Proceedings of the International Conference On Law, Economic & Good Governance (IC-LAW 2023)

Conference: Proceedings of the International Conference On Law, Economic & Good Governance (IC-LAW 2023)
Date: 9-10 November 2023
Location: Surakarta, Indonesia (Offline)

An Idea of Ideal Law for Economy and Government Strengthening

On behalf of all active participants of Call for Papers and Atlantic Journal Publication, I am, Al Ghozali Hide Walukada, would like to express our gratitude to the Rector of Sebelas Maret University, the Dean of Law Faculty of Sebelas Maret University, and the Chairman of the Doctoral Program of Law Faculty University of Surakarta in Indonesia who have given opportunity to all participants for joining this good program.

We realize that the activities which have been carried out including Call the Papers and International Seminar on 9 November 2023 and Call the Papers on 10 November 2023 are the forms of pure scientific dedication in the field of law and legal science. The participants present from multiple legal disciplines, including human rights, philosophy and the newest legal paradigm contemporary legal cases, including criminality, civil, state and government, development economics, and economy globalization. The results of Call for Papers are then written in 115 journals which will be published in the International Atlantic Journals.

Many general to special issues in the field of law have become a serious concern of all the participants. The general issue in the field of law is the emergence of internationalization of economy sectors which need some attention of value of justice for the sovereignty of the country. Indonesia as a democratic state which adheres to socialism and communalism economy principles tends to be different with the global economic, which tends to be oriented towards the interest of the financiers. A large-scale investment policy in Indonesia which has invited the foreign businessman is seen as a threat for the interdependence of the small and medium economy drivers in Indonesia. At this kind of situation and reality, the presence of law is expected to be capable in giving a fair rule, that is strengthening the capacity in economy in order that it is powerful in a global competition and keep maintaining the constitutional economy rights of Indonesia.

We believe in the laws of nature which has been preserved and recognized for a long time by Eastern nations, along with the eastern paradigm in Indonesia that favours Pancasila as the fundamental principle in law. This belief refers to all-minded philosophy that all intelligence of scientific process should be dedicated wisely in some professional endeavours in order to produce a result of social justice of all Indonesian people. We believe that the paradigm of wisdom law will create a more responsive law, sovereign positivism, straighten out the performance of law enforcers in a rule of law system which guarantees the freedom of speech and association.

This program of Call for Papers and Publication which we call the International Law Conference 2023, once again is a very meaningful experience. We all put away our pragmatic desires, set on an ideal mind and conscience in order to benefit all humanity.

I am, Al Ghozali Hide Walukada, on behalf of all the committee would like to express my gratitude to the International Atlantic Journal which has disseminated and published all those ideal ideas.

Al Ghozali Hide Walukada
The Chairman of IC.LAW2023 Committee