Proceedings of the Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2018)

386 authors
Somad, M. Abdul
Building Noble Akhlaq of Student through the Uswah hasanah Model of Patience of the Prophet Ayyub
Sriyanti, Sriyanti
Education of Trass Utilization for Developing Local Economy in Nagreg Kendan, West Java
Subhiat, Aghitsna Putri
Implications of Gay Dramaturgy in Self-disclosure Behavior
Sugilar, Hamdan
Building Systematic Think Ability
Sugiyarto, Sugiyarto
The Influence of Pedagogic and Professional Ability of the Teachers Competency Exam Results
Suhardini, Asep Dudi
The Correlation between Educational Leadership and the Effectiveness of School Organization
Suhendi, Hendi
Developing a Waqf Institution through Repairment Management and Insitutional Legalization
Suhendi, Hendi
Islamization of Isma'il Raji al-Faruqi's Knowledge (Study of Contemporary Epistemology)
Suherman, Maman
The Communication Process in the Empowerment of Female Headed Household Program
Suleman, Zulfikri
Effect of the Moderation of Economic Institution on Local Economic Development
Suliadi, Suliadi
Persuasive Da’wah Activities and the Socio-Demographic Factor
Sulistiani, Siska Lis
Analysis of Waqf Land Legalization
Sulistyaningsih, Endang
Format, Design and Content of Curriculum Vitae in a Developing Country
Suminar, Sri Ratna
The Indonesian Law Perspective on the Authority of Beauty Practitioners in Performing Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Sunarwinadi, Ilya Revianti Sudjono
The Holes in Structural Holes Theory (A Literature Review)
Sunaryo, Sidik
Transcendental Justice Legal Ideology of Indonesian Terrorism
Sundary, Rini Irianti
Control of Foreign Labor in Indonesia
Supriadi, Udin
Building the Character of Humility Through the Prophet Sulayman Model in Kindergarten
Supriatna, Mamat
Profile of Students Prospective Teacher’s Foundational Critical Attitude of Educational Utopia
Supriyanto, Supriyanto
Effect of the Moderation of Economic Institution on Local Economic Development
Surahman, Maman
The Implementation of Micro Financing in Sharia Commercial Banks in Undertaking Social Intermediary Function
Surana, Dedih
The Correlation between Educational Leadership and the Effectiveness of School Organization
Susandari, Susandari
Friendly Character of Civil Service Police (Descriptive Study on Civil Service Police in Bandung, West Java)
Susanti, Yuli
Correlation between Anxiety Levels with Oral Case Presentation Test Results
Susilawati, Popon Sri
The Effectivity of Education Program of the Sharia Fund
Suyanto, Suyanto
Family Orientation and Internationalization of Family Business: A case study
Syafianugraha, M Satrialdi
Communication in Family Resilience
Syam, M. Husni
Reconstructing Clean Water Policy Based on the Perspective of Idea Law of Pancasila the Indonesia’s Principles
Syam, Nia Kurniati
Analysis of Migrant Family – Based Program
Syaodih, Ernady
The Challenges of Urban Management in Indonesia
Taja, Nadri
The Role of Karang Taruna in Increasing the Economic Productivity of Peuyeum Industry in Bandung
Taja, Nadri
Internalization of Religious Values in Z Generation through 5 (T) Program
Tajuddin, Muhammad Saleh
The Role of Komite Persiapan Penegakan Syariat Islam (KPPSI) Organization for Development of Islamic Civil Society in the Bugis Community of South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Tajuddin, Muhammad Saleh
Being Young and Interreligious: Makassar young muslim generation views toward interfaith dialogue
Tandika, Dikdik
Promotional Optimization in Developing Creative Industrial Products of MSMEs
Tejasari, Maya
A Journey to a Better Community Service in Religious Boarding School Pesantren
Tejasari, Maya
Understanding Scabies in Religious Boarding School (Pesantren)
Thoyib, Muhammad
Pesantren and Contemporary Multicultural Islamic Education: Empowering plurality toward realizing social harmony and peace in Indonesia
Tohir, Toto
Criminal Liability of Sharia Banks in Financing Disbursement
Tresnasari, Cice
Understanding Scabies in Religious Boarding School (Pesantren)
Trigartanti, Wulan
Marketing Communication in Housewife Entrepreneurship
Trigartanti, Wulan
Teacher Communication in Entrepreneurship Learning for Children at Schools
Trihartono, Agus
Total Communication Learning Model: Using pictures, writing and reading to increase language capacity for deaf children
Triwardhani, Ike Junita
Marketing Communication in Housewife Entrepreneurship
Triwardhani, Ike Junita
Teacher Communication in Entrepreneurship Learning for Children at Schools
Triwardhani, Ike Junita
Commercialization of Inorganic Waste-based Eco Friendly Creative Products to Improve Living Standard of Women Street Vendors in Cikapundung
Triyani, Yani
A Journey to a Better Community Service in Religious Boarding School Pesantren
Triyani, Yani
Understanding Scabies in Religious Boarding School (Pesantren)
Turmudzi, Imam
Building Systematic Think Ability
Usman, Dudi Nasrudin
Education of Trass Utilization for Developing Local Economy in Nagreg Kendan, West Java
Wagiono, Caecielia
Effective Decision Making Influence on Nurse Performance in Al Islam Hospital Bandung
Wahyudi, Hedi
The Judgment of Judge Against Intention in Determining Criminal Responsibility of Corruption’s Perpetrators to Seek Material Truth
Wardati, Miki Amrilya
Process of Translation of the Children’s Worlds Subjective Well-Being Scale in Indonesia
Widayati, Sri
Education of Trass Utilization for Developing Local Economy in Nagreg Kendan, West Java
Widiawati, Weny
The Influence Factors on the Satisfaction of Telkomsel SIM Card Users in Indonesia
Wijaksana, Indra Karna
Strategy of Increasing Competence of Geological Mining Student in Geodetic Mining Survey
Wijayanti, Sri Hapsari
Format, Design and Content of Curriculum Vitae in a Developing Country
Wirda, Fisla
Green Innovation as a Determinant of Competitive Advantage in Creative Industry in Indonesia
Wiwitan, Tresna
The Analysis of Private University Service Quality and Image
Wiwitan, Tresna
Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility Framework in Mining Companies
Wiwitan, Tresna
Corporate Social Responsibility Model of Mining Companies in the Environmental Communication Perspective
Wr., Imas Rosidawati
The Legal Theory of Space as a Means of Legal Development in the Perspective of the Indonesian Law
Wulandari, Astri
The Influence of Advertising Value on Advertising Attitude and its Impact on Purchase Intention
Yahya, Wildan Bin
The Characteristics of Muttaqin in the Qur`an and its Implication on the Aim of Islamic Education
Yahya, Wildan Bin
The Controversy of Mu`min and Kāfir Meaning: How to Build Faith and Religious Tolerance?
Yanuvianti, Milda
Contribution of Aggressive driving, Negative emotions, and Risky driving to Dangerous driving in young motorcyclists at Bandung City, Indonesia
Yeyeng, Andi Tenri
The Role of Komite Persiapan Penegakan Syariat Islam (KPPSI) Organization for Development of Islamic Civil Society in the Bugis Community of South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Yolamalinda, Yolamalinda
Analysis of Rubber Price Difference in Regency Level and Integrated Market in West Sumatera Province
Yolino, Jessica Avelina
The Role of Firm Ownership Type and Earnings Management on Auditor Choice and Audit Fee of Non-Financial Firms
Yulianita, Neni
Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility Framework in Mining Companies
Yulianita, Neni
Campaign Strategy for the Election of Regional Heads in the Political Communication Perspectives
Yulianita, Neni
Corporate Social Responsibility Model of Mining Companies in the Environmental Communication Perspective
Yuliati, Nova
Information Resilience in Overcoming Vulnerability of Reproductive Health in Young Women
Yuliati, Nova
Empowering Women in Politics through Women's Political Organization
Yuliawati, Tia
The Role of Karang Taruna in Increasing the Economic Productivity of Peuyeum Industry in Bandung
Yuliawati, Tia
How to Change MSME’s Paradigm in Applying Green Industry Principles?
Yuniarti, Lelly
A Journey to a Better Community Service in Religious Boarding School Pesantren
Yuniati, Yenni
Business Presentation to Increase Product Sales of Farm Group Members
Yusuf, Umar
Persuasive Da’wah Activities and the Socio-Demographic Factor
Zakiah, Kiki
Campaign Strategy for the Election of Regional Heads in the Political Communication Perspectives
Zakiah, Kiki
The Community Knowledge of Violence Against Children
Zakiah, Kiki
The Communication Process in the Empowerment of Female Headed Household Program
Zulfebriges, Zulfebriges
Environmental Journalism in the Flood News: An advocacy model
Zusmelia, Zusmelia
Analysis of Rubber Price Difference in Regency Level and Integrated Market in West Sumatera Province
Zusmelia, Zusmelia
Regional Economic Improvement Model through Integration of West Sumateran Rubber Market with ASEAN Regional Market
‘Ilmi, Ma’muliah Annida Nurul
Gratitude and Well-Being in Unfixed-salary Teacher