Proceedings of the 1st Halu Oleo International Conference on Public Health (HOICPH 2023)
Conference: Proceedings of the 1st Halu Oleo International Conference on Public Health (HOICPH 2023)
Date: 13 November 2023
Location: Kendari, Indonesia (Hybrid)
Website: or
Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Alhamdulillahirrabbil’alamin, all praise be to Allah SWT, the Lord of all worlds, for His blessings, mercy, and guidance, which have enabled “The 1st Halu Oleo International Conference on Public Health” to be successfully conducted. This international conference, themed “Global Health in The Era of Technology Transformation of Information and Communication,” was organized by the Faculty of Public Health, Halu Oleo University. The conference featured presentations of research findings, reviews, and community service activities conducted by researchers from various diverse institutions. In this regard, researchers have played a role and made contributions to the global development of science and technology, particularly in the field of public health. The outcomes of the conference were then documented in the proceedings.
We would like to express our gratitude to all parties involved. We are aware that in the implementation of this event and the presentation of this proceeding, there are still many imperfections and shortcomings. Therefore, please allow us to apologize for these shortcomings.We also extend our sincere thanks and high appreciation to all parties who have contributed to the success of this conference and the publication of the proceedings. Hopefully, this proceeding brings benefits to all participants of the seminar, especially, and to the general public.
Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Committee of Proceedings
Date: 13 November 2023
Location: Kendari, Indonesia (Hybrid)
Website: or
Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Alhamdulillahirrabbil’alamin, all praise be to Allah SWT, the Lord of all worlds, for His blessings, mercy, and guidance, which have enabled “The 1st Halu Oleo International Conference on Public Health” to be successfully conducted. This international conference, themed “Global Health in The Era of Technology Transformation of Information and Communication,” was organized by the Faculty of Public Health, Halu Oleo University. The conference featured presentations of research findings, reviews, and community service activities conducted by researchers from various diverse institutions. In this regard, researchers have played a role and made contributions to the global development of science and technology, particularly in the field of public health. The outcomes of the conference were then documented in the proceedings.
We would like to express our gratitude to all parties involved. We are aware that in the implementation of this event and the presentation of this proceeding, there are still many imperfections and shortcomings. Therefore, please allow us to apologize for these shortcomings.We also extend our sincere thanks and high appreciation to all parties who have contributed to the success of this conference and the publication of the proceedings. Hopefully, this proceeding brings benefits to all participants of the seminar, especially, and to the general public.
Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Committee of Proceedings