Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2017)
104 articles
Proceedings Article
The Effectivity of Phonics Method in Improving Reading Ability of 1st Grade Elementary School Students
Wulanir Rahmah, Lena Pandjaitan
Reading is a basic skill that the students of the formal school must have. The Ministry of Education through BNSP has regulated the standard of reading ability for 1st-grade students of elementary school, that is able to read simple syllable, word, and sentence by using proper pronunciation and intonation....
Proceedings Article
Should We Transform? Integration Cultural Ethics And Values in Chemistry Teaching And Learning
Yuli Rahmawati
The paper reveals 2-year longitudinal research study on integration cultural ethics and values in chemistry teaching and learning by integrating Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT). Indonesia diversity in geographical, cultural practices, values, and beliefs become the challenges in implementing standards-based...
Proceedings Article
Influence of Habituation on Self-Awareness and Prosocial Behavior in 4-5-Year-Old Children
Zafifatuz Zuhro, Ms. Sukartiningsih, Bachtiar Bachri
The aim of this study to determine the habit of self-awareness and prosocial behavior in an early child aged 4-5 years at a kindergarten, Surabaya, Indonesia. This is an experimental research with quantitative approach. The subjects of the study were 60 kindergarten students in Surabaya. Data analysis...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Science Learning using Contextual Teaching and Learning to Improve Elementary School Students' Critical Thinking Skills
Zaimatus Zaifaro, Mr. Muhari, B. Jatmiko
This study aims to examine the effectiveness of science learning which applied Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) to improve the critical thinking skills of elementary school students on the topic of balance and preservation of natural resources. This research is a part of a development study with...