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188734 articles

The Effect on Entrepreneurship Subject towards Entrepreneurship Interest for Tourism Higher Education Students

Lestari Ningrum, Novita Widyastuti, Filma Festivalia
Entrepreneurship education holds significant role in fostering the growth of entrepreneurship in Indonesia. However, little attention is given to access its impact. This study aims to examine the effect of entrepreneurship education on students' entrepreneurial interests in Tourism Higher Institution...
Proceedings Article

Design of Monitoring and Control System for Indoor Flammable Gas

Rongrong Zhao, Ling Ma, Hongmei Wei, Guoguang Pang
Indoor environmental quality (IEQ) is very important to people's health, and the leakage of natural gas and chemical gas in the application seriously affects the IEQ and threatens human life and property safety. Aiming at the potential safety hazard caused by flammable gas leakage, a real-time monitoring...

An Empirical Study on the Effect of Electronic Commerce on Economic Growth in Gansu Province

Haiying Ma
As a new business model, E-commerce has become a new driving force for China's economic and social development. In the research of E-commerce on economic growth, domestic scholars mainly focus on the impact of E-commerce on the economic micro-environment, supplemented by theoretical analysis. Based on...

Research on personality characteristics and presentation characteristics of Elite Archers

Jiahuan Lin
in order to explore the characteristics of 16PF personality characteristics and SIQ movement appearance of excellent archers, the literature, experimental and mathematical statistics were used to investigate and analyze. The results show that excellent athletes are good at dealing with interpersonal...
Proceedings Article

Development Ability of Aerobic and Anaerobic Capacity on Children Age 6 to 12 Years Reviewed from Topography Link and Sex District Of Bima

Khairul Amar
This study aims to determine the development of aerobic and anaerobic capacity and capability in men and women aged 6 to 12 years living in the coastal areas. And also the comparison of aerobic and anaerobic capacity building capabilities of boys and girls at the age of 6 to 12 years living in the coastal...
Proceedings Article

IoT in Smart Cities’ Utility Systems: from prototype to production

Daniil Bolobonov, Igor Ilin, Igor Korolev, Alexander Frolov
Smart Cities, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Smart Grids and etc. are products of Industry 4.0 that are on verge on becoming mass-implemented after 1years in development by different companies and startups. While these technologies are nowhere from being completely novel, they have significant...

Higher Educational Expansion Policy, Educational Attainment and Urban Income Disparity: Evidence from China

Shu Cao, Jianing Mi, Rui Sun
Since 1999, China has implemented an educational policy of expanding enrollment in universities, which may lead to two opposite effects on income disparity. On the one hand, educational expansion increases the overall number of university students, which may result in a higher proportion of the employment...

Research on the Distance Teaching Mode of Auto English Against the Background of the Integration of Open Education and Vocational Education

Han Song, Xiuping Qiao
Based on the integration path of distance open education and vocational education, this paper studies the construction of distance teaching platform for auto English from three aspects: rational planning of auto English distance learning objectives, school-enterprise cooperation in developing auto English...

Research on Insurance Value Chain in the Environment of Mobile Internet

Haiping Wang
In the era of mobile Internet, the influence of network environment on the insurance value chain is discussed in this paper. By literature review and theoretical analysis, the author holds that mobile Internet has changed the insurance value chain from various links related to conventional product design,...
Proceedings Article

A Semantic Path Based Approach to Match Subgraphs from Large Financial Knowledge Graph

Ziao Wang, Xiaofeng Zhang, Yang Hu
In the past, people studied the stock market based on the assumption that the stock entity is known to be affected by the news. However, due to this assumption, these methods inevitably ignore the news without stock entities, and many news without stock entities will also have a significant impact on...

Fatigue Impact to Mechanical Movement and Ball Velocity Pitcher Baseball

Rusdiana Darmawan, Pitirani Agus, Pipit
Fatigue factor can restrict and interfere with the decision-making cognition players and also hamper the players during the game. It was found that fatigue can reduce the speed of the ball on the performance of throws, fatigue is a key component of the risk of injury because it can cause loss of proper...
Proceedings Article

Research on Knowledge Management of Aviation Manufacturing Industry Based on Association Rules

Ai Xin, Du Jiang, Bai Yu, Liu Hang
[Purpose/Meaning] Aim at the two Safeguard measures to strengthen the China's industrial infrastructure capabilities proposed by "Made in China 2025" plan and the real Product development requirements of China's aviation industry, the method to provide high quality and efficient knowledge management...
Proceedings Article

Comparative analysis of morphometric indicators in skiers

Aleksandr Isaev, Vladimir Zaliapin, Dmitriy h Maleev, Anna Nenasheva, Vadim Erlikh, Yulia Korableva
The purpose of the study was to find indicators that significantly respond to the use of techniques that develop LRME and form hypoxia by changing their dynamics. Materials and methods. Ski-racers (I category and candidates for the Master of Sport) were examined with a sports experience of 5-7 years....
Proceedings Article

Optimal storage operation with flexible tariff under consideration of sector coupling and renewable energy sources in a new settlement area

Muhammad Tayyab, Ines Hauer, Christian Klabunde, Martin Wolter
Energy storages are important to manage the high amount of electricity generation from renewable energy sources in microgrids. Furthermore, the economic benefits of battery energy storage (BESS) such as self-consumption maximization have proven its feasibility. In the present paper, a settlement area...
Proceedings Article

Search of New Opportunities of Pharmacological Protection at the Early Stages of a Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Associated With Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome

Elena Zhilyakova, Tatyana Golivets, Zoya Tsvetkova, Diana Dubonosova
This article provides the rationale for the pharmacological correction of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. This is due to the fact that non-alcoholic steatohepatosis of the liver is a slowly progressing disease. Most often, non-alcoholic steatohepatosis progresses to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis,...
Proceedings Article

Monte-Carlo Simulation of the Filtration Processes of Metallic Discrete Impurity in Oil System of Gas-Turbine Aircraft Engines

V.G. Drokov, V.Vl. Drokov, A.D. Kazmirov, A.Y. Hodunaev
The paper considers the deposition of metallic particles on the main oil filter of aircraft gas turbine engines (GTEs) depending on the filter parameters. It was shown that the filter presence includes systematic error in the measurement of the mass fraction of wear particles independent of the measurement...

Developing Traji Tourism Village in Temanggung, Indonesia through SWOT Analysis

Tusyanah, Fahrur Rozi, Fentya Dyah Rahmawati, Ashomatul Fadlilah, Noor Jannatun Naim
Traji Tourism Village (TTV) is a new tourism area which has potentials and it needs planning for future management. Tourism development is closely related with competitiveness and attractions of tourist destinations. Therefore; identifying the tourism potentials is needed to achieve the destination competitiveness...

The Effect of Organizational Culture and Leader Member Exchange to Intention to Leave is Mediated by Job Satisfaction at Contract Employees of Muhammadiyah Universities in Yogyakarta

Efa Solikhah, Siswoyo Haryono, Nuryakin Nuryakin
This paper discusses and examine further about the effect of organizational culture and leader member exchange to intention leave is mediated by job satisfaction at contract employees of muhammadiyah universities in Yogyakarta. Data collecting type is quistionare. The study was conducted on employees...

Some macroeconomic features of Russia as an external environment for activities of companies

Sergey Shanygin, Ekaterina Zuga
The industry and regional features of the Russian Federation are considered from the point of view of strategic management of companies operating on its territory. Relationships between the macroeconomic indicators presented in wide access were statistically analyzed; models of the relationship between...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Flouride Acid Activation of Natural Bentonite on Bleaching of Palm Oil

Sri Hilma Siregar, Wirdati Irma, Fitra Perdana, Jusnita, Olif Syahbella
A natural bentonite from Indonesia was activated with 1 % of fluoride acid. In characterizing the activated and raw clay samples, XRD, BET and infrared spectroscopy were utilized. Bleached oil was analysed to find out peroxide value content, the percentage of colour reduction (%CR), acid value as well...

Modern instruments of banking sector control and the effect they had since their implementation in Russian Federation

Darya P. Karpova, Elena V. Kruglikova
The main focus of this article is the analysis of various bank liquidity management instruments. Special attention is paid to the world banking regulation transformation under the influence of overall global instability

Application-oriented Undergraduate "Internet +" Software Engineering Textbook Construction

Tianli Li, Jinbo Zhang
In the era of "Internet +", the application-oriented undergraduate universities are undergoing pilot transformation. Under the new form, the construction of teaching materials is in a period of vigorous development. It is imperative for software engineering majors to adapt to the goal of cultivating...

The Effect of Pindan Gonnung Traditional Game Toward Cognitive and Rough Motoric Development in Kindergarten

Wedya Puspita, Wahyu Sukartiningsih, Andi Mariono
This research aims to test the effect of "Pindan Gonnung" traditional game toward cognitive and rough motoric development in Kindergarten. This research used experimental with pretest and posttest control group design. The results show that the "Pindan Gonnung" traditional game is one of the games that...
Proceedings Article

Investigation of Ultrasonic Dough Processing Influence on Bread Quality

N. A. Berezina, A. S. Komolikov, T. V. Galagan, V. V. Rumyanceva, I. A. Nikitin, I. V. Zavalishin
The positive influence of ultrasonic radiation on the fermenting microflora of the semi-finished dough product and the quality of bakery products is determined. The experiments were performed with the help of experimental ultrasonic radiators with a frequency of 100 ± 6 kHz and 20 ± 2 kHz. The ultrasonic...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Satisfaction of Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurial Finance Policy

HeXuan Yu
At present, the government attaches great importance to and vigorously develops innovative and entrepreneurial economies and strives to build innovative countries. The country has a wealth of scientific and technological resources and strong scientific research strength, and has a decisive driving role...

The Effectiveness of Power of Leg Muscles and Flexibility of Leg Muscles to Improve Lofted Kick Method

Budiharjo Budiharjo, Totok Sumaryanto Florentinus, Mr Sugiharto, Soegiyanto K. S
The purposes of this research are to know: (1) the significant different methods between lofted kick method (ball is passed from the front), and lofted kick method (ball is passed from the back); (2) the different effects between upper flexibility of leg muscles and flexibility of lower leg muscles;...

An Empirical Analysis of Economic Growth in Hubei Province Promoted by Economic Openness Based on Three-phase DEA Model

Zhaoyang Wang
This paper selected 12 major cities in Hubei as the research object and used the three-stage data envelopment analysis method to study the role of economic opening in promoting the quality of economic growth. The study results show that economic opening has a great impact on the economic growth quality...

Sustainable Reserve Food Garden (SRFG): Development of a Booklet for the Society

Delvi Adri, Mimien Henie Irawati, Sueb Sueb
Sources of reading on Sustainable Reserve Food Garden (SRFG) which is still less become the causes of low environmental knowledge and environmental awareness behavior. Based on this analysis, booklet development on SRFG is used as a source of reading for the society. The research is developmental research...

The “Micromorphological” Dissemination of Art Works in the Context of New Media

Fang Li
In today's society, the quickening of life and the heavy workload make it impossible for people to take some time to concentrate on a certain matter. The popularity of the Internet, mobile phones and palmtop computers enables people to access information quickly and efficiently through multiple ways....

Internet Financial Credit Evaluation Based on the Fusion of GBDT and LR

Tao Zhang, Shuo Meng
With the rapid development of Internet financial credit business, credit evaluation has become a hot spot in the development of the industry. Aiming at the problem of complex data type and large amount of data in original data set, an evaluation model based on Gradient Boosting Decision Tree (GBDT) and...

Research on the Mechanism and Method of China’s Multi-year Budget Balance

Li Yan, Peng Chao
The government budget management mainly has three goals: financial discipline, resource priority allocation and execution performance. However, the annual budget balance is not very good to achieve the three objectives of the budget management. The important aspect of China’s budget reform is how to...

Belt and Road: A New Journey for Foreign Investment -A Case Study of the Internationalization Strategy of BYD

Wenjia Cao, Ying Zhang, Bush Antony
Recently, under the impetus of the “Belt and Road” Initiative, BYD Company Limited (“BYD”) has sped up the process of internationalization. As it mastered the core technology of power batteries, which is the most important part of the new electric vehicles, and has mature conditions for large-scale production,...
Proceedings Article

Numerical Analysis of the Effect of Tunnel Advance Support on Surrounding Rock Stability

Zhitao Ma, Xinpeng Wang, Yachao Yang, Yongqiang Cui
The purpose of this paper is to study the effect of advance support on the stability of tunnel surrounding rock using the numerical analysis. For this, three different cases, such as without support, pipe shed grouting support, and advance small pipe grouting support were calculated and analyzed. The...

Risk Assessment of People Trapped in Earthquakes Based on Km Grid: A Case Study in Zhaotong City, Yunnan, China

Benyong Wei, Xiang Dong, Yuling Ma, Xiaoyun Zhao, Shuangshuang Shi
Risk assessment of the trapped personnel location is the important basis for earthquake disaster risk preparation and emergency search and rescue in an earthquake. Using a constructed assessment model, we assessed the risk of people trapped in the collapsed buildings caused by an earthquake in Zhaotong...

The Law Enforcement Dilemma on Illegal Mining in South Kalimantan

Endah Labati Silapurna
The existence of the mining sector such as coal mining for example, as one of the nonrenewable resources is needed to support mining activities. The mining sector located along the Meratus mountains in the forests of Borneo on one hand has economic benefits, but on the other it can cause various environmental...

How Does Authoritarian Leadership Lead to Employee Unethical Pro-organizational Behavior? The Mediating Effect of Work Stressor and Moral Disengagement

Shaw Kang-Hwa, Liao Hung-Yi
Along with the developing of the research on Organizational Behavior, more and more scholars pay attention to the unethical pro-organizational behavior (UPB). Drawing on the S-O-M Model, we explored the relationship between the authoritarian leadership and employees' UPB, and the mediation effect of...

Semiotics in Wayang Topeng Tengger Show

Resdianto Permata Raharjo, Setya Yuwana Sudikan, Budi Nuryanta
This study aims to find and describe signs and their meaning contained in Wayang Topeng Tengger show. Wayang Topeng Tengger is the art of wayang performances by people who wear masks. Although performed by people, the people only dance based on the role of the character they play and do not make any...

18. Children's Forum and Citizenship Education Among Adolescents

Sri Yuliani, Rahseli Humsona
Children’s voice is considered as unnecessary to be taken into account in development planning up to now, while the number of children is nearly a third of total world populations. Children’s Forum is established by the government as the fulfillment of The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the...
Proceedings Article

Immunostimulant Activity of Flavonoid Isolated from The Acetone Extract of Silver Fern (Pityrogramma calomelanos)

Suyatno Sutoyo, Ismono Ismono, Mitarlis Mitarlis
A flavonoid compound namely kaemferol had been separated from the acetone extract of the silver fern (Pityrogramma calomelanos). It was obtained as yellow needles crystal with m.p. of 271-273 oC. Determination of its structure was conducted by the spectroscopic method and by comparison with reported...

Indoor Position Monitoring System Using UWB Module

JaeMin Hong, ShinHeon Kim, JeaGeun Lee, KyuJin Kim, ChongGun Kim
Recently, indoor positioning has been actively researched, and methods using Wi-Fi have been widely studied. However, indoor positioning using Wi-Fi has a lot of problems. Therefore UWB is an alternative method. UWB is suitable for indoor positioning because of its high multipath resolution and good...

Study on Students’ Ideological Education of “Love Rural Areas and Love Rural People” in Local Agricultural Colleges

Yufeng Song
The education thought of local agricultural college students loving the countryside and farmers is of great significance to the successful implementation of rural revitalization. Based on the analysis of the natural and professional conditions of village officials of university students, this paper concludes...
Proceedings Article

Effects of Beta Cypermethrin on Enzyme Activities of Zebrafish (Brachydanio Rerio)

Jia Jin, Songling Zhang, Pengpeng Wang, Min Zhang
In this paper, zebrafish was used as a model organism to study the toxicity of beta cypermethrin with different concentration gradient on the whole zebrafish, and the effects on superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase (POD) activities of zebrafish brain tissue. As a result, was found among the mortality...
Proceedings Article

Hadoop-based Intrusion Detection Technology and Data Visualization for Website Security

Xiao-ming ZHANG, Yu-xin WANG, Ge-tong ZHANG, Guang WANG
Network attack becomes more popular today. It is still difficult to detect the intrusion activity accurately for users websites through traditional approaches. A kind of integrated system is designed and established for the website security analysis based on Hadoop system. The core components of hardware...
Proceedings Article

The Evaluation of Chemical Processes for Green Chemistry

Yunshen Zhang
Chemical industry is closely related to people's life and involves all kinds of aspects. With the development of times, the requirements for chemical engineering is becoming more and more high, which requires the greatest reduction of resource consumption and the adverse impact of chemical process on...

Three key points about the development of Higher Vocational Education

Yu Chen, Jiajia Wang
Problem, is the contradiction that real exists in the process of the development of things. The important problem is the most extensive and profound part. To improve the quality of higher vocational education, it is the most basic requirements and the most fundamental mission to discover and put forward...
Proceedings Article

Novel Multi Tone- SPWM Technique (MT-SPWM) Using Reference Window and Frequency Optimization

Mohammed S. M. A. Khesbak, Ibraheem M. Khaleel
Due to the vitality of the SPWM technique in industry of the power conversion devices, this paper suggests a new harmonic distortion minimization technique so far called multi-tone SPWM. This proposed technique aims to inject the modulating waveform with a high frequency component at the low voltage...
Proceedings Article

Risk Factors for Severe Malnutrition in Under Five Children in Medan City

Erna Mutiara
Malnutrition in children under five years remains a serious public health problem. Medan city as the capital of the province of North Sumatera has the highest case of severe malnutrition compared to 32 districts/cities. Whereas the Medan City Health Office has made efforts maximally to reduce the number...

Research on the Conflicts of the Tracking System in Township Junior High Schools in Jiangxi from the Perspective of the Environment of Compulsory Education

Zhiwen Yang, Pingzhen Zhou
In China a large number of parents have the same belief in their children's education; that is "Don't let them lose at the starting line". They regard the kindergarten as the first starting line for their children and the stage of primary school learning as a second starting line. And What's more, they...

Study on Intersubjectivity and Intertextuality in Reviewing the Woman Warrior

Xue Han, Weina Ouyang
Without form and content, the context is what we can grasp, the classical Chinese-American works The Woman Warrior is an exactly proper example, In terms of intersubjectivity and intertextuality, individuality and community of subjects can coexist with each other, the female character in the novel, originated...
Proceedings Article


Sonya Sidjabat
TransJakarta is a transportation service in Jakarta that has been operating since January 15th 2004 with the hope of giving faster, comfortable, but also affordable service for the citizens of Jakarta. Researchers used SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) with the SmartPLS software, hence the affection...