Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Education and Technology (ICETECH 2022)

269 authors
Abellana, Aprell L.
Multidimensional Analysis of Determinants in the Academic Achievement of Basic Education Learners: Its Implication to Higher Education Institutions
Adigue, Andrea P.
Self-efficacy and Learning Strategies in the Context of Online Learning
Afifah, Kurniasih Nur
Diversity of Fruit Bats (Pteropodidae) in Nature Tourism Park, Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara
Afriansyah, Ekasatya Aldila
How Far is the Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability of Vocational School Students?
Agil, Mangestuti
Education System and Traditional Knowledge of Medicinal Plants for Healthcare in Tengger Tribe, Argosari Village, East Java, Indonesia
Aguirre, Mindelle Rey C.
A Decision Support System for Predicting Students’ Performance in the National Achievement Test (NAT) of Senior High School Students
Akbar, Muhammad
Improvement of Critical Thinking Ability Using E-learning
Alerta, Rosalina
Guided Reading Lessons Featuring Digital Stories on Students’ Reading Comprehension
Alimin, Al Ashadi
Metacognitive Awareness Towards Academic Learning
Alvarez, Joel I.
HyFlex Learning: Continuing Tertiary Education in a Post – Pandemic Environment
Amalia, Lida
The Effectiveness of Application POEW (Predict–Observe–Explain–Write) Learning Models on the Ecosystem Concept
Andhi, Rahmat Rizal
Development of Ethnomathematics-Based Online Learning (POBE) for Prospective Teachers
Angeles, Jermil R.
Learning the Basic Skills in Industrial Arts: A Massive Open Online Course for Pre-service TechVoc Educators
Anggrahini, Nanda
Growth Opportunity, Leverage, Net Working Capital and Firm Size on Cash Holding
Peer Assessment Analysis of Performance Appraisal Using Analytical Rubrics to Improve Critical Thinking Skills
Anud, Edgar M.
Relationship Between Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) Self-efficacy, 21st Century Instructional Skills and Performance of Science Teachers
Apriandi, Davi
STEAM-Culture Based Teaching Materials on Cube and Block Building Materials
Armiani, Sucika
Diversity of Fruit Bats (Pteropodidae) in Nature Tourism Park, Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara
Astuti, Irnin Agustina Dwi
Four-Tier Optics Diagnostic Test (4T-ODT) to Identify Student Misconceptions
Astuti, Reni
The Evaluation of Teacher Certification Policy Represented by Its Implementation in the Border Area of Sanggau District of Indonesia
Atmaja, I Wayan Wesa
Effectiveness eLSIDA as a Moodle-Based LMS on the Slow Learners’ Achievements
Avionyta, Nadhieva
Plant Ecology Learning Modeling with Python Programming to Support Digital Argumentation Skills
Ayu, Ieke Wulan
Research Skills Profile of Prospective Science Teacher Viewed from Gender
Ayunar, Gladys S.
A Decision Support System for Predicting Students’ Performance in the National Achievement Test (NAT) of Senior High School Students
Aziz, Ahmad Nur
Financial Technology, Financial Literacy and Financial Management Behaviour in Colleges
Bhagawan, Weka Sidha
Education System and Traditional Knowledge of Medicinal Plants for Healthcare in Tengger Tribe, Argosari Village, East Java, Indonesia
Bhakti, Demmy Dharma
The Needs Analysis of Online Learning
Bhakti, Yoga Budi
Four-Tier Optics Diagnostic Test (4T-ODT) to Identify Student Misconceptions
Bonifacio, Kent Levi A.
A Decision Support System for Predicting Students’ Performance in the National Achievement Test (NAT) of Senior High School Students
Budiarto, Asri
Design and Development of Batik Village Gemeksekti Kebumen Based on Local Wisdom for Tourism Education
The Independence of Students of SLBN Karangrejo Madiun Regency in Learning Farm Education with the STEAM Approach
Capuyan, Joemar B.
Multidimensional Analysis of Determinants in the Academic Achievement of Basic Education Learners: Its Implication to Higher Education Institutions
Caro, Virgencita B.
Relationship Between Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) Self-efficacy, 21st Century Instructional Skills and Performance of Science Teachers
Caro, Virgencita B.
Multidimensional Analysis of Determinants in the Academic Achievement of Basic Education Learners: Its Implication to Higher Education Institutions
Casildo, Nathalie Joy G.
A Decision Support System for Predicting Students’ Performance in the National Achievement Test (NAT) of Senior High School Students
Chasanatun, F.
Kampung Budha Sodong’s Local Wisdom: The Symbolic Forms of Covid-19 Traditional Ritual, Its Internalization and Comparing to the Villagers’ Educational Backgrounds
Cortez, Angelica O.
Learning the Basic Skills in Industrial Arts: A Massive Open Online Course for Pre-service TechVoc Educators
Cortez, Angelica O.
Guidance and Counseling and Homeroom Guidance in Public Schools: How Do We Do in This Time of Pandemic?
Cortez, Bernard Emil O.
Guidance and Counseling and Homeroom Guidance in Public Schools: How Do We Do in This Time of Pandemic?
Dahlena, Alni
Ecolife Media Effect on Students’ Eco Intelligence Ability in Social Studies Learning
Darma, Yudi
The Evaluation of Teacher Certification Policy Represented by Its Implementation in the Border Area of Sanggau District of Indonesia
The Independence of Students of SLBN Karangrejo Madiun Regency in Learning Farm Education with the STEAM Approach
Das, St. Wardah Hanafie
Digital-Based Islamic Education and Morals Learning Model in SMA/SMK of Parepare
Standardization of Athletic Test Norms for Class Viii Boy Students at State Junior High School
Derije, Ma. Elena E.
Multidimensional Analysis of Determinants in the Academic Achievement of Basic Education Learners: Its Implication to Higher Education Institutions
Devi, Heidy Paramitha
Factors Affecting the Use of Financial Technology Payment Systems (Case Study on ShopeePay Digital Wallet Users in Madiun City)
Dianah, Lili
Ecolife Media Effect on Students’ Eco Intelligence Ability in Social Studies Learning
Dimyati, Endang
Actualization of the Value of Local Wisdom in Era 4.0 as a Learning Source for Pancasila and Citizenship Education
Ditasari, Rollis Ayu
EDUPEDIA: Intelligent Tutoring System on Learning Difficulties
Ditta, Aliffianti Safiria Ayu
EDUPEDIA: Intelligent Tutoring System on Learning Difficulties
Dwiputri, Marselly
Design and Development of Batik Village Gemeksekti Kebumen Based on Local Wisdom for Tourism Education
Ekasari, Wiwied
Education System and Traditional Knowledge of Medicinal Plants for Healthcare in Tengger Tribe, Argosari Village, East Java, Indonesia
Emyus, Ahmad Zaki
The Use of Modification Audio Media in Recognition of Braille Letters Symbol on Multiple Disabilities with Visual Impairment (MDVI) Students
Ernawati, Atie
Design and Development of Batik Village Gemeksekti Kebumen Based on Local Wisdom for Tourism Education
Escarlos, Gladys S.
A Decision Support System for Predicting Students’ Performance in the National Achievement Test (NAT) of Senior High School Students
Escarlos, Gladys S.
Multidimensional Analysis of Determinants in the Academic Achievement of Basic Education Learners: Its Implication to Higher Education Institutions
Esteban, Alfredo M.
Technology Proficiency and Academic Stress Level of Pre-service Teachers Under the New Normal
Fajri, Siti Rabiatul
Diversity of Fruit Bats (Pteropodidae) in Nature Tourism Park, Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara
Farell, Geovanne
User Interface Analysis on Job Matching Information System Using Eight Golden Rules
Fatah, Galih Abdul
Enterprise Architectural Planning Hospital Using Oracle Architecture Development Process (OADP) General Hospital Type C
Fatah, Galih Abdul
UI/UX Design of Hotel Search and Booking Applications Using the Learn Experience Method
Fayanni, Yenni
The Influence of Technology and Innovation Strategy on Financial Performance Through the Mediation of Intellectual Capital in Private Hospitals
Febriyanti, Nindy
WordWall Application as an Interactive Learning Media in Mastering English Vocabulary at Elementary School
Fendrik, Muhammad
Development of Ethnomathematics-Based Online Learning (POBE) for Prospective Teachers
Firdaus, Muhamad
The Evaluation of Teacher Certification Policy Represented by Its Implementation in the Border Area of Sanggau District of Indonesia
Galman, Sheena Mai A.
HyFlex Learning: Continuing Tertiary Education in a Post – Pandemic Environment
Galman, Sheena Mai A.
Guidance and Counseling and Homeroom Guidance in Public Schools: How Do We Do in This Time of Pandemic?
Hadi, Ahmaddul
User Interface Analysis on Job Matching Information System Using Eight Golden Rules
Hadiprayogo, Basuki
The Implementation of Education During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Special Elementary School, Jember Regency
Halik, Abdul
Digital-Based Islamic Education and Morals Learning Model in SMA/SMK of Parepare
Hamdani, Nizar
WordWall Application as an Interactive Learning Media in Mastering English Vocabulary at Elementary School
Hamdani, Nizar Alam
The Needs Analysis of Online Learning
Hamdani, Nizar Alam
Moodle-Based Learning Management System Application in the Development of Interactive Digital Module in Description Statistics Courses
Hamdani, Nizar Alam
Enterprise Architectural Planning Hospital Using Oracle Architecture Development Process (OADP) General Hospital Type C
Hamdani, Nizar Alam
How Far is the Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability of Vocational School Students?
Hamdani, Nizar Alam
UI/UX Design of Hotel Search and Booking Applications Using the Learn Experience Method
Handhika, Jeffry
Peer-Review Statements
Handhika, Jeffry
Plant Ecology Learning Modeling with Python Programming to Support Digital Argumentation Skills
Hanif, M.
Kampung Budha Sodong’s Local Wisdom: The Symbolic Forms of Covid-19 Traditional Ritual, Its Internalization and Comparing to the Villagers’ Educational Backgrounds
Hariyani, Diyah Santi
Growth Opportunity, Leverage, Net Working Capital and Firm Size on Cash Holding
Harris, Soepardi
Design and Development of Batik Village Gemeksekti Kebumen Based on Local Wisdom for Tourism Education
Hartiningrum, Esty Saraswati Nur
The CORE Learning Model in Improving Mathematical Communication and Learning Outcomes of Junior High School Students
Haryanto, Sendy Dwi
EDUPEDIA: Intelligent Tutoring System on Learning Difficulties
Herman, Sukrina
Enterprise Architectural Planning Hospital Using Oracle Architecture Development Process (OADP) General Hospital Type C
Herman, Sukrina
UI/UX Design of Hotel Search and Booking Applications Using the Learn Experience Method
Hidayat, Ryan
Design and Development of Batik Village Gemeksekti Kebumen Based on Local Wisdom for Tourism Education
Hoang, Ha
Working with the Language Curriculum: On Methods and Teacher Agency
Imelwaty, Sri
English Teachers’ Evaluation of the Portable English as an International Language (EIL) Perception Scale Toolkit Practicality as the Diagnostic Instrument
Indah, Rizky
Positive Politeness Strategy in Graham Norton Show
Irawan, Ari
Implementation of the Kaulinan Barudak Application as a Numeration Learning Media
Irawan, Ari
Javanese Batik as the Development of Android-Based Interactive Learning Media
Iriani, Tuti
Peer Assessment Analysis of Performance Appraisal Using Analytical Rubrics to Improve Critical Thinking Skills
Irwan, Dedi
Metacognitive Awareness Towards Academic Learning
Irwanita, Dea
Development of Audio Visual Learning Media Based on Canva Application on Students Learning Interest in Geography Learning in Class X IPS SMAN 2 Dayun, Kabupaten Siak
Islami, Fajrul
Integration Technology in English for Specific Purpose (ESP) Course Design for Law Students
Jamaluddin, Asham Bin
Students Creativity Through Digital Mind Map
Actualization of the Value of Local Wisdom in Era 4.0 as a Learning Source for Pancasila and Citizenship Education
Jannah, Miftahul
The Validity of Interactive PowerPoint Based on Balanced Literacy Approach for Early Reading Improvement
Jaya, Putra
User Interface Analysis on Job Matching Information System Using Eight Golden Rules
Juliyanti, Wiwin
Financial Technology, Financial Literacy and Financial Management Behaviour in Colleges