Proceedings of the Conference on SDGs Transformation through the Creative Economy: Encouraging Innovation and Sustainability (TCEEIS 2023)

Conference: Proceedings of the Conference on SDGs Transformation through the Creative Economy: Encouraging Innovation and Sustainability (TCEEIS 2023)
Date: 9-10 October 2023
Location: Lumajang, Indonesia (Hybrid)


With profound joy, we present the scholarly works encapsulated in the publication of the Atlantis Conference proceedings for the year 2023. This publication marks a historic milestone reflecting the diversity of knowledge, innovative ideas, and collaborative spirit brought forth by the scientific community in our conference forum.

As time unfolds, this publication transcends beyond a mere collection of papers; it is a valuable archive reflecting the scientific and technological advancements across various fields. We express our gratitude to the researchers who have contributed high- quality papers, serving as scientific milestones that will provide insights and inspiration to the readers.

This publication would not have been possible without the dedication and hard work of the authors, editors, and reviewers. We extend our sincere thanks to those who actively played a role in selecting, editing, and ensuring the high quality of each contribution. We hope that this publication serves as a source of inspiration for readers, encouraging them to continue exploring, discovering, and creating innovative solutions for a better future.

In conclusion, we express our thanks to everyone who has contributed to the success of the Atlantis Conference this year. May this publication serve as a valuable source of knowledge, enriching the scientific discourse worldwide.

Yours sincerely,