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188667 articles

Research on the Effects of Fiscal and Tax Incentives Policies for Promoting the Development of New Energy Auto Industry

Nan Lin, Xiaofang Guo, Jianxue Liu
The new energy automobile industry plays a great role in promoting the transformation and development of Chinese automobile industry for enhancing its international competitiveness. However, the new energy automobile industry of China has been developing with many obstacles. The policy for promoting...

Towards a Model of Attitudes and Character Learning Training Needed by Teachers

A lot of training models of attitude and character learning have been applied for the training of Indonesian teachers; however, the majority of them still feel confused about how instill values in their students and shape children’s attitudes and characters. Research and development method was applied...

Comparison of Enterprise Framework Architecture in Msmes Manufacturing Sector

Apriana Marselina, Melky Radja, Ferdinandus Lidang Witi
In business, managing information technology systems is one of the supporting factors in increasing business value, which can be done through a good system architecture planning and design process. To achieve this, information systems that exist in a business must be managed with the right enterprise...

“What Do You Want You’re Future To Be?” Future Orientation Case Studies of Psychological Students

Putri Yohannida Aulia Fadhilla, Ahmad Saefudin Jamiil, Nida Muthi Annisa
The purpose of this study was to find out how different future orientation of students at the early and final-levels are. The research method used in this research is qualitative case study research with future orientation variables. Data collection techniques in this study using interview technique....

JHS English Teachers’ and Students’ Perceptions on the Implementation of Authentic Assessment in Pekanbaru

Gustari Prima Diharmis, Hamzah
This research was conducted in order to 1) find the English teachers’ perceptions on the implementation of the authentic assessment, 2) find students’ perceptions on their teachers’ implementation of the authentic assessment, and 3) see if there is a significant difference between teachers’ and students’...
Proceedings Article

Application of VR and AR Technologies in Educational Process

Sergey Vlasov, Nikolay Borgest
Education system is constantly developing and now people can use new AR and VR technologies to improve their learning process. Augmented reality, abbreviated AR, is a combination of the real world and additional data “entered” in the area that the user sees. VR is generally defined as an interactive...
Proceedings Article

Correlation Between Age and Education With Knowledge of Health Protocol Covid-19 Prevention Among Midwifes In Bekasi Regency 2020

Hajar Nur Fathur Rohmah, Herlina Simanjuntak
Backround: Covid-19 pandemic has affected countries world-wide, Indonesia is one of them. More than a hundred thousands of Indonesian citizens were infected of Covid-19, including health workers. Midwife is one of the health workers who do much frequent interactions with people in the society. Thus,...

Analysis of Flypaper Effect and Fiscal Performance in Regional / Regency Spending in West Sumatra

Sabri Marjulas, Efrizal Syofyan
This study aims to analyze 1) whether there is influence between the Locally Generated Revenue (PAD), General Allocated Fund (DAU), Revenue Sharing Fund (DBH) and Special Allocation Fund (DAK) against local expenditure in regencies / cities in West Sumatra, 2) What happens flypaper in the province of...

Research and Exploration of Network Distance Teaching of Colleges and Universities Under the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic

Li Li, Musong Gu, Xiujun Zhang
The novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic has pushed the model of distance teaching under the Internet + environment to the forefront of teaching. Therefore, it is necessary to re-understand distance teaching. In the process of this, it is necessary to grasp the key points such as the feasibility of operation,...
Proceedings Article

The Design of Infusion Monitoring System Based on AT89C51

Jianjun Zhang
Intravenous fluid infusion is an effective treatment for patients, but it requires monitoring by nurses or family members. We design a monitoring system based on AT89C51 to solve monitoring problems and avoid medical accidents. We use infrared sensors to monitor the infusion drip rate, buzzers and light-emitting...

The Effect of Perceived Security, Ease of Use and Perceived Usefulness on Intention to Use Towards Mobile Payment Services in Indonesia

Keni Keni, Hendry Tjoe, Nicholas Wilson, Edi Surya Negara
This study aims to understand the impact of perceived security, perceived usefulness, and perceived ease of use on intention to use among Indonesians in the e-payment sector. This study implements survey method, in which a total of 106 respondents participated in this study. All data then were analyzed...

Poverty Alleviation Mode With Seafarer Characteristics and Planning in Western China

Yanmin Lu
Since 2012, the Maritime Safety Administration of China has been exploring and building a characteristic poverty alleviation way that combines the advantages of poverty alleviation by developing industries, poverty alleviation by education, poverty alleviation by culture and poverty alleviation by promoting...

Combination of STEAM Concept and Virtual Reality Teaching—Taking the Virtual Smart Car Experiment as an Example

Xiaoyao Chen, Yulong Bai, Xiang Wu
Being project-based or problem-solving-oriented, STEAM education aims to guide learners to use interdisciplinary knowledge to solve practical problems. While being immersive and imaginative, virtual reality (VR) is becoming more and more popular in education as a new and effective interactive way. A...

Explorations on Rights Protection of Microblog

Min Chen
This paper focuses on analyzing advantages and disadvantages of Microblog through a series of examples, so as to improve the understanding of the social phenomenon of safeguarding rights through Microblog. Two important characteristics of Microblog, which are timeliness and great influence, not only...

Contemporary Empirical Aspects of Banking and Insurance as Financial Market Segments: a Case Study of Belgorod Region

Vladimir Yanovskiy, Galina Zabnina, Gennady Kryksin, Svetlana Podoprigorova
The paper analyses contemporary empirical aspects of the financial market development in terms of its main segments, based on the case of an individual region of Russia. The research is focused on the recent changes in the region’s financial market. The time period under study includes months before...

Analysis of Social Class Inequality Based on the Movie Parasite

Chang Liu
This paper aims to study the gap between the rich and poor reflected in movie Parasite. Through the analysis of the audio-visual language of the movie, this article starts with the storytelling of Parasite, enumerates and analyses the elements that appear in the movie to reflect the gap between the rich...

Analyzing the Shifting Facial Expression of Ondel-ondel as the Cultural Icon of Betawi Community

Dhika Quarta Rosita, Martha Tisna Putri Ginanjar, Dendi Pratama
Ondel-ondel is one of the cultural icons of the Betawi community. It was first used to be pictured with a creepy expression because Ondel-ondel was believed to be a protective mascot that repels evil spirits and the plague in its time. However, the face of Ondel-ondel has undergone changes throughout...

Implementation of an Interactive E-Module to Improve Concept Understanding of Students

Rabiatul Adawiyah, Susilawati, Lenny Anwar
Background of this study is based on the information obtained that the students still experience difficulty in understanding the concept of redox material. Additionally, from the interview results, the teachers in learning processes used handbooks and had used PowerPoint (PPT), yet the handbooks and...
Research Article

Covid-19 Vaccinated and Positive Rate of Infection in Israel and the United Arab Emirates

Alberto Boretti, Sarim Al Zubaidy
Pages: 78 - 82
Thanks to the high vaccination rates posted in Israel and the United Arab Emirates since mid-December 2020, by end of March 2021 a significant portion of the population has been vaccinated. This adds to the percentage of those who have been infected and have recovered, protected to a different extent...

A Plot Twist: Dating Sexual Behavior Becomes Child Sexual Abuse

A Case Study of the Juvenile Offenders in East Java, Indonesia

Dewi Mirna Fitri Nur Cahyani, Permatasari Elok
Dating sexual behavior does not merely put adolescents into risky sexual behavior, but now it also puts them into a serious potential of crime. Since the dating sexual behavior with an underaged dating partner can be categorized as a child sexual abuse. It is because a person who is under 18 years old...

Community Empowerment in Waste Management

A Meta Synthesis

Andika Pratama, Nike Kamarubiani, Yanti Shantini, Nunu Heryanto
Waste is a problem that has been quite difficult to solve until now. This article aims to discuss community empowerment in waste management. This research method used meta synthesis which is included in the meta aggregation category. From 41 journals, 4 journals were selected that discuss community empowerment...

LCD Codes over 𝔽q + v𝔽q+ v2𝔽q+ ⋯ + vm-1𝔽q

Faldy Tita, Djoko Suprijanto
In this article, we study linear codes with complementary dual (LCD codes) over the ring 𝔽q + v𝔽q+ v2𝔽q+ ⋯ + vm-1𝔽q, where q = ps; p is an odd prime, s is a positive integer, and vm = v; which generalize the observation of Melakhessou et al. (2018). We give necessary and sufficient conditions on...

The Determinants Factors of Accounting Students’ Interest in Sharia Career

Ade Elsa Betavia, Dian Fitria Handayani, Vanica Serly
This study aims to examine the influence of personality, self-efficacy and spiritual motivation on accounting students’ Interest in Sharia career. The respondents were 133 accounting students of Universitas Negeri Padang. The sample was determined by purposive sampling method. The data was gathered by...

The Challenge of Parents as Guide in Online Learning of Elementary School

Chontina Siahaan
The Covid-19 pandemic virus has changed people’s lifestyles around the world, including in Indonesia. Among the changes that have occurred are in education, where the learning system in schools has changed to an online learning system from home. For elementary school children, it is a new learning system,...

The Particularity of Aesthetic Education Practice in Higher Education Stage

Du Ren
The publication of the opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening and improving the aesthetic education in schools in the new era has promoted the implementation of aesthetic education in China in the new era. Schools at various stages have different aesthetic education practice methods. The higher education...

The Structure of Galombang Dance in Pariangan West Sumatera: A Reconstruction

Afifah Asriati, Desfiarni, Irdhan Epria Darma Putra
The aim of this article is to reconstruct the form and the structure of Tari Galombang (Galombang Dance) in Pariangan, Tanah Datar, Sumatera Barat. The reconstruction was undertaken due to several unique dancing elements tools which no longer be used. To reach the aim of the research, a qualitative study...

Lifestyle Patterns During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Especially for Bandung Raya

Adhika Bergi Nugroho, Nanda Ravenska, Pepi Zulvia
The pandemic that occurred in early 2020 forced people to adapt to the new normal. When people are faced with this situation, many things change and can be seen from their lifestyle, including in purchasing staples or interacting with each other. In the locus of Indonesian society, especially in Bandung...

A Viscoelastic Contact Analysis of the Ground Reaction Force Differentiation in Walking and Running Gaits Realized in the Simplified Horse Leg Model Focusing on the Hoof–Ground Interaction

Dondogjamts Batbaatar, Hiroaki Wagatsuma
Pages: 78 - 84
In the present study, the systematic method for the forward dynamics associated with the ground contact model was introduced to be able to consider the viscoelastic effect when contacting with the ground. In particular, we focused on the hoof-ground interaction in the simplified horse leg model because...

The Core Contents and Inspiration of US Army’s Wartime Political Work

Xi Yang, Chang Wang, Peng Ma
In modern wars, it plays a very important role for wartime political work in war mobilization, psychological attack, psychological defense and effective mobilization. By objectively analyzing of the core contents and methods of the US army’s wartime political work in this paper, that is very helpful...

Research Progress of Self-Management Effect in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis

Yu Li, Dongming Yao, Ming Wu, Leyi Xiang
Self-Management of patients with knee osteoarthritis plays an important role in their treatment. In this paper, the present situation, influencing factors and measures to improve the self-management of patients with knee osteoarthritis were reviewed, so as to provide the basis for further improving the...
Proceedings Article

Developing RAPD-derived SCAR (Sequence Characterized Amplified Region) Marker for Flowering Time in Chili Pepper

Estri Laras Arumingtyas, Bunga Rizky Elfa Agustina, Joni Kusnadi
The selection step of plant breeding is a crucial stage in the process of developing new varieties which usually take a considerable long time in a conventional breeding. The development of molecular markers for selection has been carried out to reduce the time required. A Sequence Characterized Amplified...

Utilization of Cultural Heritage Complex of the Tomb of the Kings of Hadat Banggae as a Tourist Destination Object in Majene Regency West Sulawesi

Khadijah Thahir Muda, Yusriana Yusriana, Nur Ihsan D.
The Tomb Complex of the Kings of Hadat Banggae (hereinafter will be written KM Raja-raja Hadat Banggae) is believed to be a burial complex for kings and members of the Hadat council of the kingdom of Banggae. The Hadat Banggae Council emerged during the reign of Daeng Tamilanto (Mara’dia Banggae II or...
Proceedings Article

Colorectal Cancer in the Sakha Republic – Oncopathologist’s Review

I.K. Dugunov, D.K. Garmaeva
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is an oncopathology with a large share in the world’s morbidity and mortality. In developed countries with a high level of medicine, over the past decades, there has been a decrease in mortality rates from colorectal cancer, which is due to the introduction of screening programs...
Proceedings Article

Implications of the Trade Balance on the Indonesia Composite Index

Maria Safitri, Vicky Oktavia
This paper aims to determine the effect of the Covid-19 scenario, the Rupiah Exchange Rate, on the Indonesia Composite Index via the Balance Of Trade. From September 2019 to August 2021, the variables employed in this study are the development of active Covid-19 (C-19) cases in Indonesia, as well as...

Management Model of Rural-Owned Enterprises Due to Impact of Pandemic COVID-19 Based on Transformation of Economic Behavior

Ni Nyoman Aryaningsih, I Made Bagiada, Putu Rany Weda Suari, Made Dana Saputra
Empirical data on the development of rural-owned rural in 2020 shows that around 77% of rural-owned rural in Bali and around 73% are still running savings and loan businesses, and other businesses such as 19.8% shop business units, 8.8% market management businesses, waste management 10.8%, leasing 15.8%,...

Validating Perceived ICT Literacy Scale for Senior High School

Rendi Indiwara, Edi Istiyono, Widihastuti Widihastuti
This study aims to develop and validate high school students’ perceived ICT literacy scale. The sample used was 156 students randomly from 7 Katingan, Central Kalimantan schools. The instrument consists of 18 items with three aspects: perceived information literacy, computer literacy, and internet literacy....
Proceedings Article

Anxiety and Sleep Quality Among Medical Students in Indonesia During the COVID–19 Pandemic

Ferrel Ursula, Anthony Paulo Sunjaya, Arlends Chris
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought significant mental stress to the community and disruptions to learning, especially to medical students, due to the increasing stress on the health system. This study is to examine the prevalence of anxiety and sleep quality and the association between anxiety and sleep...

Lampung Tourism Supply During the Pandemic and Post Covid-19 Pandemic

Rahayu Lestari, Tety Rachmawati, Fisko Arya Kamandanu, Dani Syahrobi
This research aimed to identify and examine the efforts of the Lampung regional government in providing tourism supplies, during the pandemic Covid-19 pandemic, within the framework of the ASEAN Tourism Cooperation. The data were obtained by examining primary and secondary data, as well as deep interviews...

Sacco Trial and Legal Justice

Xuehe Chen
Sacco trial is a case about an Italian laborers and anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were charged of murder in Dedham, Massachusetts. The unfair trial process and the the jury’s prejudice against immigrants caused this unjust case, and this has caused the whole world to pay attention to...

Higher-Order Thinking Skills Through Problem-Based Learning Model Integrated with STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) Approach in Solve-problems SPLTV (Three-Variable Linear Equation System)

Mohammad Mukhlis, Iga Femelia, Fikri Apriyono
This Research will describe how students’ high-order thinking skills through the problem-based learning model solve SPLTV questions. This research is mixed method research, namely the existence of quantitative research and reinforced by descriptive qualitative research which aims to determine: 1) high-level...
Proceedings Article

Insulating Piles for the Cost-effective Construction of Very Large-scale High Temperature Thermal Energy Storage

Alice Tosatto, Fabian Ochs, Abdulrahman Dahash, Christoph Muser, Felix Kutscha-Lissberg, Peter Kremnitzer
Large-scale thermal energy storage (TES) represents a key component in renewables-based district heating (DH) networks. However, the storage of water at high temperature (< 100 °C) for long periods can lead to a significant amount of thermal losses to the surroundings and to unwanted increase of groundwater...
Proceedings Article

Identification of the Existence of Inferred Menanga Fault based on Gravity Anomaly, Pesawaran, Lampung

Izaina Nurfitriana, Purwaditya Nugraha, Rizki Wulandari, Erlangga Ibrahim F, Adhi Wibowo
Inferred Menanga fault is one of fault that is still questionable whether it exists or not. It is located in Pesawaran regency, Lampung, exactly near Ratai Mountain with SE-W orientation and almost crosses the summit of Mount Ratai. The existence is sticking out and needs to be studied since there were...

View Changes About Gender in the Nearest Three Generations

Baoyi Zhang
In contemporary society, topics about gender start to appear more in people’s conversations. More and more successful individuals, representatives of females or famous people, contend to be feminism due to many gender inequality events emerged in our society, such as females being always downplayed in...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Development Technology of B-learning System Based on Web3.0

Rui Ge
With the continuous promotion of educational informatization, blended learning, which combines the advantages of traditional teaching and learning methods with the advantages of online learning, has become the core issue of education reform in the era of Web3.0. Based on the theory of constructivism...
Proceedings Article

The Digestive Tract of Lohman Chicken

Effects of Given Drinking Uronic Acid Extraction from Sargassum crassifolium

Veybe G. Kereh, Ivonne M. Untu, Cherly Y. Pontoh
The use of antibiotic in poultry is not allowed due to its potential of bacterial resistance and its potential of residue in the poultry products. Brown seaweed (Sargassum crassifolium) contains sugar, sulphate, and uronic vitriol which display antibacterial and antiviral activities. This research aims...

Audio-Visual Combined Role-Playing Learning Model to Improve Speaking Skills Indonesian Lessons

Mugiyatmi, Sunarti
This study aims to determine whether audio-visual combination role-playing learning affects the speaking ability of fifth-grade students at Pacar Elementary School, Bantul, Yogyakarta. This study used a quasi-experimental quantitative approach using a pretest-posttest design. The population in this study...

Comparative Study on Driving Anger Groups: Statistical Analysis of Chinese Drivers

Shiyan Gao
The study investigates driving anger (DA) among Chinese drivers. The author innovatively introduces the driving instructor (DI) as a type of driver into the study of DA in China. Online and offline questionnaire surveys were used to obtain 926 survey responses from China. Descriptive analysis and independent...

Evaluation of Crossing Port Services at Jepara Crossing Port, Central Java Province

Kumila Hanik, Andri Yulianto, Siti Nurlaili Triwahyuni, Azira Salsabila
The ferry port functions as a place for the operation of ferry transportation activities, in the operational system, ferry transportation must not be hampered or disrupted in its service. Therefore, good facilities and infrastructure are needed to support service activities at ferry ports. This research...

Comparison of Abbreviations in the Blog Websites of Akmil and Lemdiklat Polri: Corpus Linguistic Method

Vicno Triwira Dhika, Ermanto
This study aims to examine the use of abbreviations and compare the use of abbreviations contained in the Akmil and Lemdiklat Polri blog websites. This type of research is qualitative research. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. This study also uses a corpus linguistic...
Proceedings Article

Potential Active Material of Stem Extract Apium graveolens L. As Biolarvacides Aedes aegypti

Jumari Ustiawaty, Aini Aini, Erik Setiawan
Aedes aegypti is the main vector of transmission of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). The death rate from dengue fever in Indonesia is still quite high. As biolarvicides, celery stems (Apium graveolens L.) are known to contain alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, and saponins. This study aimed to identify the...