Proceedings of the International Conference for Democracy and National Resilience 2022 (ICDNR 2022)

97 authors
Alya, Zalfa Hania
Freedom of Expression and the Press as a Part of Democracy Society in Indonesia
Ardyanto, Deny Tri
The Difference Between Freedom of Speech and Outrageous Opinion Based on Netizens’ Behavior
Arkananta, Fausta Nanda S.
Digital Acceleration in Sorting Out Fact and Hoaxes to Achieve Democratic Freedom
Atmoko, Wahyu Dwi
Demographical Description of Victims Undergoing Clinical Visum Examinations in UNS Hospital Period 2017–2021 as a Consideration for Determining Health Policy
Azzahra, Fatimah
Legal Basis Governing About Bad Stocks and Tokens in Indonesia
Budyatmojo, Winarno
Indonesia’s National Resilience in the Era of Digital Democracy
Dewayanti, Irma
Telemedicine in Indonesia: Perspective of Ethic, Discipline and Law
Dhika, Refano Putra Wira
Indonesia’s National Resilience in the Era of Digital Democracy
Effendy, Ansyella Berlanda
Description of Trauma Cases in the ER at UNS Hospital Conducted VER Examination 2017–2021 to Realize Legal and Social Justice
Fathurrahman, Farhan
Modernization and Technological Developments that have an Impact on Freedom of Expression in Today’s Digital Age
Febrianasari, Sinta Amelia
Modernization and Technological Developments that have an Impact on Freedom of Expression in Today’s Digital Age
Fial, Aulia Hasanatu
Government Involvement Upon Freedom of Expression in Mass Media in the Era of Digital Globalization
Firdaus, Sunny Ummul
Telemedicine in Indonesia: Perspective of Ethic, Discipline and Law
Firdaus, Sunny Ummul
Modernization and Technological Developments that have an Impact on Freedom of Expression in Today’s Digital Age
Firdaus, Sunny Ummul
The Role of the Press in Democracy
Firdaus, Sunny Ummul
The Impact of Modernization in Education, Economics, Social and Cultural Sectors on the Existence of Democracy
Firdaus, Sunny Ummul
Government Involvement Upon Freedom of Expression in Mass Media in the Era of Digital Globalization
Firdaus, Sunny Ummul
Cybercrime Prevention Based on Democracy in Indonesia
Firdaus, Sunny Ummul
Parson’s Cybernetics: An Analysis of the Cyber Market of Drug Abuse Among Teenagers
Fitri, Aufa Adila Yasmin
Description of Clinical Forensic Cases Examined in UNS Hospital Period 2017–2021 for Supporting Law and Order Enforcement
Fitriana, Rosita Tryas
The Role of the Press in Democracy
Hadi, Hernawan
The Role of Blockchain in Strengthening Indonesia’s Economic Stability
Handayani, I. Gusti Ayu Ketut Rachmi
Implementation of Psychological Rehabilitation for Child Performers of Crime of Sexual Violence
Hartiwiningsih, Hartiwiningsih
Optimization of the Corruption Court in Minimizing State Losses Due to Corruption
Hartiwiningsih, Hartiwiningsih
Strengthening the Use of Artificial Intelligence Through Sustainable Economic Law Development in the Digital Era
Hartiwiningsih, Hartiwiningsih
Implementation of Psychological Rehabilitation for Child Performers of Crime of Sexual Violence
Hidayat, Muhamad Alief
Hate Speaking and Hoax as Challenges to Democracy in the Digital Era
Hidayat, Muhamad Alief
The Right to Freedom of Expression in the Digital Age
Hidayat, Muhamad Alief
Digitalization as an Effort to Increase National Resilience in the Economy
Hidayat, Muhamad Alief
Digital Acceleration in Sorting Out Fact and Hoaxes to Achieve Democratic Freedom
Hidayat, Muhamad Alief
The Role of the Press in Democracy
Hidayat, Muhamad Alief
The Essence of Free Speech and Individual Expression in the Digital Era
Hidayat, Muhamad Alief
Government Involvement Upon Freedom of Expression in Mass Media in the Era of Digital Globalization
Hidayat, Muhamad Alief
Protection of Women Against Incidents of Sexual Violence in War Areas from an International Humanitarian Perspective
Hidayat, Muhamad Alief
Fulfillment of Rights Protection for Children with Disabilities Who Experience Physical Violence
Hidayat, Muhamad Alief
Parson’s Cybernetics: An Analysis of the Cyber Market of Drug Abuse Among Teenagers
Hidayat, Muhamad Alief
Optimization of Balanced Nutrition Consumption Equality Through the Nu-CL (Nutritional Child Lunch) Program to Obtain Indonesian Children Zero Hunger and Malnutrition as the Actualization of Sustainable Development Goal 2030
Hidayat, Muhamad Alief
Optimization of Land Utilization Through Integrated Organic Agriculture Program for Disabilities with Productive Age as the Embodiment of National Food Security
Imanullah, Moch Najib
The Role of Blockchain in Strengthening Indonesia’s Economic Stability
Isharyanto, Isharyanto
Optimization of the Corruption Court in Minimizing State Losses Due to Corruption
Ismunarno, Ismunarno
Optimization of the Corruption Court in Minimizing State Losses Due to Corruption
Jati, Ridhollah Purwa
Parson’s Cybernetics: An Analysis of the Cyber Market of Drug Abuse Among Teenagers
Juwitasari, Danika
Demographical Description of Victims Undergoing Clinical Visum Examinations in UNS Hospital Period 2017–2021 as a Consideration for Determining Health Policy
Karin, Alfina Faradisa
The Right to Freedom of Expression in the Digital Age
Kharisma, Dona Budi
Peer-Review Statements
Kharisma, Dona Budi
Civil Liability Regime for Artificial Intelligence in Indonesia: Become a Future Legal Subject?
Kirani, Nimas Ayu Dyah
Handling Hate Speech Cases on Social Media in the Perspective of the ITE Law
Laxamana, Muhammad Zildjian
Cybercrime Prevention Based on Democracy in Indonesia
Laxamanahady, Moch. Syafrudin Dwi Sapto
The Right to Freedom of Expression in the Digital Age
Laxamanahady, Moch. Syafrudin Dwi Sapto
Digitalization as an Effort to Increase National Resilience in the Economy
Lukitasari, Diana
Strengthening the Use of Artificial Intelligence Through Sustainable Economic Law Development in the Digital Era
Machfudz, Drifarrosa Aisy Aufanuha
Optimization of Balanced Nutrition Consumption Equality Through the Nu-CL (Nutritional Child Lunch) Program to Obtain Indonesian Children Zero Hunger and Malnutrition as the Actualization of Sustainable Development Goal 2030
Madalina, Maria
Legal Liability of Indonesia Private Company to Third Parties: A Lesson Learned from India
Magistra, Aristri Rahma
The Impact of Modernization in Education, Economics, Social and Cultural Sectors on the Existence of Democracy
Maharani, Andina Elok Puri
Freedom of Expression and the Need for Digital Literacy in Today’s Digital Age
Maharani, Andina Elok Puri
Freedom of Expression and the Press as a Part of Democracy Society in Indonesia
Maharani, Andina Elok Puri
The Rights and Restrictions of Freedom of Speech in Social Media and the Digital Era
Maulana, Zufar
Parson’s Cybernetics: An Analysis of the Cyber Market of Drug Abuse Among Teenagers
Maulidyta, Allyanisa
Protection of Women Against Incidents of Sexual Violence in War Areas from an International Humanitarian Perspective
Meyliza, Tasyah
The Urgency of Freedom of Speech in the Digital Era Against the Information and Electronic Transaction Law
Muryanto, Yudho Taruno
Hate Speaking and Hoax as Challenges to Democracy in the Digital Era
Nabila, Elnajj Keysha
The Rights and Restrictions of Freedom of Speech in Social Media and the Digital Era
Naufal, Abdusyahid
Fulfillment of Rights Protection for Children with Disabilities Who Experience Physical Violence
Novyanto, Abi
Government Involvement Upon Freedom of Expression in Mass Media in the Era of Digital Globalization
Nugraha, Az-Zhara Zeta
Freedom of Expression and the Need for Digital Literacy in Today’s Digital Age
Nugroho, Novianto Adi
Description of Clinical Forensic Cases Examined in UNS Hospital Period 2017–2021 for Supporting Law and Order Enforcement
Pati, Umi Khaerah
Legal Liability of Indonesia Private Company to Third Parties: A Lesson Learned from India
Pratama, Anugrah Muhtarom
Civil Liability Regime for Artificial Intelligence in Indonesia: Become a Future Legal Subject?
Pujiyono, Pujiyono
The Role of Blockchain in Strengthening Indonesia’s Economic Stability
Putranto, Andri
Legal Basis Governing About Bad Stocks and Tokens in Indonesia
Putri, Farrely Jacynda Sukma
The Difference Between Freedom of Speech and Outrageous Opinion Based on Netizens’ Behavior
Radzakani, Najwa Syifa
Hate Speaking and Hoax as Challenges to Democracy in the Digital Era
Raharjo, Purwono Sungkono
The Impact of Modernization in Education, Economics, Social and Cultural Sectors on the Existence of Democracy
Saputra, Billy Brillyan Dwi
Legal Basis Governing About Bad Stocks and Tokens in Indonesia
Setiyawan, Anang
Legal Liability of Indonesia Private Company to Third Parties: A Lesson Learned from India
Subekti, Subekti
Implementation of Psychological Rehabilitation for Child Performers of Crime of Sexual Violence
Suprobowati, Gayatri Dyah
Peer-Review Statements
Suprobowati, Gayatri Dyah
Handling Hate Speech Cases on Social Media in the Perspective of the ITE Law
Suprobowati, Gayatri Dyah
Forgiveness as a Psychological Effort for Victims of Crime of Sexual Harassment
Susmartianingsih, Yunita
The Essence of Free Speech and Individual Expression in the Digital Era
Suwandono, Adji
Description of Trauma Cases in the ER at UNS Hospital Conducted VER Examination 2017–2021 to Realize Legal and Social Justice
Suwandono, Adji
Description of Clinical Forensic Cases Examined in UNS Hospital Period 2017–2021 for Supporting Law and Order Enforcement
Suwandono, Adji
Demographical Description of Victims Undergoing Clinical Visum Examinations in UNS Hospital Period 2017–2021 as a Consideration for Determining Health Policy
Suwanto, Yohanes
Optimization of Land Utilization Through Integrated Organic Agriculture Program for Disabilities with Productive Age as the Embodiment of National Food Security
Tantri, Danis Elina
Digitalization as an Effort to Increase National Resilience in the Economy
Tejomurti, Kukuh
Legal Liability of Indonesia Private Company to Third Parties: A Lesson Learned from India
Uneputty, Bretna Shiwe Benaya
Digital Acceleration in Sorting Out Fact and Hoaxes to Achieve Democratic Freedom
Indonesia’s National Resilience in the Era of Digital Democracy
Waluyo, Waluyo
Peer-Review Statements
Waskita, Sendari
The Role of Blockchain in Strengthening Indonesia’s Economic Stability
Widiyanti, Siwi
Democracy, Freedom of Speech in the Digital Era: Social Media Wise
Winatalia, Purisa Cristiwi
Cybercrime Prevention Based on Democracy in Indonesia
Wiwoho, Jamal
The Urgency of Freedom of Speech in the Digital Era Against the Information and Electronic Transaction Law
Wiwoho, Jamal
Strengthening the Use of Artificial Intelligence Through Sustainable Economic Law Development in the Digital Era
Wujoso, Hari
Description of Trauma Cases in the ER at UNS Hospital Conducted VER Examination 2017–2021 to Realize Legal and Social Justice
Yuliandari, Erna
Democracy, Freedom of Speech in the Digital Era: Social Media Wise
Yusianto, Haliffara Naufal
The Essence of Free Speech and Individual Expression in the Digital Era