Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Education and Technology (ICETECH 2022)

269 authors
Saputro, Agung Nasrulloh
Synectics Multiliteracy Learning Model in Writing Short Stories
Sari, Erma Wulan
Financial Technology, Financial Literacy and Financial Management Behaviour in Colleges
Sari, Suriani
Standardization of Athletic Test Norms for Class Viii Boy Students at State Junior High School
The Development of Early Childhood’s Maritime Textbook Based on Local Wisdom in Gili Indah Village, North Lombok Regency West Nusa Tenggara
Segumpan, Ma. Vivienne
Guided Reading Lessons Featuring Digital Stories on Students’ Reading Comprehension
Septiani, Ni Wayan Parwati
Modelling Finite State Automata to Find Shortest Path
Septiati, Ety
Analysis of Student Learning Outcomes of Derivative Materials
Septiyani, Rini Dwi
Integration Technology in English for Specific Purpose (ESP) Course Design for Law Students
English Teachers’ Evaluation of the Portable English as an International Language (EIL) Perception Scale Toolkit Practicality as the Diagnostic Instrument
Silaban, Adeline
Improvement of Critical Thinking Ability Using E-learning
Slamet, Joko
Effectiveness eLSIDA as a Moodle-Based LMS on the Slow Learners’ Achievements
Styaningrum, Farida
Development of Problem Based Learning Student Worksheets on Accounting Computer Subject Class XI SMKN 1 Geger
Application of Window Shopping Learning Model to Increase Student Learning Outcomes in IPS Courses
Sudrajat, Muhammad Agus
Factors Affecting the Use of Financial Technology Payment Systems (Case Study on ShopeePay Digital Wallet Users in Madiun City)
English Teachers’ Evaluation of the Portable English as an International Language (EIL) Perception Scale Toolkit Practicality as the Diagnostic Instrument
The Evaluation of Teacher Certification Policy Represented by Its Implementation in the Border Area of Sanggau District of Indonesia
Suherman, Ade
Actualization of the Value of Local Wisdom in Era 4.0 as a Learning Source for Pancasila and Citizenship Education
Sukri, Akhmad
Diversity of Fruit Bats (Pteropodidae) in Nature Tourism Park, Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara
Sukri, Akhmad
Revealing Students’ Environment Care Attitudes Viewed by Different Gender and Departments
Sukri, Akhmad
Research Skills Profile of Prospective Science Teacher Viewed from Gender
The Validity of Interactive PowerPoint Based on Balanced Literacy Approach for Early Reading Improvement
Sulistiyowati, Liliek Nur
Growth Opportunity, Leverage, Net Working Capital and Firm Size on Cash Holding
Sulistyowati, Heny
Positive Politeness Strategy in Graham Norton Show
Suprapto, Edy
STEAM-Culture Based Teaching Materials on Cube and Block Building Materials
Supriyatna, Asep
Ecolife Media Effect on Students’ Eco Intelligence Ability in Social Studies Learning
Surani, Dewi
Integration Technology in English for Specific Purpose (ESP) Course Design for Law Students
Susantini, Endang
Revealing Students’ Environment Care Attitudes Viewed by Different Gender and Departments
Modelling Finite State Automata to Find Shortest Path
Syarifah, Liah Siti
The Need Assessment of Digital Learning Resources for Online Learning in Vocational High Schools
Tahir, Muhammad
The Development of Early Childhood’s Maritime Textbook Based on Local Wisdom in Gili Indah Village, North Lombok Regency West Nusa Tenggara
Tan, Denis A.
Multidimensional Analysis of Determinants in the Academic Achievement of Basic Education Learners: Its Implication to Higher Education Institutions
Tan, Jude
Incorporating Assessment Moderation in the Malaysian Classroom-Based Assessment (CBA) Teacher Training Module
Tanghal, Analiza B.
Technology Proficiency and Academic Stress Level of Pre-service Teachers Under the New Normal
Taofik, De Budi Irwan
The Effectiveness of Application POEW (Predict–Observe–Explain–Write) Learning Models on the Ecosystem Concept
Ecolife Media Effect on Students’ Eco Intelligence Ability in Social Studies Learning
The Needs Analysis of Online Learning
Moodle-Based Learning Management System Application in the Development of Interactive Digital Module in Description Statistics Courses
Enterprise Architectural Planning Hospital Using Oracle Architecture Development Process (OADP) General Hospital Type C
UI/UX Design of Hotel Search and Booking Applications Using the Learn Experience Method
User Interface Analysis on Job Matching Information System Using Eight Golden Rules
Tjahjadi, Bambang
Role of Political Connections and Corporate Performance in Mediation by Green Innovation in Case Study in Indonesia
Tjahjadi, Bambang
The Influence of Technology and Innovation Strategy on Financial Performance Through the Mediation of Intellectual Capital in Private Hospitals
Tjahjadi, Bambang
The Impact of Green Intellectual Capital on Sustainable Performance Case Studies in Educational Organizations
Tomas, Mary Jane L.
Guidance and Counseling and Homeroom Guidance in Public Schools: How Do We Do in This Time of Pandemic?
Tumacder, Jenny Rose O.
Self-efficacy and Learning Strategies in the Context of Online Learning
Ucang, Jennyliza
Investigating the Effects of Videoconferencing on Students’ Interest in Learning Mathematics
Umath, Syamsiyatuz Zahroatul Khoirotil
Plant Ecology Learning Modeling with Python Programming to Support Digital Argumentation Skills
Uno, Indra Cahya
Ecolife Media Effect on Students’ Eco Intelligence Ability in Social Studies Learning
Urbano, Jomar M.
Self-efficacy and Learning Strategies in the Context of Online Learning
Utomo, Edy Setiyo
The CORE Learning Model in Improving Mathematical Communication and Learning Outcomes of Junior High School Students
Utomo, Supri Wahyudi
The Urgency of Collaboration and Innovation for Improving the Quality of Learning
Vergara, Christopher R.
Technology Proficiency and Academic Stress Level of Pre-service Teachers Under the New Normal
Waraulia, AsriMusandi
Synectics Multiliteracy Learning Model in Writing Short Stories
Wardhani, Rio
Ecoliteracy-Based Bioentrepreneurship: Improving the Culture of Plastic Waste Processing
Wenceslao, Ruel C.
A Decision Support System for Predicting Students’ Performance in the National Achievement Test (NAT) of Senior High School Students
Widiana, Rina
Students Creativity Through Digital Mind Map
Widodo, J. Priyanto
Effectiveness eLSIDA as a Moodle-Based LMS on the Slow Learners’ Achievements
Widyaningsih, Yennie
WordWall Application as an Interactive Learning Media in Mastering English Vocabulary at Elementary School
Widyanti, Triani
Ecolife Media Effect on Students’ Eco Intelligence Ability in Social Studies Learning
Widyastuti, Febby
STEAM-Culture Based Teaching Materials on Cube and Block Building Materials
Widyawati, Karya
Design and Development of Batik Village Gemeksekti Kebumen Based on Local Wisdom for Tourism Education
Wijaya, Widia Murni
The Need Assessment of Digital Learning Resources for Online Learning in Vocational High Schools
Wirza, Yanty
The Indonesian EFL Learners’ Motivation and Autonomy
Wiyanto, Muhammad Saibani
Positive Politeness Strategy in Graham Norton Show
Yaum, Lailil Aflahkul
The Implementation of Education During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Special Elementary School, Jember Regency
Yaum, Lailil Aflahkul
The Use of Modification Audio Media in Recognition of Braille Letters Symbol on Multiple Disabilities with Visual Impairment (MDVI) Students
Yulianingsih, Wiwin
The Development of Early Childhood’s Maritime Textbook Based on Local Wisdom in Gili Indah Village, North Lombok Regency West Nusa Tenggara
Zahri, Rihan Mustafa
Financial Technology, Financial Literacy and Financial Management Behaviour in Colleges
Zusfindhana, Inna Hamida
Management of English Language Learning for Deaf Students at Extraordinary Elementary School, Jember Regency