Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Business, Accounting, Finance and Economics (BAFE 2022)

139 authors
Suliman, Khairul Rizuan
The Consequences of COVID-19 Pandemic on FMCG Warehouse Operations in Klang Valley: A Qualitative Study Approach
Tan, Kock Lim
Board Gender Diversity and Risk-Taking Behavior of Islamic Bank. A Conceptual Framework
Tan, Kock Lim
Islamic Bank Audit Committee and Risk-Taking Behavior. A Conceptual Framework
Tan, Luen Peng
The Evolution of Malaysian Burger: The Case Study of Myburgerlab
Tan, Min-Khen
Firm Performance Improvement Through Employees Performance Evaluation
Tan, Yan-Teng
Impacts of Live Commerce Towards Purchase Intention Among Malaysia Adults
Tan, Zhen-Wei
Impacts of Live Commerce Towards Purchase Intention Among Malaysia Adults
Teh, Hong-Leong
Bereavement Policy: The Impact of Worklife Balance, Organisational Justice, and Virtue Ethics on Employee-Centered HRM Practices
Teh, Hong-Leong
Business Closure and Kubler-Ross’ Five Stages of Grief: A Conceptual Framework
Teh, Hong-Leong
Correction to: Bereavement Policy: The Impact of Worklife Balance, Organisational Justice, and Virtue Ethics on Employee-Centered HRM Practices
Tian, Guo
The Legal System of the Maternity and Parenting Leave Under the Background of China’s “Three-Child” Policy: From the Perspective of the Right to Equal Employment
Wahidudin, Ahmad Nazri
Theory of Planned Behaviour: Influence of the Constructs on Behavioural Intention in Digital Banking
Wei, Chooi Yi
Promoting Innovative Teaching Quality Monitoring (TQM) System: A Case Study at University of Sanya, Hainan, China
Wei, Chooi Yi
Peer-Review Statements
Wei, Chooi Yi
Education for Sustainable Development in the Context of COVID-19: Case Study of a Higher Education Institution in China
Wei, Chooi Yi
Correction to: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Business, Accounting, Finance and Economics (BAFE 2022)
William Choo, Keng Soon
Peer-Review Statements
William Choo, Keng Soon
Correction to: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Business, Accounting, Finance and Economics (BAFE 2022)
Wong, Chi Bo
Determinants of Customer Loyalty: A Green Marketing Perspective
Wong, Kok Yaw
Board Gender Diversity and Risk-Taking Behavior of Islamic Bank. A Conceptual Framework
Wong, Kok Yaw
Islamic Bank Audit Committee and Risk-Taking Behavior. A Conceptual Framework
Wong, Lai Soon
Impact of Employee Engagement on Company Performance: The Four-Box Business Model as a Moderator: Perspectives from the COVID-19 Pandemic
Wong, Tai-Seng
Firm Performance Improvement Through Employees Performance Evaluation
Wu, Dan
The Funding Guarantee Mechanism of Citizens’ Right to Health in Public Health Emergencies
Wu, Wing Chi Branda
Determinants of Customer Loyalty: A Green Marketing Perspective
Yap, Chui Peng
Factors Influencing Continuance Intention to Adopt Online Food Delivery Services Among Millennials During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Yee, Chew Fong
Family Business Ownership Research: Case Study of Malaysia
Yip, Yen-San
Bereavement Policy: The Impact of Worklife Balance, Organisational Justice, and Virtue Ethics on Employee-Centered HRM Practices
Yip, Yen-San
Business Closure and Kubler-Ross’ Five Stages of Grief: A Conceptual Framework
Yip, Yen-San
Correction to: Bereavement Policy: The Impact of Worklife Balance, Organisational Justice, and Virtue Ethics on Employee-Centered HRM Practices
Yuhua, Chen
Research on the Integration of Blockchain and Accounting Information Systems Under Budget Reform
Yunne Chay, Yinn Yinn
Mobile Money Agent Network: Key Towards Digital Financial Inclusion
Yusof, Hayati
Exploring Cryptocurrency Readiness Among University Students
Zeng, Ling Fang
The Consequences of COVID-19 Pandemic on FMCG Warehouse Operations in Klang Valley: A Qualitative Study Approach
Zhang, Lihua
Research on the Relationship Between Environmental Information Disclosure Quality and Financial Performance
Zheng, Zuting
Research on the Relationship Between Environmental Information Disclosure Quality and Financial Performance
Zhu, Zining
Impact of Employee Engagement on Company Performance: The Four-Box Business Model as a Moderator: Perspectives from the COVID-19 Pandemic
Ziqin, Feng
Research on the Integration of Blockchain and Accounting Information Systems Under Budget Reform
Zolkaply, Zulnurhaini
Exploring Cryptocurrency Readiness Among University Students