Proceedings of the 3rd Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities and Social Science 2021 (BIS-HSS 2021)

537 authors
Sayekti, Nidya Waras
The Challenges of Bank Syariah Indonesia Post-Merger
Sayekti, Nidya Waras
Analysis of Institutions and Convergence in Decentralizing Indonesia
Septiani, Diah
Impact of the Smoking Duration on HbA1c and the Symptoms of Neuropathy Among Stone Carving Worker During Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia: An Evaluation Study
Septianingrum, Ni Made Ayu Nila
A Review of Pharmaceutical Services at Community Pharmacies for Persons with Disabilities
Information Literature on Affective Cognitive Aspects of Students in Online Learning at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 2, Malang, Indonesia
Setiawan, Agus
Peer-Review Statements
Setiawan, Budi
Ecotourism and Women Enterpreuner in Buffer Zone of Karimunjawa National Park
Setiawan, Budi
Evaluation of Entrepreneurship Learning Programs in Vocational Schools
Setiawan, Fery
The Factors That Cause Early Marriage and the Impact on the Psychology of Couples in Rural Areas
Setiawati, Anda
Shifting the Concept of Flats Ownership in Indonesia
Setiawati, Diana
The Conceptual Framework of Corporate Social Responsibility for Indonesia: Learning Study of CSR in Vietnam
Setiono, Gentur Cahyo
Legal Protection Against Victims of Verbal Violence (Name-Calling) in Indonesia
Setiyo, Muji
Peer-Review Statements
Setya, Anggara Bayu
Impact of Anti-Fraud Awareness, Fraud Detection Procedures, and Technology to Fraud Detection Skill
Setyowati, Evi
Impact of Halal Certification on Guest Satisfaction at the Restaurant Grand Sawit Hotel Samarinda
Setyowati R, Suparni
Evaluation of the Drinking Water Treatment Plant of PDAM Tirta Wijaya, Cilacap Regency
Shalihah, Bunga M.
The Role of Digital Technology in Gold-Pawning Practice in Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI)
Shalikhah, Norma Dewi
Resilience of Children in Refugee Camps in Sister Village Program
Shalikhah, Norma Dewi
Implementation of Online Islamic Elementary School Teacher Learning Management in Pandemic Covid-19
Shalikhah, Norma Dewi
Implementation of Science Process Skills in Elementary Science Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Shalikhah, Norma Dewi
Socially Vulnerable Groups and Inclusive Policies of Covid-19 Outbreak Handling: Perspective Review of Social Changes
Shavir, Ravida Chauria
The Spiritual Communication of Muallaf
Sihombing, Dian Dorma Sari
Self-Control and Procrastination during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Sihombing, Irene Eka
Land Ownership by Indonesian Railway Corporation [PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero)] in Kota Intan, Indonesia
Sihotang, Erma Prilyani
The Effect Determinant Factors of Audit Judgment in the Government Sector
Simanjuntak, Sam Letare
Non-Enforcement of Foreign Arbitration Award in Indonesia
Simatupang, Elivas
Packaging Design Elements and Consumers Impressions: A Context in Local Food Branding and Communication of Indigenous Community in Indonesia
Sipayung, Emma Saur Nauli
Impact of Anti-Fraud Awareness, Fraud Detection Procedures, and Technology to Fraud Detection Skill
Siyami, Nur
Triple Helix Development Model in Improving Marketing of The Arrow Industry in Krandegan Village, Purworejo Regency
Siyami, Nur
The Effect of Technology Literature, Financial Literature and Financial Technology on the Financial Performance of MSMEs in Purworejo Regency Moderated by Financial Inclusion
Factors Related to Sleep Quality in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Undergoing Haemodialysis
Soeprapto, Etwin Fibrianie
Impact of Halal Certification on Guest Satisfaction at the Restaurant Grand Sawit Hotel Samarinda
Social Support for Pregnant Women with HIV/AIDS in Cilacap District: Qualitative Study
Effectiveness of Green Brand, Green Advertising, and Green Products on Consumer Purchase Decisions on AVOSKIN PHTE in Yogyakarta
Subrata, Sumarno Adi
Impact of the Smoking Duration on HbA1c and the Symptoms of Neuropathy Among Stone Carving Worker During Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia: An Evaluation Study
A Literature Review on How the Mind Map Method Helps Students Remember School Lessons
Evaluation of the Drinking Water Treatment Plant of PDAM Tirta Wijaya, Cilacap Regency
Sugiastuti, Natasya Yunita
Application of Article 1321 of the Civil Code Concerning Vitiated Consent in Court Decisions in Indonesia
Sugiharti, Rosi Kurnia
Community-Based Local Food System in Nutritional Problems Management of Children Under 5 Years: a Qualitative Study in Banyumas District
Suhariyanti, Enik
Utilizing Information Technology to Fight the Spread of the Covid-19 Virus
Ombudsman as an Independent Oversight Body for Public Service in Indonesia: An Opinion
Sujatmoko, Andrey
The Aceh Truth and Reconciliation Commission Roles in Victims Reparations
Contraceptive use and Related Factors in Women Living with HIV/AIDS
Sukmawati, Paramita Dwi
Waste Management Evaluation in Bima Regency, NTT Province
Sulandari, Triana
Physical Intervention on Pain Scales in Babies after Immunization Procedures
Application of Project Based Learning and STEAM in Higher Education
Application of Project Based Learning and STEAM in Higher Education
Sulistyowati, Endang Tri
Implementation of Prokesia (Protokol Kesehatan Lansia) Booklets to Improve Elderly Knowledge Dealing with Covid-19 Health Protocol
Opportunities for Political Da’wah in Muhammadiyah Associations in Region
Sumanto, Listyowati
Land Ownership by Indonesian Railway Corporation [PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero)] in Kota Intan, Indonesia
Sumanto, Listyowati
Perspective of Land Banking Regulation in Indonesia and Its Issues
Sumarno, Ardawi
Development of Fundamental Tournament Learning Model for Elementary School Children in Limited Face-to-face Learning
Sumarsih, Tri
The Psychology Changes and Self-Concept Adolescent Has Given Birth Premarital in Dealing with Change of Role as a Mother
Sumarsih, Tri
Coping Mechanism of Indonesian Teenagers with Online Learning Education Program during the Pandemic Covid-19
Sunarsih, Sri
Study of Distribution of Groundwater Salinity in Pacitan Sub-District, Pacitan District Based on GIS
Supriyadi, Iwan
A Content Analysis in the Studies of YouTube about Panic Buying Bear Brand Milk Video in COVID-19 Pandemic Era
Educational Internships in High Schools during Pandemic: Phenomenology of Learning Interactions
Community-Based Local Food System in Nutritional Problems Management of Children Under 5 Years: a Qualitative Study in Banyumas District
Suryandani, Wulan
Analysis of the Effect of Labour and Capital Availability on The Competitiveness of MSME Processed Fish in Rembang Regency
Suryawan, Ari
Multiple Intelligences Profile of Grade IV Elementary School Students in Magelang
Contraceptive use and Related Factors in Women Living with HIV/AIDS
Susanti, Dwi
How Covid-19 Pandemic Increase Domestic Violence? A Literature Review
Factors Related to Sleep Quality in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Undergoing Haemodialysis
Opportunities for Political Da’wah in Muhammadiyah Associations in Region
Suwaryo, Putra Agina Widyaswara
Psychological Changes and Stigma Experienced by Family with Covid-19
Suyanto, Bagong
The Management of Transformational Leadership Value Strategy at “Darussalam Gontor” Modern Islamic Boarding School
Evaluation of Entrepreneurship Learning Programs in Vocational Schools
Syafa’ah, Maharani
Impact of the Smoking Duration on HbA1c and the Symptoms of Neuropathy Among Stone Carving Worker During Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia: An Evaluation Study
Syafingi, Habib Muhsin
Ombudsman as an Independent Oversight Body for Public Service in Indonesia: An Opinion
Syam, Aldo Redho
Application of Positive Discipline in Children to Reduce Parenting Stress During Pandemic
Syamsuddin, Sofyan
Strategy for Collection and Distribution of ZIS Funds during a Pandemic in Lazismu
Syarifuddin, Alfian
The Direction of Innovation of Antibacterial Agents in Preventing Wounds Infection: A Systematic Review
Syukroni, Azid
Subjective Well Being Teacher Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic
Tersiana, Noella Ludylane
Fadil Jaidi's Personal Branding on Instagram Social Media
Tinumbia, Nuryani
Study of Economic Activities of the Affected Community Toll Road Development
Tjahjani, A. R. Indra
Study of Economic Activities of the Affected Community Toll Road Development
Triana, Putri Meinita
How Parents Involve in Cultivating Children’s Reading Interests
Trihudiyatmanto, M.
Consumer Satisfaction: In the Relationship of Service Quality to Loyalty
Trihudiyatmanto, M.
Green Satisfaction: Relationship of Green Brand Image to Green Brand Equity
Trisnaningsih, Rahma
Implementation of Prokesia (Protokol Kesehatan Lansia) Booklets to Improve Elderly Knowledge Dealing with Covid-19 Health Protocol
Triyanto, Andi
Opportunities and Challenges of Waqf Management in Indonesia: A Narrative Review
Spiritual Well-Being as a Predictor of Quality of Life Among Breast Cancer Patients in Indonesia
Characteristics of Innovation as Determinants of Voluntary Adoption of Mobile Money in Indonesia
Tuti, Retnowati WD
Workforce Agility during COVID-19: The Effect of Teamwork and Empowering Leadership
Tyas, Afifa Surya Darmaning
The Relationship between Parenting Self-Efficacy and Caregiver Burden in the Sandwich Generation
Tyas, Afifa Surya Darmaning
The Relationship between Parenting Self-Efficacy and Caregiver Burden in the Sandwich Generation
Umar, Haryono
The Effect of Forensic Audit Knowledge, Audit Experience and Workload on Auditor’s Corruption Detection Skill
Umrah, Andi Sitti
The Correlation of Knowledge of Commercial Sex Workers Attitudes with the Criminal Provocate Abortion Case
Utami, Pranita Siska
The Effect of Islamic Social Reporting on Performance of Maqashid Sharia
Utami, Wuri
Physical Intervention on Pain Scales in Babies after Immunization Procedures
Wahrudin, Bambang
Qiro’ah Arabic Textbook Analysis in the Line of Ta’lim Al-Lughah Al-Arabiyah: Content and Presentation
Wahyono, Aswin
Relationship of House Building Materials, Lighting and Occupational Density to the Incidence of Tuberculosis
Wahyudianto, Heri
Strategy for Developing Institutional Service Models for Regional Innovation in Indonesia
Wahyudianto, Heri
Measurement of Partnerships, External Relations and Networks in Building Districts in Jayapura Regency
Impact of Physical Exercise on the Treatment of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: A Systematic Review
Wahyuni, Lidia
The Effect Determinant Factors of Audit Judgment in the Government Sector
Wahyuni, Sri
Good Faith in the Implementation of Car Financing Agreements During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Wahyuningtyas, Dinar
Effectiveness of Classical Music Therapy to Reducing Auditory Hallucinations in Schizophrenic Patients
Wahyuningtyas, Eka Sakti
Literature Review: Development of Methods for Measurement of Burn Area in Children
Wangid, Muhammad Nur
Volcanic Eruption Disaster Response: A Model for Assisting Children in Learning in Refugee Camps in Indonesia