Proceedings of the 5th ASEAN Conference on Psychology, Counselling, and Humanities (ACPCH 2019)
132 authors
- Sa’adah, Diana Zumrotus
- The Use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Improve the Self-Esteem of Person with Schizophrenia: A Case Report
- Shieh, Fu-An
- A Preliminary Study of the Relationship Among Critical Thinking, Religious Motivation, Religious Devotion, and Homosexual Attitude in Taiwan
- Shieh, Fu-An
- The Influence of the Religious Authority on Individuals in Taiwan
- Sholihah, Zumrotul
- People’s View on Communication Behavior of Koplo Pills Users in Socializing with Others
- Sholihah, Zumrotul
- Self-Regulation Toward Entrepreneurship Intention: Mediated by Self-Efficacy in the Digital Age
- Silfiasari
- High School Students Engagement in Malang Raya: What Can the Rasch Model Explain?
- Suatin, Wiwik
- The Meaning of Parent’s Death for Children and Adolescents
- Suatin, Wiwik
- Peer Attachment and Child’s Social Competence
- Sudjiwanati
- An Analysis of MMPI-2 on Ego Strength, Positive Malingering, and Anxiety
- Suen, Mein-Woei
- An Analysis of a Scaffolding Collaborative Contextual Method of Inclusive Teacher Toward the Students with Special Needs in Elementary School
- Suen, Mein-Woei
- A Preliminary Study of the Relationship Among Critical Thinking, Religious Motivation, Religious Devotion, and Homosexual Attitude in Taiwan
- Suen, Mein-Woei
- The Influence of the Religious Authority on Individuals in Taiwan
- Suryaningrum, Cahyaning
- Is Modified Cognitive Behavior Therapy More Effective Than Traditional Cognitive Behavior Therapy? (A Review on Social Anxiety Disorder)
- Syafuri, Bayi
- The Role of Positive Psychology in English Foreign Language Classroom
- Tarihoran, Naf’an
- The Role of Positive Psychology in English Foreign Language Classroom
- Tewal, Erik Hendro Putra
- People’s View on Communication Behavior of Koplo Pills Users in Socializing with Others
- Tewal, Erik Hendro Putra
- Self-Regulation Toward Entrepreneurship Intention: Mediated by Self-Efficacy in the Digital Age
- Ummah, Rohmatul
- Self-Efficacy in Terms of Work Engagement and Affective Commitment Among Teachers
- Ummah, Rohmatul
- Is it Different (?): The Socio-Emotional Competence of the Javanese Children Based on Gender
- Utami, Lintang Aulia
- Human Problems: Sick Role Behavior Among Chronic Disease Sufferers and Various Treatment Models to Increase It
- Utami, Lintang Aulia
- Personal Experience Among Women Who Had Experienced Violence in Premarital Relationships
- Wahyuriko, Purwo Erina
- The Comparison Between Physical Therapy and Psychosocial Therapy to Control Stress Among Hypertensive Patients
- Widayat
- The Impact of Bad Experience, Disappointment, and Shopping Intensity on Digital Shoppers’ Anxiety
- Wijayanti, Novie Triana
- The Meaning of Parent’s Death for Children and Adolescents
- Wijayanti, Novie Triana
- Peer Attachment and Child’s Social Competence
- Winaudri, Wistita
- Cultural Study: The Feeling of Love of Buginese Men
- Winaudri, Wistita
- Buginese Women’s Attitude Toward Uang Panai’ as One of the Wedding Cultures in Buginese
- Wulandari, Ika
- The Differences in Emotional Competence Between Local Students and Migrant Students
- Wulandari, Ika
- The Role of Forgiveness on Psychological Well-Being in Adolescents: A Review
- Yuniardi, M. Salis
- The Use of Instagram and Psychological Well-Being in the Digital Era
- Zulfiana, Uun
- An Analysis of a Scaffolding Collaborative Contextual Method of Inclusive Teacher Toward the Students with Special Needs in Elementary School
- Zulfiana, Uun
- Schizophrenia Self-Development and Self-Adjustment in the Community