International Journal of Networked and Distributed Computing
Volume 7, Issue 2, April 2019
Research Article
1. An Improved Semantic Role Labeling for Myanmar Text
Zin Mar Kyu, Naw Lay Wah
Pages: 51 - 58
The semantic role labeling plays a key role to extract semantic information from language text for the purpose of information retrieval, text summarization, plagiarism test, etc. This paper presents two main parts: MynNet and semantic role labeling. MynNet, which is a FrameNet for Myanmar language is...
Research Article
2. Character Segmentation and Recognition for Myanmar Warning Signboard Images
Kyi Pyar Zaw, Zin Mar Kyu
Pages: 59 - 67
This paper publicizes the character segmentation and recognition of the Myanmar warning text signboard images taken by a mobile phone camera in natural scene. In this system, two templates are created. The first template that contains both connected pixel words and characters are used for character segmentation...
Research Article
3. A Formal Model of Distributed Security for Electronic Commerce Transactions Systems
Sylvanus A. Ehikioya, Adepele A. Olukunle
Pages: 68 - 84
Every distributed system requires a secure environment for its users. Security becomes even more important if users exchange sensitive information and value, across the network. An e-commerce environment is an example of a distributed system in which security is of a high priority. It is important that...
Research Article
4. Design and Implementation of an IoT-Based Smart Home Security System
Mohammad Asadul Hoque, Chad Davidson
Pages: 85 - 92
Recent advances in smartphones and affordable open-source hardware platforms have enabled the development of low-cost architectures for Internet-of-Things (IoT)-enabled home automation and security systems. These systems usually consist of sensing and actuating layer that is made up of sensors such as...