Proceedings of the 2018 Symposium on Health and Education (SOHE 2018)

100 authors
Antoš, Martin
Type 2 Diabetes Diagnosis and Treatment Using mHealth
Bai, Hong
The Present Situation and Investigation of the Pension Service System in Xi 'an
Bai, Ming
Analysis of Characteristics of Chinese Patent Medicine Containing Radix Rehmanniae Preparata
Chen, Peiyan
On Traditional Chinese Culture: Common Rhythmical Point Between Traditional Opera and Classical Dance
Chen, Sheng
The Feasibility Study of the School-Based Curriculum of Wushu Rank System on Junior High School
Chen, Yunxi
Research on Public Satisfaction of Urban Management Based on AHP-fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation
Cheng, Jiu
The Present Situation and Investigation of the Pension Service System in Xi 'an
Dai, Jun
The MPAcc Talent Development Features Research Based on Regional Economics
Dai, Jun
Study on the Psychological Strategies and Techniques of Social Support for the Healthy Care Elderly
Dong, Xiaojing
Research on Project Teaching and Flipped Classroom in Universities
Dong, Xiaojing
Study on Flipped Classroom Applied in Economy and Management Courses in Higher Vocational Education
Du, Xuexin
Analysis of Phonetic Fossilization in Chinese Students’ English Interlanguage Based on Conceptual Integration Theory
Du, Xuexin
Analysis of the Motifs of Animation Film “Coco”
Fan, Qingyu
The Present Situation and Investigation of the Pension Service System in Xi 'an
Feng, Chaolu
Temporally Regularized Non-local De-noising and Its Application to Cardiac Longitudinal MR Images
Feng, Shiwen
A Study on the Negation Effect in Classical Chinese Aphasia
Fu, Baoyan
Research on the Coordination of National Fitness Resources in the Old Revolutionary Area of Jiangxi
Gao, Jianxin
Study on the Curriculum of Sports Law for the Major of Physical Education in China
Guo, Wei
Study of Cultivation for Entrepreneurial Talents of Undergraduates in Applied Subjects
Han, Jia
The Impact of Ankle Injuries on the Football Skills Performance of Amateur Teenaged Football Players
Han, Xiao
Stress and Self-Control as Predictors of Mobile Game Addiction Among Chinese University Students
Huang, Huiyuan
Analysis of Dosage Form of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Jiang, Ziqi
Stress and Self-Control as Predictors of Mobile Game Addiction Among Chinese University Students
Kong, Ling
The Value of Traditional Chinese Painting Appreciation Course of College and University in the Context of Visual Culture
Lei, Jing
The Gene Expression Profile of AIDS Patients with Tuberculosis Based on Bioinformatics Analysis
Leng, Anli
Title Study of Prevalence of Hypertension and Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior Toward Hypertension of Prison Inmates in Jinan
Li, Dongfang
Research on the Influence of Land Circulation on Farmers' Agricultural Mechanization Level
Li, Haidan
The Feasibility Study of the School-Based Curriculum of Wushu Rank System on Junior High School
Li, Jun
The Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Disability Trajectory of the Elderly in China
Li, Li
The Impact of Ankle Injuries on the Football Skills Performance of Amateur Teenaged Football Players
Li, Mengjun
Stress and Self-Control as Predictors of Mobile Game Addiction Among Chinese University Students
Li, Renli
Study on the Psychological Strategies and Techniques of Social Support for the Healthy Care Elderly
Liu, Baosong
Analysis of Characteristics of Chinese Patent Medicine Containing Radix Rehmanniae Preparata
Liu, Baosong
Analysis Characteristics of Treating Chronic Prostatitis with External Therapy of Chinese Medicine
Liu, Fang
On Promotion of Teaching Through Scientific Research in Colleges and Universities
Liu, Libing
The Present Situation and Investigation of the Pension Service System in Xi 'an
Lu, Junchi
Temporally Regularized Non-local De-noising and Its Application to Cardiac Longitudinal MR Images
Luan, Wenjing
Rethinking of Social Work Practice Teaching
Ma, Yong-hong
The Gene Expression Profile of AIDS Patients with Tuberculosis Based on Bioinformatics Analysis
Meng, Jiao
The Present Situation and Investigation of the Pension Service System in Xi 'an
Meng, Rui
The Present Situation and Investigation of the Pension Service System in Xi 'an
Miao, Mingsan
Characteristics Analysis of External Treatment of Chinese Medicine for Constipation
Miao, Mingsan
Analysis of Characteristics of Chinese Patent Medicine Containing Radix Rehmanniae Preparata
Miao, Mingsan
Analysis of Dosage Form of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Miao, Mingsan
Analysis Characteristics of Treating Chronic Prostatitis with External Therapy of Chinese Medicine
Peng, Jiquan
Research on the Influence of Land Circulation on Farmers' Agricultural Mechanization Level
Peng, Mengfan
Analysis of Characteristics of Chinese Patent Medicine Containing Radix Rehmanniae Preparata
Peng, Mengfan
Analysis Characteristics of Treating Chronic Prostatitis with External Therapy of Chinese Medicine
Potančok, Martin
Type 2 Diabetes Diagnosis and Treatment Using mHealth
Qi, Haiyan
Research on the Infringement Identification of the Specific Name for the Well-Known Commodity??"Taking the Case of Lost in Thailand as an Example
Qian, Jianlong
Research on the Correlation Between Intelligence Level and Psychological Indicators of College Students
Shi, Ming-juan
The Gene Expression Profile of AIDS Patients with Tuberculosis Based on Bioinformatics Analysis
Su, Xiang
A Study on the Negation Effect in Classical Chinese Aphasia
Su, Zimei
Study and Practice of Project-Driven Integrated Curriculum Design Teaching Mode
Sun, Dongying
Title Study of Prevalence of Hypertension and Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior Toward Hypertension of Prison Inmates in Jinan
Sun, Ya-juan
The History and Current Situation of the Development of Urban Management Major in China
Suo, Qinghui
How to Be a Qualified University Student Majoring in Civil Engineering
Suo, Ruijun
How to Be a Qualified University Student Majoring in Civil Engineering
Tan, Jiao
The Gene Expression Profile of AIDS Patients with Tuberculosis Based on Bioinformatics Analysis
Tan, Yumei
A Brief Analysis of the Integration of Ideological and Political Education in College English Class
Tang, Rui
Research on Career Planning and Development of College Counselors
Wan, Li
Geoscience Discipline Construction Against the Double-Class Background: A Case from China University of Geosciences, Beijing
Wan, Li
Study on the Intellectual Property Management in Colleges and Universities at New Stage
Wan, Li
Study on the Talent Cultivation Under the Double-Class Construction of Colleges and Universities
Wang, Hongman
The Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Disability Trajectory of the Elderly in China
Wang, Jian
Title Study of Prevalence of Hypertension and Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior Toward Hypertension of Prison Inmates in Jinan
Wang, Mingming
The Analysis of the Problem About Application-Oriented Talent Cultivation of Shandong Colleges in the View of Supply-Side Structural Reform
Wang, Peng
Research on Public Satisfaction of Urban Management Based on AHP-fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation
Wang, Yan
Study and Practice of Project-Driven Integrated Curriculum Design Teaching Mode
Wang, Yinhong
Geoscience Discipline Construction Against the Double-Class Background: A Case from China University of Geosciences, Beijing
Wang, Yinhong
Study on the Intellectual Property Management in Colleges and Universities at New Stage
Wang, Yinhong
Study on the Talent Cultivation Under the Double-Class Construction of Colleges and Universities
Wei, Caofeng
Research on the Influence of Land Circulation on Farmers' Agricultural Mechanization Level
Wen, Danfeng
The MPAcc Talent Development Features Research Based on Regional Economics
Wu, Haibin
Study and Practice of Project-Driven Integrated Curriculum Design Teaching Mode
Wu, Haitao
Research on the Influence of Land Circulation on Farmers' Agricultural Mechanization Level
Wu, Mengdi
The Present Situation and Investigation of the Pension Service System in Xi 'an
Xia, Long
Rethinking of Social Work Practice Teaching
Xia, Long
Three-Society Linkage Action Strategy Applied to Lonely Family Service
Xiang, Yun
The Application of Variation Translation in Song Dubbing
Xiao, Rui
The Feasibility Study of the School-Based Curriculum of Wushu Rank System on Junior High School
Xie, Xujing
The Present Situation and Investigation of the Pension Service System in Xi 'an
Xu, Guofu
Jiashe’s Status in Patriarchal Clan System and His Subtle Relationship With Jiazheng in Hongloumeng
Yang, Nan
The Impact of Ankle Injuries on the Football Skills Performance of Amateur Teenaged Football Players
Yang, Tianqi
Task-Driven Teaching in Tax Accounting course Based on Virtual Platform
Yang, Zhenyu
A Case Study on Mixed College English Teaching Model Under the Guidance of Smart Education
Yang, Ziang
Task-Driven Teaching in Tax Accounting course Based on Virtual Platform
Yu, Chunyu
Study and Practice of Project-Driven Integrated Curriculum Design Teaching Mode
Yuan, Huijuan
Study and Practice of Project-Driven Integrated Curriculum Design Teaching Mode
Yuan, Xiaoyan
Study on the Psychological Strategies and Techniques of Social Support for the Healthy Care Elderly
Zeng, Guidong
Research on Innovation of Ideological and Political Education against the Background of “Internet +”Era Research on Innovation of Ideological and Political Education under the Background of “Internet +”Era
Zhang, Rong-qiang
The Gene Expression Profile of AIDS Patients with Tuberculosis Based on Bioinformatics Analysis
Zhang, Rui
Characteristics Analysis of External Treatment of Chinese Medicine for Constipation
Zhang, Shiru
Dilemma and Strategy for All-English Teaching in the Process of Higher-Education Internationalization
Zhang, Yan-Yu
How to Tell an Impressive Chinese Story? ---A Critical Thinking of Chinese City Promotional Films in English
Zhang, Yan-chun
Research on the Content of “Explore the Regular Patterns” in Elementary Textbooks
Zhao, Dazhe
Temporally Regularized Non-local De-noising and Its Application to Cardiac Longitudinal MR Images
Zhao, Hanqing
A Study on the Negation Effect in Classical Chinese Aphasia
Zhao, Ru-xuan
Three-Society Linkage Action Strategy Applied to Lonely Family Service
Zhou, Zhouzhou
Stress and Self-Control as Predictors of Mobile Game Addiction Among Chinese University Students