Proceedings of Social Sciences, Humanities and Economics Conference (SoSHEC 2017)
138 authors
- Sarmini, Ms
- The Identity of Madurese Women: Between Tradition and the Development of Modernization
- Sarmini, Ms
- Deviant Behaviors of Teenage Drug Users
- Sarwoko, Endi
- Determinants of Organizational Performance in Private Universities
- Savitri, Wiwiet
- The Profile of Self Efficacy Beliefs among English Teachers without L2 Teaching Degree
- Septiana, Ika
- Contour Intonation Transfiguration of Declarative Speech by Autistic Children
- Setiawan, Slamet
- The Presentation of President Obama's Ideologies in View of the Five Discursive Strategies
- Setiawan, Slamet
- The Unique Vowel Play for Negative Quantifier in Javanese Reduplication
- Setiawan, Slamet
- Case Marking on Constituents Constructed by Verbal Predicate: The Comparison of Japanese, English, and Indonesian
- Setyowati, Rr
- The Role of Political Communication in Anticipating Social Conflicts Based on the Government Policy in East Java
- Sevtiana, Dilla
- Consolidating the Local Governments Responsiveness through Directorate General of Highway Construction and Maintenance Fast Reaction Unit URC BIMA for Road Maintenance
- Sholikah, Ni'matus
- Improving Processing Data Skills on Econometrics. Could Cybernetic Learning Theory Practice Do it?
- Soepardjo, Djodjok
- The Impact of Changes in Society on the Use of Languages
- Suharsono, Mr
- Do Vocabulary Learning Strategies Correlate to Reading Comprehension
- Supeno, Mr
- The Presentation of President Obama's Ideologies in View of the Five Discursive Strategies
- Supratno, Haris
- Multicultural and Character Education as the Model of Mental Revolution Movement to Prevent Santri Radicalism
- Supriono, Agus
- Indigenous Ritual as Adhesive Social Harmonization: The Meaning of Peusijuek for Young People of Aceh, Indonesia
- Surana, Mr
- Sociocultural Aspects of Transgender's Slang
- Susanti, Arik
- EFL Materials Development Based on Project Based Learning for Vocational High School
- Susanto, Mr
- A Study on the Competence of English Subject at Junior Middle School Having Low and High Order Thinking Skills
- Susanto, Mr
- A Closer Look into Primary School Students' Self Efficacy in L2 Learning across Gender and School Location
- Suwono, Mr
- Learning English through the Use of Classroom Language in Community Service
- Syaifullah, Didik
- EFL Teachers Perceptions and Practices of Information Literacy
- Triatmanto, Boge
- Islamic Work Performance of Muslim Employees
- Trihantoyo, Syunu
- Green School Program Management in Fostering Students' Character
- Trisusana, Anis
- EFL Materials Development Based on Project Based Learning for Vocational High School
- Tyasari, Irma
- The Developments on Audit Quality in Indonesia, The Qualitative Analysis on the Practitioners' Expectations
- Untarini, Nindria
- Strategies for Avoiding Business, Failure of Local Franchise
- Warsono, Mr
- Deviant Behaviors of Teenage Drug Users
- Warsono, Mr
- Specific Migration in Indonesia Mudik and Balik Lebaran
- Warsono, Mr
- The Impact of Changes in Society on the Use of Languages
- Wedawati, Mamik
- Young and Powerful Characters: An Analysis of Illuminati in Manga
- Wijaya, Bagus R.
- Improving Students' Scientific Arguments Guided Inquiry Ability Through Student Textbook
- Yohanes, Budinuryanta
- The Blueprints of Definition in Technical Dictionary
- Yulianto, Bambang
- Contour Intonation Transfiguration of Declarative Speech by Autistic Children
- Yulianto, Bambang
- Indonesian Children Acquisition on Single Word Utterance Stage: A Case Study
- Yulianto, Bambang
- The Representation of Vocoid "?" in Indonesian Phonological Development of Preschool Aged Children with Hearing Impairment
- Yunani, Ms
- Students' Narrative Composition Based on the Implementation of Rubric Referenced-Peer Assessment
- Zuhri, Fauris
- A Study on the Competence of English Subject at Junior Middle School Having Low and High Order Thinking Skills