Proceedings of the Conference of Psychology and Flourishing Humanity (PFH 2022)
36 articles
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Abdul Fattah, Muchamad Adam Basori, Muhammad Anwar Fu’ady, Novia Solichah
Proceedings Article
Student Learning Motivation
Rifa Hidayah
This study aims to determine students’ learning motivation and identify problems of students who experience decreased motivation. This research is a case study using qualitative data analysis based on the phenomenological-interpretive paradigm of postpositivism. Data collection techniques in this study...
Proceedings Article
Psychological Dynamics of Self-Disclosure in Counseling
Muallifah Muallifah, Rohmatul Hannani
Self-disclosure is an individual’s action or ability to provide information and express thoughts and feelings related to themselves to others to create intimate and trusting relationships. Self-disclosure of assistance or in the process of counseling services in the community is low, So it has an impact...
Proceedings Article
Portrait of Assertiveness on University X Students and Outside
Fuaturosida Rika, Alfi Rozana Ken
This study examines student assertiveness through an online counseling website named “Teman Ngobrol.” The research method uses a quantitative survey.
Subjects in this study amounted to 511 people. Where 317 subjects are students of University X and 194 subjects are outside University X. The initial...
Proceedings Article
The Use of Academic Resilience in Mediating the Effect of Self-Efficacy on Students’ Academic Procrastination During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Fuji Astutik, Wahyu Dwi Firdana
One of the students’ problems during the pandemic is difficulty managing task completion. The students tend to procrastinate on completing the tasks and cannot even complete the tasks on time. Thus, students need to have self-efficacy in dealing with their academic problems, especially managing task...
Proceedings Article
Important for Early Literacy Intervention Children with Dyslexia
Nurul Shofiah, Zulmy Faqihuddin Putera
This study exposes initial screening, assessment diagnostics, monitoring progress for a child with dyslexia, and intervention for a child with dyslexia. This method used systematic literature review approaches (SLR). The database or dataset used for literature research is Google Scholar in Perish or...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Social Support on Academic Burnout on Oversesas Student in Faculty of Science and Technology UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Ahmad Rizki Fadilah, Novia Solichah
This study aims to find out how social support can affect academic burnout for overseas students, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. Overseas students will experience unique problems, especially in their psychosocial relationships with previously unknown places and with...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Self-compassion and Support Systems on Flourishing in Students
Rofiqah Rofiqah
In an ideal life, students hope to have good physical and psychological health to carry out their roles and obligations smoothly and successfully and be productive and useful. However, sometimes, the reality is that many things hinder these expectations. Several factors can overcome the obstacles experienced,...
Proceedings Article
Indonesian Cognitive Test for Educational Psychology
M. Arvani Zakky Al Kamil, Iqbal Ali Wafa, Muchamad Adam Basori
Learning evaluations need to be carried out by teachers or lecturers as educators to measure the achievement of the goals that have been set. This research was conducted as a learning evaluation in Educational Psychology lectures. This research aims to examine the differentiating power, level of difficulty,...
Proceedings Article
Effect of E-Learning on Online Student Engagement on Students in the Covid-19 Pandemic
Vivek Shofiah
This study aimed to determine the effect of e-learning on online student engagement on students during the covid-19 pandemic. The study used a pre and post-test group design approach. Data collection uses an online student engagement scale with 18 items. Based on the results of hypothesis testing and...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship of the Concept of Humanity Munif Chatib and Educational Psychology
Nurul Hikmah, Halimatus Sa’diyah
The humanistic concept in education aims to lead human beings to live with respect for one another. This study describes and also analyzes the concept of humanistic education for Munif Shatib and its relationship to educational psychology. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach with the library...
Proceedings Article
Classroom Learning Programs for Reducing Stress on Students’ Senior High School
Rahmat Aziz, M. Samsul Hady, Abdullah Sinring, Agus Indy
The learning atmosphere in schools is a strategic factor in developing optimal student potential where the teacher, as an actor, plays an essential role. The study aims to examine the role of the learning atmosphere in reducing student stress.
Data were obtained randomly from 641 senior high school...
Proceedings Article
Exploration of Emotional Problems and Coping Strategies in Adolescents in East Java
Elok Halimatus Sa’diyah, Fina Hidayati
Millennial adolescents are a generation who are very aware of the use of technology and have a mindset that tends to be instant (Bhakti and Safitri 2017). Following this stage of development, adolescents are also experiencing various emotional problems due to the search for self-identity. The coping...
Proceedings Article
Parental Engagement: Unmasking the Learning from Home Experience
Tias Maulidina Wulandari, Mohammad Mahpur
Parent’s Role is the important thing in the educational life of childern. Main focus in this research is about contribution of parent in reaching process of their educational achievement. It can be a key for student to give something better and balance their learning motivation in pandemic era. Purpose...
Proceedings Article
Management Handling Case of Sexual Violence Against Girls in the Family Environment Case Study at Dinas Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak (Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection Service) Malang Regency
Aprilia Mega Rosdiana, Diana Rasmayanti, Il Agassi Alumdabda Susanti, H. R. Syarifah Qairani
Every child has the right to live, grow, develop, participate and receive protection. However, the reality is that many children experience acts of violence such as neglect, exploitation, sexual violence, and physical violence. According to data from Dinas Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak...
Proceedings Article
The Happiness Concept for Community: A Studying Indigenous Psychology for Melayu Community of Kampar
Masyhuri Masyhuri
This study aimed to seek the meaning, source of Happiness, and unhappiness of the Islamic people of Melayu Kampar Riau. The subject of this research consists of 308 respondents who were affiliated with the people of Melayu Kampar. Data collection used an open-ended questionnaire. In the instrument, the...
Proceedings Article
Harmony Values in Disaster Emergency Response Management
Yusuf Ratu Agung, Yahya, Rika Fuaturosida, Khusnul Khotimah, Syamsul Hidayat, M. Naufal Firosa Ahda
Social capital is considered an important element in the social life of the community. Social capital that leads to social harmony plays a role in maintaining social stability between individuals. Social capital is also needed in an effort to deal with all kinds of things, especially when a natural disaster...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Subjective Well-Being of the Gontor for Girl Islamic Boarding School Devotion Teachers
Dyah Yufi Syafi’atul Laili, Ainindita Aghniacakti
The problem in this study is the finding of subjective well-being or subjective well-being of the devotion teachers at the Gontor Putri Islamic Boarding School. The majority are in the moderate category, so efforts are needed to increase the self-efficacy of devotion teachers. Subjective well-being is...
Proceedings Article
Involvement of Fathers in Parenting for Toddlers
Selly Ayu Candra, Lukman Hakim
The involvement of fathers in parenting children under five influences social development, tactics, discipline, affection, care, and responsibility. The purpose of this research is to find out how much involvement of fathers is in the care of children under five. The research was conducted using qualitative...
Proceedings Article
The Efectiveness of Solution Focused Brief Therapy Training to Increase Psychological Wellbeing of Santri
Siti Mahmudah, Fuji Astutik, Elok Faiz Fatma El Fahmi
The ability to solve the problem becomes a crucial matter for an individual. When a problem is solved appropriately, it will give prosperous and comfortable psychological condition. It is likewise the santri who has a different demand from the usual student. Santri is expected to be able to balance activity...
Proceedings Article
Highly Sensitive Person, Stress, and Social Skill on College Students
Rizky Miranda, Umdatul Khoirot
A highly Sensitive Person (HSP) is an individual who has over sensitivity in catching stimulus or information from an environment than other people in general. The excessive reception of stimulus could increase central nervous system performance, so when this situation cannot be controlled, the highly...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Forest Therapy on Integral Health: Which Can Be Developed in Indonesia
Hendro Prabowo, Mahargyantari Purwani Dewi, Nur Aziz Afandi, Mu’minatus Fitriati Firdaus, Dinar Sari Dewi, Hartatik, Henny Regina Salve
Forest therapy is various therapeutic activities in the forests to improve an individual’s health and well-being. The hypothesis in this research refers to Fromm’s biophilia perspective, which indicates that being in a forest and nature would increase human ecology’s consciousness and promote health....
Proceedings Article
Actor –Victim Relationship In Physical Violence In State Courts
Fathul Lubabin Nuqul
Physical violence during this tends to be done by people who have a close relationship between the perpetrator and the victim. This study aims to explain the relationship between perpetrators and victims in the practice of physical violence. The data collection used in this study is observations on data...
Proceedings Article
Model of Educational Programs in Developing Well-Being on Student Elementary School
Retno Mangestuti, Mulyadi Mulyadi, Esa Nur Wahyuni
A paradigm shift in Education has sparked the rise of current concerns about the direction of Education, especially student well-being. Their school-related well-being will greatly impact the kids’ academic, social-emotional, and developmental progress. The research aims to identify substitutes for model...
Proceedings Article
The Effects of Brand Image and Product Quality on Consumer Decision Making of “Erigo” Product on Forscook (Forum Scooter Kediri) in South Region
Siti Iva Anisa, Hilda Halida
Fashion products are enlivened by local products that are no less competitive with foreign products, one of which is Erigo products. This discussion leads to a purchase decision by considering the brand image and product quality of the Erigo product. This study aims to determine how much influence between...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance Through Organizational Commitment at PT. Pertamina
Siti Zuliani, Mariatul Huda, Agus Iqbal Hawabi
PT. Pertamina is the company with the largest revenue in Indonesia in 2021 and is one of the companies included in the Fortune 500 list and has 5,400 gas stations throughout Indonesia. Therefore, this study needs to be studied to determine the effect of job satisfaction on the performance of PT Pertamina...
Proceedings Article
Career Choice on Gen Y & Z After the Pandemic Covid 19: A Social Cognitive Career Theory
Rahmatika Sari Amalia
This study aims to understand the career choices of generations Y and Z after the Pandemic Covid 19, based on Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT). A person’s career goals are influenced by the person’s cognitive variables and other variables in the environment that affect one’s career choices. Gen...
Proceedings Article
The Effects of Self-control on Impulsive Buying During National Online Shopping Day Celebration on Students of State University in Malang
Fitri Jalilah Siregar, Abd Hamid Cholili
Indonesia’s national online shopping day celebration has triggered consumers to buy impulsively. This tendency of impulsive buying could be restrained through good self-control on individuals. Therefore, this research aimed to identify the effects of impulsive buying level, self-control level, and effects...
Proceedings Article
Characteristics of Servant Leadership in Islamic Educational Institutions
Endah Kurniawati Purwaningtyas, Zainul Arifin, Ainindita Aghniacakti, Agus Iqbal Hawabi
This research aimed to identify leadership concepts in Islamic educational institutions, examine indicators or characteristics covering servant leadership, and find the most dominant indicator in building servant leadership in Islamic educational institutions. This research was conducted in two interrelated...
Proceedings Article
Role of Work Value to Organizational Commitment
Dwi Lestari, Rofiatun Nasihah, Shanty Komalasari
This study aims to describe the role of work values on organizational commitment to employees. The method used in this study is a literature study in which data collection is carried out by searching and reviewing various relevant literature from a topic that has been reviewed by previous research. After...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Differential Item Functioning (DIF) on the Work-Life Balance Scale
Elok Fa’iz Fatma El Fahmi, Fuji Astutik, Fikri Fadjri Ibrahim
The COVID-19 pandemic has provided a new work system. It is called work from home. This phenomenon continues after the COVID-19 pandemic. It gives rise to a business sector where workers can work from home. This phenomenon raises problems for men and women related to work-life balance. Therefore, the...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Work Values on Readiness to Change in Employees
Ilmina Shofiya, Roro Endang Rika Safitri, Shanty Komalasari
Employee readiness is very important and positively impacts change and the organization. Various factors can affect employee readiness to change, including work values. This study aims to determine work values’ role in the readiness to change in employees in a company organization. The research method...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Workplace Well-Being on Employee Work Satisfaction
Aulia Mutia Supardi, Muthia Salehah, Shanty Komalasari
Employee behavior is very important for the organization. When employees are satisfied with their work, it will be easier for them to motivate their work so that the organization can get great results. Job satisfaction is some things that greatly affect employee performance and employee work results....
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Talent Management and Organizational Culture on Employee Discipline at PT. X
Afif Fakhruddin Prasetyo, Muhammad Arif Furqon
The success of a company to keep thriving in a business cannot be separated from the discipline of its employee that provide the best for the company. Without a good discipline, it’s difficult for a company nor agency to reach an optimal result. In managing a company/organization, every management in...
Proceedings Article
Stress Management Islamic Perspective: Systematic Literature Review
Sri Wahyuni
Trend management stress moment this development from management stress western perspective to manage stress or religious perspective integration with religion. This because a number of study earlier find that religion has contribution to calm life individual and prevent mental disorders. Destination...
Proceedings Article
The Rise of the Nation During a Pandemic with Resilience from an Islamic Psychology Perspective
Ermita Zakiyah, Norma Hasanatul Magfiroh, Nur Ikhsan Mahmudi Sarif
Resilience is the ability of an individual to be able to survive in difficult conditions and rise towards a better life. It is influenced by determination, endurance, adaptability, and recoverability (recoverability). Meanwhile, in Islam, it has been explained in the Qur'an that in the face of a...