Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Business, Accounting, Finance and Economics (BAFE 2022)
139 authors
- Suliman, Khairul Rizuan
- The Consequences of COVID-19 Pandemic on FMCG Warehouse Operations in Klang Valley: A Qualitative Study Approach
- Tan, Kock Lim
- Board Gender Diversity and Risk-Taking Behavior of Islamic Bank. A Conceptual Framework
- Tan, Kock Lim
- Islamic Bank Audit Committee and Risk-Taking Behavior. A Conceptual Framework
- Tan, Luen Peng
- The Evolution of Malaysian Burger: The Case Study of Myburgerlab
- Tan, Min-Khen
- Firm Performance Improvement Through Employees Performance Evaluation
- Tan, Yan-Teng
- Impacts of Live Commerce Towards Purchase Intention Among Malaysia Adults
- Tan, Zhen-Wei
- Impacts of Live Commerce Towards Purchase Intention Among Malaysia Adults
- Teh, Hong-Leong
- Bereavement Policy: The Impact of Worklife Balance, Organisational Justice, and Virtue Ethics on Employee-Centered HRM Practices
- Teh, Hong-Leong
- Business Closure and Kubler-Ross’ Five Stages of Grief: A Conceptual Framework
- Teh, Hong-Leong
- Correction to: Bereavement Policy: The Impact of Worklife Balance, Organisational Justice, and Virtue Ethics on Employee-Centered HRM Practices
- Tian, Guo
- The Legal System of the Maternity and Parenting Leave Under the Background of China’s “Three-Child” Policy: From the Perspective of the Right to Equal Employment
- Wahidudin, Ahmad Nazri
- Theory of Planned Behaviour: Influence of the Constructs on Behavioural Intention in Digital Banking
- Wei, Chooi Yi
- Promoting Innovative Teaching Quality Monitoring (TQM) System: A Case Study at University of Sanya, Hainan, China
- Wei, Chooi Yi
- Peer-Review Statements
- Wei, Chooi Yi
- Education for Sustainable Development in the Context of COVID-19: Case Study of a Higher Education Institution in China
- Wei, Chooi Yi
- Correction to: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Business, Accounting, Finance and Economics (BAFE 2022)
- William Choo, Keng Soon
- Peer-Review Statements
- William Choo, Keng Soon
- Correction to: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Business, Accounting, Finance and Economics (BAFE 2022)
- Wong, Chi Bo
- Determinants of Customer Loyalty: A Green Marketing Perspective
- Wong, Kok Yaw
- Board Gender Diversity and Risk-Taking Behavior of Islamic Bank. A Conceptual Framework
- Wong, Kok Yaw
- Islamic Bank Audit Committee and Risk-Taking Behavior. A Conceptual Framework
- Wong, Lai Soon
- Impact of Employee Engagement on Company Performance: The Four-Box Business Model as a Moderator: Perspectives from the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Wong, Tai-Seng
- Firm Performance Improvement Through Employees Performance Evaluation
- Wu, Dan
- The Funding Guarantee Mechanism of Citizens’ Right to Health in Public Health Emergencies
- Wu, Wing Chi Branda
- Determinants of Customer Loyalty: A Green Marketing Perspective
- Yap, Chui Peng
- Factors Influencing Continuance Intention to Adopt Online Food Delivery Services Among Millennials During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Yee, Chew Fong
- Family Business Ownership Research: Case Study of Malaysia
- Yip, Yen-San
- Bereavement Policy: The Impact of Worklife Balance, Organisational Justice, and Virtue Ethics on Employee-Centered HRM Practices
- Yip, Yen-San
- Business Closure and Kubler-Ross’ Five Stages of Grief: A Conceptual Framework
- Yip, Yen-San
- Correction to: Bereavement Policy: The Impact of Worklife Balance, Organisational Justice, and Virtue Ethics on Employee-Centered HRM Practices
- Yuhua, Chen
- Research on the Integration of Blockchain and Accounting Information Systems Under Budget Reform
- Yunne Chay, Yinn Yinn
- Mobile Money Agent Network: Key Towards Digital Financial Inclusion
- Yusof, Hayati
- Exploring Cryptocurrency Readiness Among University Students
- Zeng, Ling Fang
- The Consequences of COVID-19 Pandemic on FMCG Warehouse Operations in Klang Valley: A Qualitative Study Approach
- Zhang, Lihua
- Research on the Relationship Between Environmental Information Disclosure Quality and Financial Performance
- Zheng, Zuting
- Research on the Relationship Between Environmental Information Disclosure Quality and Financial Performance
- Zhu, Zining
- Impact of Employee Engagement on Company Performance: The Four-Box Business Model as a Moderator: Perspectives from the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Ziqin, Feng
- Research on the Integration of Blockchain and Accounting Information Systems Under Budget Reform
- Zolkaply, Zulnurhaini
- Exploring Cryptocurrency Readiness Among University Students