Proceedings of the 2024 2nd International Conference on Digital Economy and Management Science (CDEMS 2024)

151 authors
Wang, Mian
Seven Steps to Digital Scenario Innovation
Wang, Nuocheng
Research on Medical Equipment Industry Based on Fama-French Five Factor Model
Wang, Pengcheng
Digital Transformation and Corporate Risk-taking from the Perspective of Resilience
Wang, Pengcheng
Government Digital subsidies, Digital Innovation and High-quality Enterprise Development
Wang, Qianhan
Research on the Path and Strategy for Integrated Development of Rural Revitalization and Healthcare
Wang, Shirui
Service Improvement Analysis Based on User Feedback Evaluations
Wang, Sihan
Systemic Financial Risk under the Shock of Emergencies: An Analysis Based on the Perspective of Bank-Enterprise Networks
Wang, Xinming
The Problems and Optimization Paths of Digital Government Governance in Shandong Province: Based on the Perspective of Unbalanced Governance
Wang, Xiuli
Heterogeneous Material Order Job Scheduling Problem in Additive Manufacturing
Wen, Xichun
Research on Government Subsidy Countermeasures for Tracing Fresh Agricultural Products under the Power of Blockchain Technology
Weng, Songbing
The impact of age-inclusive human resource management on job crafting
Wu, Songqiang
Digital Transformation and Corporate Risk-taking from the Perspective of Resilience
Wu, Songqiang
Government Digital subsidies, Digital Innovation and High-quality Enterprise Development
Wu, Songqiang
Can Digital Transformation Promote the Enhancement of Corporate Value?
Wu, Songqiang
Slack Resources and Corporate Supply Chain Resilience: An Empirical Study Based on A-share Listed Companies
Wu, Xinhui
Research on The Mechanisms by How Digitalization Drives Corporate Innovation
Wu, Zhiming
Identification and Management of Price Bubbles in Chinese Soybean Futures
Xiao, Qianwei
The Effect of Targeted Advertising on Users’ Advertising Attitudes - Moderating Role Based on Product Involvement
Xu, Li
Can Digital Transformation Promote the Enhancement of Corporate Value?
Xu, Xinyi
Research on Legal Regulation of Infringement of AIGC Generated Content
Xu, Xinyu
The impact of age-inclusive human resource management on job crafting
Xue, Weichun
The Effect of Targeted Advertising on Users’ Advertising Attitudes - Moderating Role Based on Product Involvement
Yan, Yilin
Navigating the ESG Landscape: An In-depth SWOT Analysis and Strategic Recommendations for Tesla’s Sustainable Growth
Yan, Yubing
Under the New Development Pattern Basic Level Government Digitization Governs the Important Significance and the Consummation Path
Yang, Mei
From the Perspective of the Labor Market, the Opportunities and Challenges Brought by the New Generation of Artificial Intelligence Technologies Such as ChatGPT are Analyzed
Yao, Haowen
Research on Medical Equipment Industry Based on Fama-French Five Factor Model
Ye, Zi
Research on the Impact of Booth Image Design on Purchasing Intention of Purchasers Based on MEC Means-End Chain
Yin, Wanting
Value Assessment of Data Assetization Based on Value Creation Theory
Yu, Dianmin
Informal Environmental Regulation and Corporate ESG Performance
Yuan, Jiawen
Scientific Econometric Analysis of Blockchain in Digital Economy and Transactions
Zeng, Sijia
Research on Government Subsidy Countermeasures for Tracing Fresh Agricultural Products under the Power of Blockchain Technology
Zhang, Anqi
Based on the ChatGPT-Like Large Language Model Analyze the Digital Governance and Construction of Digital Government in China
Zhang, Anran
Informal Environmental Regulation and Corporate ESG Performance
Zhang, Cunyang
Research on the Characteristics and Evolution of Digital Economic Policy Topics Based on BERTopic Model
Zhang, Daize
Research on the Spillover Effect of Tourism Scenic Spot Brand Alliance——Based on the Joint Matching Perspective
Zhang, Haoxiang
Application of Multiple Linear Regression with Regularization on Boston Housing Datasets
Zhang, Jiankang
Research on the Impact of Booth Image Design on Purchasing Intention of Purchasers Based on MEC Means-End Chain
Zhang, Juntao
Identification and Management of Price Bubbles in Chinese Soybean Futures
Zhang, Lingxi
Research on the Path and Strategy for Integrated Development of Rural Revitalization and Healthcare
Zhang, Mei
Research on Performance Evaluation System for Traditional Chinese Medicine Scientific Research Projects
Zhang, Tianyi
Unleashing NFT Liquidity with DeFi Current State of NFTFi Translation
Zhang, Yi
Research on The Mechanisms by How Digitalization Drives Corporate Innovation
Zhang, Yiting
Predicting Employee Turnover in High-Tech Enterprises Using Machine Learning: Based on the Psychological Contract Perspective
Zhang, Zhidong
Research on the Path and Strategy for Integrated Development of Rural Revitalization and Healthcare
Zhao, Linfang
Research on the Characteristics and Evolution of Digital Economic Policy Topics Based on BERTopic Model
Zhao, Yiting
Research and Development Manipulation and Financing Constraints: Based on Empirical Evidence of Science and Technology Innovation Board Company
Zhao, Yu
Identification and Management of Price Bubbles in Chinese Soybean Futures
Zheng, Jiajia
The Restrictive Factors and Solution of Implementing the Policy of “Internet + Nursing Services” Based on the Analysis of Smith Policy Implementation Process Model
Zhongxu, Liu
Analysis Based on Multiple Data Models—Development of Tourism Economy under the Background of the Belt and Road Initiative
Zhou, Hexing
Application of Multiple Linear Regression with Regularization on Boston Housing Datasets
Zhou, Yang
Temperature Word: Green Consumption Booster