Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Social and Political Sciences (ICOSAPS 2020)

262 authors
Larasati, Endang
Empowerment Based on Collaborative Governance in Leprosy Patients In Central Java
Larasati, Endang
Implementation of Population Service Policy in Indonesian Border Areas
Larasati, Endang
Multi-stakeholder Participation Challenges In Local Disaster Management Policies: A Case from Bojonegoro District, Indonesia
Liestyasari, Siany Indria
The Role of Actor in the Implementation of Disaster Preparedness School (SSB) Programs in Senior High School 1 Karanganom, Klaten District
Lituhayu, Dyah
Why Corruption?
Luhukay, Samantha
Study of Public Service Communication Activities in Response to the Psychological Crisis on COVID-19 Pandemic at GPIB Ekklesia BUNR
Mahendra, Yoga
The Optimization of Mosque-based Posdaya to Improve Public Welfare
Mahmudah, Dede
Analysis of Strategies to Increase the Roles of Family Planning Field Officers in Family Planning Village Program in East Tanjung Jabung District of Jambi Province
Marani, Ika Novitaria
The Use of Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) in Distance Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic: Pros and Cons
Level of Public Satisfaction with Aceh Government Performance in Relation to Covid-19 Responses
Max, Lucy
Gender Mainstreaming in Government Programs: Between Administrative Rigorism and Demand for Public Sphere
Civil society (Women Organizations) on supporting Family Resilience in Lampung Province
Mirdha Fahlevi, SI
Level of Public Satisfaction with Aceh Government Performance in Relation to Covid-19 Responses
Mubarak, Adil
Communication Model for Sustainable Development of Public Transportation Infrastructure In West Sumatra
Mughiroh, Ainun
Public Communication Messages on Instagram Account @tukarbaju in Affecting Millennials
Beyond the Spectacle: The Pain and Grief Suffered by Indonesian Rooftoppers
Mukhlisiana, Lusy
Reforming Government Organization: Building A Responsive Government Bureaucracy at Kabupaten Subang
Mulyadi, Asal Wahyuni Erlin
Discrimination and Legal Protection of Transgender: What Can We Learn?
An Innovation for the Resilience and Development of MSMEs in Majalengka Regency, Indonesia
Mumpuni, Christina Arief TH
Local Wisdom in PERCIK Advocacy, Public Communication Strategy
The Challenges of Online Learning in Covid-19 Pandemic Era
Mustika, Rieka
Diffusion of Innovations Zoom Application for Kindergarten Online Learning Communication
Mustofa, Muhammad
Collaborative Governance in Merapi Volcano Eruption Risk Reduction in Sleman
Mutia, Lu’lu
Analysis of Audience Response to Public Service Advertisement about Covid-19 in Instagram
Muttaqin, M. Zaenul
Cyberbullying and Woman Oppression
Nababan, Febrina Elia
Strengthening Village Economy during Pandemic
Nadila, Syarfina Mahya
E-learning as an Adaptation Strategy in Facing Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case study on the 2018 and 2019-generation students of Post Graduate Sociology Department, University of Indonesia
Nanda, Sendi Eka
Analysis of Public Communication Strategy during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Nasher, Ahmad
Communication and Network Crisis : Mapping of Important Actors in the #BersatuLawanCovid19 Campaign on Twitter
The Optimization of Mosque-based Posdaya to Improve Public Welfare
Nasucha, Muchammad
Democracy in Post-Truth Era: The Public Sphere Practice in Indonesian Presidential Election, 2019
Negara, Gustia Ikra
E-PR Effect of Directorate General of Taxes in the Industrial Era 4.0 in Forming Taxation Images
Nindyatmoko, Aryogito
Conflict Resolution in Community Governance Perspective: Social Capital Analysis on Land Tenure Conflict in Bebidas Village, Lombok
Ningtyas, Trimurti
Multi-stakeholder Participation Challenges In Local Disaster Management Policies: A Case from Bojonegoro District, Indonesia
Noor, Muhammad
Empowering Network Management and Performance Quality in the Development of Business Organizations
Noor, Muhammad
Empowering Network Management and Performance Quality in the Development of Business Organizations
Novianti, Vera
Efforts to Fulfill the Right of Rehabilitation For Female Defendant (Study at Lapas IIa Women’s Prison in Palembang)
Nugroho, Romi
Problems with Indonesia’s Rice Field Management Policy Dichotomy of Central - Regional Authorities
Nugroho, Septyantoro Aji
Politics Media: The Dynamic of Independency and Neutrality for Journalist in Strengthening Resilient Society
Nurcahyo, Abraham
The Phenomenon of Vertical Conflict in the Preservation of Historical Sites: Ngurawan, Madiun- East Java
Nurdianti, Raden Roro Suci
Disruption in Economics Learning through WhatsApp Group during Covid-19 Pandemic
Nurfebiaraning, Sylvie
Analysis of Audience Response to Public Service Advertisement about Covid-19 in Instagram
The Role of Actor in the Implementation of Disaster Preparedness School (SSB) Programs in Senior High School 1 Karanganom, Klaten District
Nurhaeni, Ismi Dwi Astuti
Social Marketing Communication Strategy on “Covid-19 Alert Village” of Central Java Regional Police
Nurhaeni, Ismi Dwi Astuti
Management of the Educational Change in the Covid 19 Pandemic Era
Nurhaeni, Ismi Dwi Astuti
Strengthening Civil Servant Performance through E-Performance Bureaucracy Reform at Surakarta Regional Public Hospital
Nurhaeni, Ismi Dwi Astuti
The Dynamic Capability of the Indonesian General Election Commission (KPU) in the 2020 Election during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Nurhaeni, Ismi Dwi Astuti
Strengthening Women’s Role in Politics, How Far Is It?
Nurhaeni, Ismi Dwi Astuti
Gender Mainstreaming in Government Programs: Between Administrative Rigorism and Demand for Public Sphere
Nurmajesti, Hakiki
E-learning as an Adaptation Strategy in Facing Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case study on the 2018 and 2019-generation students of Post Graduate Sociology Department, University of Indonesia
Nuswantara, Kartika
Pancasila and Intolerance among Students in Universities
Oktarina, Adelia
Strengthening Village Economy during Pandemic
Okviana, Lenie
Management of the Educational Change in the Covid 19 Pandemic Era
Okviana, Lenie
Analysis of Public Communication Strategy during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Pahlevi, Indra
Institutional Disaffection: The Role of Political Sophistication in Evaluating Parliament in Indonesia
Parasian, Norman
Video Conference as a Mode of Communication in the Pandemic Era
Patrisia, Novliza Eka
Analysis of Communication Patterns for Expectation Family Program
Youtube Social Media Trends Reduce Television Watching Interest
Permata, Precy Setyadhika
Framing Analysis on Public Crisis Communication by the Ministry of Health during COVID-19 Outbreak
Pertiwi, Cita
Tourism Village: Challenges and Opportunities in New Normal
Pombengi, Jericho D.
Implementation of Population Service Policy in Indonesian Border Areas
Prabawani, Bulan
Penta Helix Model for Sustainable Coastal Area Management in Bangka Islands
Prasetyo, Banu
Pancasila and Intolerance among Students in Universities
Pratama, Eldo Novan
The Analysis of Meme Virality Factors in Twitter of Scholar Protest on September 2019
Prayogi, Arief Noer
Postmodern Vision on COVID-19 Outbreak: A Risk Society Experience in Surakarta
Purnaweni, Hartuti
Identification and Role of Stakeholders in Ecotourism Development in Indonesia
Purnaweni, Hartuti
Empowerment Based on Collaborative Governance in Leprosy Patients In Central Java
Purnaweni, Hartuti
Penta Helix Model for Sustainable Coastal Area Management in Bangka Islands
Purnaweni, Hartuti
Multi-stakeholder Participation Challenges In Local Disaster Management Policies: A Case from Bojonegoro District, Indonesia
Purwasito, Andrik
Youtube Social Media Trends Reduce Television Watching Interest
Purwasito, Andrik
Hybrid Space and Digital Diplomacy in Global Pandemic Covid-19
Puspawati, Ani Agus
Civil society (Women Organizations) on supporting Family Resilience in Lampung Province
Putri, Addin Kurnia
Sign, Simulation, and Consumption on E-Hailing Application Brand
Putri, Addin Kurnia
Expressing Piety through Property Ads: Sharia Housing and Islamic Identity Formation
Putri, Nora Eka
Communication Model for Sustainable Development of Public Transportation Infrastructure In West Sumatra
Putri, Nora Eka
The Influence of Work Culture and Work Quality on Service Quality in 50 Kota Regency, West Sumatra
Putri, Syora Alya Eka
E-learning as an Adaptation Strategy in Facing Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case study on the 2018 and 2019-generation students of Post Graduate Sociology Department, University of Indonesia
Qodir, Misa’al Rizqulloh Al
Discrimination and Legal Protection of Transgender: What Can We Learn?
Rafikasari, Astri
Redefining Indonesia’s Foreign Policy “Free & Active”: Challenges & Opportunities of Indonesia’s - China’s Alliance in the Development of Space Technology
Rahadiantino, Lienggar
Pancasila and Intolerance among Students in Universities
Rahmanto, Andre
Family Communication Patterns in Choosing Halal Food of Muslims Thailand
Rahmanto, Andre N.
The Strategy of Indonesian Local Press to Face the Effect of Covid-19 Global Pandemic
Rahmanto, Andre Noevi
Politics Media: The Dynamic of Independency and Neutrality for Journalist in Strengthening Resilient Society
Rahmawati, Triana
Pattern and Orientation of Indonesian Women’s Movement: Comparison of Women Movement in the Era Before and After the Reform
Rais, Wakit A.
Beyond the Spectacle: The Pain and Grief Suffered by Indonesian Rooftoppers
Ramadhana, Maulana Rezi
Building Communication with Deaf Children during The Covid-19 Pandemic
Rastati, Ranny
Virtual Tour: Tourism in the Time of Corona
Ratu, Aurelius
The Phenomenon of Vertical Conflict in the Preservation of Historical Sites: Ngurawan, Madiun- East Java
Rifai, Mochammad Yoga
The Evaluation on the Impact of Semarang Local Regulation Number 03 of 2013 Policy on “Other Groups”
Risdawati AP, A.
Tourism Village: Challenges and Opportunities in New Normal
Rongso, Kuhafeesah
Family Communication Patterns in Choosing Halal Food of Muslims Thailand
Rozaq, Miftahul
Digital Modeling through Observation of Content on Social Media in the Learning Process of Novice Entrepreneurial Communication Strategies
Rusli, Budiman
Housing Policy Dynamics: Actor and Culture Collaboration Perspective
Rusliati, Ellen
An Innovation for the Resilience and Development of MSMEs in Majalengka Regency, Indonesia
Salsabila, Syifa Andini
E-learning as an Adaptation Strategy in Facing Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case study on the 2018 and 2019-generation students of Post Graduate Sociology Department, University of Indonesia
Santoso, R.Slamet
Collaborative Governance in Tourism Development at the Protected Area Sangiran Indonesia
Sari, A. Anditha
Changes in the Culinary Purchasing Behavior via Digital due to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Sarihati, Tati
Reforming Government Organization: Building A Responsive Government Bureaucracy at Kabupaten Subang
Sasomo, Asih
Indonesian Veterinary Medical Association Corporatism Practices in Veterinary Authority
Satyawan, Ign. Agung
Social Marketing Communication Strategy on “Covid-19 Alert Village” of Central Java Regional Police