Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Collaboration in Business, Technology, Information, and Innovation (SCBTII 2023)

55 authors
Ahmat, Nizam
Peer-Review Statements
The Effect of the Use of Mobile Banking on the Analysis of the Extended Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) on Increasing Customers Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty
Avaryl, Ravanell
Factors Affecting Skincare Purchase Intention During E-Commerce Live Streaming
Baihaki, Umar
The Impact of The Covid-19 Pandemic on MSMEs in Galuh University
Camilien, Firly Assyifa
Measurement of Variables to Predict Purchase Decisions Toward Halal Product: Study at Inglot
Dudija, Nidya
Discovering Flexible Working Arrangement Implementation among Indonesian Workers at Digital Sector: The Mediation Role of Work Life Balance
Fitriani, Sri Rahayu
Stock Valuation of Cement Industry in 2019 and 2021 due to COVID-19 using Free Cash Flow to Firm (FCFF) and Relative Valuation (RV)
Guruminda, Trisna
Product Preference Analysis of Low Multi-Purpose Vehicle Using Topic Modeling
Hamzah, Muhammad Zilal
Analysis of the Effect of Intellectual Property Policy with National Economic Growth
Hamzah, Muhammad Zilal
Determinant Factors of Human Development and Its Impact on Level of Productivity in ASEAN Countries
Hariyanti, Dini
Implementation of the Mobile Intellectual Property Clinic Flaghsip Program Towards the Achievement of the Public Satisfaction Index in the Directorate General Of Intellectual Property
Hariyanti, Dini
Analysis of the Impact of Increasing Non-Tax State Revenue Directorate General of Intellectual Property on the Quality of Public Services in the Field of Intellectual Property at the Directorate General of Intellectual Property
Harsonni, Ardi Tri
Implementation of the Mobile Intellectual Property Clinic Flaghsip Program Towards the Achievement of the Public Satisfaction Index in the Directorate General Of Intellectual Property
Hendayani, Ratih
Peer-Review Statements
Herlina, Elin
The Impact of The Covid-19 Pandemic on MSMEs in Galuh University
Indiyati, Dian
The Influence of Planning and Preparation Stage on the Success of Public Private Partnership Local Government Scheme (KPDBU) Availability Payment in Indonesia
Indrajaya, Danang
Do Fund’s Village, Economic Growth, Inequal Income Distribution, Unemployment Rate, and Human Development Index Affect Poverty in Indonesia?
Indrawati, Indrawati
Measurement of Variables to Predict Purchase Decisions Toward Halal Product: Study at Inglot
Iskamto, Dedi
Do Fund’s Village, Economic Growth, Inequal Income Distribution, Unemployment Rate, and Human Development Index Affect Poverty in Indonesia?
Junipriansa, Donni
Work Discipline and Work Motivation Influence on the Employee Performance of Siabu Mandailing Natal Health Centre
Kamila, Faiza Nurin
Discovering Flexible Working Arrangement Implementation among Indonesian Workers at Digital Sector: The Mediation Role of Work Life Balance
Kapingura, Forget Mingiri
Peer-Review Statements
Krisnawati, Astrie
The Determinants of Consumer Trust in Digital Banking Transaction Services: A Case Study of Livin’ by Mandiri Users in Gen Z
Kusairi, Suhal
Peer-Review Statements
Kusumawati, N.
Smart Retailing: A Study Regarding the Purchase Intention of Beauty Products Vending Machine
Kusumawati, Nurrani
Factors Affecting Skincare Purchase Intention During E-Commerce Live Streaming
Lubis, Mahyari
Work Discipline and Work Motivation Influence on the Employee Performance of Siabu Mandailing Natal Health Centre
Mirhanto, Yudistira Bagus
Domestic Tourists' Intention to Visit on Tolo Wind Turbine Sites: The Impact of Customer Perception of Sustainable Tourism
Mulyatini, Nurdiana
The Impact of The Covid-19 Pandemic on MSMEs in Galuh University
Oxanna, Patricia
Analysis of Consumption Behavior Changes in Skincare and Makeup Category due to COVID-19 Pandemic
Pillai, Subhash K. B.
Measurement of Variables to Predict Purchase Decisions Toward Halal Product: Study at Inglot
Purwanegara, Mustika Sufiati
Domestic Tourists' Intention to Visit on Tolo Wind Turbine Sites: The Impact of Customer Perception of Sustainable Tourism
Purwanegara, Mustika Sufiati
Analysis of Consumption Behavior Changes in Skincare and Makeup Category due to COVID-19 Pandemic
Putri, Ratna Komala
Discovering Flexible Working Arrangement Implementation among Indonesian Workers at Digital Sector: The Mediation Role of Work Life Balance
Putri, Ratna Komala
Work Discipline and Work Motivation Influence on the Employee Performance of Siabu Mandailing Natal Health Centre
Rahayu, Sri
Enterprise Risk Management Disclosure: Evidence from Banking Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
Rahmani, Annisa Aulia
The Determinants of Consumer Trust in Digital Banking Transaction Services: A Case Study of Livin’ by Mandiri Users in Gen Z
Ratnasari, Hesty
Optimal Capital Structure Analysis on Aggressive and Moderate Expansion Strategy to Increase Shareholder Value, Case Study on Hospital Industry in Indonesia 2017-2021
Rikumahu, Brady
Optimal Capital Structure Analysis on Aggressive and Moderate Expansion Strategy to Increase Shareholder Value, Case Study on Hospital Industry in Indonesia 2017-2021
Rikumahu, Brady
Stock Valuation of Cement Industry in 2019 and 2021 due to COVID-19 using Free Cash Flow to Firm (FCFF) and Relative Valuation (RV)
Ronie, Ranie Utami
Analysis of the Effect of Intellectual Property Policy with National Economic Growth
Rustam, Rinaldi
Analysis of the Effect of Intellectual Property Policy with National Economic Growth
Santosa, Budi
Determinant Factors of Human Development and Its Impact on Level of Productivity in ASEAN Countries
Santoso, Bayu
Analysis of the Impact of Increasing Non-Tax State Revenue Directorate General of Intellectual Property on the Quality of Public Services in the Field of Intellectual Property at the Directorate General of Intellectual Property
Saputro, Suhendi Ery
Determinant Factors of Human Development and Its Impact on Level of Productivity in ASEAN Countries
Sofilda, Eleonora
Implementation of the Mobile Intellectual Property Clinic Flaghsip Program Towards the Achievement of the Public Satisfaction Index in the Directorate General Of Intellectual Property
Sofildsa, Eleonora
Analysis of the Impact of Increasing Non-Tax State Revenue Directorate General of Intellectual Property on the Quality of Public Services in the Field of Intellectual Property at the Directorate General of Intellectual Property
Sunandar, Ali
The Influence of Planning and Preparation Stage on the Success of Public Private Partnership Local Government Scheme (KPDBU) Availability Payment in Indonesia
Supriatna, Lenirra Indri
Enterprise Risk Management Disclosure: Evidence from Banking Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
Syarahil, Jasmine Balqis
Managing Career Development and Discipline as Performance Improvement Factors
Toto, Toto
The Impact of The Covid-19 Pandemic on MSMEs in Galuh University
Wahyuningtyas, Ratri
Managing Career Development and Discipline as Performance Improvement Factors
Wibowo, Ahadi Andrian
The Effect of the Use of Mobile Banking on the Analysis of the Extended Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) on Increasing Customers Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty
Widodo, Teguh
Product Preference Analysis of Low Multi-Purpose Vehicle Using Topic Modeling
Widyaputri, Dinda Maharani
Smart Retailing: A Study Regarding the Purchase Intention of Beauty Products Vending Machine