Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Contemporary Problems in the Development of Economic, Financial and Credit Systems (DEFCS 2020)

We are glad to present you the proceedings of the 8th Annual International Conference on Contemporary Problems in the Development of Economic, Financial and Credit Systems (DEFCS 2020).

The XXI century is characterized by an accelerated pace of transformation. Thus, economic, financial and credit systems should evolve in parallel with all spheres of human activity and be the key drivers of their development.

DEFCS 2020 contributed to an open dialogue between representatives of financial institutions, government officials and academics on the emergence of new financial instruments, the use of innovative technologies in managing economic systems, and improving the availability and quality of financial services for the population.

The conference was attended by more than 200 participants from different countries around the world (Bulgaria, Italy, Germany, USA, China, Ecuador, Syria, Iraq, Burundi, Mali), including various post-Soviet countries (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan).

The Organizing Committee received 118 articles. After going through several review processes, 84 papers were received with a “revision required” status. However, only 58 papers were successfully revised and submitted to the Committee.

We would like to thank all speakers and participants of DEFCS 2020 and express our gratitude to the co-organizers and partners who contributed to the successful holding of the conference.