Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Indonesian Economy and Development (ICIED 2017)
83 authors
- A. Falianty, Telisa
- Pricing to Market Behaviour and The Impacts on Export Prices of Indonesian Industrial Products
- Adiatma Rum, Irlan
- Analyzing the Island Province Policy on Poverty Alleviation in Maluku Province
- Ahmad Ramdani, Dwiputra
- Carbon Emissions, Energy Consumptions, and Production Activity: Now and Future
- Ahmad Ramdani, Dwiputra
- Solar and Biomass Gasification: A Solution to Boost Shrimp Farming Businesses
- Aida Arifah Tara, Nur
- Identifying Gross Spread Pattern In Indonesian Initial Public Offering Market
- Ajeng Septami, Gisty
- Carbon Emissions, Energy Consumptions, and Production Activity: Now and Future
- Ajeng Septami, Gisty
- The Effects of Siblings Composition on the Children's Intellectual Performance in Indonesia
- Andriani, Mr.
- Regulations on Supporting the Business Zakat Implementation in Indonesia
- Andyani Pertiwi, Dina
- The Effects of Earning Management and Financial Performance on the Quality of Islamic Banking Social Responsibility Report
- Arif Budiman, Mochammad
- Assessing the Roles of Mosques in Enhancing the Islamic Economic Practices
- Arundina, Tika
- Determinants of Mispricing on Indonesian Sovereign Sukuk Auction
- Bulan Samosir, Omas
- The Roles of Grand-parenting in Mothers' Labor Participation in Indonesia
- Bulan Samosir, Omas
- The Effects of Internet Access on Contraceptive Use in Indonesia (Intercensal Population Survey Data Analysis of 2015)
- Bulan Samosir, Omas
- The Effects of Social Capital on Fertility in Indonesia Path Analysis of Susenas 2014
- Cendana Putri, Akka
- The Behaviour and Welfare of Sharing-Based Transportation Workers Case Study of Go-Jek and Grab Drivers in Jakarta
- D. Chondro, Pratiwi
- Pricing to Market Behaviour and The Impacts on Export Prices of Indonesian Industrial Products
- Damayanti, Arie
- Children's Education Attainment: The Effects of Mothers' Go Working on the Children's Golden Age Period
- Damayanti, Ashintya
- The Impacts of Permendag NO. 21/M-DAG/PER/10/2005 on the Structure, Conduct, and Performance of Motorcycle Industry in Indonesia
- Eka Mukti, Kresno
- The Influence of Housing Attributes on Housing Price in East Surabaya
- Fahmi Lubis, Andi
- The Impacts of Multinational Companies on the Manufacturing Wage Inequality:Evidence from Indonesia
- Fahmi Lubis, Andi
- The Impacts of Harmonization of Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) in ASEAN on the Productivity Growth of Indonesia's Electronics Firms
- Faisal Hastiadi, Fithra
- Global Production Network: Participation and Structural Break
- Faisal Hastiadi, Fithra
- Patent Rights Protection System and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Developing Countries
- Faisal Hastiadi, Fithra
- The Analysis of The Export Tax Imposition on Indonesian Cocoa Beans: Impacts on Indonesia and Malaysia Cocoa Processing Export Performance
- Faisal Hastiadi, Fithra
- Trade Creation and Trade Diversion Effects of the ASEAN-China FTA, ASEAN-Korea FTA, and ASEAN-India FTA Implementation on the export of Indonesia's Food and Beverages Industry Products
- Faisal Hastiadi, Fithra
- The Impact Analysis of Normalized Revealed Comparative Advantage on ASEAN's Non-Oil and Gas Export Pattern
- Faisal Hastiadi, Fithra
- Export Premia in The Palm Oil Industry Sector in Indonesia
- Fakhrudin, Umar
- The Impact Analysis of Normalized Revealed Comparative Advantage on ASEAN's Non-Oil and Gas Export Pattern
- Fauzan, Mohamad
- Export Premia in The Palm Oil Industry Sector in Indonesia
- Fitria Hasyar, Detri
- The Impacts of Multinational Companies on the Manufacturing Wage Inequality:Evidence from Indonesia
- Gede karma Wisana, I Dewa
- The Effects of Siblings Composition on the Children's Intellectual Performance in Indonesia
- Gusti Rianta, Maesha
- Solar and Biomass Gasification: A Solution to Boost Shrimp Farming Businesses
- HS, Sufyati
- Risk Mitigation of Moral Hazard on Mudharabah Financing (Case Study : An Islamic Bank)
- Hadianta Tri Widada, Nur
- The Effects of Chronic Conditions and Elderly Background on the Development of Elderly Mobility Function
- Hayu Pertiwi, Ristiyanti
- Determinants of Mispricing on Indonesian Sovereign Sukuk Auction
- Heru Akhmadi, Muhammad
- The Implications of Local Government Spending Efficiency on the Regional Economic Performance
- Karim, Muhamad
- Strengthening the Roles of Sustainable Maritime Economy in East Java, Indonesia
- Krisna, Ketut
- The Middle Class is Us: Measuring Indonesian Middle Class
- Kulendran, Nada
- Identifying Gross Spread Pattern In Indonesian Initial Public Offering Market
- Kustianingrum, Wenny
- The Impacts of Rice Price Subsidy on Nutrition Intake of The Poor: A Case of RASKIN Program in Indonesia
- Larasati, Dea
- Demand of Using Sharing-Based Transportation Services in Indonesia: Does Socio-Religious Preference Matter?
- M.Pulungan, Zainul
- Multi Criteria Decision Making In The Selection Of Renewable Energy Power Plants In Indonesia
- Mairijani, Mr.
- Regulations on Supporting the Business Zakat Implementation in Indonesia
- Marsinta Arsani, Ade
- Inequality and Poverty Alleviation: Globalization, Access, and Gender
- Martua Nababan, Aleknaek
- The Impacts of Permendag NO. 21/M-DAG/PER/10/2005 on the Structure, Conduct, and Performance of Motorcycle Industry in Indonesia
- Miftahul Ilmi, Agus
- Global Production Network: Participation and Structural Break
- Moertiningsih Adioetomo, Sri
- The Effects of Chronic Conditions and Elderly Background on the Development of Elderly Mobility Function
- Mulatsih, Sri
- Analysis of Indonesian Men's Apparel Exports to Seven Countries in Europe Union
- Mutiara Sadewa, Manik
- Assessing the Roles of Mosques in Enhancing the Islamic Economic Practices
- Natoli, Riccardo
- Identifying Gross Spread Pattern In Indonesian Initial Public Offering Market
- Nulhakim, Ihsan
- The Effects of Internet Access on Contraceptive Use in Indonesia (Intercensal Population Survey Data Analysis of 2015)
- Pamungkas, Eksa
- Analyzing the Island Province Policy on Poverty Alleviation in Maluku Province
- Pratomo, Manda
- Patent Rights Protection System and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Developing Countries
- Puteri Nuraisyah, Juwita
- Indonesia - The Trans Pacific Partnership Trade Potential
- Putri Lisa, Kenny
- The Analysis of Target Achievement in Bank Indonesia 2015 Regulation on Lending for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
- Quarina, Qisha
- The Effects of Chronic Conditions and Elderly Background on the Development of Elderly Mobility Function
- Rachmawati, Fitria
- The Impacts of Harmonization of Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) in ASEAN on the Productivity Growth of Indonesia's Electronics Firms
- Rachmawati, Yeni
- Why The Indonesian Elderly Move?
- Rahmatina Awaliah, Kasri
- Demand of Using Sharing-Based Transportation Services in Indonesia: Does Socio-Religious Preference Matter?
- Rahmatina Awaliah, Kasri
- The Behaviour and Welfare of Sharing-Based Transportation Workers Case Study of Go-Jek and Grab Drivers in Jakarta
- Ratna Sjari Martokoesoemo, Dewi
- The Analysis of Target Achievement in Bank Indonesia 2015 Regulation on Lending for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
- Rijoly, Jacobus D.
- Analyzing the Island Province Policy on Poverty Alleviation in Maluku Province
- Riyadi, Umar
- The Roles of Grand-parenting in Mothers' Labor Participation in Indonesia
- Rizkia Nufrina, Putri
- Analysis of Indonesian Men's Apparel Exports to Seven Countries in Europe Union
- Rochani, Dewi
- The Effects of Children's Age on the Non-employment Duration of Married Women In Indonesia
- S. Wongkaren, Turro
- The Middle Class is Us: Measuring Indonesian Middle Class
- Sadhuputri, Andie
- Children's Education Attainment: The Effects of Mothers' Go Working on the Children's Golden Age Period
- Saefuddin, Asep
- Strengthening the Roles of Sustainable Maritime Economy in East Java, Indonesia
- Satyakti, Yayan
- Analyzing the Island Province Policy on Poverty Alleviation in Maluku Province
- Setia Darma, Wahyudi
- Trade Creation and Trade Diversion Effects of the ASEAN-China FTA, ASEAN-Korea FTA, and ASEAN-India FTA Implementation on the export of Indonesia's Food and Beverages Industry Products
- Setiadi, Irfan
- Applying Islamic Economics in order to Improve Prosperity in Indonesia
- Sihaloho, Estro
- Analyzing the Island Province Policy on Poverty Alleviation in Maluku Province
- Silvino Violita, Evony
- The Effects of Earning Management and Financial Performance on the Quality of Islamic Banking Social Responsibility Report
- Sri yeni, Lidya
- The Effects of Social Capital on Fertility in Indonesia Path Analysis of Susenas 2014
- Stiawan, Wahyu
- UNITED WE STAND: The Role of Social Capital in Disaster Recovery in Indonesia
- Sumardjoko, Imam
- The Implications of Local Government Spending Efficiency on the Regional Economic Performance
- Sunitiyoso, Yos
- Multi Criteria Decision Making In The Selection Of Renewable Energy Power Plants In Indonesia
- Terawaki, Taku
- The Impacts of Rice Price Subsidy on Nutrition Intake of The Poor: A Case of RASKIN Program in Indonesia
- Ulido Lumbanraja, Alvin
- When Officials Don't Know What They Don't Know: Dunning-Kruger Effect in the Case of Green Budgeting for Local Government
- Winardi, Wisnu
- Strengthening the Roles of Sustainable Maritime Economy in East Java, Indonesia
- Yeni, Oktaviani
- Risk Mitigation of Moral Hazard on Mudharabah Financing (Case Study : An Islamic Bank)
- Yudyanto, Hendy
- The Analysis of The Export Tax Imposition on Indonesian Cocoa Beans: Impacts on Indonesia and Malaysia Cocoa Processing Export Performance
- Zen, Fauziah
- Applying Islamic Economics in order to Improve Prosperity in Indonesia