Proceedings of the 5th ASEAN Conference on Psychology, Counselling, and Humanities (ACPCH 2019)

132 authors
Sa’adah, Diana Zumrotus
The Use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Improve the Self-Esteem of Person with Schizophrenia: A Case Report
Shieh, Fu-An
A Preliminary Study of the Relationship Among Critical Thinking, Religious Motivation, Religious Devotion, and Homosexual Attitude in Taiwan
Shieh, Fu-An
The Influence of the Religious Authority on Individuals in Taiwan
Sholihah, Zumrotul
People’s View on Communication Behavior of Koplo Pills Users in Socializing with Others
Sholihah, Zumrotul
Self-Regulation Toward Entrepreneurship Intention: Mediated by Self-Efficacy in the Digital Age
High School Students Engagement in Malang Raya: What Can the Rasch Model Explain?
Suatin, Wiwik
The Meaning of Parent’s Death for Children and Adolescents
Suatin, Wiwik
Peer Attachment and Child’s Social Competence
An Analysis of MMPI-2 on Ego Strength, Positive Malingering, and Anxiety
Suen, Mein-Woei
An Analysis of a Scaffolding Collaborative Contextual Method of Inclusive Teacher Toward the Students with Special Needs in Elementary School
Suen, Mein-Woei
A Preliminary Study of the Relationship Among Critical Thinking, Religious Motivation, Religious Devotion, and Homosexual Attitude in Taiwan
Suen, Mein-Woei
The Influence of the Religious Authority on Individuals in Taiwan
Suryaningrum, Cahyaning
Is Modified Cognitive Behavior Therapy More Effective Than Traditional Cognitive Behavior Therapy? (A Review on Social Anxiety Disorder)
Syafuri, Bayi
The Role of Positive Psychology in English Foreign Language Classroom
Tarihoran, Naf’an
The Role of Positive Psychology in English Foreign Language Classroom
Tewal, Erik Hendro Putra
People’s View on Communication Behavior of Koplo Pills Users in Socializing with Others
Tewal, Erik Hendro Putra
Self-Regulation Toward Entrepreneurship Intention: Mediated by Self-Efficacy in the Digital Age
Ummah, Rohmatul
Self-Efficacy in Terms of Work Engagement and Affective Commitment Among Teachers
Ummah, Rohmatul
Is it Different (?): The Socio-Emotional Competence of the Javanese Children Based on Gender
Utami, Lintang Aulia
Human Problems: Sick Role Behavior Among Chronic Disease Sufferers and Various Treatment Models to Increase It
Utami, Lintang Aulia
Personal Experience Among Women Who Had Experienced Violence in Premarital Relationships
Wahyuriko, Purwo Erina
The Comparison Between Physical Therapy and Psychosocial Therapy to Control Stress Among Hypertensive Patients
The Impact of Bad Experience, Disappointment, and Shopping Intensity on Digital Shoppers’ Anxiety
Wijayanti, Novie Triana
The Meaning of Parent’s Death for Children and Adolescents
Wijayanti, Novie Triana
Peer Attachment and Child’s Social Competence
Winaudri, Wistita
Cultural Study: The Feeling of Love of Buginese Men
Winaudri, Wistita
Buginese Women’s Attitude Toward Uang Panai’ as One of the Wedding Cultures in Buginese
Wulandari, Ika
The Differences in Emotional Competence Between Local Students and Migrant Students
Wulandari, Ika
The Role of Forgiveness on Psychological Well-Being in Adolescents: A Review
Yuniardi, M. Salis
The Use of Instagram and Psychological Well-Being in the Digital Era
Zulfiana, Uun
An Analysis of a Scaffolding Collaborative Contextual Method of Inclusive Teacher Toward the Students with Special Needs in Elementary School
Zulfiana, Uun
Schizophrenia Self-Development and Self-Adjustment in the Community