Proceedings of the 1st International Conference Da'wah and Communication Disruptios Era 5.0 (ICDCDE 2024)

81 authors
Abadi, Totok Wahyu
Media and Politics Identify The New Threat in the South China Sea
Abduh, M.
Intrapersonal Communication in the Qur’an
Aedi, Ulul
Gender Representation in Da’wah Programs On Radio Republik Indonesia Purwokerto Central Java Indonesia
Amal, Bakhrul Khair
Padalan Porsa Mapping Symbolic Communication In The Death Messages of The Simalungun Ethnic Group
Andyna, Cut
Implementation Of Public Information Campaigns To Support Women’s Rights And Children’s Protection From Sexual Harassment In The Labuhanbatu Regency (Islamic Communication Perspective)
Arifin, Ahmad
Representation Film 3 (Alif Lam Mim) In the Perspective of Islamic Political Communication
Arifin, Zainal
Pancasila is Objective (Maqsad) of Tafseer: Perspective of Preaching (Da’wah) Tafsir Inspirasi in Indonesia
Arrasya, Syafira Nurina
Waqf Literacy Strategy for Empowering Waqf Based on Digital Media Platforms (Case Study at the Indonesian Waqf Board)
Arsam, Arsam
Gender Representation in Da’wah Programs On Radio Republik Indonesia Purwokerto Central Java Indonesia
Azizah, Nur
The Importance of the Personal Competities of BK Teachers Understanding Adolescent Behavior
Batubara, Hafsah Juni
Implementation Of Public Information Campaigns To Support Women’s Rights And Children’s Protection From Sexual Harassment In The Labuhanbatu Regency (Islamic Communication Perspective)
Budiyono, Alief
The Importance of the Personal Competities of BK Teachers Understanding Adolescent Behavior
Bustami, Bustami
Media and Politics Identify The New Threat in the South China Sea
Cahya, Dicky
Strategies in Building Motivation for Da’wah Leadership in a Mualaf Study Group in Banda Aceh
Casmini, Casmini
Islamic Counselling Innovation for Successful Aging in The Global Era
Cucu, Cucu
Da’wah and Social Media: Analysis of the Da’wah Model for Community Empowerment on the Trace Bang Ibra Youtube Channel
Daulay, Hamdan
The Role Of Islamic Media In Spreading And Applying SDG’s
Dewi, Siti Malaiha
Policy Communication in Rural Regulation Formulation: Why Is It Difficult to Be Realized?
Dwiyanti, Nova
Representation Film 3 (Alif Lam Mim) In the Perspective of Islamic Political Communication
Hikmah-Based Logotherapy Counseling for Meaningful of Life Post-Psychosis Patients
Habibi, Khairul
Strategies in Building Motivation for Da’wah Leadership in a Mualaf Study Group in Banda Aceh
Hamandia, Muhammad Randicha
Opportunities and Challenges of Podcasts as an Effective Da’wah Media in Era 5.0
Harahap, Ali Akbar
Padalan Porsa Mapping Symbolic Communication In The Death Messages of The Simalungun Ethnic Group
Harahap, Azrai
Media and Politics Identify The New Threat in the South China Sea
Hartati, Novia Sri
Transcendence On The Beach: A Critical Reflection On The Sustainability Of The Jamu Laut Tradition In Jaring Halus Village, Langkat District
Herdiyana, Hendra
New Media and Convergence: The Existence Of The Banyumas Wayang Museum As One Of Indonesia’s Cultural Heritage In The Era Of Disruption 5.0
Hidayat, Nasrullah
Peer-Review Statements
Hussein, Rania Khaled
The Role Of Islamic Media In Spreading And Applying SDG’s
Ilhami, Hamidi
Intrapersonal Communication in the Qur’an
Imadduddin, Imadduddin
Intrapersonal Communication in the Qur’an
Iman, Mujhirul
Counseling-based Education and Psychological Support for Muslim Adolescents Online Islami
Irfani, Amalia
Da’wah and Social Media: Analysis of the Da’wah Model for Community Empowerment on the Trace Bang Ibra Youtube Channel
Januar, Eka
Social Communication Panglima Uteun in Forest Management at Aceh Besar Regency
Jaya, Pajar Hatma Indra
Communication Model in Conflict Cases “Closing the Statue of the Virgin Mary” in Yogyakarta
Kahpi, Mumhammad Latip
Dynamics of Political Communication in Identity and Diversity Issues in Indonesia: A Study of the 2024 Presidential Election of the Republic of Indonesia
Kamalia, Kamalia
Peer-Review Statements
Khairiah, Nona
Padalan Porsa Mapping Symbolic Communication In The Death Messages of The Simalungun Ethnic Group
Khamis, Kamarul Azman bin
The Role Of Islamic Media In Spreading And Applying SDG’s
Khatibah, Khatibah
Peer-Review Statements
Lubis, Maryam Khodimatullah
Transcendence On The Beach: A Critical Reflection On The Sustainability Of The Jamu Laut Tradition In Jaring Halus Village, Langkat District
Mahmuddin, Mahmuddin
Social Communication Panglima Uteun in Forest Management at Aceh Besar Regency
Mansari, Mansari
Social Communication Panglima Uteun in Forest Management at Aceh Besar Regency
Matondang, Abdul Rahman
Padalan Porsa Mapping Symbolic Communication In The Death Messages of The Simalungun Ethnic Group
Muharri, Muharri
Representation Film 3 (Alif Lam Mim) In the Perspective of Islamic Political Communication
Muhtadi, Muhtadi
Waqf Literacy Strategy for Empowering Waqf Based on Digital Media Platforms (Case Study at the Indonesian Waqf Board)
Mujahid, Tamimi
Counseling-based Education and Psychological Support for Muslim Adolescents Online Islami
Mujahidin, Ahmad
Hikmah-Based Logotherapy Counseling for Meaningful of Life Post-Psychosis Patients
Muji, Atipa
Gender Representation in Da’wah Programs On Radio Republik Indonesia Purwokerto Central Java Indonesia
Mukhtar, Desvi Yanti
Differences in Prosocial Behavior of Male and Female Students in Inclusive Elementary School
Muttaqin, Ahmad
New Media and Convergence: The Existence Of The Banyumas Wayang Museum As One Of Indonesia’s Cultural Heritage In The Era Of Disruption 5.0
Nabhan, Naufal
New Media and Convergence: The Existence Of The Banyumas Wayang Museum As One Of Indonesia’s Cultural Heritage In The Era Of Disruption 5.0
Nida, Fatma Laili Khoirun
Hikmah-Based Logotherapy Counseling for Meaningful of Life Post-Psychosis Patients
Pulungan, Nurhamidah
Implementation Of Public Information Campaigns To Support Women’s Rights And Children’s Protection From Sexual Harassment In The Labuhanbatu Regency (Islamic Communication Perspective)
Padalan Porsa Mapping Symbolic Communication In The Death Messages of The Simalungun Ethnic Group
Putri, Inggit Melani
New Media and Convergence: The Existence Of The Banyumas Wayang Museum As One Of Indonesia’s Cultural Heritage In The Era Of Disruption 5.0
Putri, Inggit Melani
New Media and Convergence: The Existence Of The Banyumas Wayang Museum As One Of Indonesia’s Cultural Heritage In The Era Of Disruption 5.0
Putri, Tisi Maulidya
Implementation Of Public Information Campaigns To Support Women’s Rights And Children’s Protection From Sexual Harassment In The Labuhanbatu Regency (Islamic Communication Perspective)
Qolban, Anas Azimi
New Media and Convergence: The Existence Of The Banyumas Wayang Museum As One Of Indonesia’s Cultural Heritage In The Era Of Disruption 5.0
Rasyidah, Rasyidah
Strategies in Building Motivation for Da’wah Leadership in a Mualaf Study Group in Banda Aceh
Rozi, Fakhrur
Peer-Review Statements
Rubani, Mardhiah
Optimizing Kinship Values in Polygamy Perpetrators In a Family Communication Approach
Sakdiah, Sakdiah
Strategies in Building Motivation for Da’wah Leadership in a Mualaf Study Group in Banda Aceh
Salamah, Nur Fathonatus
The Importance of the Personal Competities of BK Teachers Understanding Adolescent Behavior
Salmawati, Salmawati
Social Communication Panglima Uteun in Forest Management at Aceh Besar Regency
Saputro, Dedy Riyadin
Gender Representation in Da’wah Programs On Radio Republik Indonesia Purwokerto Central Java Indonesia
Sari, Hotni
Counseling-based Education and Psychological Support for Muslim Adolescents Online Islami
Sazali, Hasan
Critical Response of Indonesian Ulema Council Social Media Users Concerning Public Policy Communication During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Sazali, Hasan
Implementation Of Public Information Campaigns To Support Women’s Rights And Children’s Protection From Sexual Harassment In The Labuhanbatu Regency (Islamic Communication Perspective)
Sazali, Hasan
Representation Film 3 (Alif Lam Mim) In the Perspective of Islamic Political Communication
Simbolon, Aznila Br
Transcendence On The Beach: A Critical Reflection On The Sustainability Of The Jamu Laut Tradition In Jaring Halus Village, Langkat District
Siregar, Abdul Hamid
Counseling-based Education and Psychological Support for Muslim Adolescents Online Islami
Siregar, Alya Rahmayani
Media and Politics Identify The New Threat in the South China Sea
Situmorang, Elisabeth Prisda Magdalena
Differences in Prosocial Behavior of Male and Female Students in Inclusive Elementary School
Soiman, Soiman
Peer-Review Statements
Supsiloani, Supsiloani
Padalan Porsa Mapping Symbolic Communication In The Death Messages of The Simalungun Ethnic Group
Gender Representation in Da’wah Programs On Radio Republik Indonesia Purwokerto Central Java Indonesia
Uswatusolihah, Uus
Gender Representation in Da’wah Programs On Radio Republik Indonesia Purwokerto Central Java Indonesia
Wibowo, Hendro
Representation Film 3 (Alif Lam Mim) In the Perspective of Islamic Political Communication
Wirtati, Ira
Counseling-based Education and Psychological Support for Muslim Adolescents Online Islami
Yasir, Muhammad
Transcendence On The Beach: A Critical Reflection On The Sustainability Of The Jamu Laut Tradition In Jaring Halus Village, Langkat District
Yusriani, Irma
Peer-Review Statements