International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems

Volume 14, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1809 - 1822

Harmonically Convex Fuzzy-Interval-Valued Functions and Fuzzy-Interval Riemann–Liouville Fractional Integral Inequalities

Gul Sana1, ORCID, Muhammad Bilal Khan1, Muhammad Aslam Noor1, Pshtiwan Othman Mohammed2, Yu-Ming Chu3, *
1Department of Mathematics, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad, Pakistan
2Department of Mathematics, College of Education, University of Sulaimani, Sulaimani, Iraq
3Department of Mathematics, Huzhou University, Huzhou, P. R. China
*Corresponding author. Email:
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Yu-Ming Chu
Received 5 April 2021, Accepted 14 June 2021, Available Online 28 June 2021.
10.2991/ijcis.d.210620.001How to use a DOI?
Harmonically convex fuzzy interval-valued function; Fuzzy interval fractional integral operator; Hermite–Hadamard inequality; Hermite–Hadamard–Fejér inequality

It is well known that the concept of convexity establishes strong relationship with integral inequality for single-valued and interval-valued function. The single-valued function and interval-valued function both are special cases of fuzzy interval-valued function. The aim of this paper is to introduce a new class of convex fuzzy interval-valued functions, which is called harmonically convex fuzzy interval-valued functions (harmonically convex fuzzy-IVFs) by means of fuzzy order relation and to investigate this new class via fuzzy-interval Riemann–Liouville fractional operator. With the help of fuzzy order relation and fuzzy-interval Riemann–Liouville fractional, we derive some integrals inequalities of Hermite–Hadamard (H-H) type and Hermite–Hadamard–Fejér (H-H Fejér) type as well as some product inequities for harmonically convex fuzzy-IVFs. Our results represent a significant improvement and refinement of the known results. We hope that these interesting outcomes may open a new direction for fuzzy optimization, modeling and interval-valued function.

© 2021 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press B.V.
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The Hermite–Hadamard (H-H) inequality was firstly introduced by Hadamard [1] and Hermite [2] for convex functions. This inequality is used as a most useful tool in mathematical analysis and optimization because convex functions establish strong relationship with H-H inequality. Therefore, many authors have discussed the relation of H-H inequality with different kinds of convex and nonconvex functions and many papers have provided refinements, generalizations and extensions, see [38]. Besides, fractional integrals have played a critical role in different branches of sciences. It is also a familiar fact that inequalities have become a very popular method using fractional integrals, and that this method has been the driving force behind many studies in recent years. Many forms of inequality have been studied, resulting in the introduction of new trend in inequality theory. Firstly, by using fractional integrals, Sarikaya et al. [9] discovered fractional H-H inequality for classical convex function. After that, many scholars devoted their efforts to present fractional H-H type inequalities for different classes of convex and nonconvex functions see [1015].

It is well known that interval analysis provides tools to deal with data uncertainty. In general, interval analysis is typically used to deal with the models whose data are composed of inaccuracies that may occur from certain kinds of measurements. In 1966, the concept of interval analysis was firstly introduced by late American mathematician Ramon E. Moore in [16]. Since its inception, various authors in the mathematical community have paid close attention to this area of research. Interval analysis has been found to be useful in global optimization and constraint solution algorithms, according to experts. It has slowly risen in popularity over the last few decades. Scientists and engineers engaged in scientific computation have discovered that interval analysis is useful, especially in terms of accuracy, round-off error affects and automatic validation of results. After the invention of interval analysis, the researchers working in the area of inequalities wants to know whether the inequalities in abovementioned results can be found substituted with inclusions relation. In certain cases, the question is answered correctively. Recently, through interval Riemann integral, interval Riemann–Liouville fractional integrals and fuzzy Riemann integral, several authors presented new versions of various inequalities for interval and fuzzy-interval-valued functions like, as one can see Costa [17], Costa and Roman-Flores [18], Roman-Flores et al. [19,20], and Chalco-Cano et al. [21,22], An et al. [23], Zhao et al. [24], but also to more general set-valued maps by Nikodem et al. [25], Matkowski and Nikodem [26]. In particular, Zhang et al. [27] derived the new version of Jensen's inequalities for set-valued and fuzzy set-valued functions by means of a pseudo order relation and proved that these Jensen's inequalities generalized form of Costa Jensen's inequalities [17]. As a further extension, more and more, H-H type inequalities have been obtained through interval Riemann–Liouville fractional integrals, see for convex-IVFs [28,29], for harmonically convex-IVFs [30]. Moreover, recently, Khan et al. [31] introduced the new class of convex fuzzy mappings is known as h1,h2-convex fuzzy-IVFs by means fuzzy order relation and presented the following new version of H-H-type inequality for h1,h2-convex fuzzy-IVF involving fuzzy-interval Riemann integrals:

Let Q˜:u,νF0 be a h1,h2-convex fuzzy-IVF with h1,h2:0,1+ and h112h2120, whose β-levels define the family of IVFs Qβ:u,νKC+ are given by Qβz=Qz,β,Qz,β for all zu,ν, β0,1. If Q˜ is fuzzy-interval Riemann integrable (in sort, FR-integrable), then


If h1ϱ=ϱ and h2ϱ1, then inequality (1) reduces to the following inequality:

where Q˜ is a convex fuzzy-IVF. We urge the readers to [3242] and the citations therein for further review of related literature on the implementations and characterization of fuzzy-interval, inequalities and generalized convex fuzzy mappings.

This study is organized as follows: Section 2 presents preliminary notions and results in interval space, and fuzzy-interval space. Moreover, Section 2 also discusses new class of convex fuzzy-IVF, which is known as harmonically convex fuzzy-IVF. Section 3 obtains fuzzy-interval H-H inequalities via convex fuzzy-IVFs. In particular, some intriguing examples are provided to support our outcomes. Conclusions and future plans are discussed in Section 4.


Let KC be the space of all closed and bounded intervals of and ηKC be defined by


If η=η then, η is said to be degenerate. In this article, all intervals will be nondegenerate intervals. If η0, then η,η is called positive interval. The set of all positive interval is denoted by KC+ and defined as KC+=η,η:η,ηKC and η0.

Let ϱ and ϱη be defined by

ϱ.η=ϱη,ϱη if ϱ0,ϱη,ϱη if ϱ<0.

Then the Minkowski difference ζη, addition η+ζ and η×ζ for η,ζKC are defined by


The inclusion “” means that

ζη If and only if,ζ,ζη,η,if and only ifηζ,ζη.

Remark 2.1.

[32] The relation “I” defined on KC by

ζ,ζIη,η if and only if ζη,ζη,
for all ζ,ζ,η,ηKC, it is an order relation. For given ζ,ζ,η,ηKC, we say that ζ,ζIη,η if and only if ζη,ζη or ζη,ζ<η.

For ζ,ζ,η,ηI, the Hausdorff–Pompeiu distance between intervals ζ,ζ and η,η is defined by


It is familiar fact that I,d is a complete metric space.

Assume is a set of real numbers. The membership function is a mapping ζ˜:0,1 that characterizes a fuzzy subset A of , for each fuzzy set and β(0,1], then β-level sets of ζ˜ is denoted and defined as follows: ζβ=u|ζ˜uβ. If β=0, thensuppζ˜=z|ζ˜z>0 is called support of ζ˜. By ζ˜0 we define the closure of suppζ˜.

Let F be the family of all fuzzy sets and ζ˜F denote the family of all nonempty sets. ζ˜F be a fuzzy set. Then we define the following:

  1. ζ˜ is said to be normal if there exists z and ζ˜z=1;

  2. ζ˜ is said to be upper semi continuous on if for given z, there exist ε>0 there exist δ>0 such that ζ˜zζ˜y<ε for all y with |zy|<δ;

  3. ζ˜ is said to be fuzzy convex if ζβ is convex for every β0,1;

  4. ζ˜ is compactly supported if suppζ˜ is compact.

A fuzzy set is called a fuzzy number or fuzzy interval if it has properties (1), (2), (3) and (4). We denote by F0 the family of all interval.

Let ζ˜F0 be a fuzzy-interval, if and only if, β levels ζ˜β is a nonempty compact convex set of . From these definitions, we have


Proposition 2.2.

[18] If ζ˜,η˜F0 then relation “” defined on F0 by

ζ˜η˜ if and only if,ζ˜βIη˜β,for all β0,1,
this relation is known as partial order relation.

For ζ˜,η˜F0 and ϱ, the sum ζ˜+˜η˜, product ζ˜×˜η˜, scalar product ϱ.ζ˜ and sum with scalar are defined by

Then, for all β0,1, we have


For ζ˜F0 such that ξ˜=η˜+˜ζ˜, then by this result we have existence of Hukuhara difference of ξ˜ and η˜, and we say that ζ˜ is the H-difference of ξ˜ and η˜, and denoted by ξ˜˜η˜. If H-difference exists, then


A partition of u,ν is any finite ordered subset P having the form


The mesh of a partition P is the maximum length of the subintervals containing P, that is,


Let Pδ,u,ν be the set of all PPδ,u,ν such that mesh P<δ. For each interval zj1,zj, where 1jk, choose an arbitrary point μj and taking the sum

where Q:u,νI. We call SQ,P,δ a Riemann sum of Q corresponding to PPδ,u,ν.

Definition 2.3.

[24] A function Q:u,νI is called interval Riemann integrable (IR-integrable) on u,ν if there exists BI such that, foe each ϵ, there exists δ>0 such that

for every Riemann sum of Q corresponding to PPδ,u,ν and for arbitrary choice of μjzj1,zj for 1jk. Then we say that B is the IR-integral of Q on u,ν and is denoted by B=IRuνQzdz.

Moore [16] firstly proposed the concept of Riemann integral for IVF and it is defined as follows:

Theorem 2.4.

[16] If Q:u,νI is an IVF on such that Qz=Q,Q. Then Q is Riemann integrable over u,ν if and only if, Q and Q both are Riemann integrable over u,ν such that


Definition 2.5.

[33] A fuzzy map Q˜:KF0 is also known as fuzzy-IVF. For each β0,1, whose β levels characterize the family of IVFs Qβ:KKC are given by Qβz=Qz,β,Qz,β for all zK. Here, for each β0,1, the left and right real-valued functions Qz,β,Qz,β:K are also called lower and upper functions of Q˜.

Remark 2.6.

If Q˜:KF0 is a fuzzy-IVF then, Q˜z is called continuous function at zK, if for each β0,1, both left and right real-valued functions Qz,β and Qz,β are continuous at zK.

The following conclusion can be drawn from the above literature review, see [16,24,33].

Definition 2.7.

Let Q˜:c,dF0 be a fuzzy-IVF. Then, fuzzy Riemann integral of Q˜ over c,d, denoted by FRcdQ˜zdz, it is defined level by level

for all β0,1, where Rc,d contains the family of left and right functions of IVFs. Q˜ is FR-integrable over c,d if FRcdQ˜zdzF0. Note that, if left and right real-valued functions are Lebesgue-integrable, then Q˜ is fuzzy Aumann-integrable over c,d, denoted by FAcdQ˜zdz, see [33].

Theorem 2.8.

Let Q˜:c,dF0 be a fuzzy-IVF, whose β levels characterize the collection of IVFs Qβ:c,dKC are defined by Qβz=Qz,β,Qz,β for all zc,d and for all β0,1. Then Q˜ is FR-integrable over c,d if and only if, Qz,β and Qz,β both are R-integrable over c,d. Moreover, if Q˜ is FR-integrable over c,d, then

for all β0,1. For each β0,1, QRc,d,β and Rc,d,β denote the collection of all FR-integrable fuzzy-IVFs and, R-integrable left and right functions over c,d.

Allahviranloo et al. [39] introduced the following fuzzy-interval Riemann–Liouville fractional integral operators:

Let α>0 and Lu,ν,F0 be the collection of all Lebesgue measurable fuzzy-IVFs on u,ν. Then the fuzzy-interval left and right Riemann–Liouville fractional integral of Q˜Lu,ν,F0 with order α>0 are defined by

respectively, where Γz=0ϱz1uϱdϱ is the Euler gamma function. The fuzzy-interval left and right Riemann–Liouville fractional integral z based on left and right end point functions can be defined, that is,

Similarly, we can define right Riemann–Liouville fractional integral Q of z based on left and right end point functions.

Definition 2.9.

A set K=u,v+=0, is said to be harmonically convex set, if, for all z,yK,ϱ0,1, we have


Definition 2.10.

[3] The fuzzy-IVF Q:u,νF0 is called harmonically convex fuzzy-IVF on u,ν if

for all z,yu,ν,ϱ0,1, where Qz0 for all zu,ν. If (25) is reversed then, Q is called harmonically concave fuzzy-IVF on u,ν.

Definition 2.11.

The fuzzy-IVF Q˜:u,νF0 is called harmonically convex fuzzy-IVF on u,ν if

for all z,yu,ν,ϱ0,1, where Q˜z0˜, for all zu,ν. If (26) is reversed then, Q˜ is called concave fuzzy-IVF on u,ν.

Theorem 2.12.

Let K be harmonically convex set, and let Q˜:KFC be a fuzzy-IVF whose β levels define the family of IVFs Qβ:KKC+KC are given by

for all zK, β0,1. Then Q˜ is harmonically convex on K, if and only if, for all β0,1,Qz,β and Qz,β are harmonically convex.


Assume that for each β0,1,Qz,β and Qz,β are harmonically convex on K. Then from (25), we have


Then by (26), (19) and (21), we obtain

that is,

z,yK,ϱ0,1. Hence, Q˜ is harmonically convex fuzzy-IVF on K.

Conversely, let Q˜ be harmonically convex fuzzy-IVF on K. Then for all z,yK, ϱ0,1, we have


Therefore, from (26), for each β0,1, left side of above inequality, we have


Again, from (26), we obtain

for all z,yK, ϱ0,1. Then by harmonically convexity of Q˜, we have for all z,yK, ϱ0,1 such that
for each β0,1. Hence, the result follows.

Remark 2.12.

If Qz,β=Qz,β and β=1 then from Definition 210, we obtain Definition 2.10.

Example 2.13.

We consider the fuzzy-IVFs Q˜:0,2FC defined by


Then, for each β0,1, we have Qβz=βz,2βz. Since end point functions Qz,β,Qz,β are harmonically convex functions for each β0,1. Hence Q˜z is harmonically convex fuzzy-IVF.

In next result, we will establish a relation between convex fuzzy-IVF and harmonically convex fuzzy-IVF.

Theorem 2.14.

Let Q˜:KFC be a fuzzy-IVF, where for all β0,1, whose β levels define the family of IVFs Qβ:KKC+KC are given by Qβz=Qz,β,Qz,β, for all zK. Then Q˜z is harmonically convex fuzzy-IVF on K, if and only if, Q˜1z is convex fuzzy-IVF on K.


Since Q˜z is a harmonically convex fuzzy-IVF then, for z,yu,ν,ϱ0,1, we have


Therefore, for each β0,1, we have


Consider φ˜z=Q˜1z. Taking m=1z and n=1y to replace z and y, respectively. Then for each β0,1, applying (28)


It follows that

which implies that
that is,

This concludes that φ˜z is a convex fuzzy-IVF.

Conversely, let φ˜ is convex fuzzy-IVF on K. Then, for all z,yK, ϱ0,1, we have


By using same steps as above, for each β0,1, we have


It follows that

that is,
the proof the theorem has been completed.

Remark 2.15.

If Qz,β=Qz,β and β=1 then from Theorem 2.14, we obtain Lemma 2.1 of [13].


In this section, we shall continue with the following the fractional HH inequality for harmonically convex fuzzy-IVFs and we also give fractional HH Fejér inequality for harmonically convex fuzzy-IVF through fuzzy order relation. In what follows, we denote by Lu,ν,F0 the family of Lebesgue measureable fuzzy-IVFs.

Theorem 3.1.

Let Q˜:u,νF0 be a harmonically convex fuzzy-IVF on u,ν, whose β levels define the family of IVFs Qβ:u,νKC+ are given by Qβz=Qz,β,Qz,β for all zu,ν, β0,1. If Q˜Lu,ν,F0, then


If Q˜z is concave fuzzy-IVF then

where ψz=1z.


Let Q˜:u,νF0 be harmonically convex fuzzy-IVF. Then, by hypothesis, we have


Therefore, for each β0,1, we have


Consider φ˜z=Q˜1z. By Theorem 2.14 we have φ˜z is convex fuzzy-IVF then for each β0,1, above inequality, we have


Multiplying both sides by ϱα1 and integrating the obtained result with respect to ϱ over 0,1, we have


Let z=1ϱu+ϱνuν and y=ϱu+1ϱνuν. Then we have


Similarly, for Qz,γ, we have


It follows that


That is,


In a similar way as above, we have


Combining (31) and (32), we have


That is,


Hence, the required result.

Remark 3.2.

If α=1, then inequality (29) reduces to the following inequality which is also new one:


If Qz,β=Qz,β with β=1 then, we obtain classical fractional H-H inequality for harmonically convex function which is given in [13]:


If Qz,β=Qz,β with β=1 and α=1 then, we obtain classical H-H inequality for harmonically convex function which is given in [3].


Theorem 3.3.

(Second fuzzy fractional HH Fejér inequality) Let Q˜:u,νF0 be a harmonically convex fuzzy-IVF with u<ν, whose β levels define the family of IVFs Qβ:u,νKC+ are given by Qβz=Qz,β,Qz,β for all zu,ν, β0,1. If Q˜Lu,ν,F0 and Ω:u,ν,Ω11u+1ν1z=Ωz0, then


If Q˜ is concave fuzzy-IVF then, inequality (36) is reversed.


Let Q˜ be a harmonically convex fuzzy-IVF and ϱα1Ωuνϱu+1ϱν0. Then, for each β0,1, we have


After adding (37) and (38), and integrating over 0,1, we get


Similarly, for Qz,γ, we have


From which, we have

that is,

Theorem 3.4.

(First fuzzy fractional HH Fejér inequality) Let Q˜:u,νF0 be a harmonically convex fuzzy-IVF with u<ν, whose β levels define the family of IVFs Qβ:u,νKC+ are given by Qβz=Qz,β,Qz,β for all zu,ν, β0,1. If Q˜Lu,ν,F0 and Ω:u,ν,Ω11u+1ν1z=Ωz0, then


If Q˜ is concave fuzzy-IVF then, inequality (40) is reversed.


Since Q˜ is a harmonically convex fuzzy-IVF, then for β0,1, we have


Multiplying both sides by (41) by ϱα1Ωuν1ϱu+ϱν and then integrating the resultant with respect to ϱ over 0,1, we obtain


Let z=uνϱu+1ϱν. Then, we have


Similarly, for Qz,γ, we have


From (43) and (44), we have

ΓαuννuαQ2uνu+ν,β,Q2uνu+ν,β                              .I1ν+αΩ1u+I1uαΩ1νIΓαuννuαI1ν+αQΩ1u+I1uαQΩ1ν,I1ν+αQΩ1u+I1uαQΩ1ν,
that is,

Similarly, if Q˜ be a harmonically convex fuzzy-IVF and ϱα1Ωuνϱu+1ϱν0, then, for each β0,1, we have


After adding (46) and (47), and integrating the resultant over 0,1, we get


Similarly, for Qz,γ, we have


From which, we have

that is,

By combining (45) and (48), we obtain the required inequality (40).

Remark 3.5.

Let α=1. Then from Theorems 3.3 and 3.4, we get following H-H inequality for harmonically convex fuzzy-IVF which is also new one:


Let Ωz=1. Then from Theorems 3.3 and 3.4, we obtain inequality (29).

Let Ωz=1 and α=1, then from Theorems 3.3 and 3.4, we get H-H inequality for harmonically convex fuzzy-IVF:


If Qz,β=Qz,β with β=1 then from Theorems 3.3 and 3.4, we obtain classical fractional H-H Fejér inequality for harmonically convex function, given in [10].

Let Qz,β=Qz,β with β=1 and α=1. Then, from Theorems 3.3 and 3.4, we obtain classical H-H-Fejér inequality for harmonically convex function, given in [4].

If Qz,β=Qz,β with Ωz=β=1 then from Theorems 3.3 and 3.4, we obtain classical fractional H-H inequality for harmonically convex function.

If Qz,β=Qz,β and Ωz=β=α=1 then from Theorems 3.3 and 3.4, we obtain classical H-H inequality for harmonically convex function.

Now in next results, we will establish some H-H type inequalities for the products of two harmonically convex fuzzy-IVFs involving fuzzy-interval Riemann–Liouville fractional integral. These inequalities about harmonically convex fuzzy-IVFs are analogous generalization for some classical results provided by Noor [7], and Chen [6,13] for convex and generalized harmonically convex functions.

Theorem 3.6.

Let Q˜,P˜:u,νF0 be two harmonically convex fuzzy-IVFs on u,ν, whose β levels Qβ,Pβ:u,νKC+ are defined by Qβz=Qz,β,Qz,β and Pβz=Pz,β,Pz,β for all zu,ν, β0,1. If Q˜×˜P˜Lu,ν,F0, then

where M˜u,ν=Q˜uטP˜u+˜Q˜νטP˜ν,N˜u,ν=Q˜uטP˜ν+˜Q˜νטP˜u, and Mβu,ν=Mu,ν,β,Mu,ν,β and Nβu,ν=Nu,ν,β,Nu,ν,β.


Since Q˜,P˜ both are harmonically convex fuzzy-IVFs then, for each β0,1 we have


From the definition of harmonically convex fuzzy-IVFs it follows that 0˜Q˜z and 0˜P˜z, so


Analogously, we have


Adding (49) and (50), we have


Taking multiplication of (51) by ϱα1 and integrating the obtained result with respect to ϱ over (0, 1), we have


It follows that,


Similarly, for Qz,γ, we have

that is,


and the theorem has been established.

Theorem 3.7.

Let Q˜,P˜:u,νF0 be two harmonically convex fuzzy-IVFs, whose β levels define the family of IVFs Qβ,Pβ:u,νKC+ are given by Qβz=Qz,β,Qz,β and Pβz=Pz,β,Pz,β for all zu,ν, β0,1. If Q˜×˜P˜Lu,ν,F0, then

where M˜u,ν=Q˜uטP˜u+˜Q˜νטP˜ν,N˜u,ν=Q˜uטP˜ν+˜Q˜νטP˜u, and Mβu,ν=Mu,ν,β,Mu,ν,β and Nβu,ν=Nu,ν,β,Nu,ν,β.


Consider Q˜,P˜:u,νF0 are harmonically convex fuzzy-IVFs. Then by hypothesis, for each β0,1, we have


Multiplying inequality (52) by ϱα1 and integrating over 0,1,


Taking z=uνϱu+1ϱν and y=uν1ϱu+ϱν, then we get


Similarly, for Qz,γ, we have

that is,

Hence, the required result.

Theorem 3.8.

Let Q˜,P˜:u,νF0 be two harmonically convex fuzzy-IVFs, whose β levels define the family of IVFs Qβ,Pβ:u,νKC+ are given by Qβz=Qz,β,Qz,β and Pβz=Pz,β,Pz,β for all zu,ν, β0,1. If Q˜×˜P˜Lu,ν,F0, then

where M˜u,ν=Q˜uטP˜u+˜Q˜νטP˜ν,N˜u,ν=Q˜uטP˜ν+˜Q˜νטP˜u, and Mβu,ν=Mu,ν,β,Mu,ν,β and Nβu,ν=Nu,ν,β,Nu,ν,β.


Consider Q˜,P˜:u,νF0 are harmonically convex fuzzy-IVFs. Then by hypothesis, for each β0,1, we have


Multiplying inequality (53) by 21+ααϱα1 and then integrating the obtain outcome over 0,12,


Taking z=uνϱu+1ϱν and y=uν1ϱu+ϱν, then we get


Similarly, for Qz,γ, we have

that is,


In this study, firstly we introduced the class of harmonically convex fuzzy-IVFs by means of fuzzy-order relation. Then we established H-H and H-H Fejér type inequalities for convex fuzzy-IVFs involving fuzzy Riemann–Liouville fractional integrals, and H-H inequalities are true for this concept of harmonically convex fuzzy-IVFs. As a future research, we try to explore this concept for generalized harmonically convex fuzzy-IVFs and some applications in fuzzy-interval nonlinear programing. By using this concept, the new direction of study can be found in optimization theory and convex analysis. We hope that this concept will be helpful for other authors to pay their roles in different fields of sciences.


Not applicable.


The authors declare that they have no competing interests.


All authors contributed equally to the writing of this paper. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Funding Statement

The research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61673169).


The authors would like to thank the Rector, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad, Pakistan, for providing excellent research and academic environments.


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AU  - Gul Sana
AU  - Muhammad Bilal Khan
AU  - Muhammad Aslam Noor
AU  - Pshtiwan Othman Mohammed
AU  - Yu-Ming Chu
PY  - 2021
DA  - 2021/06/28
TI  - Harmonically Convex Fuzzy-Interval-Valued Functions and Fuzzy-Interval Riemann–Liouville Fractional Integral Inequalities
JO  - International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems
SP  - 1809
EP  - 1822
VL  - 14
IS  - 1
SN  - 1875-6883
UR  -
DO  - 10.2991/ijcis.d.210620.001
ID  - Sana2021
ER  -