Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Social and Political Sciences (ICSPS 2017)
83 articles
Proceedings Article
Indonesia: The Dangers of Democratic Regression
Edward Aspinall, Eve Warburton
For the last decade, comparativists and country experts have praised Indonesia's democratic stability. Free, fair and highly competitive elections are held regularly throughout the country. Indonesia boasts a vibrant civil society and its press is amongst the freest in the region. However, praise for...
Proceedings Article
The Phenomenon of De-radicalization in Al Hidayah Boarding School, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia
Husnul Isa Harahap, Ms T. Irmayani
The phenomenon of de-radicalization is a rare attempt in the study of terrorism. This is because institutions that specifically do so are still minimal, especially in educational institutions such as boarding school. In the case of Indonesia, Al Hidayah boarding school is the first in Indonesia to educate...
Proceedings Article
Muslim-Christian Relationships in Indonesian Reform Era Within The Framework of Democracy: Case Study of Bandung, Bekasi and Bogor (1998-2015)
Angel Damayanti
A relatively peaceful and harmonious relationship between Muslims and Christians in Indonesia has been dotted by religious intolerance and worship restrictions in the form of churches destruction, banned and closed. The majority of restrictions happened in West Java Province, mostly in Bandung, Bekasi...
Proceedings Article
The Implementations of Islamic Law and Post-Conflict Development in Aceh, Northern Indonesia
Adhi Cahya Fahadayna
This topic will focus on how the religion could influence the post-conflict development in Aceh, Northern Indonesia. This topic also will discuss the position and potency of religion in the conflict resolution with analysis how successful religion could stop the Aceh Conflict and bring peace to Acehnese...
Proceedings Article
(FTFs) Foreign Terrorist Fighters in Indonesia
Ms Masmuhah, Yon Machmudi
Over the past four years,ISIS has rapidly become the most dangerous of transnational influences on jihadism in Southeast Asia. It has recruited and mobilized hundreds of Southeast Asian fighters for military and other service in Syria and Iraq and has drawn pledges of loyalty from several thousand jihadists...
Proceedings Article
Indonesian Democracy: What to Do with Political Violence?
Elyzabeth B Nasution
Perhaps the most common things to witness in Indonesian style of democracy are religious conflict and violent action that follows as the aftermath of the conflict. Across the country from burning churches in Aceh province to Poso riots, Indonesia is flooded with rigorous conflict and violence. Some might...
Proceedings Article
Indonesia - GAM Peace Process Reflection on Turkey - PKK conflict
Afriandha Fakhri, Badrus Sholeh
Partiya Karkerˆn Kurdistanˆ, translated as Kurdistan Workers Party, is a political organization that focused on the liberation of Kurdish people especially in Turkey. Throughout the history, they received many negative reactions from countries due to their ruthless struggle against Turkish government....
Proceedings Article
Building Democracy in Post-Conflict Aceh: Dynamics and Challenges
Mohammad Hasan Ansori, Ms Rostineu
The Aceh conflict was settled through Helsinki Peace Agreement in August 2005. The implementation of local election, which is the very first step of democratization, right after the Agreement is generally considered as a strategic instrument for establishing a sustainable peace in the region. However,...
Proceedings Article
Human Rights Violations In Southeast Asia : The case of Khmer Rouge of 1975-1979 (Cambodia) and The case of East Timor of 1999 (Indonesia)
Nazaruddin Nasution
This research proves that in the 40 years of ASEAN, none of the member countries free from human rights violations ~ either ordinary or gross ones. ASEAN possesses instruments, namely the ASEAN Charter, the ASEAN Community, the National Commissions and AICHR to promote and protect human rights within...
Proceedings Article
Globalization and Democracy: Challenges for Indonesia
Ignatius Ismanto
Indonesia has experienced dramatic structural economic and political changes following changing regional and global economy. A number of critical issues have encouraged the country in response to regional and global economic challenges: (i) economic crisis that hit Southeast Asian economies in 1997,...
Proceedings Article
Existence of Alkhairaat on Central Sulawesi Politics: Opportunity of Alhairat friendly political parties
Nurhidayat Mohammad Ishak, Ms Agustiyara
This article aims to examine the dynamics of political Islam especially the existence of Alkhairaat's politic in Central Sulawesi. These analyses that have taken place in an increasingly influence of Alkhairat as a great organization. The performance and organizational strength of Alkhairat friendly...
Proceedings Article
Indonesia Responses On Human Right Violations Against Indonesian Migrant Workers In Hong Kong (2011-2013)
Fahmi Imam Fauzy
Working abroad is ordinary phenomenon in Indonesia. Through globalization, it has own field and became an interesting social phenomenon to study especially in International Relation. Hong Kong is one of destination counties for Indonesian Migrant Workers, and had formally been placed to since 1990. However,...
Proceedings Article
Muslim Leadership and the Threats of Transnational Terrorism: Comparing Indonesia and Saudi Arabia
Badrus Sholeh
Indonesia and Saudi Arabia are two important Muslim countries which have taken strategic role in managing regional leadership in Southeast Asia and the Middle East respectively. They are leading regional diplomacy in maintaining stability, security and peace. Indonesia and Saudi Arabia are two of three...
Proceedings Article
Trade Agreement and Diplomacy between Tunisia and Indonesia
Akbar Azmi
Indonesia after two decades of reform develop its influence and power up to the Middle East, assisting and having a mutual partnership with some countries of the Middle East in economic and democratic transition, including Tunisia. Tunisia is one of the sub-Saharan countries affected by the Arab Spring...
Proceedings Article
Democracy and Indonesia's Foreign Policy (Case Study: Rohingya Crisis 2012-2017)
Ahmad Alfajri
Many liberal theorists believe democracy would become a strong force behind state's actions and policies. Therefore, this writing will discuss the extent to which democracy has influenced Indonesia's policy on Rohingya case. Some scholars argue that Rohingya case has de-legitimized Indonesia's democracy...
Proceedings Article
Cosmopolitan Ethics, Umma and Democracy: Between Global Issues and Political Identity Issues in Indonesia
Musa Maliki, Ahmad Alfajri
Cosmopolitanism is an ideal goal of many contemporary International Relations theories. The main idea conveyed is that our moral obligations as human beings need not be limited by state's boundaries or any other structures. "Citizen of the world" is the main term of this concept. On the other hand, there...
Proceedings Article
Indonesia's Role in Myanmar's Democratic Transition
M. Adian Firnas
This paper aims to find out Indonesia's role as one of the influential countries in ASEAN in Myanmar's democratic transition. Since 1990, the country has become the world's attention for the international isolation due to the sanctions imposed by the West because of the annulment of the 1990 election...
Proceedings Article
Global Economicand Local Communities In Development (Case Study Of Mbah Priok Graveyard Conflict)
Muhammad Ismail
The development of the global economy has had a positive and negative impact, Indonesia is as part of the developing countries that have experienced global economic process have had the impact. Conflict of seizure for Mbah Priok graveyard in 2010 between Pelindo II is the impact in implementing economic...
Proceedings Article
Da'watainment and Commercial Display in Live Program Damai Indonesiaku
Yusron Razak, Ilham Mundzir, Izza Rohman, Ervan Nurtawab
This article deals with commercial orientations that have emerged in the so-called "da'watainment" broadcasted on television. It has been accepted that the mainstream media such as television plays a pivotal role in mainstreaming public opinion. In this study, therefore, we state that a da'watainment...
Proceedings Article
Trans Pacific Partnership and China's Involvement: How Can Indonesia Benefit from Both Worlds?
Ahmad Syaifuddin Zuhri, Fadlan Muzakki
The involvement of China in Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement has brought a new chapter for this agreement. China seems to evertake the US Position after the country dropped from partnership. Indonesia's position is considerably important in both the partnership and China. This is because Indonesia...
Proceedings Article
The Environmental Perception in Indonesia: Preliminary Findings
Husnul Khitam
Environmental issue has risen in the last few years and affecting many sectors. In the more fundamental way, it influence the development of economy and also the future of social life. Scholars debate focuses on macro such as the effect of democracy or any political regime on environmental degradation...
Proceedings Article
Model Of Democracy In Indonesia
Dede Rosada
Indonesia, the largest Muslim country, experienced a unique democracy. Not only does Indonesia becomes G-20 state member and has performed an increase of economy from 4.9 in 2015 to 5.2 in 2017. In addition, Indonesia after the New Order is confident in managing democracy. Direct elections and decentralization...
Proceedings Article
Populism in Indonesia and its Threats to Democracy
Abubakar Eby Hara
This paper discusses the emergence of populist movements in Indonesia and its influence on Indonesian democracy. As in some democratic countries, populism also becomes one of Indonesia's political traits. Although not exactly the same as the general models of populism in the West, Indonesian populist...
Proceedings Article
Challenges facing the multi-stakeholder partnerships in implementing SDG's goal: poverty reduction in Indonesia
Roy Andy Panjaitan
Despite of having a significant achievement in reducing the extreme poverty level before the year of 2015, there are many things yet to be done in Indonesia in order to reach the number one goal of SDGs, ending poverty in all of its manifestations, including extreme poverty by 2030. Due to the comprehensive...
Proceedings Article
Democracy and Development at the Local Level: Synergy of Local Boss, Entrepreneur and Bandit in North Kolaka
Eka Suaib, La Husen Zuada
This article reviews the implementation of democracy and development in North Kolaka which combines three political forces: local boss (regent), businessmen (contractors) and bandits (robbers). The synergy of three local political forces controlled by the head of region was able to change the 'face'...
Proceedings Article
Inclusive Development in Health Sector : A Case in Surakarta City
Syarfina Mayha Nadila, Henny Warsilah
Everyone guaranteed their rights in law. It includes the right to access health services for the rich and the poor. However, in reality, health services are difficult to access for the poor. The main causes are: high cost, limited health workers, limited infrastructure, and lack of adequate hospital...
Proceedings Article
Reviews on Theories and Practices of Modernization: Rural Experience in Indonesia
Dika Supyandi, Eliana Wulandari, Iwan Setiawan
Development is a "founding belief" of the modern world. It is one of the most popular buzz words in the human civilization. However, it has no exact meaning of development, no generally accepted definition. Development is "user-friendly", it means whatever one wants or needs it to mean. Similarly, development...
Proceedings Article
Textual Analysis of Populist Discourse in Development Policy of Bandung City
Caroline Paskarina
Populism has been vastly present in Indonesia as a political strategy to gain vote in election, but it has been almost completely left out from scientific inquiry. The dynamics of populism in local election also occurred in Bandung City, where in 2013, populist new mayor (Ridwan Kamil) had been elected....
Proceedings Article
Social Vulnerability of Oil Miners in Rural Areas
Vieronica Varbi Sununianti
This article discusses the social vulnerability of informal workers in rural areas as the implications of global economic capitalism. Globalization is abstract, but its effects are felt by traditional oil miners, whose livelihood changes due to globalization. Musi Banyuasin area, in South Sumatra, includes...
Proceedings Article
The Right to Health in Indonesia Post Two Decades of Reformation: Limited Progress, Uneven Distribution
Riana Mardila
The terms of 'right to health' is not so much popular compared to human rights. Most of the time, people more concern about the implementation of right to health (i.e. national health insurance, health care, etc.) without knowing the concept of right to health itself comprehensively. In Indonesia, if...
Proceedings Article
The Survival of Embroidery Economics Industry in Tasikmalaya: Moral Ethics Study of Islamic and Sundanese Economics
Joharotul Jamilah
The form of local economics in Tasikmalaya Sundanese Society is signed by the emergence of embroidery enterpreneur social class whose existence can be traced as follows Social sustainability of local entrepreneur class includes two dimension at once. First, based on status dimension/social role of the...
Proceedings Article
Social Development in the Urban Informal Sector Study on Street Vendors in Pasar Minggu Jakarta
Cucu Nurhayati
Economic development to the exclusion of the quality of human development has resulted in social inequality. The concept of social development is development that is societal and holistic aims to improve the quality of life . This riset aims to illustrate the concept of social development based on the...
Proceedings Article
Empowering Women's Economy by Improving Environment Skills in a Fisherman Community in Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta
Ida Rosyidah
Research on the role of government and corporations in womens economic empowerment have often been conducted, but the role of women agents in community-based economic empowerment rarely becomes the subject of research. This paper will cover this gap, that is, the role of women in empowering community-based...
Proceedings Article
OPPOSITION MAYA IN DEMOCRATIC SPACE: Framing Process Through Social Media In the Election of the Governor and Vice Governor in Bangka Belitung Island 2017
M. Adha Al Kodri
This research described about the use of social media as framing proces ones all the teams volunteers in winning Erzaldi Rosman - Abdul Fattah in an election the Governor and Vice Governor Bangka Belitung 2017. The use of social media by e team of volunteer is also as a form of political strategy and...
Proceedings Article
Blater, from Affinity to Tyranny? The Phenomenon of Sole Candidate in the 2015 Local Election in Blitar Regency, Indonesia
Wawan Sobari
Direct election for local leader (pilkada) surveys reveal that the criteria of populist leaders (close to the people) are most desirable, including among Javanese voters. Experts explicate that those findings show evidence of functioning appearances-based inferences (image) constructed by politicians...
Proceedings Article
Coalition Politics Among Opposition Parties In Malaysia: A Case Study Of Pakatan Rakyat (2008-2016)
Nur Atika Bt Hairi
This study examines the internal politics in Pakatan Rakyat (PR) component political parties (i.e. PKR, PAS and DAP) as the coalition opposition parties in Malaysia from 2008 to 2015. The PR was the first coalition of opposition parties in Malaysia that managed to deny Barisan Nasional of their two thirds...
Proceedings Article
The Third Wave Democratization: Local Strongmen Political Dynasty Phenomenon Case study: Aquino Family in Philippines and Zukifli Nurdin Family in Jambi, Indonesia
Putri Oktaviani, Dea Alita Marsanty, Muhammad Budi Kurniawan
Democracy is a form of government in which all citizens have equality rights in decision-making that can change their lives. According to Huntington, there are three waves of democracy growing in the world. In this journal will be discussed one of them, the third wave democracy. The third wave democracy...
Proceedings Article
Patronage-Clientelism and Political Identity of Chinese Candidate, A Case Study of PSMTI in Medan, North Sumatera in General Election 2014
Ahmad taufan Damanik
This essay seeks to discuss how patronage and clientelism being performed, developed and emphasized by political identity, which is how the ethnic or religious identity as well as network and religious entities used to distribute patronage and clientelism. Some previous research proved that money political...
Proceedings Article
Incumbency Disadvantages (Local Election and Populism in Indonesia)
Ms Nurlinah, Rizkika Lhena Darwin, Mr Haryanto
Incumbent is a very favorable political position on the election. The results of the study in many literatures suggest that a strong candidate in the election is incumbent because it has resources and can use its position to campaign. This paper shows a different fact, where the incumbent experienced...
Proceedings Article
Political Volunteerism : Electoral Process of Independent Candidates in Jogja Independent (JOINT)
Alhafiz Atsari, David Efendi, Bambang Eka Cahya Widodo
There was a new phenomenon organized by people in Yogyakarta city affiliated in a volunteerism movement called Jogja Independent (JOINT). It endeavored to nominate and demonstrate how independent candidates battled in Yogyakarta city's election on 2017. It was conducted by electing several candidates...
Proceedings Article
Political Literacy and Money Politics in Indonesia The Phenomena of Money Politics in Jakarta's Local Election on 2017
Ana Sabhana Azmy
General Election was one of the indicators of democratization beside other values of democracy. Beside presidential election, general local election was held in Indonesia under the law of No.32/2004 about Local Government. As completing the general local election, law No.22/2007 about the implementation...
Proceedings Article
Disalignment of Political Parties in Indonesia : Study on Declining Electability of Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) in General Election 2014
Ms Suryani
Elections become the most important indicator of political party's electability. Earning votes in the general election becomes measurement of success or failure of a political party for five years. The up and down experienced by political parties could not separated from how the political parties respond...
Proceedings Article
The Simultaneous Election in Indonesia : Problems and Solution
Iding Rosyidin
Simulaneous election is actually a strategic step to strengthen the process of institutionalizing democracy in Indonesia, for example, in relation to strengthening the presidential system. The existence of parallelism between the executive and legislative power, for instance, makes the political systems...
Proceedings Article
The Sleeping Giant: The Awakening of Religious Identity
Sugit S Arjon
The fall of Suharto's New Order should be considered as the starting point of the sublime journey of the political identity which often implicates religions and ethnicity under the democracy practices. Religious identity is a sleeping giant, which has awakened in the past and which will awake in the...
Proceedings Article
Consumption and Nationalism of Indonesia: Between Culture and Economy
Pradipto Bhagaskoro, Rommel Utungga Pasopati, Mr Syarifuddin
By consuming domestic products, nationalism reflects in opportunities for locals to compete with globals. This logic may suit to economic perspective, but not to socio-cultural view. The problem is attaching nationalism to consumption. People are persuaded to consume domestic goods more often, only to...
Proceedings Article
Ethical Values in Indonesian Character Building
Indri Djanarko, Rommel Utungga Pasopati
Today, character building is one way to form a good human personality according to moral values. Education is formed within framework of formal education curriculum at school. The Ministry of Education established eighteen values of character based on individual and social values both theoretically and...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of the Declining Pancasila Democracy in the Post- Indonesia Reformation
Muhyar Fanani
The practice of democracy in the post-reformation Indonesia tends to be liberal. Since amendment of the 1945 Constitution in 1999-2002, politics was becoming very open. However, some experts said that Indonesian democracy after reformation was not Pancasila democracy anymore. The objective of this study...
Proceedings Article
Talking about Islam and Democracy in Indonesia's Public Schools
Sawyer Martin French
Is Islam compatible with democracy? The answer to this question hinges immediately on the degree to which Muslims themselves actually embrace the concept. This study evaluates how democratic ideas are both legitimated and qualified in Islamic education classes in Indonesian public high schools. These...
Proceedings Article
Civil or Un-Civil Society? Islamist Identity, Democracy and Civil Society in Contemporary Surakarta
Mr Abzar, D, Muzayyin Ahyar
This article attempts to analyze the development of an ideology of Islamism that rejects the political system of democracy through the reasoning of civil society. As a study of civil society and democracy, this article has significance in understanding the complexities of democratic practice in the scope...
Proceedings Article
NKRI and The Phenomenon of Religious Radicalism
Rusydi Sulaiman
Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia termed as NKRI is the ideal form of the Indonesian nation which actually has become a consensus among religious and social groups to maintain the integrity of the nation in various aspects of life. This country then meets various challenges, including the emergence...
Proceedings Article
Local Discourse of Muslim Women's Leadership and Citizenship: A Case Study of Female Posyandu in Tasikmalaya
Mr Kusmana
Woman's citizenship has been neglected, considered as second-class citizen due to the social forces that includes the perceived kodrat perempuan (constructed woman's nature) norm that restrict her social engagement. The previous studies inform that the norm is generally seen as mainly restricting factor....
Proceedings Article
Shi'i Identity and Nationalism in Indonesia's ReformasiShi'i Identity and Nationalism in Indonesia's Reformasi
Mr Z. Zulkifli
Indonesia is home to the largest Muslim population in the world in which the Shi'i minority exists amidst the overwhelming Sunni majority. Indonesia's reformasi has paved a way for the rise of identity politics and, with regard to Sunni-Shi'i relation, the upsurge of anti-Shi'i activism. Among anti-Shi'i...
Proceedings Article
The Construction Of Identity In The Post-Secular States: The Case Of Turkey And Indonesia
Eva Mushoffa
Literature on post secularism in global politics has pointed to the underlying problem of identity construction experienced by Muslim majority states with regards to Islamic element. In this context, Turkey and Indonesia provided evidence that Islamic element can hardly be excluded as the basic character...
Proceedings Article
The Future of Pancasila as a Philosophy, a View of Life, and an Ideology of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia
Robi Sugara
Pancasila is believed to have an important history in establishing Indonesia as a nation. It is also believed to have successfully unitedethnics, languages, and religions in Indonesia. Although there are different ways in implementing Pancasila from Soekarno era to Joko Widodo era, they agree that Pancasila...
Proceedings Article
Islam and Politics (Hurly-Burly of Religious Issues in the 2017 Jakarta Gubernatorial Election)
Mr Hamdani
The rivalry among contesting political forces during the 2017 Gubernatorial Election has shown how religious issues have been used by certain agents to support and against their competitor. The Christian-Chinese governor, Basuki Tjahaya Purnama, who ran for the election was challenged by two Muslim candidates:...
Proceedings Article
In Pursuit of Promoting Moderate Indonesian Islam to the world: Understanding the diversity of Islamic practices in Bima, Sumbawa Island
Muhammad Adlin Sila
This paper suggests an ethnographic account of the different Islamic practices among Muslims in Bima, Sumbawa island. This paper calls for the need to understand that Islam in Indonesia is diverse. Anthropological works on Javanese Islam have shaped the national and international understandings of Islam...
Proceedings Article
An Analysis On The Results Of Public Information Policy Implementation At West Java Government
Diah Fatma Sjoraida, Rully Khairul Anwar
This article investigated the implementation of Law Number 14/2008 on Public Information Disclosure (KIP) of West Java Provincial Government. This descriptive-qualitative study presented a discussion of the results in the implementation processes of the above mentioned policy in West Java Province of...
Proceedings Article
Communication Pattern of the Director of Regional Hospital in the implementation of Health Decentralization in Indonesia
Siti Nursanti, Susane Dida, Mien Hidayat, Irvan Afriandi
This research will discuss about communication pattern done by a director of regional hospital in the process of health decentralization in Indonesia. The hospital is a unique institution because there are so many different health professions. After the enactment of government regulation number 18 year...
Proceedings Article
The Institutional Foundation of the Emergence of Subnational Political Dynasties in Indonesia
Yoes C Kenawas
Decentralization and democratization at the subnational level are two main policies to avoid another centralization of power in the hands of a small number of elites in Jakarta. Instead of solving the problem of concentration of power, the introduction of decentralization and democratization at the subnational...
Proceedings Article
E-Government Service in Singapore and Indonesia
Anton Minardi
This article intend to describe the implementation of e-government in recent era in managing public services and early problem preventions as part of political affairs. Recently, there has been two most advanced countries in e-government service namely South Korea as the first rank and Singapore as the...
Proceedings Article
Urban Politics in Surabaya (Case Study; Revitalization Kampong Dolly in Tri Rismaharini Era)
Lusi Andriyani
urban areas are part of the area that has been studied since 1976 along with the debate over urban regime theory in Europe. That is used to view cities as areas that carry out the function of social services and people's welfare. Surabaya is the second largest city after Jakarta which is indicated in...
Proceedings Article
The Effectivity of The Licensing Reform Policy : Study on Publishing Trade License in South Tangerang City
Agus Nugraha
The complaint of businesses about the complexity of the licensing requirements, is the basis of the importance of research on licensing reform policy, particularly Publishing Trade License (SIUP) in South Tangerang City. The main problem in this research is how the effectiveness of the licensing reform...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of the Law on Village and Democratization Effort in the Villages
Wahidah R Bulan
Law of The Republic of Indonesia Number 6 Year 2014 stated that strengthening democracy in village has the intention to develop democracy climate in village simultaneously in order to make village to be more dynamic and progressive. One of the forms to strengthen the village by democratization is reform...
Proceedings Article
Bureaucratic Reform of Human Resources In South Tangerang City
Haniah Hanafie
This paper purpose to see how the implementation of bureaucratic reform in South Tangerang City, because in 2010 the Indonesian government has launched the Grand Design of Bureaucratic Reform (GDRB) as a reference of government agencies and local governments to implement bureaucratic reforms. The focus...
Proceedings Article
From Civil Islam towards NKRI Bersyariah? Understanding Rising Islamism in Post-Reformasi Indonesia
Leonard C Sebastian, Alexander R Arifianto
The successful Defending Islam campaign against former Jakarta governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama is clear evidence that Islamism is rising in post-Reformasi Indonesia, something that is not well-analyzed in recent scholarships on Indonesian Islam. Influenced strongly by Civil Islam thesis, they have failed...
Proceedings Article
Reflections on The Fourth Wave of Democratization: The Indonesian Case
Bahtiar Effendy
This essay is about the need to re-examine the substantive goals of democracy. From the first to the fourth wave of democracy, many -if not all- countries have been forced to witness the practice of democracy in its procedural biases. In many of the emerging democratic countries such a practice has not...
Proceedings Article
The Indonesian Case
Gema Ramadhan Bastari
This paper will discuss about the rise of far-right groups in Indonesia which is represented by Islamic organizations and how the government can handle it. This phenomenon can be seen as a part of the rise of far-right groups in global stage, signified by Donald Trump's victory in America and Britain's...
Proceedings Article
Epistemic Community and Military Reform in Indonesia
Broto Wardoyo
Following the fall of Suharto in 1998, Indonesia engaged in a democratization process and as part of it, the Indonesian military (currently known as Tentara Nasional Indonesia, TNI) which during Suharto era played omnipresent roles in public affairs was forced to adopt reform agendas to disengage itself...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Civil Society Council of Southern Thailand on Peace Talk under Junta Since 2014
Fareeda Panjor
The violent conflict in Thailand's Deep South, the region of Pattani, Yala, Narathiwas and four districts of Songkla provinces since 2004, has caused more than 6,000 deaths and injury of nearly 12,000 people. At the beginning of the conflict in 2004-2005, civil society of Thailand's Deep South did not...
Proceedings Article
Explaining Yudhoyono's decision to develop a strategic partnership with China
Petrus K Farneubun
Several studies by Indonesian and foreign scholars have addressed Yudhoyono's leadership and the roles of bureaucracies in Indonesia's foreign policy. However, their analyses tend to be rather general and highly emphasise the personal characteristics of the president and the role of the minister of foreign...
Proceedings Article
The Intersection of State and Civil Society in The Media Policy Reform: The Case of RRI and TVRI
Mr Masduki
The reform of media system in the new democracies is a result of political democratizing after the collapse of authoritarians around 1990s which involves both State and civil society. This paper traces efforts of civil society organizations (CSO) in Indonesia to reform media system during the last 15...
Proceedings Article
Institutional Organizations In The Decentralization Policy: NGO Organization Cases In Local Level Of West Sumatera
Eka Vidya Putra
The process of democratic transition in Indonesia, characterized by a friction in institutional logic. In the political sphere, the friction can be seen from the change of decentralization policy to centralization policy. The decentralization policy can be distinguished vertically or horizontally. The...
Proceedings Article
Negotiating Public Sphere Modernity and Civil Society in Pesantren
Saifudin Asrori
the contribution of pesantren in socio-economic development has been widely acknowledged. However, this Islamic educational is often associated as an institution that promotes intolerant and militant education which then becomes the root of radical movements and terrorism in Indonesia. Moreover, an accusations...
Proceedings Article
Conservative Islam and The Future of A More Tolerant Society in Indonesia
Ahmad Abrori
Conservatism is an influencing powerful movement in several countries. Indonesia, for example, encounters serious issues dealing with religious conflict because of religious conservatism. This happens especially after the demise of Seoharto's regime in 1998 when this country could no longer control the...
Proceedings Article
Democracy, Civil Society and Sexual Citizenship
Sharyn Graham Davies
This talk will address the ways in which democracy has impacted civil society and sexual citizenship. When Indonesia became a democracy in 1998, after many decades of authoritarian rule, many in the country and beyond hoped that civil society and sexual citizenship would be given the opportunity to flourish....
Proceedings Article
Questioning the Low of Woman Political Participation in Neo-Liberal Democracy
Muhamad Supraja
The affirmative action of woman in Indonesia parliament of 30% hasn't fullfilled yet. Many people hopes that women can achive that amount but the political reality show different. The situations cause many questions of why this can be happened. What factors that caused the low of fullfillment of woman...
Proceedings Article
Gender and Patriarchi Issues in Women's Village Leadership and Women's Village Apparatus Domination in Plantation Community of North Sumatra
Harmona Daulay, T.Ilham Saladin
This research seeks to find the phenomenon of increasingly widespread female leaders in government, politics and business / private world. We recognize that there are still views and stereotypes that place women as second-class citizens or place women in the domestic sector whichs are affected by patriarchal...
Proceedings Article
Change and Opportunity for Women's Political Participation Before and After Reform Era (A Case study of Women's Representative of Local Parliament in West Sumatera)
Ms Selinaswati
This article examines the involvement of women in Politics within two different periods of time in Indonesia. It is common to find the number of women's political participation across some countries are lower than men. This can be affected by some factors including social, cultural and political situation....
Proceedings Article
Women's Political Participation through Representation in The Legislature
Ratnia Solihah, Yusa Djuyandi, Siti Witianti
Women's involvement in the political process such as their representation in the legislature is a form of awareness of the political power of women. Women's involvement in the political process in Indonesia is minimal, given the low representation of women in the legislature. This is due to several internal...
Proceedings Article
NU Women's Role in Narrating Moderate Islam with Majelis Taklim
Wiwi Siti Sajaroh, Sarah Hajar Mahmudah
Majelis taklim is a non-formal institution for Muslims to learn about Islamic teaching. But today, many majelis taklim filled by Islamic scholars who spread the teachings of radical Islam or takfiri ideology. Majelis taklim also become one of the methods of spreading radical ideology among Muslims. With...
Proceedings Article
Gendered Student Political Participation and The Influences Of Voluntary Organizations
Dzuriyatun Toyibah
Student political participation is gendered. It can be ascertained from the data presented in this paper that female students participate less actively than male students all seven forms of political participation; demonstration, signingpetitions, blocking traffic, occupying buildings, boycotting, damaging...
Proceedings Article
Youth Participation In Development Acceleration Of Kolaka Utara Regency ( A Case Studies in Forum Anak Koke-koke)
Mr Sirajuddin, Sitti Utami Rezkiawaty Kamil
Proclaimed as a child-friendly regency, Kolaka Utara is seeking a system of development of an administrative area which integrates commitments and resources of the government, society, and business worlds in the fulfillment of children's rights in a planned, comprehensive and sustainable way. The implementation...
Proceedings Article
Civic Education for Muslim Students in the Era of Democracy: Lessons Learned from Indonesia
Achmad Ubaedillah
After the fall of military regime in 1998, Indonesia faces a new era of democratization. Democracy has been the major discourse where it emerges as the driving force for political and social changes of the nation. To nurture democracy as the public commitment within a Muslim country such as Indonesia,...