Proceedings of the Mulawarman International Conference on Economics and Business (MICEB 2017)
42 articles
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Economic Turbulence on Local Bank Efficiency: Does Common Wisdom Hold?
Felisitas Defung, Rizky Yudaruddin, Syarifah Hudayah
Common theory suggests that banking performance is positively related to economic growth. This common wisdom is further tested by investigating whether economic turmoil has a meaningful impact on local bank technical efficiency. This study uses Regional Development Banks (RDB) data in Indonesia as a...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Distribution of Bazis Scholarship Funds on the Improvement of Student Achievement
Roikhan Mochamad Aziz
This research aims to analysis the effect of distribution scholarship funds at BAZIS toward increasing of student achievement in East Jakarta. The data used in this research are primary data. Population of this research is scholarship receiver from BAZIS of East Jakarta in period 2014 until 2015. Technique...
Proceedings Article
Tax Evasion: Is It Ethical or Unethical? (from Samarinda Taxpayers Perception)
Nurhapizah Majid, Cornelius Rantelangi, Mr Iskandar
The tax evasion is a taxpayers active undertaking in the event of reducing, abolishing, illegally manipulating of the tax payable or not to pay tax payable as appropriate. It's believed that this action is influenced by two factors namely, Tax Fairness and Compliance Cost. If the tax fairness has been...
Proceedings Article
Business Approach Using Ecoefficiency Concept in Enhancing Competitive Advantage Based on Green Product Efforts
Mochammad Ilyas Junjunan
This study aims to determine the business approach by using the concept of ecoefficiency in increasing competitive advantage based on the effort of green product. Based on the amount of industrial increase in proportion to the amount of pollution increase resulting from the industrial production process...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Investment Decision, Funding Decision and Dividend Policy on Company Value
Ardina Zahrah Fajaria
The study aims to examine the influence investment decisions, financing decisions and dividend policy on the value of the firm either simultaneously or partially. The data used in this study are annual report companies on period 2009-2013, and dividend payment's information in IDX statistic. The population...
Proceedings Article
Allocative Effeciency Model of Shrimp Culture Enterprise Input in Muara Badak Regency, Kutai Kartanegara
Nurul Ovia Oktawati, Etik Sulistiowati Ningsih
The aim of this study is analyzing allocative efficiency on production factors usage on shrimp culture enterprise and analyzing the revenue of shrimp enterprise in Muara Badak Regency. The study used Cobb-Douglas Production function analysis by using Multiple Regression Analysis. Net Product Marginal...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Variable to Taxpayer Compliance Agency
Hairul Anam, Ms Nurlia
The population of this study is the taxpayer of the registered entity in the Tax Office. The sample of research is 100 respondents. The results showed that the Application of Modernization of Tax Administration System, the awareness of taxpayers have a significant positive influence on taxpayer compliance,...
Proceedings Article
The Importance of Teacher Performance: Case Study of Elementary School in West Balikpapan
Hj. Misna Ariani, MS Desi
Improving and maintaining qualified teachers is very important to provide quality education in schools, especially in primary schools. The quality of teachers is seen from teacher performance that is influenced by compensation, work environment, and work motivation. Teachers' performance can produce...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship Between Economic Growth, FDI, Trade, Labor, and Capital Formation in Indonesia
Amelia Budiharto, Mr Suyanto, Hery Pratono Aluisius
This paper aims to examine the relationship between foreign direct investment, trade, labor, capital formation and economic growth in Indonesia. The study is conducted by establishing annual time series data covering period of 1985-2015 and examine using autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL). The ARDL...
Proceedings Article
Offshore Safety Culture Assessment
Mr Sudarmo, Syamsul Arifin
Safety culture is not easy to define since it consists of beliefs and assumptions of every worker shared at the organization. What is the safety culture implied at the drilling and work over offshore operation? Using the Westrum model for safety culture (pathological, reactive, calculative, proactive,...
Proceedings Article
Divorce Phenomenon of Young Couples: The Challenge to Get A Qualified Human Resource in Cilacap Regency, Central Java
Dyah Retna Puspita, Pawrtha Dharma
Family is the core of society. A qualified family will create qualified human resources needed to conduct development. Thus, family development must be the concern of every party. The anxiety for this matter is really needed because of the increasing number of divorce in all regions, including in Cilacap...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Experiential Marketing, Service Quality on Customer Loyalty and Satisfaction at the Pizza Hut Restaurant in the Tunjungan Plaza Surabaya
Ronald Setiobowo
This research aims is to understand and to analyze how experiential marketing, service quality influence to customers loyalty satisfaction at the The Pizza Hut Restaurant in the The Tunjungan Plaza Surabaya. Previous studies show there is a positive influence between the experiential marketing to service...
Proceedings Article
Analysis the Effect of Investment Opportunity Set (IOS) on the Dividend Policy of Constructions Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
Siswati Andaswari, Hadi Pitono, Rusdiah Iskandar
The purpose of the company is increasing the value of the company so as to provide prosperity for the owners or shareholders. Construction companies are expected to be investments that provide benefits to shareholders. Investors expect return on investment in dividends. This study aims to analyze the...
Proceedings Article
Exploring Impact of the State of Family Towards Life Quality of the Youth Using Structural Equation Model-Partial Least Square
Ms Muliati, Irwan Gani
The main objective of this study is to explore the quality of youth in East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. Using survey data the study sets out four variables i.e. quality of the youth that is reflected by indicators related to drug abusive behaviour and youth educational level; indicators represent...
Proceedings Article
Relative Short-Term Persistence and Absolute Short-Term Persistence of Islamic Mutual Funds in Indonesia
Zaenal Arifin, Sri Mulyati
The development of Islamic mutual funds in Indonesia is quite rapid, but unfortunately there is currently no islamic/sharia mutual fund investment model that helps investors choose the right sharia mutual funds. Therefore, we conduct a study to find investment model of Islamic mutual fund in Indonesia....
Proceedings Article
Exploring the Role of Islamic Work Ethics for Organizations in Indonesia
Syaiful Bakhri, Rudi Prasetyo Ardi, Fuad Masud, Mr Suharnomo
Management as a science used in organizational operations, especially in the human resources management. Through management, the goals of the organization are planned, organized, actuated and controlled so the results are expected to meet expectations. In practice, humans as the subject as well as the...
Proceedings Article
Does Job Orientation Affect the Performance of Employees: Case Study Section of Techniques Distribution Local Water Enterprises (PDAM) Balikpapan City
H.Tamzil Yusuf, Imam Arrywibowo
Orientation to work is a job for an individual; based on their expectations are embodied in their work. Motivation is about stimulating people to action and to achieve a desired task. For organizations of all sorts to be efficient and successful, enough of every person's drives must be stimulated and...
Proceedings Article
The Roles of Mobile Payments on Accelerated Financial Inclusion: An Evolving Framework
Mr Shofwan
Unprecedented developments in information and communication technology have influenced business activities worldwide known as e-business. From this point, the use of mobile technology for mobile phone devices has transformed the way people to use phones profoundly. These devices are equipped with functionalities...
Proceedings Article
Paternalistic Leadership as a Reflection of Collectivism Culture
Ngurah Ayu Dian Anggraeni, Fuad Masud
This research tries to complete transformational leadership and transactional leadership that is still controversial in some organizations. Therefore, paternalistic leadership becomes a model of leadership that is able to mediate the difference. In addition, to prove whether paternalistic leadership...
Proceedings Article
Foreign Banks Lending During the Crisis; Do Profitability and Liquidity Matter?
Rizky Yudaruddin
The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of the global economic crisis in 2008-2009 on loan growth in foreign banks in Indonesia. Using Indonesian banking industry data, I constructed a panel of 1,372 bank-year observations for 98 banks in Indonesia, which includes 20 bank-year observations...
Proceedings Article
Assessing Factors Influencing the Purchase Decision of Cosmetics among Middle Class Female Muslims
Fatimah Z. Nasution, Andina Eka Mandasari, Muwahhid Billah
Indonesia witnessed significant demographic and economic change over the past few decades. The share of women participating in formal employment continues to increase with improvement in women's access to formal education. These and other changes have influenced consumption patterns. This study investigates...
Proceedings Article
Female Labour Force Participation and Economic Development in Southeast Asia
Siti Amalia, Rizky Yudaruddin
The magnitude of women's role in the economy became a serious concern of the government in the era of the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA). This study focusses on Female Labor Force Participation and Economic Development in Southeast Asia. Using panel data period 1993-2013, this study aims to prove the...
Proceedings Article
The Opportunity of Intellectual Property on Small and Medium-Scale Enterprises in Malang Raya Region
Ms Maftuchah, Aris Winaya, Sofyan Arief
The small and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs) has significantly contributed to economic aspect and overcoming the unemployment and employment issues in Indonesia. SMEs mainly refers to a productive business that stands alone, carried out by an individual and/or business entity with particular criteria....
Proceedings Article
Human Capital Investment and Its Role in Encouraging Inclusivity in East Java
Visi Saujaningati Kristyanto, Tri Wahyudi
Currently, inclusive growth is a key issue in economic development. Inclusive growth encourages individuals to access education, health and other components that promote better living standards. In East Java, despite high economic growth, the income inequality level is also relatively high. Therefore,...
Proceedings Article
Factors on Mustahiq's Business Performance Through Productive Zakah at the Baznas in Kalimantan Timur Province
Sri Wahyuni, Syarifah Hudayah
The Badan Amil Zakat Nasional Kalimantan Timur (Baznas Kaltim) is one of the institutions that play an important role in developing the economy in Kalimantan Timur Province, especially in alleviating poverty. Therefore, the Baznas Kaltim needs to give the distribution of zakat fairly to mustahiq. Mustahiq...
Proceedings Article
A Dependence Level and Regional Contributions Effect on Income Level and Its Impact: a Case of Public Life Changes Patterns Kandri Agro Tourism Village, Gunung Pati Semarang
Rudi Prasetyo, Ardi Syaiful Bakhri, Sugeng Wahyudi, Bambang Dwiloka
Kandri Village Gunung Pati, Semarang which has been designated as an area of agro-tourism is one of the places for vacation. The research aimed to study the effect and the relationship between the level of dependency and contribution of the agro-tourism activity toward public's income level and its impact...
Proceedings Article
The Problems of Taxpayers Compliance, Ethics, Tax Audit and Tax Penalty: Evidence from Samarinda
Harista Bangun, Yoremia Lestari Ginting, Rusdiah Iskandar
Taxes become the largest income or income sector for the country. Currently, around 77% of the Indonesian State Budget is financed from tax revenues. In Samarinda, there was a decreased level of tax compliance. As for the problem with this study is to find out whether ethics, tax audits and tax penalties...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Community for the Growth of Micro and Small Enterprises in Banjarmasin, Indonesia
Ni Nyoman Suarniki, Sirajuddin Omsa
This study examines the role of the community for the development of micro and small enterprises in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. The research aims to explore the benefits of information exchange among community members and explore the community utilization for the development of their business. The research...
Proceedings Article
Agriculture Land and Technology: Agricultural Production in the Welfare Improvement
Abid Muhtarom, Tri Haryanto
Agriculture is an important factor in the economy of the state of Indonesia, most of the livelihoods of Indonesian society in agriculture. Agriculture in Indonesia has experienced a food productivity dilemma in which there are five problems to overcome in order to produce abundant agricultural products....
Proceedings Article
Knowledge Management Capabilty to Organizational Innovation Study at Indonesia Islamic Banking
Ariesta Heksarini
Innovation is the success key to increasingly business competition. Innovation plays an important role to the competitive advantages. Companies must have the ability to quickly innovate and sustainable grow in order to win the competition. The development of Islamic banking is an interesting phenomenon...
Proceedings Article
Introducing Iconic Value Co-Creation to Indonesian Small Businesses
Herning Indriastuti
This research examines whether marketing innovativeness (MI) and market responsiveness capability (MRC) to enhance marketing performance (MP) and tries solve the problems of research gap between marketing innovativeness and marketing performance. The SME's handy craft industries in East Borneo, Indonesia...
Proceedings Article
Tax Payer Compliance of SME (Small and Medium Enterprises): Samarinda Food Sector
Genisha Marta, Anisa Kusumawardani, Irwansyah Irwansyah
The purpose of this study is to empirically test effect of taxpayer perception to the implementation of PP No.46 of 2013, and their awareness on paying taxes on taxpayer compliance of small and medium enterprises. Theoretically the results of this study are expected to enrich and provide several empirical...
Proceedings Article
Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure, Leverage, and Firm Value: The Moderating Role of Profitability
Irwansyah Irwansyah, Yoremia Lestari Ginting, Anisa Kusumawardani, Juspita Erdiyanti
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a strategic investment that brings many economic benefits for the company in the long term. Many benefits obtained by the company with the implementation of CSR, among other products increasingly favored by consumers and companies interested investors. CSR can...
Proceedings Article
Factors that Influence the Taxpayers' Perception on the Tax Evasion
Cornelius Rantelangi, Nurhapizah Majid
Tax Evasion is an act performed by the taxpayer to alleviate their tax burden by breaching the tax laws. In this action the taxpayer ignores the formal provisions of taxation that becomes their obligation, falsify documents, or fill the data with incomplete and incorrect. The purpose of this study is...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Internal Factor and External Factor towards Beta and Stocks Returns in the Real Estate Company in Indonesia Stock Exchange
Catur Kumala Dewi, Masithoh Rina
This research was done with the aim to test and analyze internal and external factors regarding beta and return stock. The internal factors are Dividend Payout Ratio, Asset Growth, Debt to Equity Ratio, Current Asset, Asset Size, Price Earnings Ratio and Return on Asset. Whereas the external factors...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Organizational Commitment, Auditor Independence, Internal Control, and Ethical Leadership in Good Governance and Organizational PerformanceGood Governance and Organizational Performance
Cornelius Rantelangi, Nurita Affan, Dwi R Deviyanti, Wulan I R Sari
Indonesia public sector faces new public management problems, such as good governance since reformation era. This is because there is dynamic changing in public sector organization. In contrast, processes of individual and organization improvement are rising up lately. Thus, this study aims to empirically...
Proceedings Article
How Does Policy on Accreditation Affect the Quality Improvement in Indonesian Hospitals
Wulan I R Sari
There was a new Law in 2009 [1] about hospital that is seeking to improve the quality of health services across all Indonesian hospitals. One of specific attention is mandatory aspect of accreditation process. By using accreditation process the quality of health services will be improved through such...
Proceedings Article
Earnings Management through Real Activities and its Impact on Future Operating Performance
Lina Rahmawati, Iman Harymawan
This study examines the effect of earnings management through real activities on future operating performance. This study uses data of firms listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in the period of 2012 to 2013. The analysis technique employed in this study is multiple linear regression analysis and processed...
Proceedings Article
Analysis on Non Performing Loan PT. Bank X (Persero) Tbk Branch Samarinda
Salmah Pattisahusiwa, Achmad Faisal
This research aims to analysis health PT. Bank X (Persero) Tbk Branch Office Samarinda using the non-performing loans ratio in 2014 and 2015. The research methods used in this research is to using analysis banking financial ratio that is non-performing loans ratio. The ratio is calculated as a percentage...
Proceedings Article
The Use of Facebook Fanpages in Promoting Future Urban Transit: A Case Study of PT. MRT Jakarta
Edith Lavindri, Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono, Mustika Sufiati Purwanegara
Urban mobility has become the toughest challenge for the Greater Jakarta conurbation, considering that urban centralization affects citizens who rely on private vehicles to commute to and from work. Vehicle dependency has led to acute congestion that incurs an annual economic cost of up to 65 trillion...
Proceedings Article
Factor Analysis of Employee Engagement of Generation Y in Padma Hotel Bandung
Ria Fransisca Ifa Evendy, Ade Irma Susanty
Today, there has been a shift in the labor force, where Y generation dominates the company's human resources. Human resource is a company's vital asset because it's role and function cannot be replaced by other resources so it needs special treatment to maintain loyalty to the company. One way to get...
Proceedings Article
The Potency of Intellectual Property Rights Regimes on Two Kinds of SMEs Industries
Aris Winaya, Maftuchah Maftuchah, Sofyan Arief
The industrial sector in Indonesia was dominated by small and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs). In the Malang Raya region, there were two kinds of major group of SMEs industries, namely processed foods and handicrafts. Each of group indeed has a specific of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) regimes....