Proceedings of the International Conference of Inland Water and Ferries Transport Polytechnic of Palembang on Technology and Environment (IWPOSPA-TE 2023)

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20 articles
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Paulina M. Latuheru, Ferdinand Pusriansyah, Driaskoro Budi Sidharta, Slamet Prasetyo, Bambang Setiawan, Oktrianti Diani, Siti Nurlaili Triwahyuni, Monica Amanda, Fisca Dian Utami, Raden M. Firzatullah, Muhammad Fahmi Amrillah
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 3rd International Conference Inland Water and Ferries Transport Polytechnic of Palembang (IWPOSPA) on November 16th, 2023 in Novotel Hotel, Palembang, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific...
Proceedings Article

Application of the Internet of Things (IoT) in Reviewing Electrical Energy Consumption on Solar-Powered Cadet Training Ships

Andri Yulianto, Antoni Arif Priadi, Muhammad Fahmi Amrillah, Raden Muhamad Firzatullah, Dimas Pratama Yuda, Fahmi Muhammad Rangkuti
Solar energy is energy obtained by converting solar energy into electrical energy which does not produce pollutants and has no negative impact on the environment. Solar energy can be implemented with various vehicles, one of which is an electric motorboat. However, the ship's propulsion engine depends...
Proceedings Article

Application of Ballast Water to Maintain the Stability of The Ship when Loading Avtur in The Lecturer Internship Program on The MT Senipah

Arleiny, Paulina M. Latuheru, Renta Novaliana, Romanda Annas Amrullah, A. Fahreza Patonangi
The maritime world is very rapidly developing today and requires human resources who are very skilled in their fields, also the maritime world is not a business without risks, one of which often occurs is ship accidents, both caused by external factors and internal factors such as bad weather, high waves...
Proceedings Article

Development of A Web-Based Asset Rental Information System in The Inland Water and Ferries Transport Polytecnic of Palembang

Sri Kelana, Sri Kartini, Raden Muhamad Firzatullah, Desti Yuvita Sari
The aim of this research is to create an Asset Rental Information System in the SD Palembang Transportation Polytechnic Environment. This information system was developed using the waterfall method. Overall there are four stages of research including (1) analysis of information system needs, (2) information...
Proceedings Article

Design and Construction of A 2X550 WP Solar Power Plant as A Source of Energy for The Main Procurement Motor for Training Ships

Eko Nugroho Widjatmoko, Antoni Arif Priadi, Muhamad Fahmi Amrillah, Raden Muhamad Firzatullah, Dimas Pratama Yuda
The development of the utilization of electrical energy sourced from the sun is currently experiencing very rapid development. The use of electrical energy sourced from the sun is not only used for industrial generation, currently the transportation industry also utilizes electrical energy sourced from...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of The Waste Management System at The Bungus Bay Ferry Port, West Sumatra Province

Sri Kartini, Eko Nugroho Widjatmoko, Windi Noprianto, Muhammad Firdian
The Bungus Bay Ferry Port Service Unit is a ferry port in the West Sumatra Class II BPTD working area located in West Sumatra Province. This research aims to find out how waste from the results of ship operational activities is disposed of in the port area, and the activities of service users in the...
Proceedings Article

Readiness Analysis of Implementation of Online Ticketing Aplications at Crossing Ports of Central Sulawesi Province

Susiarni Magdalena, Sri Kelana, Febriyanti Himmatul Ulya, Putri Sonia
The Taipa Ferry Port is a commercial port that is very important in connecting Sulawesi Island with Kalimantan Island via waterways. The process of purchasing tickets at the Taipa Ferry Port still uses the manual method by queuing and waiting for a long time at the port counter, because the method is...
Proceedings Article

Tugboat Engine Modification Using Biodiesel Fuel: Bridging the Policy-Industry Gap in Indonesia

Imam Fachruddin, Denny Fitrial, Retno Sawitri Wulandari, Didik Sulistyo
Transitioning the use of fossil fuels to biofuels such as biodiesel is one solution for the country to ensure energy security, environmental quality, security and poverty alleviation. Indonesia is one of the countries that is trying to implement the use of biodiesel with the support of adequate natural...
Proceedings Article

Efforts to Optimize MDO Purifier Maintenance to Support The Smooth Operations of The Main Engine at MV. Tanto Manis

Junian Budi Argo, Noor Sulistiyono, Sri Kelana, Mochamad Purwanto, Muhammad Iqbal
The MDO Purifier aircraft is a very important auxiliary aircraft on board ships. This aircraft uses the basic principle of differences in the specific gravity of a substance so that these substances can be separated perfectly or in another way using the centrifugal principle. This part of the chapter...
Proceedings Article

Efforts to Prevent Leakage of Cargo Pipes on MT. Anggraini Excellent

Adi Casmudi, Bambang Setiawan, Paulina M. Latuheru, Janny adriani Djari, Mayo Treevansyah
MT. Anggraini Excellent is one of the tankers owned by PT. Adovelin Raharja which has a dead weight of 2600 GT and has several tanks, most of which are cargo tanks, fresh water tanks, slop tanks and ballast tanks. In the implementation of loading and unloading activities, tanks and loading and unloading...
Proceedings Article

Collision Prevention Through The Implementation of The Use of Electronic Navigation Equipment on The KMP. DLN Oasis at the Time of Entering The Shipping Channel Surabaya

Khafid Nurochman, Bambang Setiawan, Paulina M. Latuheru, Geryan Fernando Barus
In carrying out navigation guard service in narrow shipping channel requires high attention to maintain security and safety during navigation. The challenge of sailing in the narrow shipping channel is crowded traffic activities such as traditional fishing boats which also do not use lighting devices...
Proceedings Article

Overview Of Pollution Control In Waterways And Sheet Ferry Harbor

Septiana Widi Astuti, Muhammad Khairani, Fisca Dian Utami, Dwi Redha Muhaddats
The potential for environmental pollution can occur in shipping activities and port activities, therefore the Ministry of Transportation issued PM Number 58 of 2013. Based on conditions at the port, it was found that regulations were still not fulfilled, such as tools and materials for dealing with environmental...
Proceedings Article

Use of the ‘Ship Calculator’ Application as a Learning Media to Help Accuracy and Speed in Calculating Ship Operational Costs

Santoso, Surnata, Sri Kartini, Driaskoro Budi Sidharta, Sri Kelana
Study This aim For The aim of writing a research proposal is to produce a product in the form of an application that can manage ship operational cost data according to Ministerial Regulation Number 66 of 2019 and to produce a product in the form of an application that can provide printed results in the...
Proceedings Article

Implementation Of Life Safety Equipment On The Sulthan Murhum Kmp On The Baubau-Waara Trail, Southeast Sulawesi Province

Novan Wijaya Gunawan, Pierre Marcello Lopulalan, Monica Amanda, Feby Abu Karim
Baubau Ferry Port is a commercial crossing port managed by PT. ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero), this crossing port serves 3 routes with 2 Ro-Ro type vessels(roll on – roll off)and 1 LCT type ship (landing craft tanks)which operates. The high level of demand for ferry transportation services has encouraged...
Proceedings Article

Review of Efforts to Prevent Pollution in Waterways in Ketapang Banyuwangi Port Area, East Java Province

Dimas Pratama Yuda, Driaskoro Budi Sidartha, Rono Muhammad Fadillah, Wahyu Agung Pratama
Transportation is the most important main means in connecting between islands and between countries and playing a role in stimulating growth of economic, trade and industrial activities in the region the. Environmental pollution is a very hot issue in particular environment originating from the construction...
Proceedings Article

Design of a water level and river discharge monitoring system using internet of things (IoT) technology

Ian Mochamad Sofian, Bambang Setiawan, Eko Septiansyah Putra, Arrafi Wal Ikhsan
River hydrometric surveys with Internet of Things (IoT) technology can be conducted using water level sensors equipped with LoRa communication capabilities. The sensors are placed in strategic locations along the river and measure the water level periodically. The data is then transmitted using LoRa...
Proceedings Article

The preliminary study of river water quality evaluation: case study of Gerong River, South Sumatera

Paulina M. Latuheru, Fisca Dian Utami, Yulia Puspita Sari, Noor Sulistiyono, Dimas Pratama Yuda
The Gerong River is one of the rivers in the South Sumatra region of Indonesia. There are many industrial areas from oil refineries, dyeing to palm oil processing in the area. Currently, many of the river waters are polluted by waste, both household and industrial waste. One of the impacts is that the...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Effect of Sea Water Salinity and Temperature on Propeller Corrosivity Rate on a Traditional Fishing Boat

P.Marcello Lapolalan, Andri Yulianto, Misra Jaya, Habibi Santoso, Riska Putri Nabella
This research was conducted to analyze the effect of salinity and sea water temperature on the rate of propeller corrosivity on traditional fishing boats. The research method used is experimental. The experimental process steps include testing the salinity of sea water at different temperatures, and...
Proceedings Article

Benefits of Electrical Energy Efficiency in Office

Driaskoro Budi Sidharta, Slamet Prasetyo Sutrisno, Firmansyah Abdullah Rosanto, Paulina M. Latuheru, Febriansyah
It is necessary to make various efforts to save energy usage by each party. Inland Water and Ferries Transport Polytechnic of Palembang as part of the Indoneia government is trying to find ways to use electrical energy. The use of motion sensors, wireless switches, window film, controlling room temperature...

Correction to: Proceedings of the International Conference of Inland Water and Ferries Transport Polytechnic of Palembang on Technology and Environment (IWPOSPA-TE 2023)

Paulina M. Latuheru, Driaskoro Budi Sidharta, Bambang Setiawan, Fisca Dian Utami, Raden M. Firzatullah, Muhammad Fahmi Amrillah