Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Sciences and Health 2018 (2nd ICSSH 2018)

127 authors
Sulistyorini, Mrs
The Use of Blended Learning Model Integrated with Learning Management System in Beach Volleyball Learning Subject in Faculty of Sports Science State University of Malang
Sulistyorini, Mrs.
Computer Based Exercise Program Design
Sulistyorini, Roesdiyanto
Computer Based Exercise Program Design
Sundari, Sri
The Influence of Playing Approach (Permainan Bebentengan Dan Hitam Hijau) to the Students Learning Outcomes in Sprinting Ability
Supriatna, Mr.
The Effects of Continuous and Interval Training Toward V̇O2max Increase for Male
Suroto, Mr.
Motion Activity through Games toward Students’ Creative Thinking Skill
Sutresna, Nina
Influence Of Outdoor Education on Student Self-Control
Syahrudin, Mr.
Analysis Of Energy Expenditure, Energy Consumption, And Training Load Of Sepaktakraw Athletes
Syamsulrizal, Mr.
The Evaluation of the Physical Fitness Test for Female Junior High School Students
Taufik, Mr.
Identification of High School Physical Education Teacher Assessment Model
Taufik, Mr.
The Use of Blended Learning Model Integrated with Learning Management System in Beach Volleyball Learning Subject in Faculty of Sports Science State University of Malang
Teguh Hari W, Lokananta
Conventional and Modern Learning with Different Motor Abilities Towards Increasing Consistency of Groundstroke Forehand Drive in Tennis
Tirtawirya, Devi
The Eight-Weeks Physical Exercise Program In Maintaining Power On Taekwondo Athletes In The Competition Period
V.S, Sitiasih
Anxiety and Performance of Scuba Diver
Wara Kushartanti, B.M.
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and Moderate Intensity Training (MIT) Against TNF-α and IL-6 levels In Rats
Warih Gayatri, Rara
Correlation Between Social Support And Strees Level on The Elderly Patients of Diabetes Melitus Type 2
Wibowo Kurniawan, Ari
Multimedia-Based Learning Model for Gymnastics Skills
Widiastuti, Mrs
Practical Self Defense Training Model Based On Submission Technique in Pencak Silat
Widiyanto, Mr.
Adaptation to the levels of MDA and SOD Enzyme Activity of MICT and HIIT Exercise On Wistar
Widyah Kusnanik, Nining
Conventional and Modern Learning with Different Motor Abilities Towards Increasing Consistency of Groundstroke Forehand Drive in Tennis
Widyah Kusnanik, Nining
Analysis of Biomechanics Slap Hit and Push in The Field Hockey
Winarno, M.E
Identification of High School Physical Education Teacher Assessment Model
Y, Fuad
Analysis of Biomechanics Slap Hit and Push in The Field Hockey
Yafi Velyan, Mahyudi
Effect of Leg Power, Arm Power, Eyes and Foot Coordination and Self Confidence on Back Attack Smash in Volleyball
Yohannes Wattimena, Ferry
The Role of Parent for Their Children’s Confidence in Soccer Activity U-11 Players
Yunus, Moch
The Effects of Continuous and Interval Training Toward V̇O2max Increase for Male
Zulfikar, Mr.
Physical Fitness Test for Senior High School