Proceedings of the International Conference on Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Science (ICATEAS 2022)

Conference name: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Science (ICATEAS 2022)
Date: 20 October 2022
Location: Surabaya, Indonesia (Offline)

I am pleased to introduce the International Conference on Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Science (ICATEAS 2022), an international seminar organized by the Surabaya Penerbangan Polytechnic (Poltekbang Surabaya). Poltekbang Surabaya is a campus under the auspices of the Ministry of Transportation located in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. The conference was held on October 20, 2022.

This seminar has the main objective to bring together researchers and scholars to share their knowledge and experience in the fields of power system science, renewable energy, electronics, control systems, multimedia, computer science, mechanical engineering, and intelligence transportation. This conference is an excellent opportunity to meet each other and infrastructure and transportation technology to exchange ideas with the theme “technology and innovation research enchantment for the future of global smart transportation”.

This conference was held in a hybrid manner, namely through a virtual online mode using Internet Communication Technologies (ICT) via Zoom, and came directly at the venue location. The author shares the screen and participants can discuss their work through an online platform and also present through the breakout room in the venue. Overall, the conferencewas successfully organized through the platform. Our conference committee and writers are dedicated to supporting the success of the seminar.

The conference program consists of keynote speaker sessions and oral presentation sessions. The event invited professors from Japan, Canada, and California to be our keynote speakers on their latest research in their respective areas of expertise in a 45 min presentation. After the keynote speaker session is over, it is followed by an oral presentation session for selected papers. The participants were divided into five breakout rooms according to the topic of the topic and given 15min to present theirwork, followed by a question and answer. One of the excellent presenters will be chosen among them, depending on technical achievements, presentation files, language fluency, application, etc., for the best paper award. It is worth the option of virtual participation that allows significant expansion of geography and increases the number of participants. More than 50 participants participated in the conference and 55 papers from various countries such as India, Timor Leste, and Indonesia were selected to be presented during the conference session.

We thank all the reviewers for their time and effort in reviewing the paper, as well as the authors, who considered the reviewers’ recommendations and improved their papersto ensure high-quality publication in the Conference Series on the Advance Engineering and Research, proceeding published by Atlantis.

Siti Julaihah
Chairman ICATEAS

Bambang Bagus Harianto
Rizal Mahmud
Ahmad Anas Arifin
Edwardo Subagyo
Abdul Mu’ti Sazali
Yusfita Chrisnawati