Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Agriculture (ICA 2022)
24 articles
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Risqi Firdaus Setiawan, Hisaaki Kato, Hanilyn Aguilar Hidalgo, Fitri Diana Riana
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Cow Manure and NPK Fertilizer on Soil Chemical Fertility, Soybean Growth, and the Yield on Sandy Soil
Danner Sagala, Eka Putri Lingga Tasti, Sri Rustianti
Research to determine the effect of cow manure and NPK fertilizer on soil chemical fertility, soybean growth, and the yield on sandy soil was conducted in the coastal area of Bengkulu, Indonesia. Doses of cow manure consisting of 0, 30, 50, and 70 t ha−1 and NPK fertilizer composed of 0, 150, 300, and...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Plant Growth Regulators on Morphological Indexes and Performance of Brassica juncea L. in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
Andrii Melnyk, Peipei Jia, Tetiana Melnyk, Andrii Butenko, Volodymyr Kolosok, Sergey Butenko
Plant growth regulators have a great impact on agricultural production, but an application of the conventional application mode has certain restrictions on the growth and yield improvement. The subject of the study is Brassica juncea L. varieties (Prima and Felicia), methods of application and types...
Proceedings Article
Micropropagation of Ten Genotypes of Sugarcane Mutants on Media Containing BA and Thidiazuron
Sukendah Sukendah, Ragapadmi Purnamaningsih, Rossyda Priyadarshini
Mutation induction in sugarcane by gamma irradiation has produced 10 mutant clones. Each mutant clone needs to be reproduced before further release. Multiplication of mutant clones is done in-vitro to produce true-to-type mutant sugar cane seeds. Four in-vitro media containing BA (Benzylaminopurine)...
Proceedings Article
The Use of Humic Acid-Coated Biochar (Bicomat) and Plant Spacing on Paddy Plant Production and the Reduction of Heavy Metal Content
Amir Hamzah, Rossyda Priyadarshini, Astuti
This study aimed to find out the use of Bicomat doses and spacing to increase crop production and heavy metal reduction. It was carried out in paddy fields in Karangploso Subdistrict of Malang District from April to July 2022. The study used a Randomized Group Design (RGD), 2 factors and 3 repetitions....
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Orchid Plants Quality on Consumer Satisfaction Online Sales at CV. Asri Garden Kediri
Puji Astuti, Abu Talkah, Ratna Dewi Mulyaningtiyas
This study has a purpose, namely to determine the characteristics of consumers selling online orchid plants at CV. ASRI GARDEN Kediri, to find out the obstacles in selling orchids online, to see the effect of the quality of orchids on consumer satisfaction online sales of orchids at CV. ASRI GARDEN Kediri....
Proceedings Article
Income Optimization by Utilizing Rotiklot Dam Irrigation and Marginal Agricultural Land in Border Area
Werenfridus Taena, Fried Markus Allung Blegur, Boanerges Putra Sipayung, Anggelina Delviana Klau
The study aims to (1) build a linear programming model and determine the optimal volume of dam water that maximizes farmers’ income based on plant types and field area for two growing seasons; (2) modify the linear programming model by incorporating marginal land, (3) test model sensitivity to obtain...
Proceedings Article
Antioxidant and Anticholesterol Activity of Chitooligosaccarides Hydrolyzed of Golden Apple Snail (Pomacea canaliculata) Shell Using Various Types of Enzyme
Dedin Finatsiyatull Rosida, Jariyah, Sekar Ayu Larasati, Teeradate Kongpichitchoke, Anugerah Dany Priyanto, Andre Yusuf Trisna Putra
Chitosan (β1-4 N-acetyl D-glucosamine) is a chitin derivative compound which is obtained through the deacetylation stage, namely the process of releasing the acetamide group in chitin (CH3CONH) so that it becomes an amine group (NH2) in chitosan. The manufacture of chitosan is carried out through 3 stages,...
Proceedings Article
Seed Coating Application on the Quality of Rice Seeds, Shallot TSS Seeds, Red Chili Seeds, and Cucumber Seeds
Ida Retno Moeljani, Rossyda Priyadarshini, Yenny Wuryandari
Low production of rice and horticultural crops can be caused by the limited supply of high quality seeds. The quality can be seen from the moisture content, viability value and seed vigor. One of the efforts that can be made to maintain or improve seed quality is seed coating technology. This study aims...
Proceedings Article
Growth Response and Yield of Nero Lacinato Kale Plant (Brassica oleracea var. Palmifolia) on Composition of Planting Media and Liquid Organic Fertilizer (POC) Dosage of Golden Snail
Retno Sulistiyowati, Aprilia Hartanti, Mimik Umi Zuhroh, Sakinatul Mudawamah
Kale is one of the family plants with collard, cabbage, and broccoli, but not well known by the people because not many farmers have cultivated this plant, but the demand for kale plants continues to increase. This study aims to determine the composition of planting media and the dose of gold snail liquid...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Income and Marketing of Seaweed in Coastal Communities in Bulukumba District
Nurbaya Busthanul, Pipi Diansari, Eymal B. Demmallino, Masyhur Syafiuddin, S. Ni Made Viantika, Ayu Marshya, A. Rusita, Nabilah Rahmawati, Siti Hardiyanti Syam
Seaweed is one of the country's foreign exchange sources and a source of income for coastal communities. Besides being able to be used as an ingredient food, drink and medicine. This study aims to analyze the income and feasibility of seaweed farming in coastal communities in Bulukumba Regency....
Proceedings Article
The Distribution of Potential Agro-Ecotourism in the North Coastal Area, East Java
Mukti Ali, Akhmad Fauzi, Nuriah Yuliati, Indra Tjahaja Amir, Pawana Nur Indah
This study is about agro-ecotourism in the northern coastal area of East Java with the aim of 1) describing the potential of agro-ecotourism owned by tourist attraction in the northern coastal area of East Java, 2) analyzing the role of coastal communities for the development of ecotourism potential...
Proceedings Article
Conjoin Analysis to Measure Consumer Preferences for Traditional Jamu Attributes
Sri Widayanti, Pawana Nur Indah, Risqi Firdaus Setiawan, Defitasari
Lifestyles have shifted to healthy consumption patterns since the pandemic to strengthen immunity to avoid COVID-19, making the traditional herbal medicine business a promising opportunity. The problem accompanies business opportunities for traditional herbal drinks that are not to people’s preferences....
Proceedings Article
Dominant Factors Influencing Consumer’s Purchase Decision of Monstera Plant
Syarif Imam Hidayat, Dita Atasa, Silviya Rachmawati
The purpose of this research is analyze the dominant factors that influence consumers to buy Monstera plants. The research method used a questionnaire with a total of 100 respondents. The analytical tools used are Factor Analysis with Principal Component Analysis. The results of this research is dominant...
Proceedings Article
Risk Analysis of Dry Land Rice Production on the Impact of Climate Change and Weather
Indra Tjahaja Amir, Nisa Hafi Idhoh Fitriana, Eka Mulyana
Food crops are highly dependent on climatic conditions, because food crops, especially annual crops, are closely related to excess or lack of water. Demanding district is included in dryland agriculture where the availability of water depends on rain and pumps from the nearest river. The study aims a)...
Proceedings Article
The Attributes of Insurance Product as Determinant Factors of Coffee Farmers’ Participation in Agricultural Insurance’
Mirza Andrian Syah, Wahyu Dyah Prastiwi, Wahyu Santoso, Mukson
This research aimed to analyze the product attributes of agricultural insurance as determinant factors of coffee farmers’ intention to participate in agricultural insurance. The product attributes are namely premium cost, insurance coverage, insurance requirements term, compensation value, and claim...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Contribution of Agribusiness Microfinance Institutions on Increasing Farmers Income in Serdang Bedagai District
Mhd.Buhari Sibuea, Faiz Ahmad Sibuea, Gustina Siregar
This study aims to determine the existence of agribusiness microfinance institutions (LKMA) and their contribution to farmers’ income. The research method used is descriptive quantitative method in Pematang Setrak Village, Teluk Mengkudu District, Serdang Bedagai Regency. Sampling was done randomly with...
Proceedings Article
Factors Affecting the Amount of Demand for Cayenne Pepper by Consumers in the Pare Wholesale Market, Kediri District
Teguh Soedarto, Dona Wahyuning Laily, Ida Syamsu Roidah
The research conducted to identify the Factors Affecting Consumer Demand for Cayenne Pepper at Pare Market, Kediri Regency. This research is a type of descriptive research that analyzes the effect of one variable on another and conducts hypothesis testing. The type of data used in this study is quantitative...
Proceedings Article
Build of Farmer Walfare Through the Cocoa Village Model (CVM) Program in District of Blitar
Pawana Nur Indah, Sri Widayanti
The problem of Cocoa development in East Java is productivity that is still far from its potential ability. The average productivity of cocoa only 0.7 tonnes/ha, whereas when applying the technology optimally cocoa cultivation, productivity can reach 2.5 tons/ha. It is therefore necessary strategic steps...
Proceedings Article
Empowerment Strategy to Develop Tobacco Farmers in Probolinggo, East Java Indonesian
Markus Patiung, Ernawati, Ristani Widya Inti, Klara, Trisman
The purpose of this research is to analyze internal and external factors in tobacco farming, to determine empowerment strategies in improving the welfare of tobacco farmers in Probolinggo Regency. The analysis method used in this study is SWOT analysis. The results showed that the strategy of maximizing...
Proceedings Article
Distribution Margin Analysis of Chilli in Banyumas
Sodik Dwi Purnomo, Die Triayu Kencana, Bagus Adhitya, Diah Retnowati, Zumaeroh
This study analyze the distribution margin of cayenne pepper in each distribution channel, profit and measure the level of distribution efficiency of cayenne pepper in Banyumas Regency. The type of research used is a quantitative type with primary data obtained through interviews using a questionnaire....
Proceedings Article
Phenomena and Real Conditions of Farmers in Pacitan
Adi Budiwan, Syarif Imam Hidayat, Sri Tjondro Winarno, Indra Tjahaja Amir
Pacitan Regency has the authority to organize government and development, as well as provide services to the community, has good authority to manage, plan, and optimally utilize the regional economic potential. To meet the needs of people in general, they depend on the agricultural sector. Therefore,...
Proceedings Article
The Role of in Vintro Culture to Support Sustainable Agriculture and Agroindustry
Sutini, Widiwurjani, Nora Augustien, Didik Utomo Pribadi, Risqi Firdaus Setiawan
Various plants grown on land have been widely used to support sustainable agriculture and in various industries, including to produce medicines, beauty ingredients, food and beverage ingredients, biofuels, bioenergy, land conservation, produce early stress-resistant varieties, and plant breeding. The...
Proceedings Article
Decision Analysis of Farmers for Local Corn in Madura (Case Study of Local Corn Farmers in Sumenep Regency)
Heri Susanto, Teguh Soedarto, Hamidah Hendrarini
Madura has excellent potential for corn cultivation because it has land reserves based on agroecosystem potential. The problem is the trend of corn production in Madura in the last five years is fluctuating and tends to decrease; this is because in local corn farming in Madura, especially in Sumenep...