Proceedings of the XV International Conference "Russian Regions in the Focus of Changes" (ICRRFC 2020)

52 authors
Affandy, Didied
Restoring Social and Human Capital Values: Indonesia as a Multicultural Nation
Alzhanova, Farida
Quality of Urban Space in The Eurasian Context
Antipin, Ivan
Digitalization of the Largest Russian Cities: Strategic Priorities of Research and Innovative Development
Barashkin, Miсhail
The Importance of Digitalization in the Innovative Development of the Dairy Subcomplex of the Ural Region
Barkova, Anna
The Importance of Digitalization in the Innovative Development of the Dairy Subcomplex of the Ural Region
Belyaeva, Zhanna
Grouping Countries of the European Region by Their Sustainability and Digitalization Performance
Borzemska, Marija
Russian Banking Sector Under the Influence of Fintech Innovations
Celetti, David
Quality of Urban Space in The Eurasian Context
Chernova, Olga
Digital Transformations in Regional Economies During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Derbeneva, Valentina
The Impact of Digitalization on the Initiative Budgeting Processes
Du, Ying
Development of Arctic Sea Route and Cooperation Between China, Japan and South Korea in the Digital Era
Dyuzelbayeva, Gulnara
E-government as an Effective Way of Interaction Between Government Authorities and the Population
Gomonov, Konstantin
Barriers of Consumer Behavior for the Development of the Circular Economy in Russia
Gruzdeva, Kira
Russian Banking Sector Under the Influence of Fintech Innovations
Hidayati, Bunga
Can the Implementation of Smart City Promote Inclusive Development of a Local Economy?
Jin, Lu Jia
Methods, Stages and Misunderstandings of Digital Transformation of HR Management
Kazakova, Oxana
Volga Federal District: Trends in Technological Development
Klimenko, Mikhail
Russian Banking Sector Under the Influence of Fintech Innovations
Kniazeva, Elena
Russian Banking Sector Under the Influence of Fintech Innovations
Koptyakova, Svetlana
Formation of Strategies for the Innovative Development of Industrial Enterprises in a Digital Environment
Kruzhkova, Tatiana
E-government as an Effective Way of Interaction Between Government Authorities and the Population
Kuzminykh, Natalia
Volga Federal District: Trends in Technological Development
Li, Ning
The Promotion of Digital Economy to Development of China’s Service Trade
Lopatkova, Yana
Grouping Countries of the European Region by Their Sustainability and Digitalization Performance
László, Vasa
Digitalization of the Largest Russian Cities: Strategic Priorities of Research and Innovative Development
Milshtein, Igor
The Importance of Digitalization in the Innovative Development of the Dairy Subcomplex of the Ural Region
Mukhlis, Imam
Can the Implementation of Smart City Promote Inclusive Development of a Local Economy?
Muminov, Abdukarim
The Importance of Digitalization in the Innovative Development of the Dairy Subcomplex of the Ural Region
Nurlatova, Nailya
Quality of Urban Space in The Eurasian Context
Petrova, Olga
The Importance of Digitalization in the Innovative Development of the Dairy Subcomplex of the Ural Region
Rakhlis, Tatyana
Formation of Strategies for the Innovative Development of Industrial Enterprises in a Digital Environment
Ratner, Svetlana
Barriers of Consumer Behavior for the Development of the Circular Economy in Russia
Rizaludin, Muhammad Syamsu
Can the Implementation of Smart City Promote Inclusive Development of a Local Economy?
Roudhotus, Silky
Can the Implementation of Smart City Promote Inclusive Development of a Local Economy?
Ruchkin, Aleksey
E-government as an Effective Way of Interaction Between Government Authorities and the Population
Rushitskaya, Olga
E-government as an Effective Way of Interaction Between Government Authorities and the Population
Sakti, Kresna
Restoring Social and Human Capital Values: Indonesia as a Multicultural Nation
Satpayeva, Zaira
Quality of Urban Space in The Eurasian Context
Starodubets, Natalia
The Impact of Digitalization on the Initiative Budgeting Processes
Suwanan, Ahmad Fawaiq
Can the Implementation of Smart City Promote Inclusive Development of a Local Economy?
Timiryanova, Venera
Volga Federal District: Trends in Technological Development
Triyuwono, Iwan
Restoring Social and Human Capital Values: Indonesia as a Multicultural Nation
Turgel, Irina
Digital Transformations in Regional Economies During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Turgel, Irina D.
The Consequences of Digitalization of the Labor Market in Developing Countries: Case Study in Indonesia
Valinurova, Liliya
Volga Federal District: Trends in Technological Development
Vlasova, Natalia
Digitalization of the Largest Russian Cities: Strategic Priorities of Research and Innovative Development
Wijayanti, Febry
The Consequences of Digitalization of the Labor Market in Developing Countries: Case Study in Indonesia
Wijayanti, Febry
Restoring Social and Human Capital Values: Indonesia as a Multicultural Nation
Williams, Dina
Digital Transformations in Regional Economies During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Zaborovskaya, Alena
Russian Banking Sector Under the Influence of Fintech Innovations
Zhang, Xiujie
Strengthen the “Unimpeded Trade” Between China and Russia and Share the Digital Economy
Zhihong, Cao
Research on Russia Participation in the Regional Cooperation in Northeast Asia in the Context of Digital Economy