Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities 2023 (IJCAH 2023)

842 authors
Puspitasari, Indah
Character Education in the Will to Meaning of Two Novels: Surga Yang Tak Dirindukan and Air Mata Tuhan (Feminist Logotherapy Study)
Puspitasari, Yeni
Analysis Of User Satisfaction Surveys Of Electronic-Based Government System Services In Realizing Integrity Zones
Puspitasasri, Tintin S.
Implementation of SIMLPPM on the Performance Achievement of LPPM University of Surabaya State
Puspoayu, Elisabeth Septin
Constitutionality of the General Election System According to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia
Putra, Bima Anggana Widhiarta
The Principal’s Leadership Role to Minimize Bullying in Schools
Putri, Cicilia D. M.
Peer-Review Statements
Putri, Cicilia Deandra Maya
Corpus-study: Understanding Second Language Lexical Acquisition through Word Frequency Effect
Putri, Diajeng Retno Kinanti
Development of Academic-Efficacy Video Media as the Content of Islamic Guidance and Counselling Application (IGCA)
Putri, Diajeng Retno Kinanti
Resilient, Innovative and Inclusive Guidance and Counselling Master Programme Curriculum
Qorie, Tiffany
The Use of Verbal Politeness in Japanese Communication
Rachmadyanti, Putri
Multigrade Learning in Elementary Schools: A Bibliometric Analysis
Rachmawati, Iin
Valuing Diverse Styles of Communication between Male and Female in Translation Class: A Sociolinguistics Perspective
Raharjo, Resdianto P.
The Structure of Myth in the Folklore of Roro Anteng and Joko Seger as a Form of Community Local Wisdom
Raharjo, Resdianto P.
SMART-A: Smart Application for Education Accreditation Database
Raharjo, Resdianto P.
Values in Religious Novelletes Indonesian Literature as a Media for Student Character Education (Study of Sociology in Literature)
Raharjo, Resdianto Permata
Board of Trustees’ (MWA) Role and Functions at Universitas Negeri Surabaya as a State Higher Education Institution of Incorporated Legal Entity (PTNBH)
Rahayu, Eko W.
Extracurricular Training for Karawitan Arts in State Senior High School 15 Surabaya
Rahayu, Eko Wahyuni
Non-Formal Education Management at Pendopo Agung Ronggo Hadinegoro Studio to Develop Creative Industry in Blitar - East Java
Rahayu, Eko Wahyuni
The Mapping of Lecturers Expertise Potential as the Basis Preparation of the Research Roadmap in Sendratasic Education Major of the Faculty of Languages and Arts in Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Rahayu, Imami A. T.
Peer-Review Statements
Rahayu, Imami Arum Tri
Development of an Intellectual Property Rights Information system at Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Rahmadian, Reza
Development of Roadmap for Research and Community Service in D4 Electrical Engineering, Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Rahmadiani, K. N. Devina
Experiential Learning to Improve Vocational Life Skill Disabilities in Inclusive Schools
Rahmawati, I.
Gender Differences in the Reasoning of 5th Grade Students in Mathematics Problem Solving
Rahmawati, Nur Wedia Devi
Research Trends on Recognition of Prior Learning Policy; Bibliometric Analysis
Rahmawati, Roro Ayu
Twitter Data Sentiment Analysis on the Economic Sector: Public Response to Government Policies During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
Rahmawati, Syukrina
Socialist Realism Vs Capitalism in The Digital Literature Phenomenon in Indonesia
Rakhmawati, Nur Ika Sari
Systematic Literature Review: Gender Construction and Family Parenting Style in Early Childhood
Rakhmawati, Nur Ika Sari
Teachers’ Level of Knowledge on Multisensory Learning Methods
Ramadhan, Angga Gilang
Revitalizing Local Wisdom: The Governance of Religious Diversity in Manado
Ramadhan, Intan Nabilathea
The Implementation of Standard Operational Procedures for Village-Business Entity (BUMDes) in Hippa Rice Fields Irrigation to Support SDGS 2030
Ramadhan, Naufal
Public Sector Governance Challenges: A Case From The Surabaya City Government
Ramli, M.
SMIOC Strategic Model to Improve the Achievement Motivation of Students: Literature Review
Ratnasari, Devi
Reducing the Inner Child level of College Students via Sufistic Guidance and Counseling with Tadabbur Alam Technique
Ratri, Wara Mustika Pudyaning
Importance-Performance Analysis on Smart Village Implementation in Tikusan Village, Bojonegoro Regency
Ratyaningrum, Fera
The Importance of Aesthetics in Design Education
Ratyaningrum, Fera
Optimalization Theory of Connectivism in the Process of Ornaments Working of UNESA Visual Arts Students
Reid, Alan
Protecting the Environment Through Education for Sustainable Development: A Field Study Exploration in Sacred Mount, East Java, Indonesia
Reinata, Gloria
Public Sector Governance Challenges: A Case From The Surabaya City Government
Resdianto, P. R.
Implementation of Multimodal Literacy Principles in Scientific Journal Article Writing Course: Enhancing Learning Experience in Indonesian Language Education
Retnaningdyah, Pratiwi
Academic Text Development of Center of Excellence of Arts and Culture Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Retnantiti, Sawitri
3D Monopoly Media for A2 Level German Speaking Skills Based on GER
Reza, M.
A Systematic Literature Review of STEAM in Early Childhood Education in Indonesia (2018-2022): Innovation of Learning for Children
Reza, Muhammad
The Influence of Using the “Berka” Application (Learning Words) Based on Augmented Reality as a Media for Understanding Vocabulary in Children with Speech Delay at Early Childhood Education (PAUD)
Ridwan, Agus
Word Order of Declarative Sentences in German and Indonesian: A Case Study on Novels “Drachenreiter” and its Indonesian Translation
Ridwan, Agus
Utilization of Digitales Lernplakat in Studying German Culture: Deutsche Esskultur
Understanding Semanggi Traditional Food as an Attraction of Culinary Tourism in Surabaya City
Preparing Evenementielle, Cunjuncturelle, and Longe-Duree Historical Events For History Learning Materials
Digital Literacy Index Improvement for History Teachers in East Java
Democracy Deliberative in Learning History
Hegemony ideology In Learning History
Analysis Of User Satisfaction Surveys Of Electronic-Based Government System Services In Realizing Integrity Zones
Riyanto, Y.
Developing CBL Through WiSGuD in Teaching and Learning of English Writing Skill
Rizaq, Agung Dwi Bahtiar El
The Urgency of Pancasila Student Profile Policy for Parents in Strengthening Character to Cultivate National Identity
Rizman, Rizman
Utilization of Digitales Lernplakat in Studying German Culture: Deutsche Esskultur
Rofiah, Khofidotur
Untangling the Knot: Navigating Teacher Doubts in Implementing Inclusive Education in Indonesia
Rofiko, Nur Hidayati Septi
Public Private Partnership in Developing Anti-money Political Education for the Youth
Rofiudin, Rofiudin
Values in Religious Novelletes Indonesian Literature as a Media for Student Character Education (Study of Sociology in Literature)
Rofi’uddin, A. H.
Implicatures as Pluricultural Aspects of Indonesian Context
Rokhmat, Joni
The Validity and Effectiveness of the Ethnoscience-Loaded Inquiry Learning Model to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Skills
Implementation of Multimodal Literacy Principles in Scientific Journal Article Writing Course: Enhancing Learning Experience in Indonesian Language Education
Rokib, Mohammad
Documenting Online Short Stories on Tropical Climate
Romaya, H.
Gender Differences in the Reasoning of 5th Grade Students in Mathematics Problem Solving
Roni, Roni
Separation of Gobi (Word Tail) and Setsubiji (Suffix) in A Construction of Japanese Predicate
Rosana, Dadan
Exploring the Digital Literacy Profile: A Closer Look Based on Gender
Rosdiana, Weni
Community Empowerment Through Batik Training for Persons with Disabilities
Community Empowerment Through Batik Training for Persons with Disabilities
Ruci, Wening
Empowering Artistic Communities: Strategies for Effective Arts Management
Ruci, Wening H. N.
Alloys of Clay and Metal in Fine Art
Ruhana, Amalia
Tracer Study of Nutrition Study Program at Universitas Negeri Surabaya in 2023
Workshop on Creating E-Book Using Flip PDF Professional for High School Students
The Urgency of Teaching Plan Product Development for German Language Class as DaF in UNESA
Rusmiyati, Rusmiyati
The Use of Verbal Politeness in Japanese Communication
Rusmiyati, Rusmiyati
Implementation of Hiragana Katakana Digital Media Memory Hint the Japan Foundation in Students Learning Hiragana Katakana Letters at Smp Lab School UNESA 3 Surabaya
Russanti, Irma
Community Empowerment Through Batik Training for Persons with Disabilities
Sabri, Indar
Reconstruction of Campursari for Children at the Harmini Parni Culture House Serag Village, Pulung District, Ponorogo Regency
Sabri, Indar
Quality of Student Acting Through Acting Textbook Development
Sabri, Indar
Extracurricular Training for Karawitan Arts in State Senior High School 15 Surabaya
Sadewo, F. X. Sri
The Use of Mobile Phones as a Digital Literacy Medium Among Religious School Students
Sadhana, Senyum
Reconstruction of Campursari for Children at the Harmini Parni Culture House Serag Village, Pulung District, Ponorogo Regency
Sadhana, Senyum
Introduction of Warok Dance to Children as Regeneration of Traditional Culture
Sadhana, Senyum
The Mapping of Lecturers Expertise Potential as the Basis Preparation of the Research Roadmap in Sendratasic Education Major of the Faculty of Languages and Arts in Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Safitri, Wiwiet E.
An Analysis of Teachers’ Teaching Module based on the Independent Curriculum
Saibeh, Badariah Binti
Impact of Online Learning on Students in Community Learning Centre in Sabah, Malaysia
Saksono, Lutfi
The Analysis of German Language Students’ Error: A Case Study of the Results of the Schreiben German Proficiency Test (UKBJ) at UNESA
Saksono, Lutfi
Development of German Language Teaching Material Based on Indonesian Tourism and Culture
Saksono, Lutfi
3D Monopoly Media for A2 Level German Speaking Skills Based on GER
Saksono, Lutfi
Utilization of Digitales Lernplakat in Studying German Culture: Deutsche Esskultur
Salam, Aprinus
Hasan Al Banna’s Sociocultural Desire in the Short Story of Anthology Sampan Zulaiha
Salam, Aprinus
Socialist Realism Vs Capitalism in The Digital Literature Phenomenon in Indonesia
Saleh, Arief Isdiman
Indonesia’s Cyber Security Strategy: Problems and Challenges
Salsa, Yulin Munaya
Analysis of Mathematical Representation Ability on Data Presentation Material Based on Student Learning Interest
Salsabila, Alna
Analysis of Mathematical Representation Ability on Data Presentation Material Based on Student Learning Interest
Salsabila, Nabila Salma
Development of Academic-Efficacy Video Media as the Content of Islamic Guidance and Counselling Application (IGCA)
Salsabila, Rizka Nanda
Training on Marketing Optimization Through Social Media for MSMEs in Kotagede Yogyakarta Silver Crafts
Salshabilla, Adinda
Designing Learning Materials Oriented Towards Project-based Learning on Statistics for 7th-grade Students
Sampurno, Muchammad B. T.
The Parodical Aspect of Television Moving Images: An Integration of Performance and Public Education
Santoso, Adi
Implementation of Waste Policy in Reducing Ocean Pollution
Sari, Fadlilah Indira
Design and Assessment of Project-Based Learning (PjBL) for Improving Design Skill in Modest Fashion Design Course
Sari, Maya Mustika Kartika
Symbolic Violence in PDF Textbooks on Pancasila and Civic Education at the Kurikulum Merdeka Era