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189597 articles

Customary Law and Challanges of Imbo Putui Customary Forest Management

Rika Lestari, Zulfikar Jaya Kusuma
Forests provide many benefits for human life. Forests protection is a responsibility of mankind in the world. Regulations and forest protection are carried out at the national, regional and international levels. Many studies are conducted on infraction of forest regulations in the world. This study examines...

Desain of Zakat Accounting Information System Standardized PSAK 109

Nunung Nurhayati, Epi Fitriah, Nining Koesdiningsih, Khalid Izzaturahman, Azkia Ibadina Shalihah, Yani Krisnamurti
Zakat is the third pillar of Islam which has a very broad dimension consisting of various aspects including aspects of faith, social aspects, and economic aspects, where zakat managers are given the mandate from planning, implementing, controlling to reporting which includes collection, distribution...

The Effectiveness of Family Counseling Based on the Quality of Family Life to Increase the Independence of Cerebral Palsy Children During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Nurhastuti Nurhastuti, Kasiyati Kasiyati, Zulmiyetri Zulmiyetri, Mega Iswari, Irdamurni Irdamurni, Jehan Nabela Oktaviani
Certain situations encountered by children with special needs might get the family struggling. The complexity of the issue affecting a family’s quality of life in developing the potential of children with cerebral palsy occurs when the family lacks communication, relationship among the members of the...

The Influence of Debt Policy and Profitability on Investment Decisions: Dividend Policy as a Mediator

Lina Sari, Erni Masdupi
This study aims to determine the effect of debt policy and profitability on investment decisions with dividend policy as a mediator in LQ45 companies listed on the IDX. The population in this study are all LQ45 companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2015 to 2019 using secondary...

Comparative Advantage Analysis of Indonesia’s Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) Export in International Market

Ayunina Zenti, Ratna Satriani, Adwi Herry K.E
The plantation sub-sector has a role in the national economy. Clove is one of the leading commodities of the plantation sub-sector, so Indonesia has the potential as an exporter country of this commodity. This study aims to analyze whether Indonesian cloves have a comparative advantage in the international...

The Role of Public-Private Relationships in The Development of Marine-Based Tourism in Bintan Regency

Fairuz Muzdalifa, Evi Novianti, Dina Oktavia, Rizqi Apriani Putri
Bintan Island is one of the tourist gateways in Indonesia. Bintan Island also has excellent maritime, cultural, history, education and religion potential. This makes Bintan Island a very potential to develop a tourism center and as well as marine-based tourism. The study aimed to examine the role of...
Proceedings Article

How Psychoeducational Intervention Effects on Burden in Caregivers of Schizophrenia: A Systematic Literature Review

Eirene Adeleine Silaen, Fransisca I. Roesmala Dewi, Heryanti Satyadi
This systematic literature review investigates the effectiveness of psychoeducational intervention on the burden of caregivers of people with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a severe, prolonged, and disabling mental disorder that requires a caregiver to care for it. Often the caregiver does not have...

Research on College English Teaching Reform from the Perspective of Ideological and Political Education

Yiping Tang
With the convening of the 2016 National Conference on Ideological and Political Work in Colleges and Universities, the idea of “Ideological and Political Education” has gradually been integrated into the teaching of various courses. College English is a basic and compulsory course with long hours of...

The Effect of Teaching Techniques and Motivation on Students’ Speaking Ability at SMA 8 Padangsidimpuan

Siti Isma Sari Lubis
There are such countless elements that make individuals troublesome in dominating talking expertise effectively, like absence of training, terrified of committing errors, reluctant to be snickered and don’t feel certain, or at some point they appear don’t have thoughts in rehearsing their talking, and...

Librarian-Tutor Competence in Library User Education

Fiqru Mafar, Moh. Rofid Fikroni, Mega Fariziah Nur Humairoh, Tia Amalia
Library instruction is a critical process to introduce the library to users. This process explains the activities in the library that are sourced from the librarian. Therefore, librarians who become tutors in library instruction must have special competence, not only knowledge in the field of libraries...

Bioactive Compounds Profile of Alkaloid on Elaeocarpus sphaericus Schum Seeds by Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

Cicilia Novi Primiani, Pujiati, Mohammad Arfi Setiawan
Elaeocarpus sphaericus Schum with the local name genitri has medicinal plant properties. Therefore, this study aims to identify the diversity of alkaloid compounds in genitri seeds using the Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS) method. The Extract Purification through Solid Phase Extraction...

Reconstruction of the Purposes and Guidelines of Sentencing in Indonesian Sentencing System Based on the Perspective of Human Rights and Pancasila

Zakky Ikhsan Samad, Munandar, Wahyu Noviarini
Development in the field of law one of which is based on providing guarantees for the protection of human rights, which is mainly implemented based on the values that exist in Pancasila. Whereas in relation to the development and evolution of criminal law, one of the important issues that has often been...

The Implementation of the Result of Error Analysis on Writing Kata Kana to Kata Kana Learning Instructional

Hendri Zalman
This article is motivated by phenomenon about the researches of the error analysis on using Japanese letters of kata kana in Indonesia. Those researches result were not implemented into kata kana learning instructional. This article purposes to developing an implementation of it’s into the kata kana...
Proceedings Article

Mechanical Properties of Tire-Rubber Particles Contained Mortar Composites

Deok-hwa Jeong, Jung-ho Cho, Seung-yeon Choo, Choon-Wook Park
In the present study, a preliminary experimental work was carried out to examine the effect of mixing waste tire-rubber particles with cement mortar to develop an impact resistant and sound-reducing mortar composite. Laboratory tests were conducted to determine compressive and flexural strengths for...
Proceedings Article

Research on Semantic Priming Experiment of Interactive Character on the Online Banking Interface

Zhun Cao, Yongjian Li
Users cannot truly achieve "harmonious human-machine interaction" and improve the efficiency of interaction until they have correctly understood the semantics of the information on the interface. Taking the interactive characters on the login interface of ICBC's (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China)...
Proceedings Article

A Comparative Analysis on the International Competitiveness of Sino-US Trade in Higher Education Service

Qiaoqin Su, Xiaofu Zhou
Under the background of economic globalization, the global trade of education service has seen a rapid development especially in some western developed countries which regard the education industry as an important service industry with great support and have gained substantial economic and social benefits....
Proceedings Article

A New Method of Generate the PWM Wave Using Analog Circuits

Jian Huang
PWM is pulse width modulation by adjusting the width of the output square wave has been widely used in motor speed control LED brightness adjust rectifier audio output etc Now we always use software to product PWM this method has some limitation not meet high accurate fast PWM wave produce According...

Visualization of Music: An Aesthetic Study of the Combination of Music and Animation

Wen-Si Ou-Yang
This paper discusses the relationship between auditory sensation and visual sensation by systematically exploring traditional practical methods of music appreciation. On one hand, sound is combined with an image with the intention of more thoroughly representing the multi-dimensionality and complexity...
Proceedings Article

Growth Inhibition and Recovery of Lemna aequinoctialis after Pulse Exposure to Cd2+, Cr6+, Pb2+ and Cu2+

Jingbo Xu, Fengyi Zhang
The exposures of aquatic organisms to pollutants are usually pulses yet the exposure concentrations in the standard toxicity tests are constant. It raises a question that whether these standard tests include the effects of pulse exposure Therefore, 24-hour pulse exposure to 4 heavy metal ions (Cd2+ Cr6+...
Proceedings Article

The Evaluation of Production Safety of Coal-mining Region

Natalya Kudrevatykh, Oksana Sheveleva
The existing external economic situation in the country, the offer to create in Eastern Siberia "a carbon-free zone" will have a negative impact on production safety in the Kemerovo region – the largest coal-mining region of the country. The aim of the research is to assess the real situation in production...
Proceedings Article

2D Direction of Arrival Estimation using Channel State Information for UCA

Daulet Alibi, Di He, Peilin Liu
This paper presents technique of two dimensional direction of arrival (DOA) estimation of a source using uniform circular array (UCA) and channel state information (CSI). In orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system signal is simultaneously transmitted over subcarriers with different frequencies....

Constitution of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education System in the Open Universities

Wei Wu, Yuehua Zhang, Xue Wang, Lan Li, Jingni Yu, Lihong Yue
The education regarding innovation and entrepreneur- ship with its own significant strategic importance and value of education has attracted wide attention, and were recognized by most ordinary colleges. Similarly, it is also very significant for the Open University to develop innovative and entrepreneurial...

Research on Measurement of Service Capability of Logistics Enterprise

Xiao-Juan Bai, Miao Su
The paper illustrated the key point in qualitative method. One of the three types of major logistics enterprises is selected as the main research object, and Service capability measurement system is established from 6 perspectives. By taking reference to the core idea of the correlation matrix method,...
Proceedings Article

Optimization Research on Multi-objects Aircraft Maintenance Shop Scheduling Problem

Shaohua Yang, Ying Wang, Gang Liu
To make the maintenance adapt for the modern aircraft, the modeling and scheduling algorithm of aircraft maintenance shop scheduling problem are discussed. At the base of maintenance shop scheduling modeling referring to the formalization of flexible job shop scheduling problem, genetic algorithm is...
Proceedings Article

Design and Implementation of a High Performance Network Scanning System for Vxworks Hosts

Minlei Zhang, Yancang Chen, Huan Chen, Yaxin Zhao, Pei Wei, Sai Sui
Host scanning is an important technique for vulnerability mining and penetration testing, which is crucial to analyzing the safety of information system. Through the research into developed scanning systems both at home and abroad, such as Shodan, Zoomeye etc., this essay proposes a design model of a...
Proceedings Article

Ecological Risk Assessment of HuBaoE Area in Inner Mongolia based on Ecological Footprint Analyses

Jianghong Zhen
Based on the theory, method and model of ecological footprint, this paper measured and analyzed the ecological footprint, ecological carrying capacity, ecological deficit, ecological pressure index and ecological risk degree in Huhhot, Baotou and Erdos from 1990 to 2010. The results show: (1) The per...

Effective Input and Output in Chinese College Students' Listening and Speaking Class

Jimei Li
Listening and speaking are first two basic skills in learning a language. However, most of Chinese college students suffer from low proficiency of listening and speaking rather than those of reading and writing. Based on input and output theories as well as teaching experiences, this paper aims to explore...
Proceedings Article

Improving Participation of College Female Students in Physical Activities

Fenglin Sun
There are many problems for college female students to participate in physical activities, such as being passive in physical activities, lack of after-school activities, outdoor activities, etc. Many factors affect college female students’ sports participation: at the level of students, their participation...
Proceedings Article

Correlation between salinity and crack characteristic of saline soil in Songnen plain

Ren Jian-hua, Li Xiao-jie, Zhao Kai, Li Yang-yang
Effective improvement of saline-alkali soil is very significant for the yield and the ecological environment, thus accurate parameters of different saline-alkali soils are deeply required. In this paper, the areas and perimeters of different soil cracks are detected in a non-contact, non-invasive online...
Proceedings Article

Service Learning for Empowering Tribal Peoples with Living Labs for Medical Education Reform in Taiwan

Duujian Tsai, Tsung Ping Yu, Yu Chia Chen, Shyh-Dye Lee
This project is establishing a platform for Living Lab experiments using smart technology in tribal areas of Taiwan, with the goal of empowering high mountain indigenous peoples. We are forging a learning environment through partner-ships between universities, tribal peoples and technology companies...
Proceedings Article

Research on Current Situation of Rural Sports Public Service in Hebei Province

Yan Li
This paper starts from the development and existing problems of the rural sports public system in our province, and analyzes the construction of the rural public service system in our province, summarizes the existing problems and deficiencies of the rural public service system construction in our province,...
Proceedings Article

Developing Your Classroom as a Learning Community — To Refresh Our Motivation for Students

Zhuoya Wu
Teaching theory and methodology has being studied through College English teaching for years in China. With the further reform of education, there are a variety of new English courses given to newly –equipped students on campus. Which teaching method should be well used in class is challenging in order...
Proceedings Article

3D Face Reconstruction and Dynamic Feature Extraction for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition

Xiaohu Shao, Xi Zhou, Cheng Cheng, Tony X. Han
In this paper, we present a pose invariant face recognition framework leveraged on 3D face reconstruction and dynamic feature extraction. First, we synthesize the virtual frontal face from the probe face based on 3D face reconstruction. In the initialization of reconstruction, a tree-structured model...
Proceedings Article

A More Secure and Efficient Remote Authentication Scheme with Key Agreement

Dianli Guo, Fengtong Wen
In 2011, Wang et al. presented a efficient anonymous authentication scheme with high level security. In this article, we point out that their scheme suffers to server spoofing attack and fails to preserve user’s privacy, besides the process of their proposal is incorrect. Therefore, an improved scheme...
Proceedings Article

Arts Education through Coordination with Community and Museum

Shuhua Lin
This study takes the Lanyang Museum as an example to explore its exhibition strategy and current practice, especially to examine how they operate community art education through the educational programmes. In this essay, method of semi-structure depth interview, literature review are applied to examine...
Proceedings Article

Numerical Study of Gas-liquid Micro-cyclone Separator Flow Field

Peng Qian, Liang Ma, Yi Liu, Yanhong Zhang
Based on Reynolds stress model (RSM), the three-dimensional flow field of a gas–liquid micro-cyclone separator with a diameter of 75 mm have been simulated with the computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The distribution of gas tangential velocity of the inside flow field and its effects on the movement...
Proceedings Article

The Position of the Czechoslovak Economy in the Global Economy in the Years 1945 - 1989

Marian Lebiedzik
This article focuses on the situation of the economy of Czechoslovakia in the global economy from the period after World War II up to 1989. Economic development in this period was significantly influenced by the political events that took place in Czechoslovakia in 1948, when it became part of the Eastern...
Proceedings Article

An Empirical Study on Regional Scientific Research Evaluation through Application of H-Index: A Case Study of 11 Regions of Zhejiang Province in China

Zhifeng Zhou
This paper collected h-index samples of 11 regions of Zhejiang province in China from 2000 to 2013 based on China academic journal network publishing database and ISI web of science. Then the correlation analysis was conducted among the number of papers, the total number of citation, the average number...
Proceedings Article

Research on Project Teaching Method of Logistics Teaching

Fanlei Meng
This paper applies project teaching method to logistics teaching course and explores its application in practical teaching process. It also illustrates the existing problems, the choosing of projects, implement and requirements in detail.
Proceedings Article

The Research on Internet Marketing Performance Evaluation of Commercial Banks

Zhengqing Luo, Liang Zhou, Qinling Ge
With the further development of the Internet marketing in many segments of society, its performance evaluation has also become an important topic in the field of business and academia. In this paper, a performance evaluation index system of commercial banks containing four dimensions was established,...
Proceedings Article

A Corpus-based Empirical Study on the Use of Get by English Majors

Zhang Li-Xia
The study of English lexical competence has been the concern of many linguists and foreign language teachers in recent years. With a corpus-based contrastive interlanguage analysis, this study reveals the differences of English word get used by Chinese EFL learners compared with native speakers in terms...

Blind Source Separation Based on Multiple Algorithm Fusion Using FSS-kernel and FastICA

He Pengju, Chou Xingxing, Chen Xiaomeng, Zeng Huazhi
This paper presents a multiple algorithm fusion using FSS-kernel and FastICA to improve the accuracy of blind source separation. FastICA algorithm has a faster and more robust convergence speed than the traditional ICA algorithm. But its recovery results are not satisfied. Inspired by various successful...

Discussion on the Influence of Mobile Phone on Ideological and Political Education in Universities

Jing Chen
With the cellular “3G” and “4G” era arrival, the extensive use of mobile media has an enormous influence on college students, which has brought both new opportunities and challenges to the ideological and political education in universities. And all universities shall pay high attention and carefully...

Theoretical Model on Effects of the Flower Enterprises Networks to the Technical Innovative Performance

Dao-Wen Ren, Fei Wen, Yan-Ji Duan
Combining existing related literatures, the paper analyzes and puts forward the concept models that the industry clusters’ network affects enterprises’ performance and raises some relevant research assumptions, by following the analytic logic of “structure—behaviors—performance”, the theoretical frame...
Proceedings Article

Analyze the Relationship between English Language Thinking and English Thinking Ability

Xing Qiao
Language is major means of communication and expression for people, which could be difference due to country or region. Even in different places in the same area, the language expression is not the same. And yet the language thinking is interlinked as of it is performance of modern civilization and reflection...
Proceedings Article

Illumination – The Navigation System Associated with Speech and Image Recognition Based on Location Service

Zhenyu Liu, Rong Bi, Jiawu Li, Heng Shen, Ye Song, Fang Zhao
this paper deals with the current navigation system for the visual-impaired people, developing an indoor and outdoor navigation system, Illumination, in association with speech and Image Recognition for them. For human-machine interaction, Illumination is launched by shaking the phone instead of traditionally...

The Analysis of Structural Contradictions and Countermeasures in the China’s Current Economic Operation

Zhao Xiaohong
At present, the structural contradictions in the China’s economic operation are more obvious, including the imbalance of the industrial structure, demand structure, income distribution structure, and the structure of factor inputs. The current economic situation in the U.S. and Europe are not optimistic...
Proceedings Article

Comparative study on information service mode type of digital library

Haiyan Hao
this paper applies mode method to carry out an in-depth study on information service modes of digital library from general to specific and from low level to high level through literal statement. The specific service mode which can best reflect and give play to information service efficiency of digital...
Proceedings Article

Double-action Die Compaction of Fe-Al Composite Powder- A Study by MPFEM Simulation

Jun-Wei Li, Xi-Zhong An
To identify the densification process and corresponding mechanism, double-action die compaction of Fe-Al composite powder (with 20 wt.% Al) was modeled by multi-particle finite element method (MPFEM) from particulate scale in 2D. The initial packing structure generated by discrete element method (DEM)...
Proceedings Article

Literature Review of Outdoor Physical Environment Design of Green Campus

Chongjie Wang, Jie Li, Hongmei Yin, Tao Fang, Qiang Chen
After reviewing the relevant literature on green campus, this study has analyzed the current design practice. It shows that there are shortcomings in the green campus design strategies for the outdoor physical environment. There are three aspects in the shortcomings: (1) the site planning, (2) the layout...