Proceedings of the International Conference of Tropical Studies and its Applications (ICTROPS 2022)
Conference name: Proceedings of the International Conference of Tropical Studies and its Applications (ICTROPS 2022)
Date: 1–2 November 2022
Location: Samarinda, Indonesia
Foreword of Rector
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Dear colleagues, professors, lecturers, researchers, and all participants. On behalf of Mulawarman University, I would like to express my sincere gratitude and welcome you to the 6th ICTROPS 2022.
Moreover, I honorably welcome our keynote speakers:
Prof. Chow-Yang Lee, University of California, Riverside, USA; Prof. Michael Kohl, University of Hamburg, Germany; Assoc. Prof. Sehanat Prasongsuk, Ph.D., Chulalongkorn University, Thailand; Ir. Bambang Susantono, MCP., MSCE., Ph.D., The Head of Nusantara Capital Authority, Indonesia; Dr. Muhammad Ilman, Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara (YKAN), Indonesia; Dr.rer.nat. Suseno Amien, Padjajaran University, Indonesia; PIU (Project ImplementationUnit) 4in1 IsDB projects; and our invited speakers.
I hope that the conference would be able to achieve its objective in providing a platform for researchers and practitioners to advancing knowledge and research for the better of life beyond the pandemic. The center of excellence of our university is tropical studies. Therefore, this conference is a forum for sharing the latest issues in the context of tropical studies and its applications. We realized that the complexity of these issues needs a balanced from the pure science and social science perspectives.
My deepest gratitude goes to the Advisory Board, Organizing Committee, PMU and PIU 4in1 IsdB projects (the University of Jember, State University of Malang, and Sultan Agung Tirtayasa University) who have supported the success of this conference. The committee has organized a scientific program and is working hard to present highly respected and international speakers to lead it. Although we try our finest to be professional, please accept our sincere apologies should some inconveniences occur before, during, or after the event. I wish you a very productive conference with exciting and encouraging discussions and exchanges of knowledge. Thank you for joining this event. I sincerely hope you will enjoy our conference.
Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb.
H. Abdunnur
Rector of Mulawarman University
Foreword of Executive Director of PIU-IsDB
Assalamu’alaikum wr wb.
The important role of this IsDB project is as an enabler for Mulawarman University to achieve as a Service Excellence on Center for Tropical Studies (SE-CTS) by developing five key sectors, namely Campus Infrastructure (CI), Teaching and Learning (T&L), Research, on Campus Service (CS), and Public Services (PS). The project will indirectly benefit GDP of the nation as a result of higher quality of education. It is expected that the project will increase the quality of graduates, both in academic skills as the core competence and soft skills as an essential added value. It is projected that the project becomes an important trajectory for qualified human resources that are heavily in need to face the embracing ASEAN Economic Community and possibly Trans Pacific Partnerships.
Samarinda as the host city forMulawarmanUniversity and East Kalimantan province will also economically benefited through the coming ofmore young researchers. The 6th International Conference on Tropical Studies and Its Applications (ICTROPS) annual conference on November 1–2, 2022, is organized by Mulawarman University in collaboration with Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and Ministry of Education, Culture Research, and Technology of The Republic of Indonesia. On behalf of Project Implementation Unit (PIU) Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) of Mulawarman University, we would also like to extend our gratitude especially to all speakers, participants, and committees.
Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb.
Mustaid Yusuf
Executive Director of PIU-IsDB
The framework of Mulawarman University as a “Center of Excellence for Tropical Studies” is a part of the 4in1 initiative. This initiative is projected to excel in teaching and learning, research and innovation, and staff development as soft programs and campus infrastructure as a hard program. With the assistance of this IsDB program, the 4 in1 initiative has two prominent umbrella programs of research consortium and curricula development. The initiative outcomes are an increase of competent graduates, publication, increase quality of teaching-learning, excellent services, increased student body, increased academic atmosphere, IPR, prototypes, increased research collaboration, and employability. In short, the 4in1 consortium will have a positive impact on developing nation competitiveness by providing competent graduates, collaboration in research, academic reputation, and excellent services and management.
Since the plan on relocating the new capital of Indonesia to the province of East Kalimantan, thus, it will be following with many social phenomena. This condition will certainly greatly influence the direction of development in the East Kalimantan region, especially when it was announced as the region that became the new capital of Indonesia by President Joko Widodo on August 26, 2019. Many social aspects face, however, it’s not only how the social condition amid covid pandemic but it’s also many aspects in the life of science as well.
ICTROPS aims to provide a platform for researchers and practitioners to advancing knowledge and research for the better of life beyond the pandemic. Therefore, this conference is a forum for sharing the latest issues in the context of tropical studies and its applications especially new capital of Indonesia.
Date: 1–2 November 2022
Location: Samarinda, Indonesia
Foreword of Rector
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Dear colleagues, professors, lecturers, researchers, and all participants. On behalf of Mulawarman University, I would like to express my sincere gratitude and welcome you to the 6th ICTROPS 2022.
Moreover, I honorably welcome our keynote speakers:
Prof. Chow-Yang Lee, University of California, Riverside, USA; Prof. Michael Kohl, University of Hamburg, Germany; Assoc. Prof. Sehanat Prasongsuk, Ph.D., Chulalongkorn University, Thailand; Ir. Bambang Susantono, MCP., MSCE., Ph.D., The Head of Nusantara Capital Authority, Indonesia; Dr. Muhammad Ilman, Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara (YKAN), Indonesia; Dr.rer.nat. Suseno Amien, Padjajaran University, Indonesia; PIU (Project ImplementationUnit) 4in1 IsDB projects; and our invited speakers.
I hope that the conference would be able to achieve its objective in providing a platform for researchers and practitioners to advancing knowledge and research for the better of life beyond the pandemic. The center of excellence of our university is tropical studies. Therefore, this conference is a forum for sharing the latest issues in the context of tropical studies and its applications. We realized that the complexity of these issues needs a balanced from the pure science and social science perspectives.
My deepest gratitude goes to the Advisory Board, Organizing Committee, PMU and PIU 4in1 IsdB projects (the University of Jember, State University of Malang, and Sultan Agung Tirtayasa University) who have supported the success of this conference. The committee has organized a scientific program and is working hard to present highly respected and international speakers to lead it. Although we try our finest to be professional, please accept our sincere apologies should some inconveniences occur before, during, or after the event. I wish you a very productive conference with exciting and encouraging discussions and exchanges of knowledge. Thank you for joining this event. I sincerely hope you will enjoy our conference.
Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb.
H. Abdunnur
Rector of Mulawarman University
Foreword of Executive Director of PIU-IsDB
Assalamu’alaikum wr wb.
The important role of this IsDB project is as an enabler for Mulawarman University to achieve as a Service Excellence on Center for Tropical Studies (SE-CTS) by developing five key sectors, namely Campus Infrastructure (CI), Teaching and Learning (T&L), Research, on Campus Service (CS), and Public Services (PS). The project will indirectly benefit GDP of the nation as a result of higher quality of education. It is expected that the project will increase the quality of graduates, both in academic skills as the core competence and soft skills as an essential added value. It is projected that the project becomes an important trajectory for qualified human resources that are heavily in need to face the embracing ASEAN Economic Community and possibly Trans Pacific Partnerships.
Samarinda as the host city forMulawarmanUniversity and East Kalimantan province will also economically benefited through the coming ofmore young researchers. The 6th International Conference on Tropical Studies and Its Applications (ICTROPS) annual conference on November 1–2, 2022, is organized by Mulawarman University in collaboration with Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and Ministry of Education, Culture Research, and Technology of The Republic of Indonesia. On behalf of Project Implementation Unit (PIU) Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) of Mulawarman University, we would also like to extend our gratitude especially to all speakers, participants, and committees.
Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb.
Mustaid Yusuf
Executive Director of PIU-IsDB
The framework of Mulawarman University as a “Center of Excellence for Tropical Studies” is a part of the 4in1 initiative. This initiative is projected to excel in teaching and learning, research and innovation, and staff development as soft programs and campus infrastructure as a hard program. With the assistance of this IsDB program, the 4 in1 initiative has two prominent umbrella programs of research consortium and curricula development. The initiative outcomes are an increase of competent graduates, publication, increase quality of teaching-learning, excellent services, increased student body, increased academic atmosphere, IPR, prototypes, increased research collaboration, and employability. In short, the 4in1 consortium will have a positive impact on developing nation competitiveness by providing competent graduates, collaboration in research, academic reputation, and excellent services and management.
Since the plan on relocating the new capital of Indonesia to the province of East Kalimantan, thus, it will be following with many social phenomena. This condition will certainly greatly influence the direction of development in the East Kalimantan region, especially when it was announced as the region that became the new capital of Indonesia by President Joko Widodo on August 26, 2019. Many social aspects face, however, it’s not only how the social condition amid covid pandemic but it’s also many aspects in the life of science as well.
ICTROPS aims to provide a platform for researchers and practitioners to advancing knowledge and research for the better of life beyond the pandemic. Therefore, this conference is a forum for sharing the latest issues in the context of tropical studies and its applications especially new capital of Indonesia.