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188734 articles

Research on Characteristic Identification of Relatively Poor Migrant Workers Based on Random Forest Model

Lilu Sun, Xin Ma, Yuxin Ding
After China has eliminated absolute poverty and entered the post-poverty era, the anti-poverty cause has evolved to focus on relative poverty, which has the characteristics of relativity, multidimensionality, and dynamics. In particular, migrant workers have become the main group of relative poverty....

Influence of Corporate Governance on the Performance of MFIs Through Trust and Participation

Studies at the Community Base Saving Loan Organisation (CBSLO) at South Kalimantan

Moh. Heru Budihantho, Suhadak, Hamidah Nayati Utami, Solimun
This research examines the impact of corporate governance on trust, performance, and participation. the effect of trust on participation and performance. The influence of trust on participation and performance. This research is explanatory with approach quantitative. The data were collected from 12 CBSLO...

Limitation of Land Tax Regulations as an Instrument for Land Tenure Management

Andhyka Muchtar, Jamal Wiwoho, Lego Karjoko
This study aims to determine: (i) whether the regulation of Land Tax can work as an instrument for structuring land tenure (ii) to find out what prerequisites must be prepared by tax law so that it can work as an instrument for managing land tenure. This study used normative legal research methods. with...

Biden’s Middle East Policy: Inheritance and Changes to Trump’s Middle East Policy

Zhiyu Jiang
President Biden proposed a Middle East policy different from that of the Trump administration in the 2020 American Presidential Election. Biden declared that he would correct Trump’s mistakes in his campaign press release. Based on this, this article will use the method of comparative research to analyze...

Politics of Law Policies for Adaptation of New Habits in Overcoming the Spread of Covid-19 in West Sumatera Province

Tamrin, Indah Adi Putri
The Indonesian government is late in dealing with the spread of Covid-19, the government’s policy to issue Presidential Decree No. 12/2020 on April 14, 2020 concerning the Determination of the Covid 19 Non-Natural Disaster was carried out after the WHO’s warning regarding the readiness of the government...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Acupressure on Anxiety and Depression Patients With ESRD Who are Undergoing Hemodialysis

Made Suandika, Woung-Ru Tang, Ji-Tseng Fang, Yun-Fang Tsai, Li-Chueh Weng, Pei-Kwei Tsai, Mariah Ulfah, Linda Yanti
Anxiety and depression are very common symptoms in End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) and acupressure a noninvasive procedure to promote health and good impact to quality of life (QoL) in hemodialysis (HD) patients. This study aimed to investigate the effect of acupressure on the anxiety and depression patients...
Proceedings Article

Identification of Geothermal and Non-Geothermal Laban Plant (Vitex Pinnata) With a Combination of Infrared Spectroscopy – Principal Component Analysis Methods

S Azhari, D S Ningsih, C A Nuraskin, T Karma, Muslem, G M Idroes, R Suhendra, T E Tallei, S Rahimah, Khairan, R Idroes
The purpose of this study is to identify laban leaf which originates from Ie Seu’um, Gunung Paro, and Lambaro, with a combination of Spectroscopy Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) methods. FITR spectrum pattern from each sample was identified as multivariate using...
Proceedings Article

Drying Rate of Skim Milk From Virgin Coconut Oil Remaining Water

Abu Hasan, Indah Purnamasari, Muhammad Yerizam, Robert Junaidi
Coconut tree’s benefits were not only in flesh that can be processed into coconut milk, copra, and coconut oil but also in all part of coconut plants. Coconut oils were produced from dried coconut by extraction. The oil from this process is known as virgin coconut oil (VCO). During the VCO production,...

Competition as a Stimulating Factor in the Development of Science Intensive Sectors

K.S. Anukhina, I.A. Burova, L.A. Kirkorova, S.G. Minina, V.A. Trifonov
The competitive struggle of economic entities is considered through the improvement of their products and services as a stimulating factor in the development of science intensive sectors. The purpose of the study is to determine the significance and role of innovations and high-tech industries as conditions...

Why Do Educational People Commit Corruption in Communicating Their Personal Brands?

Bambang Sukma Wijaya, Muhammad Taufiq Amir, Jurica Lucyanda
Amid the increasingly fierce competition, personal branding has become necessary for modern workers today, including professionals in education. This article explores why people in the educational milieu, especially higher education, commit corruption in communicating their brands. We conducted interviews...

Effect of Self Esteem and Self Efficacy on Work Satisfaction and Its Implication on Teacher Performance (Study at SDN 1 Legokpego, Desa Drawati, Kecamatan Paseh, Bandung District)

Wandy Zulkarnaen, Yayan Sofyan, Iis Dewi Fitriani
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of self esteem and self efficacy on Work Satisfaction and Its Implications on Teacher Performance at SDN 1 Legokpego Drawati Village, Paseh District, Bandung Regency. This research was carried out by taking samples of Teacher of SDN 1 Legokpego Drawati...

The Impact of Waste Management on Tourism Sustainability in Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai Regency in 2019

Ernesta Leha, Daniel Wolo, Apriana Marselina, Helena Rosalina Parera
As the leading tourism destination for premium class, Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) continues to improve. Starting from the infrastructure development that continues to accelerate to the issue of waste management. The main focus of the waste problem in Labuan Bajo, namely, beaches...

“I’m Sure, But I’m Not Sure”: Self-Efficacy in UNIBI Employee College Program

Nubiyan Octa Pramudhita, Novella Amanda, Cahyaning Widhyastuti
Employee college students have different activities from regular class students. Employee college program usually have to work in the morning and study in the evening. This often results in the inability of employee college program to handle problems in lectures and work efficiently. The excessive activity...

Local Tourism Diversification Through Cultural Heritage

A Research on Tourism Development in Malang City

Supriono, Dahlan Fanani, Achmad Husaini
As stated in the Tribina Cita of Malang City, tourism sector is a potential sector that can be developed as the identity of Malang City. Malang has been known as the city of industry and education, yet it has not yet been known as a tourism city. Therefore, the government of Malang has started to focus...

Maintaining the Tradition of Asokanas a Media of Informal Education in Village Communities

Case Study of Pematang Ganjang Village Sei Rampah District

Dhita Mariane Perdhani Putri Manik, Hidayat, Tappil Rambe
The village community has a basic concept of living together that is full of awareness and a sense of responsibility. People live in groups. Life in groups causes a close relationship with one another, so that mutual help is an obligation and a necessity for society itself. The purpose of this study...
Proceedings Article

The Challenges Faced by Students in Six-month Voluntary Community Service to Develop Health Programs in School Settings

Dian Mawarni, Zahra Anggita Pratiwi, Hafidhotun Nabawiyah
In university, students can participate in various community projects, which underserved populations such as in a school. However, several obstacles may arise during these projects. We conducted a qualitative study with the primary aim of understanding the challenges when students in Yogyakarta participate...

Principal Learning Leadership Tips Managing Learning in Schools

Adhita Noor Miroj, Bagus Rachmad Saputra, Imam Gunawan
The purpose of writing this article is to describe the learning leadership tips applied by the principal in managing learning activities at school. The method used is qualitative with a multisite study approach conducted in Public Elementary School (SDN) 1 Kauman and Public Islamic School (MIN) 1 Malang...

Individual Mortgagees as A Solution for Real Estate Property Developers

Benny Djaja
Not every people has the same willingness to make a full cash payment for a real estate purchase. Their financial capability to pay in cash and more aside, some people might decide that their reserved cash would better be allocated elsewhere to cover other needs, such as business financing or other investments....

The Implementation of Act 29/ 2004 Concerning Medical Practice and Its Implementation Regulations

Iman Firmansyah, Asti Wasiska, Rahmah Marsinah
Medical practice law is the answer to the doctor’s responsibility in standardizing the profession. If the medical practice was done without fulfilling that pre-requirement, the medical practice administrators could be sentenced by administrative or juridical sanction. There are implementing regulations...

Life Insurance Customer Loyalty

Perspectives of Agent Character, Relational Selling Behavior, and Relationship Quality

Shifa Mahdiya Ainiyah, Liza Agustina Maureen Nelloh, Cut Sjahrifa
As global insurance rises in recent years, the opportunity of life insurance tends to be growing as well. However, life insurance in Indonesia shows the contrary situation with a phenomenon of declining customer loyalty. Hence, there were some pressures for the insurance companies to highly focus on...

Research Based Learning Design: Teacher and Lecturer Perception Analysis

Effendi Nawawi, Hartono, Andi Suharman, Sri Mulyani
The purpose of this study is to explore and describe the teacher’s perceptions of how research-based learning is. The research approach used is a qualitative research approach, a qualitative approach is used to obtain detailed and in-depth information about research-based learning in terms of teacher...

Health of Tribal Women in India- Need For a Progressive Vision

E. Prema, V. Shyam Sundar, P.R.L. Raja Venkatesan
India, a country known for its tradition and ancient practices, always respects women. Due to technological development, maintaining such tradition in all aspects is a challenge. Technological development has always influenced society and contributed to its welfare. Many social evils like sati, the status...

Educational Scientific Research is the Core Power of Teachers’ Professional Development

Qiduan Chen, Qingqing Zhang
Scientific research is one of the meaning of specialized occupation, is the lifeline for the development of specialized occupation, is one of the sustained and healthy development of the special features, marks an important and irreplaceable to maintain professional activities. Therefore, the structure...

Environmental Performance, Environmental Costs and Financial Performance

Mia Angelina Setiawan, Fiola Finomia Honesty
The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of environmental performance and environmental costs on financial performance. This research uses a quantitative method. Purposive sampling method is used in sample selection in which the companies studied are mining and manufacturing companies...

Postmodern Lifestyle Construction

Norman Fairclough Discourse Analysis on Journal Website Content

Mohammad Iqbal Maulana, Aning Sofyan, Kiki Zakiah
The problem is increasingly postmodern developing, where the flow of media consumption develops simultaneously from production to reproduction. The dynamics of media consumption and popular culture become such a subculture identity in the realm of social order. This study aims to describe the postmodern...

Three Line of Defense: An Effective Risk Management

Saipul A. Muhsyaf, Susi R. Cahyaningtyas, Elin E. Sasanti
This study aims to determine the effect of three lines of defense on risk management. Risk management as the dependent variable is measured by content analysis based on the risk profile. The independent variable, namely the three lines of defense, was measured by content analysis based on 2013 COSO Internal...

Dosimetric Impact of Physician Style Variations in Contouring CTV for Postoperative Prostate Cancer: A Deep Learning–Based Simulation Study

Anjali Balagopal, Dan Nguyen, Maryam Mashayekhi, Howard Morgan, Aurelie Garant, Neil Desai, Raquibul Hannan, Mu-Han Lin, Steve Jiang
Pages: 85 - 96
Inter-observer variation is a significant problem in clinical target volume (CTV) segmentation in postoperative settings, where there is no gross tumor present. In this scenario, the CTV is not an anatomically established structure, but one determined by the physician based on the clinical guideline...

Pet Cultivation Game Analysis of Mobile Commerce Platform Based on 8 Core Drives Framework

Yu Na, Huang Yi-Ting
In recent years, mini-games on mobile commerce platforms have shown a trend of continuous expansion and development. The emerging gamification phenomenon still requires theory and investigation to supplement its explanation. Based on the theory of octalysis framework, this study collected data from 207...

Comparison of Data Augmentation Methods in Pointer–Generator Model

Tomohito Ouchi, Masayoshi Tabuse
Pages: 85 - 89
In this research, we proposed a data augmentation method using topic model for Pointer–Generator model. This method is that adding important sentences to an article as extended article. Furthermore, we compare our proposed method with data augmentation methods using Easy Data Augmentation (EDA), LexRank...

The Impact of Instagram in the Works of Emerging South African Artists

Siyanda Xaba, Xing Fang, Dhaneshwar Shah
The study investigates the impact of Instagram on the works of emerging South African artists. The purpose of the study is to assist emerging South Africa in successfully using Instagram for promoting their works and mitigate the challenges they encounter. The study looks at Instagram as the proposed...

Training Need Analysis Model at Central Java Agricultural Training Center

Nugroho Hasan, Widiyanto Widiyanto, Agung Wibowo
The training need analysis model is a strategy in the process of gathering information about needs that can be addressed by organizing training programs. This research aims to find out the training needs analysis model in the Central Java Agricultural Training Center. This research employed a descriptive...

Implementation of Academic Supervision in Improving Teachers Teaching Performance in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era at Elementary School

Hasnah Yulianti, Dedi Prestiadi, Ali Imron
The purpose of this study was to see the implementation of academic supervision in improving teacher teaching performance in the Covid-19 pandemic era at the elementary school. The method used in this research is the descriptive qualitative research method using literature studies from various official...
Proceedings Article

Characteristics of Ruminal Fatty Acids Using In Vitro Culture System by Addition of Galangal (Alpinia galangal) Essential oil

Dewi Ratih Ayu Daning, Chusnul Hanim, Budi Prasetyo Widyobroto, Lies Mira Yusiati
Galangal essential oil (EO), which contains secondary metabolites such as cineol, hopefully can modify bacteria, causing biohydrogenation. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of galangal EO dose on the fatty acids characteristics at in vitro rumen fermentation. Galangal as a source...
Proceedings Article

Effect on Nutrient Digestibility of Dairy Cows by Addition of Galangal (Alpinia galangal) Essential Oil

Dewi Ratih Ayu Daning, Chusnul Hanim, Budi Prasetyo Widyobroto, Lies Mira Yusiati
Galangal essential oil (EO) with cineol as the main component has antimicrobial activity. The level of nutrient digestibility in dairy cows is determined by the mechanism of action of the rumen microbes. The addition of galangal essential oil to dairy cows feed is expected to reduce the activity of proteolytic...

The Empowerment of Critical and Creative Thinking (CCT) Skills in Indonesian Language Learning: A Case Study of Online Learning in Secondary School During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Bambang Riadi, Ryzal Perdana, Rian Andri Prasetya, Rahmat Prayogi
Many studies have been conducted to determine students’ critical and creative thinking skills. However, no one has discussed empowering critical and creative thinking skills in online learning during the covid 19 pandemics. Therefore, we aim to explain how students’ critical and creative thinking skills...

The Effectiveness of Series Image Assistant Video Animations on Narrative Writing Ability of Elementary School Students

Ayun Sundari, Titis Angga Rini, Khusnul Khotimah
The effectiveness of the use of animated videos with the aid of serial images was tested for its impact on the ability to write narratives of fifth-grade elementary school students. The study was conducted with a pre-experimental design for one group pretest-posttest. The population was taken with a...

The Perceptions Towards the Implementation of Online Learning: A Study on ESP Teachers and Students of UNP

Fadhilah Fadhilah, Hamzah Hamzah
Online learning has been an important part of education and is claimed to offer unique benefits in the learning process. Although the online learning management system has been used by almost all of the academic community as one of the facilities in teaching and learning, some people still do not believe...

Analysing The Effectiveness of Stock Waqf Management in Indonesia and Malaysia: Regulation Practices and Nadzir Readiness

Suyoto Arief, Nurul Adilah Binti Hasbullah, Vina Fithriana Wibisono, Arizqia Nurfattah, Nurmayunita
Stock Waqf, an innovative concept in the realm of endowments, offers significant advantages and is considered permissible. In Indonesia, Stock Waqf is a collaborative effort involving the appointed nadzir (waqf asset manager), the Indonesian Waqf Board (BWI), and the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). Officially...

Onomatopoeia and Direct Speech on the Narratives of Deaf and Hearing Students

Marsandi Manar, Dadang Sudana, Iwa Lukmana
This comparative linguistic scrutiny attempts to reveal the phenomena of onomatopoeia and direct speech on the Indonesian narrative compositions produced by deaf and hearing students. Eight personal narratives about being chased by a dog were elicited from eight deaf senior high school students and 12...

Design and Implementation of an IoT-Based Smart Home Security System

Mohammad Asadul Hoque, Chad Davidson
Pages: 85 - 92
Recent advances in smartphones and affordable open-source hardware platforms have enabled the development of low-cost architectures for Internet-of-Things (IoT)-enabled home automation and security systems. These systems usually consist of sensing and actuating layer that is made up of sensors such as...

The Application of Text-to-Speech Technology in Language Learning

A Systematic Review

Ashanti Widyana, Mohammad Iqbal Jerusalem, Budi Yumechas
Technology has improved temporarily from time to time. There are a lot of technologies that had been developed to enhance language learning, and one of them is text-to-speech technology. Text-to-speech technology is a form of system that can convert phoneme to audio. It has provided an impact in language...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of College Students' Satisfaction with Online Courses-Data Processing Based on SPSS

Yuying Cheng, Xiaoguang Wang
The development of Internet technology has changed the way college students learn, making more and more college students choose online courses. This research is based on domestic and foreign scholars' research on college students' satisfaction with online courses, with reference to several...

Matriculation: A Program to Increase the Initial Ability of Mathematics Education Student

Ika Noviantari
The initial abilities of students differ from one student to another, one of which can be caused by differences in school origins. Some students come from high schools majoring in Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Social Studies, computers, agriculture, and even culinary. The difference in students’...

An Educative Approach to Booth Assignment for a School Carnival

Rong-Chang Chen, Chih-Teng Chen, Kai-Hsiang Chang, Hsin-Ju Wen, Pin-Jung Lai
School carnival is one of the most important activities for the school anniversary celebration. A good allocation of booths may determine success or failure of this activity. In dealing with the allocation of booths in the school carnival, drawing lots is among the most popular ways to determination...
Proceedings Article

Influence of Begu Ganjang Culture on Persecutory Delusional Disorder: A Case Report

Vera El Sammah Siagian, Elmeida Effendy
Background: Begu Ganjang is a traditional term for a spirit that could cause misfortune to others. Social comparison, financial and political problems are some factors that might contribute to the use of Begu Ganjang. Delusion is defined as a psychiatric disorder with a belief of deception as its main...

The Effect of Social Factors on the Use of Technology in Hybrid Learning on the Improvement of Critical Thinking Skills

Fatmawati Sabur, Sukarman, Musri Kona
The use of technology is critical in the hybrid learning model. A test was administered to 40 respondents aged 18 to 21 to assess the learning process's success level. The type of research used is one group pretest-posttest. Design in measuring student learning outcomes using a hybrid learning model...

Research on Ability-Oriented Teaching Design of Engineering Courses in Military Schools

Jinfeng Men, Ping Bao, Xiaowei Wang, Chunhui Yang
In view of the current new requirements of the integrated training mode of military schools for course teaching design, we deeply analyze the implementation form of ability-oriented course design and its application in various subject areas. Based on this, we put forward a ability-oriented integrated...

The Moderating Effect of Proprietary Assets on International Performance in the Context of Digital Economy

Hai Tan, Shih-Yung Wei
China’s 14th Five-Year Plan calls for the development of China’s strategic emerging industries to promote high-quality development of the country’s digital economy and artificial intelligence. At present, China’s strategic emerging industry compared with Europe and the United States and other developed...

Credit Restructuring for Bank Debtors Affected by the Covid 19 Pandemic

Sugeng Hariadi, Firsa Ayu Novita
This study aims to examine how the acceleration of economic recovery can predict the success of restructuring non-performing loans for bank debtors due to the Covid-19 pandemic. A triangulation method with a qualitative approach was conducted to investigate primary data obtained from interviews with...

The Transformative Impact of FinTech on Financial Services: A Comprehensive Analysis

Wentao Zhou
The surge of Financial Technology (FinTech) has fundamentally restructured the financial services landscape, ushering in a wave of innovation that has altered the way consumers interact with their finances and how institutions operate within the global financial system. This paper delves into a thorough...