Proceedings of the International Scientific-Practical Conference “Business Cooperation as a Resource of Sustainable Economic Development and Investment Attraction” (ISPCBC 2019)
439 authors
- Abdulkadyrova, M.
- Investment Processes and Bases of the Investment Project
- Abeltina, Anna
- Shaping of the professional community in digital economy: a case study
- Abuyev, N.
- Eurasian economic union: prospects development
- Afanasyeva, I.
- Regional Problems of the World Economy Infrastructure
- Afanasyeva, Irina
- Action lines of business’s adaptation to the conditions of the new economic reality
- Akhmetov, T.
- The study of personal determinants of readiness of modern students to carry out professional activities in the technical area
- Akhmetov, T.
- Model and toolkit of innovation activity in the engineering business
- Akhmetov, T.
- Problems of law enforcement practice in registration of movable property pledge and the role of the notary in solving these problems
- Akhmetov, T.
- Arctic tourism: assessment of potential, directions of its development and security of its implementation in the European North
- Akhmetova, I.
- Studying of the properties of composite materials (powder mixtures) during complex laboratory work
- Akhmetova, I.
- Psychological readiness of high school students to choose a technical profession
- Akhmetova, I.
- System-technological approach to determining the content of the region’s geography course
- Akhmetova, I.
- Technologies of development of the nature study interest through the competence approach to the organization of environmental education
- Akhmetova, I.
- Motivation of increasing of teachers’ qualification
- Akhmetova, I.
- Innovations in education in the context of the formation of intellectual resources for the development of technological entrepreneurship
- Akhmetova, I.
- Evaluation of the regional potential
- Akhmetova, I.
- Demographic policy on the city level: development and realization approaches
- Akhmetova, I.
- Kinesitherapy as a method of prevention of the musculoskeletal system diseases of technical areas students
- Alekseeva, Irina
- Self-education as professional growth of University students in the circumstances of digital economy
- Aleshkina, Olga
- Influence of labor and education-related migration on the development of the Republic of Bashkortostan
- Aleshnikova, Vera
- Essence and substance of personal welfare, the strategies for its growth in the digital economy
- Andreeva, M.
- Evaluation of the regional potential
- Andreyanova, Inna
- Legal support of individual entrepreneurship in the area of inspections by state authorities: practice and prospects
- Anikina, Yu.
- Analysis of trends in the global development of modern big business
- Anisimov, Valery
- Statistic Accounting as an Anti-Corruption Measure in Russia
- Anufrieva, Elena
- Proximity analysis of dynamics of economic indicators of Germany
- Arefina, Marina
- Mediation as an innovative way to resolve the conflict arising from the criminal behavior of a minor
- Ashutova, T.
- Modern University as a driver for the development of creative industries in the Arctic
- Avdonina, L.
- Gymnastics is an elective discipline in physical culture and sports for students of technical University
- Avdonina, L.
- Losing weight with the help of power gymnastic for middle aged women not engaged in labor activity
- Babenko, Vasily
- Skill modeling of professional competencies of the E-Business
- Babenko, Viktor
- Skill modeling of professional competencies of the E-Business
- Bahturidze, Zeinab
- Export of Russian education: Challenges and prospects
- Bakumenko, O.
- Tools for sustainable investment climate formation in the region
- Bakumenko, O.
- Export of higher education VS Internalization of a university: a view of sub-center universities in Russia
- Balashova, I.
- Ecological education of schoolchildren in the Russian Federation (on the example of primary schools in the Vologda region)
- Balashova, T.
- Ecological and legal support for the sustainable development of the Russian Federation
- Balog, M.
- Development of human capital in the aspect of financial security
- Balynskaya, Natalya
- The innovative potential of Russian commercial banks’ lending activity
- Barsukov, Dmitriy
- Project and Program Approaches Implementation Analysis in Cultural Management of the Pskov Region
- Barun, Alena
- Staff training in terms of digital economy development: the experience of Polotsk State University (Republic of Belarus)
- Batova, Vera
- International globalization: challenges and solutions
- Batova, Vera
- Problems and prospects of development of the international banking business in the conditions of globalization of economy
- Belevskikh, T.
- Modern University as a driver for the development of creative industries in the Arctic
- Belik, Irina
- The improvement of municipal solid waste management in Russia based on the criteria of a circular economy
- Belokurova, E.
- Innovative methods of human capital formation during bachelors academic training
- Belousov, A.
- Innovations in education in the context of the formation of intellectual resources for the development of technological entrepreneurship
- Belousov, Sergey
- International globalization: challenges and solutions
- Belousova, S.
- Analysis Model of the Innovation Business in a Particular Spatial Organization
- Belousova, V.
- Innovations in education in the context of the formation of intellectual resources for the development of technological entrepreneurship
- Belov, Vladimir
- Transboundary ecological and economic projects as an instrument of sustainable territorial division of Nord-Western regions of Russia
- Belov, Vladimir
- Diversification of the role of cybernetics doctor in the conditions of digitalization of the economy and social sphere of Russia
- Berkut, V.
- Essence of Socio-Economic Management
- Bespalova, Tatyana
- Problems of formation of civil identity of personality of cadets in modern economic conditions of realization of military-personnel policy
- Blashkova, Liudmila
- Statistic Accounting as an Anti-Corruption Measure in Russia
- Bogachev, Alexey
- Development of communication skills in elementary school children in the process of education
- Bogachev, Alexey
- Characteristic aspects of professional self-determination in students of pedagogical college
- Bondarenko, Natalya
- Nature of subsidization of Russian regions
- Borozdina, Svetlana
- Managerial Mechanisms Ensuring The Development Companies Competitiveness In The Market
- Boyko, Nadezhda
- Formation and development of pharmaceutical clusters as an innovative activity of territories
- Brish, V.
- Studying of the properties of composite materials (powder mixtures) during complex laboratory work
- Bryazgunova, Natalia
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of regional support for small business and its role in the development of the region
- Bulguchev, Murat
- Private agricultural partnership
- Burakova, Anastasiya
- The Meaning of the Nonviolence Ethics in Modern Education under the Conditions of Digital Economy
- Burov, V.
- Small business and self-employed in Russia: problems and prospects
- Bushmanova, O.
- Possibilities of sports club of higher education institution in preparation of students for making control standards of the Russian sports complex “Civil Defense Squads”
- Butakova, M.
- Technologies of development of the nature study interest through the competence approach to the organization of environmental education
- Chelnokova, Elena
- Human resources support for inclusive education
- Chelovechkova, Anna
- Legal regulation of transactions in the digital environment as a condition for effective business cooperation
- Cherkasskaya, Galina
- Problems of forming sustainable investment climate in the Leningrad region of the Russian Federation
- Chirkova, T.
- Development of human capital in the aspect of financial security
- Chuchulina, E.
- Internationalization of University Human Capital in the world market of educational services
- Chudakova, Elena
- Monitoring of the investment support allocated to the territories at the current stage of the economic development
- Daeva, Tatyana
- The integration and clustering processes in digital innovative development of payment market
- Daneykin, Yu.
- Problems and restrictions facing cluster formation within priority social and economic development areas in monotowns
- Dauhiala, Dzmitry
- Staff training in terms of digital economy development: the experience of Polotsk State University (Republic of Belarus)
- Dauhiala, Natallia
- Staff training in terms of digital economy development: the experience of Polotsk State University (Republic of Belarus)
- Davydova, Svetlana
- Innovation potential of the territory: evaluation of the current state and development possibilities
- Dayneko, A.
- Comparative approach and sociological survey method for evaluation of ecological tourism role and effectiveness development in Baikal region
- Dayneko, D.
- Comparative approach and sociological survey method for evaluation of ecological tourism role and effectiveness development in Baikal region
- Dayneko, V.
- Comparative approach and sociological survey method for evaluation of ecological tourism role and effectiveness development in Baikal region
- Delvig, N.
- Historic Experience in Modern System of Training Teachers for Specialized Educational Establishments
- Demidova, S.
- Development of human capital in the aspect of financial security
- Dmitrieva, Olga
- The system of continuous education as a decisive factor of personnel training for the digital economy
- Dobrosotskiy, Viktor
- Cutting-edge methods of establishing strategic alliances between the food producers and nation-wide retail chains in Russia and Spain
- Dolganova, Ia.
- Economic security of the regions: trends and prospects
- Dolgova, Valentina
- Development of communication skills in elementary school children in the process of education
- Dolgova, Valentina
- Study on conditions of destructive mental state psychocorrection in language students during examinations
- Dolgova, Valentina
- Psychocorrection of conflictual behaviour of college students
- Dolgova, Valentina
- Characteristic aspects of professional self-determination in students of pedagogical college
- Donskova, Olga
- The integration and clustering processes in digital innovative development of payment market
- Dubkov, Denis
- Human Capital as an Element of Integrated Reporting
- Egorov, Evgeny
- Human resources support for inclusive education
- Egorova, Irina
- Perspectives of Development of Personnel Potential in the Economy of Innovative Type (Regional Aspect)
- Ermolayeva, I.
- Kinesitherapy as a method of prevention of the musculoskeletal system diseases of technical areas students
- Evstafeva, Oksana
- The criterion for managing the sustainable use of natural resources
- Evstratov, Alexander
- Formation and development of pharmaceutical clusters as an innovative activity of territories
- Falchenko, Oksana
- Transformation of the Pskov Region`s Border Trade with the European Countries under the Application of Special Economic Measures
- Farafontova, Irina
- Self-education as professional growth of University students in the circumstances of digital economy
- Fedotova, Galina
- Customs Tariff Regulation: Historical Experience of the Hansa and Modern Problems of Application in the Conditions of Economic Integration