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188734 articles

Task-driven Instructional Design on the Development of Language Ability

Ma Guoyou, Qu Sheming
Language ability constitutes the basic element of the core literacy of English subjects and is one of the specific goals of teaching on English curriculum. Improving students' language ability implies the improvement of students' cultural awareness, thinking quality and learning ability, which helps...

The Need Analysis of Handout as A Teaching Material on Mycology Course about Antagonism between Molds at Biology Department State University of Malang

Anugrah Aji Pariris, Utami Sri Hastuti, Fathur Rohman
This study aims to observe the needs of handout as a teaching materials in the Mycology course at Biology Department, State University of Malang. The research sample were students of Biology Department at State University of Malang who has been passed for Mycology course. The qualitative data is a survey...

The Macroscopic Analysis of Language Perception

Jiangping Zhou
Language perception is the key step to psychological process in language use and the important topic in psycho-linguistic study; and it is also the major way for human beings to master and understand language. This paper analyzed language perception from the three aspects of definitions, psychological...

Netnography Study of Digital Democracy Forum (FDD) on Electronic Information and Transaction Law (UU ITE)

Nani Kurniasari
The revolution of digital era has changed our lives in every way. The invention of social media change how people communicate to each other nowadays. Some communities use it as a new media for discussion. Whats App Group (WAG) is one of the most popular social media that been used by a community for...

An empirical analysis of the influence of Chinese style relationship on turnover intention and promotion opportunity of civil servants

Li Yongkang, Ai Jun, Li Bo
Based on a sample of 405 Yunnan civil servants, this paper constructs and verifies the model of Guanxi on turnover intention and promotion opportunities of civil servants, the main content of the study is Guanxi as independent variable, turnover intention and promotion opportunity as the dependent variable,...

Research on the Reform of Chinese University Teachers' Evaluation System

Yangqing Zhu
This paper analyzed the current system of teacher evaluation in Chinese universities, and pointed out the problems existing in annual assessment, teaching assessment and scientific research assessment. From the angle of promoting the development of teachers and improving the quality of education, put...

Promoting Teaching Reform on Electronic Technical Basic Course, Taking National Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest

Zuguo Wu, Jin Wang, Guosheng Ma
This paper analyzes the main knowledge point involving national undergraduate electronic design contest, reviews the major feature of electronic technical basic courses in higher vocational colleges and proposes updated plan that closely combine electronic technical basic courses with undergraduate electronic...

A Survey on the Employment Status of Higher Vocational Graduates in Tianjin -- Taking Tianjin Vocational Institute as an Example

Liying Liu, Renjie Yang, Shuwen Wang, Guimei Dong
In recent years, the state and society pay more and more attention to higher vocational education, and the employment problem of higher vocational graduates is also more and more severe. For the increasingly severe employment situation, the employment problem of higher vocational graduates has been widely...
Proceedings Article

A Summary of Cloud Computing and Its Technology Research

Xin Sui, Yi Sui
In the context of the 1980s grid computing and the virtual technology of twenty-first Century, cloud computing is recognized by the industry as a new type of delivery model and resource. Many research institutions have seen the value of cloud computing. Cloud computing is a major change in IT technology...
Proceedings Article

Forecast of China's Future Population under the Universal Two-child Policy

Peiyu Yan
Firstly, according to the total population of China from 1996 to 2015 collected and sorted, the curve function was fitted using MATLAB tools and the polynomial difference method. According to the function predicted by the fitting function, the population of China in 2016 was 1.769.8 billion under the...

Referential Value of the Cultural Exchange Experience of the Peace Corps for “People-to-People Bond” of Belt and Road Initiative

Long Ye
As the social foundation of the Belt and Road initiative, “People-to-People Bond” is the basis for cooperation between China and the countries along the Belt and Road. Through the grass-roots interaction, the US Peace Corps aims to promote mutual understanding between the United States and developing...
Proceedings Article

Flow Controlled Chemical Machining

Smita Bhandare, Haresh Mahala, Rupesh Dugad, Ranjit Khot, Atul Saraf, Mudigonda Sadaiah
This paper presents a new method of manufacturing 3D components by using Flow-Controlled Chemical Machining (FCCM). FCCM can be used for fabrication of 3D components using flow control set-up (or pattern) and suitable etchant. In this investigation, pattern used is perforated and having wettability which...
Proceedings Article

Consensus Problem of Markov Jump Multi-Agent Systems with Time-Varying Delay under Sampled-Data

Shili Shao, He Zhang, Changqing Liu
A lot of uncertain information is usually involved in the process of software system maintenance, and such information is difficult to perform quantitative analysis normally. In order to effectively solve the problem, this paper puts forward a measurement model of the software maintainability based on...
Proceedings Article

Study and Design of Intelligent Building Management System

Huikui Zhou, Liyong Wan
To meet the need of intelligent building construction, from the five subsystems of the intelligent building, the modern intelligent building management system has been designed by using the RFID radio frequency identification and wireless sensor network technology, and the overall system architecture...

Practice and Exploration of Undergraduate Training Program for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Independent Colleges

Feng Wang, Liang Dai, Wei-Chuan Ni, Shao-Jiang Liu
As a university priority project, undergraduate training program for innovation and entrepreneurship has been implemented for many years, it is a kind of innovation and entrepreneurship practice project for college students, and promote the development of various types of innovation and entrepreneurship...
Proceedings Article

Research on Production and Use of Silk Materialfor Mounting Traditional Chinese Calligraphy and Painting

Chun-hua Gu, Qin-ru Huang
There is a long history of mounting traditional Chinese Calligraphy and Painting. The mounting technology became more and more skilled and impeccable after the developed in Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasty. The production of silk material--brocade, kesi, damask silk and silk tabby mounting for Chinese...

Teaching Model of Deradicalization through Multicultural and Local Wisdom Literacies

Tedi Rohadi
Indonesia has been a country with multi-ethnics, cultures, and religions. These diversities become its own wealth and treasures as well as dangers. The differences will create dynamic and meaningful human lives. On the other hand, they posit potential radicalization and conflicts that will explode anytime...

Indonesia's Foreign Policy and Multi-Track Regionalism

Ade M. Wirasenjaya
This paper aimed to elaborate the orientation of Indonesian foreign policy in the Jokowi era by focusing on two main determinants. The first is regional determinants that lead to the emergence of multi-track regionalism in line with the lauch of the ASEAN Community. Although the ASEAN countries still...

Research on Applied Talent Training Related to Mechanical and Electronic Engineering

Zengsheng Wang, Hansong Yang, Qin Zhang
Mechanical and electronic engineering is a comprehensively applied subject integrating mechanics, electronics, control, computer and so on, as a specialty, the mechanical and electronic engineering is to train students' capabilities in practice and innovation on the subjects given above. This article...

Exploration and Practice of Excellent Marine Meteorology Talents Training

Lingli Fan, Guangya Zhang
In order to adapt to the demand of new situation for meteorology talents training in universities. Guangdong Ocean University relying on its own advantages carried out the exploration and practice of marine meteorology talents training. Guangdong Ocean University marine meteorology talents training appreciated...
Proceedings Article


Mustika Sari, Deslida Saidah, Rr. Endang Wahyuni, Luth Mafrudhoh
The purpose of this research is to find out the customers' perception about the relationship between promotion and price with buying decision. The research was done at PT Garuda Indonesia in 2015. In analyzing data, the authors used quantitative method, by employingmultiple regression technique. The...

Various Aspects of The Implementation of SIMDA Which Influence The Quality of Financial Statement with The Role of PPK-SKPD as Moderating Variable (A Case Study at The SKPD of Deli Serdang Regency)

Mrs Agustina, Tapi Anda Sari Lubis, Iskandar Muda
The objective of this study was to examine some factors which influence the financial statement quality of SKPD (Regional Work Unit) of the Deli Serdang District Government with the role of PPK-SKPD as moderating variable. The study used causal comparative method with primary data. The population was...

The Challenges and Opportunities for the Development of Regional Economy under the Belt and Road

Fang Yang
At the present stage of economic reform in our country, which has been undergoing the reform and opening up for decades, the economy has entered a relatively stable period. However, due to the influence of internal and external factors such as geographical location and development foundation, the unbalanced...

The Evaluation Index System Research on Quality Engineering Based on AHP

Jiangtao You, Wei Liu
For the sake of accelerate the modern engineering management, promote the transformation and upgrading of highway and waterway engineering construction and development, improve the quality, safety and operation service level of highway and waterway engineering. This article puts forward the construction...

Investigation of Linear Momentum and Impulse Using Video Analysis

Liya Kholida, Fourier Latief
This study aims to present the use of Tracker software as a pedagogical tool for conducting experiments by means of video-based analysis for three different type of collisions using air track apparatus. Video-based analysis has the possibility to provide a better way of visualizing the motion for a direct...
Proceedings Article

Research Progress of Wireless Sensor Network Router Protocol

Zhijun Shuai, Ting Liu
This paper reviewed some recent novel theories and algorithms of geographic routing for wireless sensor networks, and described the taxonomy. And discussed several typical next2hop node policies, p resented the disadvantages of them. More speci2fically, captured the local minimum problem and gave the...

Research on Solutions of Vocational School Students to Employment Pressure under the Perspective of Psychological Elasticity

Yichen Pan, Wei Wang
Through a questionnaire survey of 430 vocational college students on treatment methods to employment pressure and their psychological elasticity, it is found that the correlation between employment pressure treatment methods and psychological elasticity of vocational college students reaches a significant...
Proceedings Article

A Hybrid Mining Approach for Optimizing Returns Policies in e Retailing

Chien-Chih Yu, Cheng-Su Wang
This paper aims at proposing a hybrid mining approach for e-retailers to analyze returns patterns from both the customer and product perspectives, classify customers and products by returns ratios, and then adopt proper returns policies and marketing strategies to the identified classes for reducing...
Proceedings Article

The China-Brain Project: Report on the First Six Months

Hugo de Garis, Xiaodong Shi, Ben Goertzel, Wei Pan, Kehua Miao, Jianyang Zhou, Min Jiang, Lingxiang Zhen, Qinfang Wu, Minghui Shi, Ruiting Lian
The "China Brain Project" is a 4 year (2008-2011), 10.5 million RMB research project to build China's first artificial brain, which will consist of 10,000- 50,000 neural net modules which are evolved rapidly in special FPGA hardware, downloaded one by one into a PC or supercomputer, and then connected...
Proceedings Article

An Artificial Intelligence Model that Combines Spatial and Temporal Perception

Jianglong Nan, Fintan Costello
This paper proposes a continuous-time machine learning model that learns the chronological relationships and the intervals between events, stores and organises the learnt knowledge in different levels of abstraction in a network, and makes predictions about future events. The acquired knowledge is represented...
Proceedings Article

A Modified Homomorphic Filter for Image Enhancement

Hailan Gu, Wenzhe Lv
In the paper, the homomorphic filter is improved , and a new filter is made , which is based on the low-pass frequency filter and high-pass filter. The performance of the new filter is analysised through comparing to other classical filter. The new filter is experimented, and its application was discussed.
Proceedings Article

A New Method of Self-Adapted Learning Mechanism Based on Neural Network

Hua Hu
This paper describes a new method to neural network model based self-adapted learning mechanism for deriving a complex system. This Learning scheme is organized based on a multi-agent-based self-adapted learning method as well as a multi-agent-based self-adapted method, while an Neural Network Decision...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Vibration on the Performance of VDMOS Devices

Yin Jinghua, Gao Xinyu, Chen Minghua, Song Mingxin
In this paper, the package TO-220C VDMOS devices are tested under the conditions of variable frequency and fixed-frequency vibration and the influence of vibration on source current leakage IDS and transconductance gm of device are discussed. The changes of device casing and chip surface are observed...
Proceedings Article

Network Modeling and Performance Analysis under Time-varying Channel and General Arrival of M2M Services

Fu Li, Xue-fen Chi, Jia-sheng Zhang, Xu-dong Li
To investigate and forecast the traffic characteristics of important M2M service--Small data service, we modeled its arrival process and analyzed the effects it has on current wireless network. By simulating service logic and designing traffic generation function of typical M2M small data service on...
Proceedings Article

Shortening of the Automata Cycle of Industrial Communication System Nodes

Marcin Sidzina, Andrzej Kwiecie, Jacek Stój
The distributed computer systems applied in industry are usually of the real-time type. In those systems the maximal system response time has to be always well known in order to ensure the functional as well as the safety parameters of the system. However, the system response time may be subject to change...

SWOT Analysis Of Marketing Strategies Through Shopee In An Online Shop

Putri Mei Elisabeth Siahaan
The study aims to analyse SWOT (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunity and Threats) and determine marketing strategies through Shopee at the Online Shop This research uses a qualitative method of descriptive approach by measuring internal and external factors as well as the matrix of competitive...

Development of Web-Based Learning Media in the Subject of Research Methodology (Supporting Blended Learning System) at Kartanagara University

Sudarman, Rahmat Hidayat, Sugeng
This development research aims to develop web-based learning media for supporting blended leaerning system, find out the results of the development of materials and web-based learning media, and find out the obstacles when implementing web-based learning media in the Research Methodology subject at FKIP...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of typhoon disaster chain and risk management in northward typhoon effecting Hebei

Hua Jing, Huifang Hu, Xiaolei Chen, Qiqi Hou
Based on northward typhoon effecting Hebei data during1949-2018,key areas were Defining . The climatic features and impacts of typhoons entering the key areas were discussed. The results show that most of northward typhoon effecting Hebei occurred from late July to early August.The northward typhoon...

Station Rotation Method Based on Differentiated Instruction to Improve Higher Order Thinking Skills

Christina Magdalena Soselisa, Rusijono, Bachtiar S. Bachri
This study is a classroom action research in differentiated classroom, included children with special education needs. Station Rotation is one of teaching methods based on Differentiated Instruction. Station Rotation is a learning method that is able to meet all the children’s learning needs and to grow...

Multigrade Team Teaching: How a Small Progressive Private School in a Non-Rural Philippine Set-Up Deviated from Monograde Teaching to Implement Its Age-Appropriate Inclusive School Program

Nilda B. Delgado, Mary Ann C. Alaban, Diana Grace S. Ariz, Frank S. Emboltura
Multigrade Teaching, which is the method of teaching as one class students belonging to different age groups or grade levels, is not a new educational innovation nor a recent method presented by education specialists and has in fact been historically practiced far longer than Monograde Teaching. However,...

Practice and Exploration of the “3231” Education System for the Second Classroom of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology

Yuchi Xie
3231 Education Cultivation Project (abbreviated as “3231’’) is a talent training engineering system that is suitable for the development of the second class of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology. There are obvious achievements in ideological and political education work, the work of the Youth League,...

Is Modified Cognitive Behavior Therapy More Effective Than Traditional Cognitive Behavior Therapy? (A Review on Social Anxiety Disorder)

Cahyaning Suryaningrum
In line with the increasing complexity of psychological problems today, Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) has been developed from the original. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of traditional CBT and its modification to overcome social anxiety. The method used is a systematic literature...

A Study on the Main Body of the Rescue and Protection Mechanism for Children in Difficulty

Xin Hu
The Opinions on Strengthening the Protection of Children in Difficulty issued by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the State Council in 2016 specified the rescue and protection basic principle for children in difficulty of ‘the conscientiousness of family, the leading of the government, the participation...

Ecological Bases of Ethiology and Therapy of Hemolytic Anemia in Cattle During Piroplasmosis

Mirzabek Zuhrabov, Siyadat Khaibulaeva, Svetlana Abdulhamidova, Svetlana Chuburkova
Hemolytic anemia in cattle on the background of piroplasmosis is the most common disease that causes economic losses to livestock farms of the Republic of Dagestan. Treatment and prevention of this pathology should be carried out taking into account the biology and ecology characteristics of pathogens...

Classification Between Normal Heartbeat and Angina Pectoris in Phonocardiograph Using Neural Network

Dyah Kurniawati Agustika, Juli Astono, Sumarna, Agus Purwanto
Data from the Ministry of Health shows that heart disease is the highest cause of death in all ages after stroke. This death rate will continue to increase if heart disease is not treated early. Delay in the handling of patients with cardiac abnormalities is due to the limited heart detection devices...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Architectural Competition in the Learning Process of Architecture Students

M. Galieh Gunagama, Yulia Pratiwi
The architectural competition nowadays is growing rapidly. Everyone can easily access information about various architectural competitions via the internet. Myriad options, such as themes, levels, fees, and prizes, are offered in the architectural competition. Either architecture professionals and students...

E-Modules Development with Al-Qur’an Integration Scientific Approach Based on 3D Pageflip Professional in Biochemistry Course

Louisiana Muliawati, Haerul Pathoni
Biochemistry was the study of the structure and function of cellular components, such as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and other biomolecules. Today, biochemistry courses focus more specifically on the chemistry of enzyme-mediated reactions and protein properties. Therefore it was very...

Effect of Board of Commissioners and Audit Committee on Earning Management

Ulfa Luthfia Nanda, Yeni Fitriani Somantri
Earning Management is actions taken through the choice of accounting policies with the aim to fulfilling own interest or increasing the market value of company. The aim of this research is to analyze the influence of board of commissioners and audit committee to the earning management in bank sub sector...

Teachers’ Perceptions on the Implementation of “Bahasa Inggris Karakter Peduli Lingkungan” as Teaching Material for Junior High School Students in Semarang City

Suwandi, Senowarsito, Th. Cicik Sophia B
This study attempts to reveal whether or not the book developed entitled “Bahasa Inggris Karakter Peduli Lingkungan” as teaching material for Junior High School Students implemented at several schools in Semarang city could fulfil the needs of the teachers and students and is appropriate to be used as...

Development of Physical Test Applications Basketball Sports Model in Regional Student Education and Training Center

Hartati, Silvi Aryanti, Ahmad Richard Victorian
This study aims to develop an application model for physical testing of basketball athletes conducted using Visual Basic 6.0 applications for athletes at the education and training center for students in the Musi Banyuasin district. This research uses research and development methods. Based on the validity...