore Bibliotherapy Method for Early Childhood
Evi Chamalah, Agus Nuryatin, Suminto A. Sayuti, Ida Zulaeha
Folklore is a kind of literatures that is beneficial for readers. One of benefits of reading folklore is to improve the development of children including holistic, moral, language and social aspects. Besides, folklore could be used as a biblioteraphy method. This research is a qualitative descriptive...
Proceedings Article
Character-Building Values in Indonesian Fairy-Tale Textbooks of Junior High Students
Aida Azizah, Joko Nurkamto, Sarwiji Suwandi, Muhammad Rohmadi
Indonesian language teaching has been developed based on the character-building approach. One effort made to develop and instill the character-building values to students is by optimizing a literary appreciation through fairy-tales in the learning process at school. The character-building values integrated...
Proceedings Article
Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Through Total Physical Response Learning Method
Lukmanul Khakim, Choiril Anwar
Vocabulary mastery plays a significant role in mastering any other kinds of English language skills. This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of using total physical response in improving vocabulary mastery of Indonesian private Islamic junior high school students. The researchers used quasi...
Proceedings Article
English Writing Anxiety and the Writing Problems of Indonesia EFL Learners
Hartono Hartono, Mega Mulianing Maharani
This descriptive research investigated the level of English writing anxiety experienced by Indonesian EFL students. The respondents were 38 undergraduate students of English Literature program of a university in Semarang Central Java, Indonesia taking Essay Writing course which adopted portfolios as...
Proceedings Article
Cirebon Palaces in Cosmology Perspective
Ina Helena Agustina, Astri Mutia Ekasari, Irland Fardani, Hilwati Hindersah
The palaces in Cirebon has been established since the 13th century, and still show its existence until now. Then ancient customs and traditions are still practiced until today. The palaces are located along the Java Sea cost and facing northward, which becomes the position maintained by the three palaces....
Proceedings Article
Reflective Writing: Students’ Diaries to Improve the Teaching and Learning Process
Dadi Ahmadi, Endah Yanuarti
The teaching and learning process based on the reflective practice model for secondary teacher is the focus of this paper. The reflective practice model used is adopted from Brookfield’s critical model (1995) that contained of four perspectives or lenses and this paper concentrate on how teachers look...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Home-Based Enterprise to Tourism Development (Case Study: Kartini Beach Jepara Central Java)
Mila Karmilah, Eppy Yuliani
Kartini beach is one of the most attractive places in Jepara (Jepara Tourism Development Planning). The development of tourism in Kartini beach brings many impacts. The development of tourism activities in Kartini beach has been increased in the last few decades. One of the impacts is the changing of...
Proceedings Article
How Does the Good Corporate Governance Prevent the Internal Fraud in Banks?
Rudy Hartanto, Lasmanah Lasmanah, Pupung Purnamasari
The purpose of this study is to examine whether banking governance in Indonesia could have a role in reducing the number of internal fraud in banks. The data in this study used the 2014–2017 banking report with a sample of 211 banks. Hypothesis testing techniques are carried out using multiple regression...
Proceedings Article
Improving Strategy of the Zakat Infaq Management of Baitul Maal Unisba
Parihat Parihat, Rodliyah Khuza’i, Hendi Suhendi, Muhamad Fauzi Arif
Baitul Maal Unisba (BMU) has a strategic role in supporting the achievement of Unisba’s vision and mission. To achieve this strategic role BMU must improve the management of Zakat Infaq as a capital for a superior HR scholarship program. The observation results found several problems or obstacles, starting...
Proceedings Article
The Determinants of Cultural Tourism Attractions Based on Tourist Satisfaction in the Sundapolis Area, Bandung City
Verry Damayanti, Astri Mutia Ekasari, Ernady Syaodih
In Local Regulation of Detailed Spatial Plans and Zoning Regulation for Bandung City, Ujungberung and Cibiru Sub-District are planned as The Sundapolis Area. The Sundapolis area focuses on the development of Sundanese Community-based Cultural Arts. Several cultural attractions have operated. However,...
Proceedings Article
Strategic Entrepreneurship in Enhancing the Role and Competitiveness Advantage of Pharmacy Colleges
Kosasih Kosasih, Deden Indradinata, Oktri M. Firdaus, Achmad Fadjar
Pharmacy Colleges are demanded to have competitiveness and contribution in the economic and social development of the community which so far has been lacking. this requires a strategic entrepreneurship to be able to take advantage of opportunities simultaneously creating competitiveness advantage. This...
Proceedings Article
Creative Publicity in Health Promotion for Urban Communities
Ani Yuningsih, Maman Suherman
Health literacy of urban communities in Indonesia is generally still relatively low. Stunting problems, high maternal mortality rates, tuberculosis, non-communicable diseases, and complete basic immunization coverage, are strategic issues that are a priority for health development, because they are considered...
Proceedings Article
The Correlation and Cohesion of Criminal Act of Money Laundering (TPPU) and Criminal Act of Human Trafficking (TPPO) Perceived from the Perspective of Criminal Law Reform in Indonesia
Edi Setiadi, Dian Andriasari
There are two criminal offenses that are interconnected, namely money laundering and human trafficking. Both are transnational crimes. Money laundering is a predicate crime from human trafficking. The problem in this research is how the cohesion and relation of money laundering and human trafficking....
Proceedings Article
Study of Muhammad Natsir Thoughts About Dakwah Harakah
Rodliyah Khuza’i, Asep Ahmad Shiddiq, Rian Nugraha
Mohammad Natsir is a figure, thinker, and reformer who initiates concept of Harakah Dakwah. His thoughts have a purpose for the welfare of the people and realize Islam that “Rahmatan Lil Alamin”. This research aims to determine the concept of Dakwah Islam Mohammad Natsir and its application in Indonesia....
Proceedings Article
Challenges in Management of Baitul Maal wa Tamwil Based on Waqf
Purnama Putra, Isfandayani Isfandayani
Poverty which is a problem in all countries to make it one of the priorities of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) needs to be resolved from various aspects. In order to alleviate poverty, cash waqf is a very good alternative besides zakat. The potential of cash waqf in Indonesia is estimated to...
Proceedings Article
Community Information Group (KIM): Optimization of the Function of Dissemination of Government Programs
Ani Yuningsih, M. Husen Fahmi, M. Subur Drajat, Erik Setiawan
Dissemination of government programs and the dissemination of information in cities requires unique strategies and approaches, because urban communities are generally more dynamic and have diverse information needs. In addition, problems and priorities in each region are also relatively different from...
Proceedings Article
Santri Persis Cipada 16’s Literacy Level on School-Based Islamic Cooperatives
Eva Fauziah, Muhammad Yunus, Muhammad Yandi
Sharia financial literacy index in Indonesia is categorized as less literate. Religious institutions such as pesantren have potential as a means of Sharia financial literacy education and become influencers for the surrounding community. From several research results, the ability of financial literacy...
Proceedings Article
The Thought of Isma’il Raji Al-Faruqi and Its Influence in Western and Islamic Civilization
Rodliyah Khuza’i, Irfan Safrudin, Hendi Suhendi
The results of previous studies show that the Epistemological Concept of Isma’il Raji al-Faruqi includes: Instilling Islamic Insights, Obligations to study Islamic culture, Islamization of Modern Sciences, the use of creative methods, and Tawhid as the orientation of all studies and science turns out...
Proceedings Article
Online Entrepreneurship Training for Retired Employees
Diamonalisa Sofianty, Rini Lestari, Edi Sukarmanto, Yuni Rosdiana
This PKM program by conducting community service, which is conducting training on the importation of Chinese goods and marketing them online to retirees and prospective retirees with Entrepreneurship Training and Assistance in Importing Chinese Goods and Online-Based Marketing to Unisba Pensioners and...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Toward Sustainable Development Goals Through Islamic Financial Institutions
Bedjo Santoso
Research regarding the relation between MSMEs, IFIs and SDGs is interesting topic, many studies have been done. However, there are very scare that involved comprehensive approach. It is therefore aim of the study can be categories in two side. First side from demand perspective: to assess the perceptions...
Proceedings Article
Psychological First Aid Training for KSR-Unisba
Dinda Dwarawati, Eni N. Nugrahawati, Anna Rozana, Bunga Lintang, Shabrina Alyani P. Raden Roro, Wildah Sifa Alimiyah, Balqis Andini Putri
KSR-Unisba members who are under the guidance and supervision of PMI Bandung, are always involved in social activities as a volunteer, such as in a natural disaster Catastrophic situation is a situation that makes the state of the survivors are in a state of crisis, as the survivors (victims) it is possible...
Proceedings Article
The Establishment of BMT Micro Business of Hulu-Hilir Coffee Processing at Margamulya, Pangalengan Village
Neneng Nurhasanah, Yayat Rahmat Hidayat, Titin Suprihatin, Syifa Zulfah Zakiah, Agung Meisalucky, Irwan Nugraha, Heni Rohaeni, Arsy Rismawati
Margamulya Village, Pangalengan Subdistrict is one of the villages that have potential of natural resources, namely coffee, known as Malabar coffee. However, there are still many coffee business actors categorized as micro with various problems faced, including the management of venture capital that...
Proceedings Article
Wadi’ah Contract in DSN-MUI Fatwa Number 02/DSN-MUI/IV/2000 Concerning Saving Connected with the Theory of Intention (Nadhariyat An-Niyat) and Sharia Principle
Neni Sri Imaniyati, Panji Adam, Syifa Zulfah Zakiyah
The mandate of Law Number 21 Year 2008 concerning Sharia Banking gives authority to the National Sharia Council-Indonesian Ulama Council (DSN-MUI) to make fatwa in the field of Sharia Banking. One of them is fatwa number 02/DSN-MUI/IV/2000 about Savings. In the stipulated fatwa, the contracts used for...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Islamic Economic Empowerment Strategies in the Development of Human Resources
Syamsuri Syamsuri, Syamsuddin Arif, Tryas Titi Sari, Hasna Nur Faza
Human Resources is one of the most important parts in improving the welfare of a community or region. If human resources are fulfilled with the ability to utilize what is around them, it will have a positive impact not only for themselves, but also for their environment. And to achieve this, it is necessary...
Proceedings Article
Boosting the Performance of Convection Creative Industry Through Supply Chain Management and Brand Image Enhancement
Rabiatul Adwiyah, Cici Cintyawati, Firly Firmansyah, Febby Mustikawati, Siti Fatimah, Vina Islami
In this 21st century era, creative industry has been recognizing as a new Indonesian economic driver, especially textile industry that are forecasted to give positive trend in the future. Bandung, where is known as Creative City with great number of textile companies, has gathered more intention since...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Health BPJS Connected to Balance Principle in Economic Law and Sharia Principles
Neni Sri Imaniyati, Neneng Nurhasanah, Aneu Maryani, Ihsana Sabrina Barualogo
Article 28 H of the 1945 Constitution stipulates that everyone has the right to obtain health services. To conduct this mandate, January 1st, 2014, the government formed Health Care and Social Security Agency (BPJS). Article 29 (2) of the 1945 Constitution provides a mandate, namely that the state guarantees...
Proceedings Article
Managing Pressuring Eco-System Influencing Media Workers’ Well-Being in Malaysian Creative Industries
Rosidayu Sabran, Nur Kareelawati Abd Karim
Working in an eco-system that dominantly targeting at wealth creation often force workers to face many forms of pressure and sacrifices. The situations worsen in the private sector of media industry as media workers in creative industries work for long exhaustive hours that leads to imbalance and unhealthy...
Proceedings Article
Can Purple Sweet Potato Yoghurt Control Weight Gain?
Uci Ary Lantika, Yuktiana Kharisma, Yuke Andriane, R. Anita Indriyanti, Antia Ayudika, Yesica Fitri, R. Handayani
We investigated the effect of purple sweet potato yoghurt to obesity parameters. Thirty male Wistar rats were randomly divided into 5 groups: normal control, negative control and three intervention groups with purple sweet potato yoghurt (200, 300, and 400 mL/day) for thirty days. The body weight of...
Proceedings Article
Determining Strategy to Improve Tourism Transportation Services
Tonny Judiantono, Dadan Mukhsin
In order to accelerate tourism development in Indonesia, the government has already running development program at 25 KSPN (Strategic Region of National Tourism Development), by huge investment on tourism transportation infrastructure. That investment causes the transportation cost become higher, meanwhile...
Proceedings Article
Implementation Information Technology Through Channel Youtube “Lampu Islam”
Dadi Ahmadi, Cindy Sabarina, Erwin Hamdani Harahap
Mass media has the function of providing information, educate, and entertain the audience. Youtube is one site that at this time has become the center of information in various ways. One of them about the study of Islam, of course this is very easy for netizens who want to find and meet the needs of...