Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities 2022 (IJCAH 2022)
229 articles
Proceedings Article
Introducing Local Culinary Through Educational Game for Children
Hendro Aryanto, Muhammad W. Ardani
The purpose of this educational game is that children are trained to remember a form of image with various themes such as knowing animals, plants, learning to count, recognizing letters and so on which then reorder them appropriately. Such a process will help the child to remember and reassemble the...
Proceedings Article
Developing Pre-service Teachers’ Critical Thinking Through Multimedia Learning
Ika A. Camelia, Fera Ratyaningrum, Marsudi Marsudi, Agung Subagio
This study discusses how pre-service teachers can develop critical thinking skills in making multimedia-based learning media. This is caused by the paradigm of higher education competence which currently requires the integration of critical thinking skills, from various perspectives and cultures in the...
Proceedings Article
Learning Experiences in the Post-pandemic Era Through Infographics Arts
Yahya Don
In this study, the efficacy of classroom instruction and learning in pandemic caused by COVID 19 is investigated. Using infographics as a teaching and learning tool in post-pandemic COVID 19 education is a method that is addressed and is the emphasis of the method. The issues of students not showing...
Proceedings Article
The Vocabulary Learning for Slow Learners
Khummairo’ Aisyah, Maryam Mardliyah, Zalzabilla Chariska, Salwaa Ismail, Arif Setiabudi, Hespi Septiana
This research happens due to some difficulties that slow learning children face in studying vocabulary in the 3rd grade primary school at Akasa Center Surabaya as a research subject in this case. It also aims to recognize the slow learners’ evaluation of the vocabulary learning process and uses a qualitative...
Proceedings Article
Material Development of Multimedia-Based Classroom Language for Undergraduate Students of English Education Study Program
Esti Kurniasih, Ririn Pusparini, Sumarniningsih Sumarniningsih, Fahri Fahri
During teaching and learning process, classroom language is employed by the teacher from opening the lesson to closing the lesson stage. Teacher’s appropriate use of classroom language can make the students understand the teacher’s messages easily and clearly. Besides, effective two-way communication...
Proceedings Article
Validity and Reliability Test of Literacy Skills Assessment Instrument for Graphic Design Student
Asidigisianti S. Patria, Ekohariadi Ekohariadi, Any Sutiadiningsih
If students lack the ability in visual literacy skills, it affects the process and results in executing visual messages through their works. Students tend to be passive in finding visual references that can improve the quality of their work. The inability of students to perform visual literacy can lead...
Proceedings Article
Deixis in Chinese Written Discourse Text in Daily Newspaper 国际日报 Guoji Ribao
Yogi B. Adimas, Muhammad F. Masrur, Subandi Subandi, Hans Y. T. Dasion, Cicik Arista, Rendy Aditya
Reference is deixis following the context of the language so that it always changes and appears in various situations and language events, resulting in the meaning of the reference in one lingual unit being different. This study examines the form of person and time deixis and their forms of reference...
Proceedings Article
Error Analysis of University Students’ Chinese Narrative Writing
Hans Y. T. Dasion, Muhammad F. Masrur, Subandi Subandi, Cicik Arista, Yogi B. Adimas, Rendy Aditya
Discourse is the highest level in language hierarchy which has extremely complex problems. It was proven in narrative writing discourse text that is presented by students of Mandarin Education Program of State University of Surabaya in the year of 20../20… According to analysis results, there were various...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Syntactic Language Errors in Narrative Written Discourse Texts
Muhammad F. Masrur, Cicik Arista, Subandi Subandi, Hans Y. T. Dasion, Yogi B. Adimas, Rendy Aditya
The learners’ language logic still depends on the mother tongue logic. It is one of the factors causing language errors. At the syntactic level, language logic has become more complex. This research used a qualitative method to analyze the narrative texts of the 2019 Mandarin Education Study Program...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Lingual Construction as Instrument in Japanese Language
A Viewpoint of Verb Predicates as a Core of the Sentences
Roni Roni, Ina I. Pratita, Parastuti Parastuti
Verb predicate, as a core of the sentences, describes the peripheral constituents as subordinate to verb predicate. Syntactically, the predicate of a sentence has several subordinates. In the Japanese language, the position of instrument construction for the main clause lies in the adverb. This study...
Proceedings Article
Issues in Translating Cultural Terms
A Case Study of the Novel Laskar Pelangi into Niji no Shounen Tachi
Lina Rosliana
Translation has a vital role to access every literary work outside a certain language. A translator is required to have a broad insight to reach an adequate idea as the original. In this case, a perception equivalence of the readers of the source language and the target language is very important. This...
Proceedings Article
Male and Female Pitch on Japanese Language Directive Speech Acts in Gintama Live Action Movies 1 and 2
Masilva R. Mael, Subandi Subandi, Didik Nurhadi, Suhartono Suhartono
A directive speech act is an utterance mostly found in daily conversation. The purpose of directive speech is to make the listener obey the speaker’s instructions. In Japanese conversation, people are used to being very attentive and careful in using the directive form of speech since they are not used...
Proceedings Article
Plant Lexicon in Village Naming as an Appreciation of the Madurese Community for the Environment
Agusniar D. Savitri, Dianita Indrawati, Moch. Jalal
Place names are not just markers to identify a particular space but reflect changes in social, historical, and environmental perceptions. This also applies to the name of the village, which is not only an administrative marker but reflects the culture of the community. One of them is the name of the...
Proceedings Article
Multimodal Analysis on the Cover Books of the Translated Bestselling Feminist Fiction
Pingkan Imansari, Laily M. S. Harti
Book cover is not only the representation of its content but can also be the representation of the sociocultural aspects of its production site. Especially with a sensitive matter such as feminism, each publisher in each respective society must have designed book covers that both fit and attract the...
Proceedings Article
Disclosing the Regional Dialect Shift Used by Tulungagung College Students as Newcomers in Surabaya Metropolitan City
Intan M. Puspitasari, Slamet Setiawan, Suhartono Suhartono
This study investigated the regional dialect shift experienced by Tulungagung college students studying in Surabaya. The objectives of this study are to find out the different regional dialects between Tulungagung and Surabaya, the factors causing the students to experience dialect shift, the process...
Proceedings Article
Revealing Politeness Strategy Used by Indonesian Netizen in Instagram News Sites Regarding Ukraine and Russia Conflict
Fadiya R. Asadanie, Lisetyo Ariyanti, Djoko Susanto
Russia began its military operation against Ukraine on February 24th, 2022. This event has the attention of everyone worldwide, including the Indonesian people, who share their opinions on the Instagram platform. Therefore, the researcher is interested to know netizen comments and their relationship...
Proceedings Article
Is Krama Speech Level Still Alive in Millennial Circumstance?: The Evidence from Javanese Children
Salsa Amalia, Slamet Setiawan, Haryanto Atmowardoyo
This research aimed to investigate the Javanese language shift and maintenance of Javanese millennial children in East Java. Recent research used the quantitative-descriptive method to analyze the data. Data collection techniques that were used in this study were questionnaires. The results of this research...
Proceedings Article
Cause-Effect Relation in Language Use Among English Department Students Towards Their Lecturers on WhatsApp Chat
Hanif A. Istighfarna, Slamet Setiawan, Mister G. Maru
This study aims to reveal a cause-effect relationship in language use among students towards their lecturers in the English department UNESA on WhatsApp as one of the online communication platforms. This study’s objectives are to seek the language style used by the students in contacting their lecturers...
Proceedings Article
Revealing the Language Manipulation to “Spill the Tea” Among Millennial Teenagers on Twitter
Balqis R. Mahiroh, Sueb Sueb, Arifuddin Arifuddin
Language is a medium of communication for expressing feelings, emotions, and information to be shared. It is possible that the meaning of the language used may change depending on the context, including the generation after years. Millennials, for example, invented the terms spill the tea with the emergence...
Proceedings Article
A Connection Between Nickname and Identity: Does it Reflect Intimacy or Shaming?
Annisa A. Dianitami, Widyastuti Widyastuti, Slamet Setiawan
Nicknames could represent ethnicity, social standing, or social reputation, all of which are thought to have social significance. Nicknames have a form of intimacy and familiarity with one another, and they also may have negative consequences such as shaming, bullying, humiliation, etc. This study looks...
Proceedings Article
A Confessional Discourse of Female Senator Responding Slut-Shaming: An Analysis of Illocutionary Acts
Shania S. P. Mulyono, Lina P. Hartanti
This study analyses the use of illocutionary types of BBC Youtube channel ‘You're not fit to call yourself men,’ Sarah Hanson-Young tells senators, where Senator Sarah Hanson-Young was being slut shamed by other members of the parliament. This study uses the descriptive qualitative method. The objectives...
Proceedings Article
Interpersonal Communication in CBDS Youtube Channel
Ryzalia M. A. Irman, Mulyono Mulyono, Syamsul Shodiq
Knowledge of interpersonal communication is needed to build a relationship. Speakers need to involve empathy or prioritize comfort feelings to interlocutors creating an intimate and pleasant atmosphere. In this study, an analysis of forms of interpersonal communication on the Youtube channel CBDS was...
Proceedings Article
Typotecture on the Old Shop Building: An Evidence from Central Surabaya, Indonesia
Nova Kristiana, Asidigisianti S. Patria, Nanda N. Anggalih, Putri D. Samantha, Tania D. Prastywi, Dani T. Aditya
Architecture has had a lot of typographic exploration and experimentation. Typography is influenced by architectural styles and movements. The realms of typography and architecture share many design values. Letters have a combination of functional values and aesthetic values. The letterforms found in...
Proceedings Article
The Use of Gijougo-Type Mimesis in Mangadouga Youtube Channel フェルミ漫画大学
Ina I. Pratita, Parastuti Parastuti, Rusmiyati Rusmiyati
Technological developments cause manga not only in print but also in digital form (デジタル漫画) and in the form of videos which are often called mangadouga (漫画動画). The development of manga can indirectly trigger manga to be more widely known and attract interest in learning Japanese. Manga as a cultural reflection...
Proceedings Article
Elements of Cohesion and Coherence in Chinese Narrative Discourse Texts in Newspapers 国际日报 Guoji Ribao
Cicik Arista, Muhammad F. Masrur, Hans Y. T. Dasion, Subandi Subandi, Yogi B. Adimas, Rendy Aditya
Cohesion and coherence are essential elements that have a role in forming structural coherence and coherence of the meaning of discourse texts. The formation of a coherent structure and semantic relationship cannot be separated from using the correct elements of cohesion and coherence, which are marked...
Proceedings Article
Epic of Mahabharata in Kuntowijoyo’s Novels: Aesthetic Response Analysis
Inung Setyami, Faruk Faruk
This study aims to describe and reveal the meaning of the Epic Mahabharata in Kuntowijoyo's novels in terms of Wolfgang Iser's Aesthetic Response theory. The study of Iser's aesthetic response is basically centered on the process of interpreting the text produced through communication...
Proceedings Article
Construction Pentigraph as Indonesia’s Digital Literature
Ardi Saputra, Setya Y. Sudikan, Anas Ahmadi, Suhartono Suhartono
This study aims to prove that the pentigraph written on the Facebook of the Kampung Pentigraph Indonesia’s Community is part of Indonesian digital literature. This research method is a qualitative method, a phenomenological approach. The data is in the form of information about Indonesian digital literature...
Proceedings Article
Variations in the Breadth of Interpersonal Meaning in Rasail As-Safar
Lutfiyah Alindah, Mohammad Rokib
Translating a language is not just moving from one language to another. Translation involves various elements that are not only elements of grammatical language but even more profound is semiotics. A translator must understand the semiotic process, including symbols and system signs, following the context...
Proceedings Article
Women and Javanese Local Psychology: Evidence Through Literature with Indigenous Studies Context
Anas Ahmadi, Bambang Yulianto, Hasan Subekti, Siti I. Savira, Putri Aisyiyah, Abdul M. Aziz, Ahmad Burhanuddin
The current study aims to explore women and treatment in Indonesian literature through the perspective of indigenous studies. This research focuses on two Indonesian novels, namely Olenka by Budi Darma and Para Priyayi by Umar Kayam. The theory used refers to the psychology of literature associated with...