Proceedings of the 2nd INDOEDUC4ALL - Indonesian Education for All (INDOEDUC 2018)

The 2nd International Conference on Indonesian Education for All (INDOEDUC4ALL 2018) was organized by Universitas Lambung Mangkurat (ULM) and held on October 18th, 2018 in the Aria Barito Hotel, Banjarmasin, Indonesia. It was held in collaboration with several universities such as University of Alicante (Spain), University of Pieraeus (Greece), Glasgow Caledonian University (UK), and five other Indonesian universities namely Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA), Universitas Indonesia (UI), Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Surakarta and one Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) named Sasana Inklusi dan Gerakan Advokasi Difabel (SIGAB) or Inclusion & Disability Sasana Advocacy Movement. This conference was held on October 18, 2018 at Aria Barito Hotel Banjarmasin, Indonesia. This year’s theme is “Ensuring Access and Quality Education for Disabled Students in Indonesian Universities”.

INDOEDUC4ALL 2018 itself is a project funded by the European Commission, Erasmus, which aims to support Indonesian higher education institutions/ universities in addressing the educational needs of students with disabilities. This project will also help partner universities to ensure the accessibility of education for students with disabilities. The project, which began in 2017, was coordinated by University of Alicante, Spain and supported by University of Pieraeus, Greece and Glasgow Caledonian University, UK. In Indonesia, there are six Indonesian universities as the members of INDOEDUC4ALL, namely UNESA, UI, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, ULM, and IAIN Surakarta as well as one NGO named SIGAB. Further, the specific objectives of this Independent Project are to create a modern framework through the creation of disabled student support centers and to establish a National Network to increase inter-institutional relations and sharing of best practices while responding to society's equity demand.

This international conference aims to study the science deeply and socialize services for students with special needs in higher education. On the conference’s day, honorable speakers, distinguished delegates and guests, presenters, fellow participants, members of disabled organizations, officials, lecturers, teachers, and students from various universities and institutions from some countries gathered in this international conference.

In regard with the speakers at this international conference, six experts delivered their presentation and explanation. They were Prof. Missy Morton from New Zealand, Catriona Mowat from Glasgow Caledonian University, Dr. Rully Charitas Indra Prahmana, M. Pd, S. Si from Ahmad Dahlan University, Dr. Uwes Chaeruman, M. Pd from the Indonesian Ministry of Higher Education, Dr. Praptono from the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture, and Suharto, S. S. M. A from SIGAB.

Finally, on behalf of the Organizing Committee, we thank everybody involved in this conference, especially Prof. Dr. H. Sutarto Hadi, M.Sc., M.Si. as Rector of Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Dr. H. Suratno, M.Pd. as Head of Education and Learning Development Department of ULM, Prof. Dr. H. Wahyu, MS. as Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty ULM, honorable speakers, distinguished delegates and guests, fellow participants, all parties involved in the conference: University of Alicante, University of Pieraeus, Glasgow Caledonian University, UNESA, UI, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, IAIN Surakarta and SIGAB. We do hope everyone finds valuable insight and engagement with their ideas in supporting students with disabilities in pursuing higher educational as well as widening network in the global world of special needs education.

The Editors

Utomo, M.Pd.
Dr. Imam Yuwono, M.Pd.
Dr. Atiek Winarti, M.Pd., M.Sc.
Prof. Dr. H. Abdul Muth’im, M.Pd.